Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2726: Rhythm interface for order cycle

Chapter 2716 Rhythmic Interface of Order Cycle

——It’s too late for this chapter, I’ll finish it tomorrow~


Seeing this scene, Xia Duo was very happy. Isn't this the abnormal temperature change of the jade plaque that he wanted to see?

Looking at other instruments, at the moment when the temperature changed abnormally, the weight and aura of the jade tablet also showed a slight twist. I just don't know what the connection is between the changes in these parameters.

So although Xia Duo was happy, he couldn't help but murmur that it was too fake to change the weight of the jade plaque just by rubbing it with his hand a few times.

Retracing his memory, he determined that the weight at that time did not appear to be like this, which shows that this should be a new abnormal change.

As for the magic aura, this is an extraordinary perception in a state of concentration. Even though Xia Duo can now directly see the magic net without concentration, the magic aura is actually the macroscopic reaction produced by an object passing through the microscopic strings of the magic net. Manifested as aura.

If you want to observe the aura in a non-concentrated state, unless the aura is strong enough to exceed the background fluctuations of the magic network, the caster's own perception alone cannot detect it.

People have limits, but machines can easily exceed this limit. This is the necessity of detection instruments. In addition to having a larger range and higher accuracy than the caster itself, another important reason is temperature.

For a human spellcaster, if you let him work for several hours, his concentration will most likely not be enough. However, as long as the machine is not broken, it can be used forever. Under normal circumstances, it will last far longer than a human.

The change in the aura of the jade tablet was something that Xia Duo had not thought of beforehand, but such a change was not sudden. So many attributes and even the weight had changed, which meant that the jade tablet itself had changed.

In this case, it is only natural that the aura reaction produced by the magic net string passing through the jade card will change.

Next, Xia Duo conducted two more recurrence experiments, and the relevant parameters of the jade tablet showed abnormal changes again, but the values ​​of the three abnormal changes were different.

Numerical analysis alone can't help. Next, he plans to try to control the variables and find out the real reasons that affect these parameters.

By this time, Xia Duo actually had some guesses in his mind, but he had not really confirmed it yet. Based on the previous experiments, he planned to exclude the movements of his hands in the reproduction process, that is, the details of rubbing the jade tablet, such as the number of times. , intensity, etc.

After several experiments, the parameters related to the jade plaque still changed. In order to emphasize comparison, Xia Duo was able to make one of the jade plaque's rubbing techniques the same as the first experiment.

Then the facts are obvious. From the several jade tablet parameter change experiments with other conditions remaining unchanged and only the rubbing technique changed, it can be inferred that the rubbing technique is not the key to the change of the jade tablet parameters.

From the two experiments in which the parameters of the jade tablet remained unchanged while the rubbing technique remained unchanged and other conditions changed, it can be further determined that the so-called "other conditions" are the real cause of the change in the parameters of the jade tablet!

So, what exactly are these so-called “other conditions”?

Including Xia Duo's sitting position and what he was thinking at that time, including all factors except the rubbing technique!

But obviously, the sitting posture, direction, and even environmental factors are not the environment. I am afraid that the only reason is what I was thinking at the time!

It is very simple to verify this, that is, only restore what you were thinking at the time, and keep the differences in everything else. If the parameters of the jade medal still show abnormal changes, it means that the thought is "trouble"!

Xia Duo is a man of action and quickly conducted a verification experiment. As expected, the parameters of the Jade Brand indeed changed abnormally!

He even didn't touch the jade token at all, but held it casually in his hand. As a result, the parameters of the jade token still changed abnormally.

However, when he had no contact with the jade tablet, even if he completely restored his previous thoughts in the study, there was no abnormal change in the parameters of the jade tablet.

From this, Chateau can almost come to the conclusion—

First, only when the jade card comes into contact with him can it be affected by him and change;

Second, there is a high probability that what he was thinking at the time led to the change of the jade medal, rather than any other reason.

With these two conclusions, what Xia Duo will do next is to further narrow the scope and find out the ideological roots that can make the jade cards change!

Thought is a very general concept. Specifically, it should be the sum of his subconscious and conscious thinking activities at that moment.

The conscious mind is easy to distinguish, but the subconscious mind retains almost everything. The most obvious point is that the subconscious mind is involved in all activities of the body, from a breath, a spirit, to a movement of the body.

One can imagine the amount of information in it. In addition, it is purely conscious thinking that maintains self-personality, involving the collection, analysis, and processing of multi-modal fusion of sensory information, and even various concepts born on this basis.

Chateau can easily simulate what he was thinking at a certain moment in the past, but finding out a specific thought would be an extremely huge project.

It is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. It can even be said that this is finding a "Dinghaishen needle" that can change the status of the jade medal in the vast ocean of consciousness!

If other factors were not taken into consideration, then he might only be able to exhaustively verify all the information in the ocean of consciousness at that moment.

But the reality is definitely not that way. After all, Xia Duo is a human, not a machine, and even a machine can't do more than exhaustive algorithms!

The first is the subconscious information related to body control. Xia Duo can basically conclude that it has nothing to do with the changes in the jade tablet, so he can design a simple dichotomous experiment to verify it.

After that, combined with the previous judgment on the difference between the main plane and the projection plane, he can make a hypothesis that the changes in the jade tablet are related to the authenticity of the main plane, UU Reading and conduct experiments based on this. verify.

Of course, now that the experiment has reached this point, the answer to what caused the change in the jade tablet has already been revealed. If we are not very rigorous, we can directly use the changes in consciousness related to the power of order to verify it.

Xia Duo doesn't need a strict proof process at the moment. He just wants to know whether the changes in the jade tablet are related to the power of order, and how it has an impact.

Therefore, the next experiment is much simpler.

He first traced the memory, and then screened the information related to the power of order in the subconscious information at that moment, even if it was just the premise and background of thinking about the power of order.

After some screening, Xia Duo tried to simulate such consciousness, but failed unexpectedly. The reason for the failure was actually very simple, that is, this part of the consciousness information extracted alone could not constitute consciousness.

In other words, this part of the information cannot support his complete self-personality. Even the concept of "I" does not exist, so how to simulate it?