Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2865: The Nature of the Illuminati

Although he was somewhat resisting this speculation in his heart, as Elder Evereska, Larian also had responsibilities that he could not escape. Now that he knew this possibility, how could he not ask clearly!

So, he adjusted his mood and asked again, "Why did Lord Xia Duo have such speculation? Is it just because of the so-called "fate of the prophet"? "

"Of course it's not just because of the "prophetist's fate." In fact, I reminded the Northern Alliance a long time ago that the Illuminati behind the demons are very good at detecting prophecies. Does Elder Larian have any impressions? "

This was the situation Xia Duo encountered when he was tracking down the Light of Inspiration potion. A Langas tribe and a high-ranking Yeerlan family, all clues about them were completely wiped out by the demons.

It cannot be reproduced by any means, and it was erased just when Sha Duo was about to investigate. Although Sha Duo himself did not think that he would be able to find out something if he investigated, this act of deliberate erasure was still Make him angry.

So later he mentioned this time again when he had the opportunity, hoping to attract the attention of the countries in the North. At that time, he had not yet discovered the possibility of the prophet's betrayal.

Looking back now, perhaps it was because of the secret obstruction by the prophet that his reminder was not taken seriously by various countries.

With his status at that time, he was no longer a low-key person, but it was still such a result. It is difficult to say that there was no hidden force to block it. Even if the relationship was considered, after all, it involved the demon, and he should pay more attention to it.

Looking at Larian's reaction now, he didn't even think of it.

"There seems to be some impression. Maybe I'm old and can't remember clearly." Larian looked a little stunned and couldn't say anything to refute for a while.

In fact, he had already remembered it, but at that time, the alliance of various countries had just been established and was still in the running-in stage. There was not even a special cooperation organization established on the issue of demon descendants, so the issue of demon descendants did not appear to be prominent.

In addition, the mainstream opinion at that time generally believed that demons did not have such abilities, and believed that Xia Duo, a human, was trying to please others by using the power of demons to promote his status.

Even though the demon descendant had already shown great abilities at that time, and even had the potential to subvert the North, Larian was still impressed by that kind of magic system.

Although this incident happened only a few years ago, these years were also the years when the Northland countries had frequent exchanges and the Northland Alliance developed rapidly. There were too many things going on, and Larian could not remember why this was the result in the first place.

Now when asked by Lord Xia Duo, he could only pretend that he couldn't remember clearly.

Seeing Larian fall silent, Shado didn't want to stop there, but continued: "I hope Elder Larian will keep what I say next as confidential as possible."

Xia Duo did not say that the other party should keep the information absolutely confidential. This was unrealistic, but as long as the other party realized the seriousness of the facts, it would not be a big problem not to tell the third party for a period of time. He was still confident about this.

"Lord Xia Duo, please speak!"

"Actually, I have had doubts about the prophets for a long time, not just the Puffin prophet that I asked you to identify today, but all of them! The devil wants to subvert the current timeline of the main plane. What an exaggerated idea. Have you or I ever had such an idea in the past? There must be a demon who saw the scene in the different timeline first, and then came up with this idea. And if you want to see the scene in the different timeline, besides prophecy, I really can’t think of any other method. What means can be used!"

Shado had captured the demon-born high mage in both the projection plane and the main plane. Through consciousness interrogation, he learned about the existence of different timelines, which is the so-called Elan Kingdom timeline.

It was a timeline where demons and magic were very popular, and even unified the entire main plane for a time.

Sha Duo does not deny the possibility of that timeline, but it is only a possibility. Based on the existing magic knowledge, he never believes that there are really any invaders from different timelines who want to turn possibility into reality.

He is more inclined to believe that the so-called Illuminati is simply created by a powerful prophet or group of prophets!

Those prophets saw the possibility of the future development of the Kingdom of Elam, so they fell into the trap of "the fortune of the prophet". They did not wait for the prediction to come true, but wanted to actively promote the realization of the predicted future.

But this time, Sha Duo "collided" with the Puffin prophet during the prophecy ceremony. Although there was no absolute evidence that the other person was a demon or had an affair with a demon, Sha Duo intuitively believed that the other person was from the Illuminati. member.

There is no absolute correspondence between the Illuminati and the demons. According to Shado's speculation, the essence of the Illuminati is a tool used by one or a group of prophets to realize prophecies.

It's just that the demons happened to be chosen. If the future protagonist they predicted and wanted to realize was a human or a goblin, then Shado had every reason to believe that those madmen would definitely use humans or goblins as tools.

Therefore, simply tracking down the demon descendants is very limited. This is why Xia Duo is not optimistic about the Northland Alliance's time-related magic research laboratory. It is difficult to completely rule out the influence of the Illuminati, because the opponent may not be a demon descendant, but is likely to be an elf. Even the upper elves are fighting for the ideals of elves.

In this case, not to mention blood testing, even consciousness examination may not be effective.

However, Shado also believes that the research on time-related magic itself is imperative. If you do it, you may be infiltrated by the Illuminati, but if you don't do it, you will never be able to touch the Illuminati's heel.

"Elder Larian, I seriously doubt that Puffin's prophet is a member of the Illuminati. UU Reading Even in the most extreme case, all the prophets in the Northland Alliance are members of the Illuminati!"

"Lord Shado, don't say this casually outside!" Larian reminded with a hint of panic.

The power of a prophet is very limited, but no one knows what kind of relationship network exists behind a prophet. Maybe the person you expect to help you is actually a fan of the prophet!

Not to mention that prophecy itself can eliminate most conspiracies. If you want to deal with a prophecy, unless you are absolutely sure, it is best not to act lightly or even reveal related ideas.

Unknowingly, Larian was really considering a prophet as a potential enemy. It wasn't that he believed Shado's guess, but that he had to do this. He would rather prepare for the worst than to Unknowingly falling victim to timeline subversion.

"So, Lord Shado, what are you going to do?" Larian asked tentatively.

"I am a human and have limited knowledge of the rules of your elf society. What does Elder Larian think I should do? Or where can I start?" (End of Chapter)