Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2890: The will is immortal and the window peri

"What if we grasp all the next fourteen window periods and succeed?" an apostle asked. Hearing this question, a soft smile appeared on the wise man's face, "If this is true, then I will be willing to die, because that means Elan's complete rebirth!" "Then if these fourteen windows are all Did you miss it?" One of the apostles suddenly asked such untimely words. The other apostles immediately glared at each other, but the wise man was not angry. "It is impossible for mortals to challenge the established destiny if they can have such an idea and do it well. "We All we can do is try our best to find a possible path from the impossible, but even I can't say how it must be. This is what I have always wanted to tell you. "It doesn't matter what the result of changing our destiny is. Because we don't exist in the first place. It is the process of going against nature that gives us reality and existence. So this path can be said to be the path we must take." Missed next After the fourteen window period, we can only say that the established destiny is not that easy to change. We still have a long way to go. But even if it takes thousands of years, as long as our will to challenge the destiny remains unchanged, one day we can successful. "In other words, the process of continuing to challenge the destiny is already a great success. The rebirth of Elam is just a staged result of our choice." The rebirth of Elam does not mean defeating the destiny, but the next round of challenge. First of all, I hope we all see that day. ""Yes! Most definitely! "Almost all the apostles responded together. "Elam will never be destroyed! "The wise man said again. "Elam will never be destroyed! "The apostle responded again. But at this time, "Elam" is no longer just the kingdom of Elam that came into existence from scratch, but the will of heaven with Elam's rebirth as an important node. Elam will never be destroyed, that is, The will to challenge destiny will never be extinguished. ...In the temple, the light was like water. The wise man returned to his seat and said the plan for the next stage, "After repeated observation and determination, the next window period has been extended. From the current perspective , is after one month and lasts for one month. "The location still hasn't changed much. It's still within the radiation range centered on Elam. The farther to the periphery, the smaller the influence of the rebellious fate. So where to choose to conduct the ceremony next month, we need to carefully consider whether to follow the original plan or go inward. Some are to correct the impact of the delayed window period." After the wise man said, the temple fell into silence. If the window period had not been postponed, then the original plan would obviously be the best plan, but now that the window period has been postponed, then - At this moment, Apostle Enrich spoke first: "Since the window period has been postponed, it means that something has changed in the current timeline, which has made the established destiny more solid. If we still follow the original plan, the subsequent impact may exceed our expectations. In order to control the scope, I think it is better to move the ceremony location inward." "I agree with Enrich's suggestion. In fact, we can completely conduct a ceremony near the Elam area, and the effect is completely comparable to multiple ceremonies conducted further outside! "I am in favor of moving the ceremony location inward, but I am opposed to performing the ceremony near Elam. One ceremony cannot completely regenerate Elam, and the current Elam area will have a more important role in the future. We cannot do it for the sake of efficiency." Let the place fall into the fog of time and space." After several statements in favor of moving the ceremony inward, opponents began to appear, "I still have my consistent attitude. The countries in the North are extremely wary of our existence. If the ceremony can be moved to the south or the sea, So what if it’s because of a few more rituals? It’s safer!” But as soon as he finished speaking, another apostle stepped forward to disrupt the situation, “Catus, I know you have gathered a small group of people in the south. tribe, but the wise men have made it clear a long time ago that rituals must be carried out in places where civilization exists. "I'm afraid your small tribe can't even be called civilization, let alone being far away from the origin of Elam in the south, over there How much help can go against fate! "The apostle didn't even mention sea areas, ice fields, etc. There was no civilization at first glance. Even in the core of Elam, it is not suitable for use as a ritual location. Maybe there is civilization under the sea or under the ice fields, but as long as it is unknown , the impact on the fate of Elam is minimal and cannot be used in rituals to reverse the fate of Elam. The most ideal ceremony locations at present are actually Sluvende and Yerlan near Elam. Wise men have already concluded this. In the past, the Illuminati also worked in reverse directions from these two, actively infiltrating Sluvende and Yeerlan. The latter is a big country with extraordinary foundations and a slightly slower progress, but the former almost succeeded. In fact, the Illuminati’s current plan It is no longer what it was originally. The original plan was to control Sluvende first, and then perform the ceremony in the name of Sluvende. However, accidents occurred frequently during the execution of the plan. In reality, the Drow War led to the establishment of the Northland Alliance, and then Silvende. The appearance of the ancient fortress in Ruwende attracted the covetousness of Elan, and then the war between the two countries attracted the intervention of the Northland Alliance. UU Reading Although that war contributed to the birth of the original cause of Elan, if there were not These variables are exactly as the wise man originally foreseen. The original cause can still be born, and it will even be smoother. Unlike now, various variables make the plan change. "Wise man, what do you think about the choice of the ceremony location for next month? Where is better? Besides the next fourteen window periods, is there no other window period? "I haven't thought about the location of the ceremony for the time being. There is still a month left. What will happen in the meantime? The window period may change. Let's discuss this first. By the way, we can also discuss the location of the subsequent ceremony. Okay. It is expected that none of the originally planned locations will be suitable. As for other window periods -" At this point, the wise man paused, as if thinking about how to word it, and then continued: "Other window periods do not exist, but are in the far future, and based on the current situation As the timeline develops, those window periods will also change, either moving forward or delaying. "If we miss the next fourteen window periods, then the focus of our actions will be adjusted from performing the fate-defying ritual to the same as before, working hard to promote the arrival of the window period." To promote the arrival of the window period, in a simple sentence It seems easy to do, but in fact it involves a wide range of things and is essentially an active intervention in the current timeline. There are not only requirements for prophecy information, but also requirements for the power of the demons, the main body of action. It is not enough to send out all the dozen or so apostles of the Illuminati, so the power of the demons must be strengthened, that is, the power of the demons must be increased. penetration strength. At this point, a topic that had been mentioned before was once again brought up by an apostle, "Is it necessary to develop demon descendants among other races?" If this topic was placed in the past, most apostles would not even consider it, but now some apostles have really started to do so. Seriously consider the need to do this!