Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2820: The inclusiveness of a strong civilizati

Aibo made a very bold prediction, that is, if all the functions of the communication instrument mentioned by Sha Duo and Niya are realized, the current atmosphere of the tower will definitely change drastically.

It may even affect all of Netheril.

Niya also had a slight hesitation about Ai Burke's concerns, but Sha Duo was very open-minded, "The times are developing, and even if we don't do these things, others will do it in the future."

In fact, with the continuous expansion of the Tower of Time, the learning atmosphere in the Tower of Time has changed. After all, it is not difficult for these new apprentices to enter the Tower of Time. As long as they are of the right age, there is no problem if they don't come.

In fact, the so-called "compulsory education" should be called "compulsory education".

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to guarantee that all the entrants will study as hard as the Tower of Time apprentices did in the past. In fact, even the Tower of Time apprentices in the past did not all study hard.

However, in the past, only studying this path hard could change one's destiny, but now the fate of the people in Daxia has actually changed. It is not that they cannot survive without studying hard.

The Daxia Code was promulgated and implemented, and order became increasingly stable. Most of the people in the territory had certain expectations for their future. At the very least, it would not be worse than the past.

In this case, not only adults but also children will be affected and lose some motivation to fight.


Xia Duo believes that learning is actually a very personal matter. Even if there is a compulsory education system, it is impossible to install a supervisor in every student's mind and punish him if he does not learn. This is obviously against human nature.

Regarding the personal development of his subjects, his consistent attitude is to encourage and support him, encourage his subjects to be positive, and support his subjects to continue to explore and innovate, but he also allows his subjects to lie back and enjoy themselves.

A strong civilization must have such inclusiveness.

So that everyone can be fully developed, lying down and enjoying themselves is naturally one of the ways of personal development, because he does not believe that there are really people who are willing to indulge in enjoyment forever, and there will always be a time when they become conscious.

Just like Xia Duo now, of course he can have fun, and he is also having fun, but at the same time, he will not forget his normal work, and will not neglect business because of fun.

If he can be conscious, others can be conscious as well. Low-level taste cannot be maintained for a long time. There must always be some high-level pursuits so that talents can be complete.

Therefore, Xia Duo would not blame or prohibit his people from lying down and enjoying themselves. Instead, he would first ask himself, what did he fail to do, and why did he allow his people to lie down and enjoy themselves?

With the current open and inclusive environment in the Tower of Time and the Great Xia Territory, as long as you want to make progress, you will always get support. Why should you just lie down and enjoy yourself?

So Xia Duo is more inclined to think that these people are only temporary and want to take a rest, so he allows these people to rest.

But the times will not stop for a few people. If these people can wait until the technology of immortality is popularized, Xia Duo believes that the vast majority of these people can still become conscious.

If you can't wait, the cases that these people will regret one day in the future can also become negative examples for others to wake up to.

Generally speaking, as long as it does not violate the Daxia Code or basic moral norms, Xia Duo will not prohibit whatever the people in the territory do.

Of course, this also includes students who are not good at learning.

As for the entertainment function of the communication magic weapon, there is no need to restrict it. If you don't have this bit of self-control, you will be tempted by other aspects even if you don't have the communication magic weapon.

In contrast, Xia Duo would rather these people indulge in the entertainment function of communication instruments! It is better than being seduced and used by the enemy, and then breaking the law and being punished.

Sha Duo briefly explained his views to Niya and Aiboike. Aiboike was still a little worried, but Niya suddenly said:

"I now somewhat understand the meaning of the existence of the Institute."

Xia Duo glanced at Niya with some surprise. Niya actually knew the meaning of the existence of the Institute, but knowing it may not understand it, let alone agree with it.

It's just that because of the close relationship between the two and the fact that all of Sha Duo's decisions have not produced any obviously bad results until now, Niya is willing to believe him.

If he encounters setbacks in the future, Niya may not necessarily part ways with him, but she will definitely raise different opinions, so Sha Duo hopes that Niya can truly understand him and truly walk with him instead of just following him.

The fundamental purpose of the Progress Study Meeting is of course to advocate progress, demonstrate progress, and lead progress. It would be too superficial to regard it as just a political means for Shado to rule the Tower of Time.

Xia Duo did not go into depth on this issue. For now, he just asked for common ground while reserving differences. He believed that with the gradual development of magical civilization, everyone would understand him and support him.

After determining the most important functions of the next My Lock update, the rest are just side effects and do not necessarily have to be completed in this update.

However, Niya still promised Xia Duo before leaving, "I will come up with a new lock that adds interactive interface, group, address book and other functions for you to test in a week at most."

"Well, I believe you can."

If he just added a few new functions of the mystery lock, Sha Duo was not worried that Niya would not be able to complete it. Although time was a little tight, he had already prepared plug-ins for Niya.

It’s the Lingsi Network. Niya has started to use it a long time ago. However, the people who accessed the Lingsi Network that Niya used in the past were all members of the Tower of Time. This network is not very helpful in the research of mysterious locks. At most, it can save some calculations on your own. time.

It cannot play the real role of Lingsi Network - providing inspiration!

But, didn’t Xia Duo recently ask his avatar to join the Northland Alliance’s Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory? The Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory wanted him to use the Lingsi Network, and he serves as the information coordinator of the Lingsi Network. The author can almost be said to be the person with the highest authority on this network.

Sharing a little computing power from the Time-related Magic Laboratory's Lingsi Network to do his own research is completely one of his benefits as an information collaborator, but now he is sharing this benefit with Niya.

Using him as a medium, Niya can also use the spiritual network composed of elf mages. Those elf mages are at least senior mages, and most of them have studied the myth lock.

For Niya, this is definitely an excellent plug-in, and its effect may be second only to Sha Duo's personal guidance.

Xia Duo is not worried that he will be discovered if he does this. Let’s not talk about whether the Northland Alliance can find someone who can interpret subconscious messages (if they can find it, there is no need to find Xia Duo). Even if they find it, almost everyone in the Lingsi Network will find it. A large amount of consciousness information flow is generated every moment. Who has the leisure to check each one?

Even if someone was really bored enough to go check it out and find out there were additional users, it would be hard for Shadda to give up. Who could still catch up to Netheril and beat him?

He was the one who said he was confident.