Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2719: Artificial rubber

Originally, Xia Duo planned to wait for the new mages from the Tower of Time to start a business in the territory and drive the development of the civilian use of magic in the territory. After all, it is too weak to rely on the magic affairs officer to promote it.

But considering that the Tower of Time has recently notified the intermediate assessment, and even after the intermediate assessment, a new middle school course will be opened, so few new mages have chosen to return to their hometowns to develop.

So when Layton mentioned the yield rate of the magic glue monster breeding pond, Xia Duo immediately realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to magically transform the workshop in the territory!

If nothing else, the first magic workshop in the territory should be the porcelain workshop!

Silently making plans in my heart, I have followed Layton to another building of the farm. Like the previous one, there is also a breeding pond about four meters wide and one meter deep.

But the difference is that there is only one glue monster in the pool.

At this time, a worker wearing a gel coat went down into the pool, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he took out a mass of flowing transparent gelatin. With the help of the different refractive indices of light in the air and gelatin, the outline of the gelatin can be seen.

"My lord, this is a mature glue monster!"

As he said that, the worker raised the ball of jelly above his head as if he was pulling noodles, but the nature of the glue monster is far softer and tougher than dough.

Even if it was pulled as high as a person, it could not be separated from the glue monster itself.

Of course, this is not the real step of picking the glue, but just to demonstrate the special effects of the magic glue monster to Xia Duo. Next, under the reminder of Layton, the worker took a gray-black ceramic knife from his waist.

Swipe lightly between the jelly that was pulled out and the main body of the magic glue monster, and the two parts were immediately divided into two parts extremely silky. The lower part fell back into the pool, while the upper part slowly shrank.

The worker held the ball of jelly, as if he was holding a ball of thinner dough. Although he was holding it in his hand, it also had a tendency to flow out.

But at the next moment, another worker next to him handed over a porcelain bucket, and the rubber picker quickly put the glue in his hand into the bucket, and while putting it back, he used the other hand with the knife to hold the glue. The hand kept stroking down.

Seeing this scene, Layton on the side explained in good time: "Although it is a transparent magic glue monster that grew up drinking water, it still shows strong acidity, so workers must wear protective clothing made of magic glue when picking glue. .

"On the one hand, it is protection. On the other hand, it is also convenient to grasp by using the compatibility between magic glue products and magic glue itself. If it is replaced with other materials, it will not be able to grasp magic glue at all, and it will be easily corroded."

"How long can this set of protective clothing last?" Xia Duo asked.

"We have done a test with double-layer protective clothing, and we can collect glue ten times at most, but for safety reasons, I asked them to replace the protective clothing after five times of glue collection." Layton replied.

"It's a bit wasteful to change a set of protective clothing five times?" Xia Duo was a little puzzled, "Is the glue harvested five times enough to make a protective suit? Have you considered using other rubber harvesting methods?"

"The glue collected five times is indeed not enough to make a protective suit, but the used protective suit will not be wasted. It can also be used as a more efficient feed to feed the magic glue monster, or it can be reprocessed into protective suits."

Speaking, Layton further explained, "We don't know enough about magic glue at this stage, and the quality of related products is not reliable, but Inuvic and the others are already stepping up their research, and I believe there will be a breakthrough soon. .”

As for other rubber mining methods, Layton also gave his explanation—

It's not that I don't want to use other methods, but the characteristics of the glue monster itself determine that no matter what method is used, two key steps cannot be avoided:

One is control, because the glue monster is too slippery, and magic glue products must be used to capture the glue monster tissue more conveniently.

For a cut, because it is in direct contact with the glue monster tissue, something corrosion-resistant must be used. Considering the cost, it is a ceramic knife.

Of course, it is also possible to design a special culture pond structure, leaving a gap at the bottom to let the glue monster leak down and cut directly, but the more complicated the design, the more error-prone it is.

Although the magic glue monster seems benign, its nature is not so harmless. Living people will receive corrosion damage even if it is only for a moment, and the longer the time, the more damage it will cause .

So now this seemingly dangerous manual rubber mining is actually the best choice considering cost and safety.

Layton and Inuvić had discussed that most of the safety design of the farm was aimed at the glue monster itself. As long as there was no problem with the glue monster itself, there would be no major problems.

Even if there is an accident, it will be limited to a small area.

Although Layton didn't say it clearly, Xia Duo can roughly guess that the biggest accident in this type of farm is nothing more than the rubber picking workers being swallowed by the magic glue monster, but this result is relatively controllable.

And there will be no scene where the glue monster runs out and causes an uncontrollable accident.

After watching the rubber picking process, Xia Duo went to see the production process of magic rubber products. Of course, at present, there are only the inferior protective clothing he has seen.

Since the magic glue product workshop in the workshop area has not yet been built, even low-quality protective clothing is actually produced in the laboratory.

Specifically, it was the secondary laboratory that Jay temporarily provided to the Magic Glue Research Center.

Now the portable laboratory has been moved from the barracks to the workshop area, next to the magic glue farm, in a small temporary house.

It's not that the portable laboratory cannot be summoned without a house, but because of the consideration of reducing the onlookers, if there is no house on the main plane to cover it, then there will be a situation where multiple buildings can be accommodated in a square inch.

It was winter at this time. Although the territory was opened up in winter for the first time this year, it was cold and freezing, so it was not necessary for individuals to go to work every day.

It is equivalent to at least half of the leaders who usually stay at home. Except for those preparatory leaders who are taking advantage of the winter leisure time to make up classes, the formal leaders are not so busy.

Either go to the theater to watch dramas, watch ghosts, or UU to read www. uukanshu. Either go for a stroll outside, or even go to a tavern to drink, or go to the Floating Void City to play, but in this era, entertainment methods are always lacking.

There are only a few things in total, and the official leaders have never experienced any of them, so for the official leaders, the greater fun is actually to watch the excitement.

Whether it is a neighborhood conflict or a public trial in Codex Square, a large crowd can be attracted to watch, and the new construction of the workshop area has undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention.

But so far, nothing special has appeared in the workshop area. The magic glue monster is counted, but this was all half a month ago, and when the magic glue monster was discovered, a worker's foot was corroded.

Fortunately, the glue monster at that time had swallowed a large amount of soil and was digesting it dormantly, so its corrosiveness was reduced, so that it would not cause disability.

But even with the precedent of injury, the process of transferring the glue monster still attracted a large number of onlookers, which inevitably caused a certain degree of confusion.

Then, some leaders stepped on the residual gelatin that had not been cleaned up during the transfer of the glue monster, and more than one person was injured!