Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2712: Transparent hose and tires

Without Xia Duo's instructions, Atwood, who noticed that the lord was interested in the transparent rubber tube, immediately asked a magic officer next to him to get it.

But the Magic Affairs Officer didn't feel dissatisfied at all, it's all because Atwood used his ability to conquer them these days.

Not to mention the great help of Atwood's ability in the study of ooze organisms, Atwood himself is also an agricultural consultant approved by Xia Duo, and is also the main promoter of the new natural concept of the territory.

He is widely respected in normal times, not to mention the bonus of getting along during this time.

As a laboratory with a second-level specification, it is not necessary for the experimenters to go to the warehouse to get things in person. There is a channel directly connected to the warehouse in the laboratory, and they can be retrieved now as they were stored in the past.

Only when a project is over and the owner of the laboratory counts the items related to the project will it be actually put into storage.

The current slime project is just a temporary project. Jay will naturally not put the items related to the project into the warehouse at this time, but give a temporary storage space, which can be stored and retrieved at any time in the laboratory .

The magical affairs officer that Atwood ordered to take the sample did not even leave the general laboratory, and took the sample—

A transparent hose as thick as an adult's arm and about half a meter long!

Xia Duo still felt a little unbelievable when he actually took this piece of hose in his hand. On the one hand, Atwood and the others had achieved results so quickly; Although so similar!

Before this, Xia Duo had never seen anything that was particularly similar to the modern industrial products on the earth. Even if it was an elevator, it did not need to press the floor button like an elevator, which highlighted a magical style.

But the transparent hose in front of him really gave him a sense of space-time confusion.

However, Xia Duo also understood that this hose was not a product of the earth, but a local product of the magical world. He pulled the hose hard and stretched it to more than one meter without breaking.

And judging from the stretching feel, it can still be stretched, which is much better than the hoses he has seen on Earth.

Next, Xia Duo pinched the two ends of the hose with both hands, and then cast a spell to fill the hose with water. As the water increased, the hose also expanded, and soon swelled into a spherical shape.

"This elasticity is too good!"

Just when Xia Duo was amazed, an accident happened——

The continuously increasing water body brought continuously increasing pressure to the hose, so the hose first seeped water a little bit, and then suddenly, it split from somewhere, and the still increasing water body instantly got out from that crack. freed.

Fortunately, the bloodline ability Xia Duo first awakened was [Water Control]. After the raging water spewed out from the crack of the hose, it made a bend in the air, and then dissipated in the air little by little just like it appeared. up.

"It shouldn't be!"

Judging from the elastic performance of the hose just now, it doesn't look like it will be broken by water, but thinking of the water seeping out before the hose cracks, Xia Duo thinks that it may be caused by the characteristics of the material itself.

Maybe it was melted by water, or denatured by water.

If this is the case, if you want to use it as a pipe material, I am afraid there is still a long way to go. After all, water is the most passing through urban pipes, let alone special water pipes.

Thinking in this way, Xia Duo stopped the water that was still gushing in the hose, then handed the hose to Atwood, and continued to ask:

"Are there any other samples?"


This time, there is no need for additional instructions. When Xia Duo was checking the transparent hose, a magic officer brought a sample. At this moment, when Xia Duo asked, Atwood immediately signaled to show it.

The first display is a porcelain plate containing solid particles, the particles are large and small, the small ones are almost powdery, and the large ones are as big as soybean grains.

According to Atwood and Layton's previous introduction, this is an excellent fertilizer obtained by feeding ooze organisms with domestic waste and then removing acid.

Xia Duo looked at it curiously, and did not experiment with it. Atwood is an expert in agriculture and possesses natural holy power. He presumably has done related experiments.

Xia Duo directly asked the result, "Are there any disadvantages to this fertilizer?"

"My lord, are you still thinking about the hose just now? The research on this kind of ooze creature has just started, so it can't be perfect, but since I rated this fertilizer as excellent, it must have no fatal disadvantages."

Speaking of his own field, Atwood talked eloquently, "Your lord may not believe it, but this fertilizer itself has no disadvantages. It is simply a perfect fertilizer, suitable for most crops."

"There are no disadvantages? Elder Atwood, isn't this description a bit exaggerated?"

"The fertilizer itself does not have any disadvantages. I have tried it many times. If there is any deficiency, it may just be that it is not easy to obtain!"

If you want to obtain this kind of fertilizer, you need to feed the ooze organisms with domestic garbage first. If you don’t feed them, the fertilizer produced is essentially soil. For barren land, this soil can barely be regarded as a kind of fertilizer. .

But if it is for normal or relatively fertile land, it is completely useless.

And after feeding the yellow and green new ooze organisms, it needs to be deacidified, and it cannot be used directly without deacidification.

In the whole production process, the quantity of ooze organisms and the deacidification process are the most affecting production capacity.

Especially the latter, even if it is simplified as much as possible, it cannot be completely omitted.

On the contrary, the former, as long as the ooze organisms are divided into multiple parts and raised separately, they can quickly become multiple independent individuals, and then continue to be divided, and with enough feed, it is not difficult to expand the total number.

"Okay, let's look at the next one!"

At this time, Xia Duo had already noticed the translucent tire-shaped object held by a magic officer. From the appearance, this one seemed to have more impurities than the transparent hose just now.

"This is the bicycle tire we trial-produced. The difference between it and the hose just now is the difference in the acid removal process. The essence is still the same. This one is less elastic and more suitable for tires."

"Then it meets water—"

"Like the hose just now, it will slowly melt if exposed to water for long enough."

"Then have you ever thought of any way to improve it?"

"I have thought about feeding the ooze monster with other materials to obtain materials with different properties, but it takes time to experiment step by step."

"It's good to have ideas, but the worst thing is to have no ideas."

Xia Duo gave a few words of encouragement, and suddenly thought that the rubber on the earth seems to have a vulcanization process. I wonder if the magic rubber here can also obtain better properties by feeding sulfur.

Thinking of this, UU Reading Xia Duo gave instructions, "This kind of ooze has a broad prospect of biological application. Considering that its essence is not mud, but a kind of gelatin, I decided to officially name it [Magic Glue] Strange】.

"And set up a special magic glue research center in the Tower of Time to explore the essence of magic glue and find various application methods of magic glue.

"This institution is temporarily handed over to-"

Xia Duo glanced at the nine people in the laboratory, and finally stopped on Atwood, but before he could speak, Atwood refused:

"I think Inuvic is more suitable. In the previous research, his performance is obvious to all. It is definitely not wrong to use him. As for me, I'd better do what I'm better at!"

Although Atwood has already started to study magic and has made some achievements, but he learned magic more because he listened to Xia Duo's suggestion, in order to confirm the new natural concept, rather than thinking about specializing in this industry in the future.

[Magic Glue Research Center] This name does not sound like a place where he, a druid, should stay. If he needs help, he can help, just like this time, if he is to stay here forever, Then he must not be able to stay.