Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2882: Elisir’s Ambition and Oracle’s Past

In addition to information related to the Illuminati and demons, Puffin also mentioned something related to Shado himself in his consciousness. This matter is not a secret in the upper elf world, but no one has ever disclosed it to Shado in the past. Know. Many years ago, the Elf God once sent an oracle. The content was very simple. It said that "there will be changes in the Alabaster Tower, which may have a great impact on the future destiny of the Elf race" and asked the mortal world to investigate. Later, the Faro organization, headed by Faro and linked to the faith of the main god, was established. Its original purpose was to investigate the changes mentioned in the oracle. The so-called "Alabaster Tower Hometown" refers to the historical Alabaster Tower Kingdom, whose original location was in the territory of Netheril, so this oracle actually said that there will be changes in Netheril, which may have an impact on the elven world. In order to further interpret the oracle, a group of high mages within the Faro organization conducted multiple omniscient rituals, and finally identified the messengers of destiny—the key figures related to the changes referred to by the oracle—to Iolum and Shado. On both of them. The omniscient ritual is similar to the prophetic ritual, but the caster does not need a prophet, an ordinary high mage will do, and the more participants, the higher the accuracy. The prophecy ritual focuses more on individual prophecies and is greatly affected by the personal style of the prognosticator. Two prognosticators may give completely opposite interpretations of the same thing. There are almost no cheating prophets like Xia Duo. They basically make their own interpretations based on the prediction scenes they see. That's why there is a saying "the fate of a fortune teller", which means that fortune tellers are too easy to do what they want. Influenced by the desire to make accurate predictions, it is impossible to make truly objective and accurate predictions. Puffin has not participated in the omniscient prophecies of the Faro organization, but he has participated in the oracles and subsequent interpretations of the oracles, or almost every high mage who does not hate the Lord God has participated in them. The final interpretation of the oracle was made by King Irisel after the establishment of the Northland Alliance. The changes predicted by the Lord God may only refer to the establishment of the Northland Alliance. The reason is very simple. The Northland Alliance can establish Nese. Riel worked hard. The initiative to transform the temporary alliance in response to the Drow War into a formal alliance was originally initiated from Netheril, and it was rumored to be related to Iolum and Shador. In addition, the establishment of the Northland Alliance actually unites the Northland and even the entire elven world, which will definitely have a great impact on the fate of the elven race. Even the Crown King of Ilythel further reinterpreted Cormanthor's founding law - the prophecy of Oceans. Oceans predicted that Cormanthor would unify the Listal Forest and the entire elven world. But unification does not necessarily require force. As long as you control the Northland Alliance, you will essentially control the entire elf world. Therefore, in the plan of King Ilisel, the southern elf kingdom Katemere will also be included in the Northland Alliance in the future. As for whether it is necessary to exclude the non-elf races in the alliance, Ilisel has not disclosed this to the outside world. . After Sha Duo learned the inside story of these elven worlds from Puffin's consciousness information, he had to say - what a good guy! Forget about the fact that Ilisel was crowned king, it was considered the basic operation of politicians, interpreting all external conditions as a favorable situation for themselves, this is not surprising to Shado. What really surprised him was the oracle from the Elf God. The oracle mentioned the time when the accident occurred. Although it was not very precise, it was still within a fairly small range. Outsiders may not know it, but Xia Duo himself didn't know it yet! That was obviously the time when Mythra was born! In other words, what the Elf Lord predicted was actually the birth of Mythra, which would have a great impact on the Elf race, not necessarily for good or bad. If the Northland Alliance had not been established, it might have been a bad thing. Netheril might have become a warmonger. There would be a battle with Cormanthor in the future, which might be the source of Cormanthor's complete decline or even death. However, with the establishment of the Northland Alliance, the possibility of a full-scale war between the two countries has been minimized. Although Mythra was born in Netheril, she is still considered to be in the Northland Alliance, and may not be used by the elven countries in the future. From this point of view, King Elisir's interpretation of the oracle is not wrong. It can even be said that he has an outstanding vision that transcends the times. The most immediate thing is to bring in the legal principles of Cormanthor's founding, further improving the legitimacy of Cormanthor's existence. After all, judging from the current situation, if it is through occupation, Cormanthor will not be able to unify the entire elven world. , I am afraid that even the Listal Forest cannot be unified. Then simply use the opportunity of interpreting the oracle to redefine unity. Who said that unity must be accomplished by occupying land? Leadership is also unified. As long as it can control the Northland Alliance, Cormanthor can indeed be regarded as unifying the elven world (plus Katemere in the south in the future), which just happened to answer the prophecy of Oceans in the past and achieve the perfect closed loop of Cormanthor's existence. However, Xia Duo doesn't care about Ilisel's ambition. The greater the ambition, the more he will consider the overall situation. He is also afraid that Ilisel only sees the inheritance of the rule of one family! Now it seems that he actually underestimated Elisir in the past. Perhaps the other party did want to let the Sword of Dominion be passed down only in one family, but outside of Cormanthor, he also had greater ambitions. From this point of view, Xia Duo and Yilisel can be considered to have common interests. UU Kanshu both want to make the Northland Alliance platform bigger, but when it comes to the competition for platform control, the two sides are not the same. A true competitor. For a moment, Xia Duo felt a sense of sympathy for each other. Except for Elisir, he had never found that other heads of state in the North had such a pattern. They basically still wanted to gain benefits from the alliance and had no long-term plan at all. If nothing else, Cormanthor should support Netheril's new idea of ​​resolving disputes through competitive competitions, but he may not support the Snow Melting Competition. Because the elven countries also have well-known arcane competitions, or the source of various arcane competitions in Netheril comes from imitating the elven arcane competitions. The only advantage of Netheril now is that the development of the Snowmelt Competition has benefited from the establishment of the Northland Alliance. It has enjoyed the dividends of the times and has become the arcane competition with the most participating countries in the Northland. Last year's snow melting competition basically sent representatives from all the countries in the North to participate. With such a foundation, it is not unimaginable to go further. …Compared with Ilisel and the Arcane Competition, what Shado cared about most was actually the oracle, which meant that no one at that time directly interpreted the “influence on the elven race” as a bad influence. If there is and it becomes the mainstream view, Shado does not doubt that he and Iolum will become targets of assassination by high mages from all over the elves, and it is even impossible to directly launch a full-scale war to destroy the country of Netheril. Unknowingly, he had walked in such a dangerous situation. Thinking about it now makes his back feel cold. He even met the incarnation of the Elf Lord. If the other party thought that he might have a bad influence on the Elf race, would he kill him directly? This kind of thing is really scary to think about. From this, Xia Duo also decided that unless he had no other choice, he would never approach the temple or even the priest of the main elf god. As for meeting him, that was even more impossible!