Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2831: 3 steps to explore the moon

Five days later.

Tower of Time, Plane Exploration Center.

The spacious operation room was crowded with people. Although none of the members of the Saville lunar exploration project had yet advanced to the level of arcanist, from their skilled operations and perseverance in their eyes, one could glimpse the demeanor of some plane scholars.

Due to the limited space in the operating room, Shaduo and Niya did not walk around freely inside, but stood in the specially reserved visiting area at the entrance.

Today, Eberk was also present. He, Shado and his wife stood together and talked quietly. Savile, as an old-timer, was busy and full of youthful energy.

"I heard that you and Niya are planning to update the communication mystery lock that was just built not long ago. What's going on? This mystery lock is so troublesome, it's better not to build it!"

"It's not that I'm very busy, it's just that the previous communication equipment based on the Mystery Lock design was not easy to sell, and it has nothing to do with the Mystery Lock itself. This time I have updated a few new features, and I guess I won't need to update it again for a long time."

Sha Duo was still happy to accept Aibok's concern. He briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter to prevent the other party from being too worried or thinking that the mystery lock was useless.

The three of them were chatting. Savile was busy in a circle and came to the visiting area. Seeing this, Sha Duo quickly stopped the conversation, turned to Savile and asked:

"There should be no surprises this time, right?"

"There shouldn't be any surprises, but who can say for sure about this kind of thing."

Savile spread his hands and said with a smile: "Even if there is another accident this time, an actual detection must be carried out. It has been delayed for half a month, and I really don't want to delay it any longer."

Not only did Savile not want to delay it any longer, but Shado also didn’t want to delay it any longer. It would be easy to lose his temper if he dragged it on. However, things like lunar exploration are always a bit sensitive. He reminded Savile again:

"It's better to be careful. If it doesn't work this time, there will be another time. You can always find a chance!"

"Well, I know what's going on."

Having said this, Savile had already made up his mind. He turned his attention to the two extra people on this visit, of course mainly Niya, and his tone was quite formal:

"Let me introduce to you the specific plan for this lunar exploration operation!"

Xia Duo had known about it beforehand, and Niya had also heard about it, but after all, she had not been in direct contact with the front line. In addition, her great-grandfather personally introduced it, so Niya listened with rapt attention.

"If you want to explore the moon, you must first pinpoint the specific location of the target. You can't fly all the way towards the moon, right? Some people have done this in the past, but the result -

"You should all have seen the edge of the plane. No actual object can pass through that boundary, so it is unrealistic to fly directly there.

“For now, all we can do is project the sensing field remotely and use the sensing field to observe the situation near the target.

"As for the specific location of the target, I checked the astrological records of the countries in the North a long time ago, including our target this time. Those ancient astrologers were much smarter than we think now.

"They calculated the specific position parameters of the moon's passage through the sky throughout the year without using any magic. They calculated the specific position parameters of the moon throughout the year. Without the accumulation of those predecessors, we would have to start from scratch, which would not be an easy task."

Speaking of this, Savile's tone became deeper. He had obtained this information before he was punished by God in his early years, and he also detected the moon based on this information, but the time and occasion he chose were too sensitive.

During the days when he was punished by God and exiled to a foreign land, he repeatedly thought about the various exploration processes at that time, and found that the process of obtaining those astrological information was too smooth.

He guessed that there might be other promoters behind this, but hundreds of years have passed by now, and any traces have been erased.

But what is certain is that the astrological data itself is no problem. Since most of the data does not involve magic, he had already verified it a hundred years ago.

After returning to the main plane a few years ago, although he temporarily gave up the lunar exploration plan, he did not relax related preparations. Verifying astrological data is the best familiarization process.

It wasn't until Chateau mentioned lunar exploration that the fire in Savile's heart was rekindled. No one would be willing to be exiled for a hundred years for no reason, let alone a genius arcanist from the classical era, and it was impossible to give up.

"The first step of this lunar exploration operation is to calculate the moon's transit position at the predetermined time based on ancient astrological records. This step was completed as early as last month, but the operation was delayed due to the temporary discovery.

“The second step is to project the sensing field near the target and detect the element distribution, magic network parameters and even the space-time status in that area.

“Of course this is on the surface, the real purpose is to indirectly spy on the status of the target through the status of the area near the target.

“This step will be carried out multiple times, not just today, once the target does not respond, our goal is to conduct detection at the end of the month or even during the Moon Festival.

“The third step, which is currently not possible, is to actually contact the target!

"There are two difficulties in this. One is the risk of divine punishment, and the other is the difficulty of contact itself. According to calculations, the moon exists outside the edge of the plane. Apart from detecting the field, we have no way to enter the plane barrier. .

"It is said to be a plane barrier, but in fact it is a transitional state between the "being" of the plane and the "nothing" of the ethereal layer. We don't know much about what the state is inside. We only know that even if ordinary matter enters it, Will disintegrate quickly.

"The "nothing" in it can only be resisted by plane barriers. UU Reading But the real plane will be rejected by the main plane, so only the demiplane can enter the space between existence and nothingness. Maybe we can control it by then A demiplanar vehicle lands on the moon in person. "

"Huh? Can we really go to the moon?"

Although everyone was indoors at this time, Niya still raised her head subconsciously, as if there was a crescent moon on the ceiling waiting for her to climb up.

Regarding Niya's curiosity, Savile hesitated for a moment and did not speak, but Shado didn't care much and explained directly:

"It's hard to say whether we can land on the moon. We haven't yet determined what state the moon is in. Is it just a projection of primitive power, or is it a real celestial body, or a special plane, or even a radiance? Daughter of the Lord, one true God.”

The above speculations are the least likely to be real celestial bodies, but they are not impossible to exist.

Of course, the moon may be a real celestial body. Although meteorites on the main plane are rare, it is not impossible. Instead, they will fall every tens or hundreds of years, and meteorites can fall to the ground on the main plane. (End of chapter)