Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2721: Stabilizer, yellow rubber shoes

At the end of the visit or inspection, Xia Duo saw the final process of magic glue products, that is, the production process of products such as protective layers.

The magic glue after deacidification and dehydration can already be used as raw materials if the service life is not considered, but this is the same as the magic glue water pipe that Xia Duo saw half a month ago. Easily soluble in water.

Therefore, after more than half a month of research, the actual production process on Inuvic's side is to add stabilizing substances during the deacidification and dehydration process of the magic glue, so that the finished product can be used as the final production material.

"President, after testing, we found that there are two materials that are most suitable for use as stabilizers, one is charcoal and the other is sulfur. The magic glue stabilized by adding charcoal can still maintain a certain degree of elasticity, and adding sulfur will lose its elasticity. mostly elastic."

"So the protective clothing worn by the rubber pickers just now is made of magic glue added with charcoal?"

"Yes, but at present there is a lot of room for improvement in both the process and the material itself, and more perfect materials will definitely be made in the future."

While introducing, Inuvic showed Xia Duo the production process of the protective clothing, which was somewhat different from Xia Duo's initial expectation, but after seeing it, he felt very reasonable.

It turns out that the laboratory is using a die-casting method similar to metal casting, but metal casting will add metal solution to the mold, while here is adding liquid magic glue.

The next step is the same, cooling and setting.

"If you do this, will the protective clothing become liquid again if it is heated?"

"No, the original magic glue itself will change its properties during the heating process. Although it does not involve fundamentals, it will cause the critical temperature for remelting to rise significantly after it is cooled and formed, so don't worry about a little heat. The water just melts it."

I see!

Next, Xia Duo visited the production process of the rubber shoes that he had been thinking about before. It was also mold-casting, but due to the addition of stabilizers, the overall protective clothing was light gray, while the rubber shoes had an inexplicable yellow color.

During his visit, two pairs of yellow rubber shoes happened to be unmolded, and some images that were buried deep in his memory began to come to mind, "yellow rubber shoes, cropped pants, professional mage".

The corner of Xia Duo's mouth couldn't help but twitch when he thought of the possibility that in the future there might be real territorial mages walking around wearing yellow rubber shoes, that kind of scene—tsk tsk.

"Can the galoshes come in other colors?"

"You can add colorants to change the color of the material, but adding colorants may also change the properties of the material itself. We haven't researched this aspect yet, so we only have the natural color of yellow for the time being."

"This can be studied, it is best to make a variety of different colors."

Xia Duo gave instructions, and then proposed to try on the yellow rubber shoes that had just been removed from the mold. Inuvic seemed very happy about this. If the president is satisfied with the trial, it will definitely be a great encouragement to him.

Taking over the rubber shoes from a new mage researcher, Xia Duo first held them in his hands and looked at them carefully. The new shoes that had just been removed from the mold could smell a faint smell of sulfur when they got close.

This is not the same as the protective clothing I just saw. That one has no peculiar smell. The magic glue itself has no smell, but what is mixed in it will emit a smell to a large extent.

At first, the magic glue monster he saw at the barracks was full of mud and swill, and his whole body revealed an unpleasant rotten breath.

However, the sulfur itself has a certain insect-repelling effect, so Xia Duo didn't pay much attention to it. Then he pinched the shoe body and the sole with his hands. Because they are molded from the same material, the sole is fine, but the shoe body is somewhat hard.

But you can also feel obvious elasticity, not completely lose elasticity, and become solid like wood or iron stone.

Xia Duo compared the sizes, and after confirming that he could wear them, he took off the dragon leather boots on his left foot, put on yellow rubber shoes, and then put on the other foot.

He walked a few steps in the laboratory and felt it. So far, he has not found any major problems. Not only that, he even thinks that from the perspective of comfort, it has surpassed most cloth shoes.

Reached the level of high-quality leather shoes.

Of course, evaluating a pair of shoes not only depends on the wearing comfort, but also practicality, appearance, price and many other factors. As far as wearing comfort is concerned, he thinks the yellow rubber shoes produced in the laboratory are acceptable.

But the practicality is a little lacking. The body of the shoe is too hard. If you only wear it for a short time, or sit still after wearing it, it doesn’t matter. up.

However, Xia Duo asked Inuvić to develop rubber shoes for the use of the people, or for labor scenes, so that the people would not run around wearing straw sandals.

Although the current rubber shoes have far surpassed the straw sandals, from the perspective of Xia Duo's own experience, they can still be improved.

So Xia Duo continued to propose, "We can consider using different materials for the sole and body of the shoe, so as to increase the comfort."

"Yes, President."

After that, Xia Duo asked about the precautions when using rubber shoes. They are basically similar to protective clothing. The most important thing is to avoid contact with water as much as possible. Who said that the magic glue material with stabilizers is not afraid of water to a certain extent.

However, if there is too much contact, it will still be "corroded" and "dissolved" by water.

In the case of not touching water, the use time can be greatly extended, but how can shoes not touch water at all!

Even if the outside water can be avoided as much as possible, how can the sweat on the soles of the feet be avoided?

So at present, the actual service life of the rubber shoes may only be about one month. The reason for saying "possible" is that the rubber shoes have been born for less than a month, but it is estimated based on the current use of protective clothing and rubber shoes.

Even if the magic glue material with sulfur stabilizer has better water resistance, it is estimated that it will be difficult to last for a month, and the sole will be "corroded" to wear.

After visiting most of the R&D and production process in the laboratory, Xia Duo was about to leave. To be honest, he was both gratified and somewhat disappointed about this visit.

He was gratified that a group of new mages could produce a lot of results in such a short period of time, but his disappointment was that these results were too shallow and did not include the pipe material he wanted that could truly resist water erosion.

Now that the reconstruction project in Linshui Village has been delayed again and again, it is impossible for UU Reading Xia Duo to say that he is not in a hurry, but it is useless to be anxious about this kind of thing, only by continuing to increase investment May get what he wants.

It's just "possible", not "certainly possible".

Coming out of the laboratory, Xia Duo rejected Inuvić who was sending him off, and just left with Layton. Walking on the road in the workshop area, Xia Duo had to ask Layton to inspect the preparations for the reconstruction project again. Work.

Since the anti-water erosion materials are not in place yet, we can only let Linshui Village wait, but waiting is not a problem, so Xia Duo asked the Development Department to do all the preparations.

Including material preparation, follow-up detailed construction plan, etc.

But before today, these are actually all ready, just waiting for the magic glue material, but who makes the magic glue material even worse!

Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh in his heart!
