Archean Eon Art

v11 Chapter 1: Thirty-eight interest time

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Cangyuan Chart as soon as possible!

On September 20th, within the territory of Huzhou, a ruined county town was filled with smoke. The county town now has more than 20,000 people, all of whom are familiar with hiding under the ground.

An Elvis King slaughtered wantonly.

One mile away from Elvis, is a rundown restaurant. In the top floor of the rundown restaurant, all five figures of the demon king are watching here.

"The cat monsters are killing, and it will not take long for a team of gods and demons to come. This time, as soon as we shot, we all used the forbidden technique and tried our best." The thin figure headed down.

"The team of gods and demons in Yuanchu Mountain are also very powerful, and they cooperate very well. Brother, is the 50-birth time you set too short? Or, looser, 80-birth time?"

"Yes, we have to retreat as soon as the fifty breath time is up. This time is indeed too tight. Last time we all killed one **** and demon, and the remaining three gods and demon joined hands were significantly weaker. We besieged for ten breath time. They will surely be able to destroy them. But elder brother, you still have to let us retreat within fifty breaths. We came to the human race world for more than a year before we killed a big sun state demon."

"Fool! Brother, this is careful, you can live longer if you are careful. As the time delays, the human race will be unable to escape as soon as the **** of war has arrived," the demon king retorted.

"In the human race world, it is most important to be alive." Another demon king also said.

The thin yellow head, headed by the thin figure, looked at the distance and said indifferently: "In my team, listen to my orders. No matter what the temptation is, you must retreat within fifty interest. This is my rule."


"The devil is here."

The five demon kings saw a huge bird flying in the distance, and four gods and demons leaped directly from the sky.

"It is the team of the gods and demons in the big day. Get started." The thin figure ordered.

In the human race world, the elite demon king team is also very scarce. It is the backbone of the 300 elite demon kings personally led by the "Nine Yuan Demon Saint" before. In other words, dozens of elite demon king teams. Each elite demon king team is very cautious and will not easily act.

If they see Fenghou Shenmo rescued, they will immediately burrow away, and some of them are good at burrowing.

When the team of the gods and devil of the big sun arrives, only five of them will take action.


The cat demon Wang Canghuang wanted to escape and was beheaded by a sword light, split into two halves, and two corpses fell into the ruins.

At this time, there were suddenly five figures from dozens of feet nearby. At the same time, there were countless red mists in the surrounding area, which also enveloped the four deities of the human race.

"Not good, ask for help." The human race team of demon and demon also had early experience and immediately asked for help.

Don't ask for merit, but ask for nothing.

Judging from experience, the team of gods and demons in Yuanchu Mountain is generally weaker than the elite team of demon king.

Although one of the team of gods and demons in Yuanchu Mountain exploded and reached the strength of the threshold of "Fenghou Gods and Demons". The other three also worked very well with him. But the demon clan team is stronger. Generally, there are two people who can explode the strength of ‘Houhou God Demon Threshold’, and there are demon supernatural powers.

"Stay longer, they will naturally retreat."

"If they don't retreat, Fenghou Shenmo will arrive." The team of Shenmo is very confident. They don't seek to kill the enemy, only delay.

In the case where the strength gap is not too large, there is still hope for a delay.


The five demon kings are completely crazy.

The thin monster king headed into a phantom shadow, crazy attack, ghost and demon. Another bear demon king brandished his axe and slashed. The other three demon kings also used their own methods.

"Ah, this demon king's leader is too fast, and his claws are too ruthless." The man with the double swords resisted with difficulty, his arm was pulled out of the wound, and the robe given by Yuan Yuanshan was cut, showing the demon king The claws are so bad, "My right arm is injured and I can't support it a few times."

"This demon king's leader is handed over to me, Brother Lu, you are going to entangle the other two demon kings." An old demon elder had a shield and a sword.


The four deities of the human race support each other, and time is passing.

Ten, twenty, thirty...

"Poof." The man who had been injured was thrown away with one arm. This made the faces of the other three gods and demons change greatly: "Brother Lu (Brother Lu)!"

"Within fifty breaths, kill them." The five demon kings were overjoyed, and as soon as one lost his fighting power, it would be faster to kill the other three.


The five demon kings suddenly realized that they all looked around and saw a blurry figure of lightning appear, and stood on the ruined street of the county.

Before even seeing the vague figure, I saw that the rolling black shave turned into five black serpents that entangled the five of them. Two of the five demon kings were killed directly on the spot, and the other three were greatly reduced in strength. There is even more suppression in the Dark Star realm, and the three demon kings who are barely alive all have a sense of suffocation.

"not good."

"It's only thirty-eight hours, how to seal the Hou Shenmo?" The two weaker demon kings were in despair, and were pierced by the dark star gas and killed their heads on the spot.

The leader of the demon king fled quickly, but he was also desperate in his heart: "Near a house, the house is three hundred and ninety miles away from here. Feng Hou Shenmo usually has breathing time when he comes. Now only thirty-eight breathing time? How can Hou Shenmo arrive? Is he sitting in his hometown? If he is in his hometown, why is he sending a team of gods and demons to rescue him instead of sealing him out?"

The leader of the demon king couldn't figure it out.

The human race is very short of manpower, and the demon team is generally responsible for guarding two or three houses. Fenghou Shenmo generally guards two or three houses, and is also responsible for the rescue of several teams nearby.

This rescued Fenghou Shenmo is in the territory of his home. It would not be too much to send a team of gods and demons.


The sword light flashed, and the demon king's eyebrows penetrated, his body shrivelled and shrivelled, followed by the body and turned into powder and spread away.

Meng Chuan walked to the bodies of the other four demon kings and cut one knife each, and the blood of the bodies of the two demon kings was swallowed by the demon sword.

"Uncle Meng."

The four great sun gods saw Meng Chuan and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Dongning Hou Mengchuan!

Speed ​​is first in the world! Who doesn’t know, who doesn’t know?

Meng Chuan smiled at them and saw that one of them had a broken arm. He couldn't help saying: "Hurry and go to Yuanchu Mountain to cure the injury."

"Haha, just a minor injury. This time thanks to Uncle Meng, otherwise we will be in serious trouble."

"Uncle Meng is worthy of the world's speed, and after only thirty hours of rest, Uncle Meng has arrived."

They are very happy.

One thousand seven hundred and twenty miles! Meng Chuan arrived in thirty-eight interest time, this time is really short.

Half a cup of tea is a breath of time.

Thirty-eight breaths, usually the Hou Shenmo can run more than one hundred miles, equivalent to from the southern wall to the northern wall of Jiangzhou City. At such a small distance, Fenghou Shenmo has no time to rescue.

Therefore, the team of demon kings has decided that they must retreat within fifty interest, and has been very cautious.


Now the land of the Six States is under the rescue of Mengchuan. Meng Chuan is too fast!


Meng Chuan's rescue made the demon kings in the Six States very uncomfortable.

It was only a short while after they and the human race demon and demon team, Meng Chuan arrived.

As Meng Chuan rescued time and time again, killing and killing time and time again, the demon clan killed all felt distressed!

Two months later, the demon clan's senior officials finally ordered that the elite demon king team suspected of Mengchuan patrolling the territory should be ordered: "To attack the demon team, you must retreat within the "twenty breath" time."

Twenty interest?

What can twenty interest do?

It is too short to destroy the city. It is purely used to run at full strength. The Triple Sky Demon King can only run for tens of miles.

If it is bad luck, Meng Chuan can be reached within a thousand miles and within twenty miles.

Therefore, some elite demon king teams simply started to stay away from the suspected Mengchuan patrol territory. It is actually that Mengchuan is too fast and they are too easy to be caught.