Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2802: 4 Secretaries and the Mist Reappears

Chapter 2792 The fog of the four secretaries reappears

In the end, Xia Duo succeeded, and during the trial process, he found that all the ideas he tried were actually correct, and it was just a matter of efficiency.

Of course, the most efficient one is to reversely promote the circulation of the power of order. The worst is to split the types of the power of order. The latter has almost no effect, but if it is done in conjunction with the reverse promotion of the power of order, it can have a very obvious effect. Auxiliary effects.

Now the power of order controlled by Xia Duo has once again become a discrete and erratic state like clouds. At the same time, due to the disintegration of the order cycle, his ability to directly control the power of order gained by establishing the order cycle has also been weakened. To the extreme.

It is almost equivalent to a newcomer who has never been exposed to the power of order before.

But isn't that what he wants?

Completely get rid of the previous inherent understanding of the power of order and treat it the same way as the original power. Only in this way can it be possible to discover the first original - in fact, classic power of order spell.

This morning, Xia Duo walked out of the laboratory and was about to go to the territory to learn about the latest construction progress of Linshui Town. He suddenly thought that around Midwinter, the four secretaries recommended to him by the five-person committee of the Institute had already arrived.

It's just that he has been busy researching the power of order recently and has never even met the four secretaries. He only gave those four people new Tower of Time permissions through the tower spirit.

"It's time to meet!"

With this in mind, Xia Duo went to the lounge and summoned the four secretaries. For a moment, there was a series of footsteps outside the lounge, and finally stopped outside the door.

The door to the lounge was not closed, and Xia Duo could directly see four young people with a hint of excitement on their faces, "What are you doing standing outside? Come in and talk."

Soon, the four young people stood in front of Xia Duo. He raised his head and looked at the four slightly green faces, secretly also carefully distinguishing their specific identities:


"Yes, President, it's me!"



For the remaining Theseus and Oak, Shado did not admit his mistake. Then he asked these four people, "Are you already familiar with the specific content of the secretary's job?"

"Yes, we are already familiar with it, but after all, we are just starting to do it. If there is anything that needs improvement, please give me some advice, President."


Xia Duo nodded with satisfaction, then turned his attention to Oak among the four, "You are responsible for collecting and organizing information on the territory, so please tell us about the recent construction situation in Linshui Town."

"Good president. Linshui Town has completed the preliminary construction of schools and canteens according to the existing plan, and is now building a hospital. In addition, several major factories in the eastern industrial zone have also completed their expansions. Among them, special mention is The Magic Glue Products Factory has now begun mass production of Magic Glue Shoes."

“What about Inter-Village Primary School?”

"As for inter-village primary schools, Governor Leiden counted the list of children in each village and decided to temporarily use empty private houses as temporary classrooms. Later, each village will organize the construction, and the territory will be responsible for investment and acceptance. As for teachers, the territory's Ministry of Culture and Education has already Unified training.”

"So, Village Primary School will be open soon?"

"Yes, because it is compulsory education, counting the list of children is actually equivalent to confirming the enrollment list, and even the class arrangement has been completed. It is just because teacher training will take some time, so the school did not start immediately."

"Very good, please tell Leiden that there is no need to wait for the melting snow moon. School will start as soon as the conditions for opening are met. Don't waste the children's precious time."

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing information on the external affairs of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Ye Erlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing information on the external affairs of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Ye Erlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing information on the external affairs of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Yeerlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing the external affairs information of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Yeerlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing the external affairs information of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Yeerlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing the external affairs information of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Yeerlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing the external affairs information of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, Shado also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news from the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Yeerlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!

Speaking of this, Xia Duo thought of the school in Linshui Town again, so he turned his attention to another secretary, "Theseus, has the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town Junior High School started to be constructed?"

Theseus is responsible for organizing the external affairs information of the Tower of Time, and the magic infrastructure of Linshui Town School is constructed by the Magical Mechanical Department of the Tower of Time and belongs to the external affairs of the Tower of Time.

Theseus was also prepared for this, "The Magic Mechanic's Department sent people there two days ago, but the Tower of Time has now opened intermediate courses, and many people are preparing for the class. This is a big problem for the Magic Mechanic's Department. The impact is huge and it is expected to delay the completion deadline of Linshui Town School’s infrastructure.”

"Based on your judgment, when will it be completed? Can it be completed before the Snow Melting Moon?"

"It will definitely be done before the melting snow month. I estimate that it can be completed at most one and a half months from now."

"Very good. If it is completed in advance, this year's snow melting and new innovations will start early. In addition, the competition system of this year's motorcycle design competition needs to be improved. It is divided into two units: racing and load. At the same time, the total weight of the motorcycle is limited. You can release it in advance. Let the wind blow, let everyone have more time to prepare. If there are no major changes, this competition system will continue next year."


Then, Xia Duo returned to the previous process and asked Ouke about the magic glue shoe production capacity of the territory's magic glue products factory. Ouke also gave very specific figures for this -

“Currently, the magic glue products factory can produce 400 pairs of magic glue shoes per day, but the factory is still under expansion and is expected to reach its peak next month, almost 4,000 pairs per day.

"We will not consider increasing the scale of the factory in the short term, but will instead focus on improvements in production methods and processes. As far as I know, the Magic Glue Research Center is already studying a magic glue rapid prototyping technology. Once successful, the production capacity will at least double. "

"Does Leiden have any plans regarding the pricing of magic rubber shoes?" Sha Duo asked again.

"Currently, the tentative price is 5 gold per pair, and the territorial subsidy is 3 gold. The actual payment for the territorial residents is 2 gold per pair."

"This price is a bit low. It should be set at least to more than ten gold. The territorial subsidy has also increased. The actual payment of the territorial residents should be around 2 gold!"

Although this approach seems to be just a numbers game on paper now, when the magic rubber shoes are exported in the future, there will be a basis for it, and it will never be less than ten gold per pair.

When it comes to cutting leeks, of course it is better to cut the outer ones.

The actual price of ten gold is not a sky-high price for the current residents of Daxia. They can earn it back after a few days of hard work, so this subsidy will only last for a short period of time in the initial stage.

Allowing all citizens to at least buy one or two pairs of their own magic rubber shoes at a cheap price, and then canceling the subsidy will not have much impact.

In addition to territory-related issues, UU Reading Xia Duo also asked the secretary about many issues within the Tower of Time, such as recent news about the independent research laboratory, research progress at the Plane Exploration Center, etc.

With his secretaries gathering information and delivering orders for him, Xia Duo could save more time to devote to his own research projects. Of course, he did not expect to be able to fully control all developments in the territory and the Tower of Time with just four secretaries.

Next, he will still regularly receive direct reports from relevant personnel of the Tower of Time and the Territory, and even personally inspect various departments of the Territory and the Tower of Time.

On the other side, in the city of Evereska.

Xia Duocai had just completed the signing of the Lingsi Network Outsourcing Agreement with the Northland Alliance for the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory when he received quite explosive news—

A foggy area was also discovered in Sluvende!

Unlike Yeerlan, Sluvende could not refuse the intervention of the Northern Alliance. In other words, the newly established time-related magic research laboratory of the Northern Alliance would soon have an important research object!