Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2727: Secretary selection, refining in progres

Chapter 2717 Secretary selection and refining in progress

After leaving the laboratory, Xia Duo did not go to rest immediately. Instead, he first checked the tutoring situation of the second phase of quasi-high-level mage, and then went to the institute and got a list of recommended secretaries.

However, Xia Duo did not plan to openly recruit secretaries before the Winter Solstice. For the time being, only a few people who were members of the five-person committee of the society knew about this matter, and they also made the recommendation list.

Opening the list, there were only four people in total, along with their detailed resumes. These four people were all from the Savile Territory and joined the Tower of Time after its restructuring and expansion.

The academic performance is only in the middle range, but the moral education class score is almost perfect.

The former shows that their talents are limited. They have the same teaching materials and the same training methods, but they are in the middle. Not to mention that they will not be able to follow the research path in the future, at least if there are other better people, the Tower of Time may not be able to Choose them.

Maybe he could become a private researcher, but now, the five-member committee of the Institute believes that it is more promising for these four people to work as secretaries for Xia Duo and take the administrative path.

Xia Duo does not think that the administrative path is more promising, but now that it has been recommended, he will not ignore it, not to mention that the choice is for both parties. This is just the recommendation of the five-person committee. Even if he agrees, he will first ask the person Four people’s own thoughts.

These people all scored nearly full marks in their moral education classes, which shows that they recognize their identity as ordinary people and are able to actively participate in various labors with ordinary people.

Xia Duo still attaches great importance to this point. He does not want to spend a lot of energy and resources to cultivate a group of superior people who do not eat the fireworks of the world.

In addition to nearly perfect scores in the moral education class, these four people also have internship experience in the Academic Affairs Office. Of course, this is what it says on their resumes, but in reality Xia Duo still knows.

In the early stages of the expansion of the Tower of Time, there was an extreme shortage of teachers, so many apprentices had the opportunity to become teachers with just a little proficiency. Although it would be more difficult, the teaching process was also a learning and summarizing process for them.

Therefore, basically, most of the apprentices who had early teaching experience passed the job assessment early, and the four people recommended by the five-person committee of the academy this time were no exception.

However, although these four people passed the professional assessment very early, their subsequent development was not smooth. They first joined the independent research laboratory, but later did not adapt to the environment there, so they joined the Academic Affairs Office, and now the Academic Affairs Office full-time teachers.

Fortunately, new mages from the Tower of Time are emerging in a steady stream, and there are not a few who choose the teaching profession. Otherwise, Xia Duo would not be willing to take away these four teachers with good teaching quality to be his secretaries.

After reading the detailed resumes of these four people, Xia Duo had already made a decision in his heart. He would just wait until after the Winter Solstice Festival to find someone to ask their opinions.

If nothing else, these people will be his next secretaries.

For the time being, the quasi-high-level mage is still being trained, and the quotas for the three inheritance ceremonies have not yet been determined. Four secretaries are enough. When there are more things in the future, it is not impossible to add more secretaries.

Of course, the more practical approach is to improve the system construction of the Tower of Time and use systems to regulate order instead of using people to control everything.

As long as the system is reasonable and order is established, even if there are only four secretaries, it will be enough to handle all future affairs.

After deciding on the list of secretaries, Xia Duo went back to rest.

The next morning, after a night and half a day of recuperating, Xia Duo was ready to try to continue "refining" the Eastern World identity card. He considered the refining location in the laboratory.

On the one hand, this is to facilitate the detection equipment to remind him that "refining is in progress", and on the other hand, it is to prevent any accidents from happening to this identity card that he cannot see through at all.

Of course, for the latter, it is more of a psychological comfort. In fact, even if there is an accident, it may not be stopped at all.

This is a risk that must be taken to explore the unknown. All Xia Duo can do is to reduce this risk as much as possible, but this definitely does not mean that the risk does not exist, or that the risk is completely exempted.

As time passed, the testing instruments in the laboratory beeped every once in a while, which let Xia Duo know that the refining was in progress and had not deviated from expectations.

But when he continued to refine for nearly three hours, he obviously felt a little lack of energy. Although the continuous beeping of the detection instrument continued, the frequency was lower than at the beginning.

The so-called "refining" is actually thinking about the power of order in the mind. More specifically, it is repeating the same idea over and over again -

Let the power of order connect with the jade tablet!

At the same time, we must try our best to drive the power of order to try to contact the jade tablet. However, these two existences are more like being in completely different dimensions. Under normal circumstances, there is no reaction at all.

But the particularity of the jade card itself provides such a possibility.

Xia Duo's continuous refining process is no easier than casting spells or any physical activity. Three hours of continuous refining is equivalent to three hours of continuous spell casting. It is difficult for ordinary mages to maintain such a long period of concentration.

And compared to the process of casting a spell, as long as you grasp the outline, it is easy to find a short break between casting spells, and there is no need to maintain a state of concentration all the time.

However, during the refining process, because he was worried that his thoughts would be interrupted and the refining would fail, Sha Duo had to maintain a continuous state of concentration. In this case, the power to drive order has become closer to a subconscious behavior.

Three hours passed like this, without any qualitative changes in the jade plaque. Just when Xia Duo felt a little unsustainable, the communication instrument hanging on his waist suddenly "ringed".

In this case, he could still be disturbed. The messenger was obviously not an ordinary person. He had already set the do not disturb mode before entering the laboratory. Only a few people would remind him.

Now that there was suddenly another reason for him to give up, Xia Duo felt frustrated and couldn't hold on anymore.

When he saw the content of the subpoena, he didn't regret it, because the subpoenas came from two parties, one was the Sevington Assembly and the other was the Northland Alliance. The subpoenas both mentioned the same thing -

The Northland Alliance has established a research institution dedicated to studying magic involving timelines!

And he was sent an invitation to join in the summons, UU Reading www.uukanshhu. com said that if he is willing to fight against the demons and save the main plane, he can go to Everesca for an entry check within ten days after the Winter Solstice. If he passes, he can join this called [Time-related Magic Research Laboratory] new agency.

Xia Duo had expected the things mentioned in these two subpoenas before, but it still surprised him that they came so quickly. He originally thought that under the interference of the demon lurkers, this kind of research involving the demon's key technology would happen. It is difficult to reach a consensus on the new organization. Unexpectedly, the result has been achieved in just a few days.

It can also be seen from this that although the demon descendants have penetrated deeply into the countries in the North, they have not yet reached the level of tacit understanding or almost openness. The idea of ​​​​fighting the demon descendants is still very firm.

It is even possible that the plan to subvert the timeline stimulated the top leaders of various countries and made them determined.

It was said before that the demon wanted to subvert the timeline, but it was mostly from the memory of the demon, and there was no proof. However, in the Metril incident not long ago, Shado interfered with the ritual spells involving the timeline, and now there is no one. Pretending to be an ostrich.

This can no longer be said to be a threat, but the enemy's knife has been placed on the neck, and a small cut has been made. If you don't take this seriously, you deserve to die!