Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2749: The 4th stage of research on the power o

Latest website: But the above is not the point. The point is that once the order spell system is completed, it will become a brand new system independent of the magic network. Unlike now, when Sha Duo has initially completed this, the realization of the spell effect still depends on Magic network.

Order spells have the potential to completely escape from the magic network. This is different from the arcanist's micro magic network. The latter is only independent of the external large magic network environment, not independent of the magic network spell rules.

However, order spells do not essentially need to follow the rules of the Magic Network, but form their own system. The real purpose of Sha Duo's research on the power of order is to discover and apply such a system.

For now, he divides the research on the power of order into four stages. In the first stage, the user needs to complete the spellcasting process of specific magic network elements to match the specific spells produced by the order cycle interference magic network.

This is also a step he has now completed.

The second stage is to increase the types and levels of spells, instead of being limited to some simple tricks. This is the goal that Sha Duo needs to focus on next.

This requires him to discover more interactive interfaces between the power of order and the magic network until the complete state of the power of order's interference with the magic network is achieved. In layman's terms, it means that through the power of order's interference with the magic network, any level and any type of spell can be produced. .

The third stage is to make the magic net spellcasting elements that match the order elements more personalized. The final effect should be like the identity jade card, where the user can activate the spell with a single thought.

The fourth stage is the real spell of order. The power of order at this stage can directly generate various spells without the intermediate step of interfering with the magic network. It can still have a certain impact on the magic network, but if Removing the magic net does not affect its existence.

These four stages mean that the research and application of the power of order continue to deepen, but this does not mean that the four stages must be carried out in sequence. In fact, except for the first stage, the research on the next three stages can be carried out simultaneously. .

It just has a certain focus.

Maybe before the second and third stages are completed, Shado may have discovered the true secret of the power of order and designed a real order spell. This is also impossible to say.

Furthermore, the third stage expected by Xia Duo is to make the magic net casting elements that match the order elements more personalized. This step has no direct relationship with the first two parts, and he even has some ideas now.

Next, he will indeed devote more energy to this aspect. The second stage of increasing spell types and levels is just a step-by-step process. If it were not for the special nature of the power of order, this step can be left to the new mage. .

Of course, before that, Xia Duo must first understand whether the interference of the power of order with the magic network will cause consumption, how much consumption will occur, and what form the consumption will take.

The power of order is not a specific energy visible to the naked eye, and it is difficult to quantify. Even if he can barely come up with a set of definitions by referring to the definitions of elements, it actually relies more on his own perception.

It is best to find a quantitative detection method. Even if it cannot be measured directly, at least it must be measured indirectly with the help of some index that can actually be measured.

This is actually very difficult. If measured by spell effects, the current order spells are not really spells composed of the power of order, but spells that interfere with the formation of the magic network.

In fact, it may not be accurate if it is indirect once, let alone indirect again and again!

Xia Duo's current idea is to quantify each consumption through the cycle of the power of order, but there are also errors in this, because the power of order is closely related to the order in reality, and it is growing steadily under normal circumstances.

However, this definition method allows him to intuitively judge when the power of order is consumed to the critical point. In fact, this is the main reason why he wants to study how much the power of order is consumed.

I'm just worried that I might lose it accidentally.

The collapse of order in reality will affect the power of order. On the other hand, if the power of order is consumed too much and the order cycle collapses, what impact will it have on order in reality?

The power of order is generated by the order in reality. Logically speaking, it should be similar to the sweat flowing out of the human body. It can be collected and used for other purposes. But if we want to talk about what impact the sweat that has been shed will have on the human body, it should be Unlikely.

But order in reality can affect the status of the Power of Order almost in real time. Xia Duo often understands the development of the territory by observing the status of the Power of Order.

Combined with the copies of territorial documents submitted by Leiden, it is basically possible to have a close understanding of various affairs in the territory.

With such a close connection, it is difficult to say that the power of order will not have any impact on the order in reality, because the generation of the power of order is fantasy enough, and it is not surprising to have any special effects.

At first, Xia Duo thought that the power of order was just a description, but later he personally participated in the princess's ascension ceremony, and he was sure that the power of order was real. However, he has never found that the power of order can be used to ascend to the gods. external application methods.

This even made him doubt his previous judgment on the authenticity of the power of order. It was not until he heard Saint Nodel mention the power of laws in the Eastern world in the projection plane that he reaffirmed his judgment.

Now, he finally cracked the door open to the application of the Power of Order, and saw something exciting enough at the door, so he would never underestimate the potential of the Power of Order, and he must be cautious enough when researching the Power of Order.

From the current point of view, there is no doubt that the application of the power of order will consume. The specific application consumes how much and in what form needs to be carefully verified.

In the days that followed, UU Kanshu Xia Duo continued to invest in the field of the power of order. First, he established a set of quantitative methods for the power of order defined by the cycle of order, and then continued to expand the types and rings of new spells. level.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. In what form the consumption of the power of order will be manifested (the impact on the real order), it will take longer-term observation to know.

As for the refining of the Guangming Mirror, after going through several Tianguang refining cycles, Xia Duo still could not find a suitable power of order, and this has almost exhausted all the types of power of order that he has mastered.

If it still doesn't work, then he can only use the simplest and crudest method. He is 100% sure that this method is feasible, but whether he can complete the refining of the power of order within one Skylight refining cycle is not certain. .

If he can't, it means that he may never be able to truly refine the Mirror of Light, at least there is no hope of refining it in the short term.

(End of chapter)