Archean Eon Art

v11 Chapter 18: Underground

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Cangyuan Chart as soon as possible!

Meng Chuan saw the'Meng Mansion' mansion in Jiangzhou City through the clouds and mist, and immediately swooped down. After a flash, he landed at the Huxin Pavilion in Xingyue Lake.

Liu Qiyue was standing next to the peach blossom tree, holding a divine bow, and drawing bows again and again, shooting out a true arrow.

The True Yuan Arrow hit the surface of the lake, and crossed an arc next to a large tree two miles away, penetrating through successive leaves, and finally the True Yuan Arrow took the initiative to disperse.

One arrow after another...

In a blink of an eye, more than ten arrows were shot.

"Achuan." Liu Qiyue put away Shen Gong and greeted her husband with a smile, "What does Master Zun say?"

"Master, he is certainly very happy." Meng Chuan walked to the stone table and took a snack and ate a piece of laughter. "Even Gui Yuansha Qi and Dongtian Fazhu have been given to me. I don't want to take advantage of this. It also counts as a credit for inspections in the next thirty-five years."

Liu Qiyue was not surprised, and said with a smile: "If you count it, it is 20 million credits per year? It is four times as much as you had been patrolling the land of Six States. It is normal. After all, Achuan you can kill the demon, it should be comparable. King Bai Yu, that is worth a sect alone. Just four times the credit, it is not high."

"Everyone asks for sectarian treasures from the sect, and where does the sectarian treasures come from?" Meng Chuan said, "Don't just think about asking, like Venerable Luo Tang guarding Luotang Pass, and Master Honoring him guarding the mountain gate. They did not receive a trace of credit from Yuanchu Mountain. Instead, they voluntarily contributed, as well as many powerful gods and demons in history. Before death, most of the treasures were given to the denominations. Only a few were left to the descendants of the family. In this way... Get a lot of cultivation."

"Huh." Liu Qiyue nodded, "I believe Master Zun they are also looking forward to it, Achuan, you can kill more demons."

Meng Chuan nodded.

This treasure is very valuable to yourself, but it is nothing to the whole Yuanchu Mountain. Didn’t you hear that Bai Yuwang has more than this price for a year?

Yuanchu Mountain, looking forward to killing the demon himself!

"Tomorrow morning, I will start killing demon." Meng Chuan said, "I will go out to hunt down during the day, only to come back to rest and practice at night. An'er and You'er will depend on you more."

"Relax, leave it to me." Liu Qiyue nodded. "Yes, there is one thing to tell you."

"Huh?" Meng Chuan looked at his wife.

"Yu'er and An'er last year killed Wang Chong in order to save their teachers and sisters. Didn't their sisters and brothers also read the case file?" Liu Qiyue said.

Meng Chuan nodded.

"Since then, the two of them have come to me occasionally to check the dossiers. The dossiers on my side do have some vulgar cases, but more information about the ravages of the demon clan everywhere. I found that Yuer and An'er are practicing more and more Also work hard," Liu Qiyue worried. "The two of them are only thirteen years old, did they let them get in touch too early?"

"It's not early." Meng Chuandao, "Yi Chitong's brother joined Yuanchu Mountain when he was 13 years old. I experienced the holocaust of demon clan siege at the age of six. In today's era, they know more about good things. In the future they want The experience is much cruel than just reading some text on intelligence."

Liu Qiyue nodded: "You are right."


Early the next morning.

"Dad, mother." The sisters and brothers at the end of the morning exercise sat down at the dining table.

A family of four sat down to eat breakfast, and Meng Chuan looked at his children with a smile. You Er An'er has now reached no leakage, but she still hasn't realized the trend. Thirteen-year-old realized the trend... That is the level of peerless wizards. For example, the five sons of Anhai Wang's family, Xue Xue, and the younger brother Yan Chitong all realized the trend at the age of thirteen. But now these two are both Fenghou demon.

Meng Chuan couldn't do it himself, and his demands on his children were not so high.

Of course, the practice environment of You'er and An'er is much better than that of Meng Chuan. Since childhood, Meng Chuan, the emperor of the emperor Feng, has been teaching by hand, teaching according to his aptitude and leading gradually. Liu Qiyue, the Fenghou demon, also taught his children frequently. Husband and wife joined forces...and have great expectations for their children. It is hoped that the children will protect themselves during this war.

"I'm out." Meng Chuan got up, and nodded slightly with his wife, soared into the sky and disappeared.

Liu Qiyue looked at the outside sky through the hall door. This was the first day that her husband began to investigate underground.

Meng You and Meng An are not very clear. They only know that their father often has to rescue to deal with the demon clan. Perhaps this time they are going to be busy demonizing.


Meng Chuan flew at high speed between the clouds and fog, and cultivated into an "undead". The body and thunderbolt became more and more suitable, and the explosion speed was faster. It can reach 18 miles in a flash.

Soon, he flew to the East Sea.

"Taking the East Sea as a starting point, start exploration." Meng Chuan dived down and drilled into the ground in an instant, and the mud of the drilled tunnel collapsed immediately.

For mortals, drilling underground is very difficult.

It's much easier for gods and demon kings.

As far as Fenghou Shenmo is concerned, it is not worth mentioning! "Dark Star Realm" prevented those rocks and dirt from touching Meng Chuan in the slightest. He flew all the way to the ground. The drag caused by the dirt and rock only slowed his flight speed to 70%.

"Open." Meng Chuan opened his eyebrows, and the power in the field of thunder and magnetism completely exploded. Even if there is an invisible earth power affecting obstacles, he can still explore three miles around himself.


Mengchuan flew towards the ground at a very high speed, and the rocky soil was knocked apart all the way.

In the beginning, underground rivers were discovered.

Later, you can also find underground magma.

Further down...

Gradually turned into a rock layer, all are rocks! Meng Chuan still forcibly flew towards the ground and penetrated all the way, and the rock was very fragile in front of him.

"The deeper the rock is, the stronger the resistance is." Meng Chuan secretly said.

He flew about two hundred miles deep into the ground with one breath.


The scene in front of me changed.

In the past, most of the area was covered with solid rock layers, but now there are countless ‘rock blocks’ and ‘metal blocks’ flowing slowly.

"Boom." Meng Chuan continued to fly down, rushing into the flowing countless rocks and metals.

As soon as I rushed in, I felt that countless flowing objects formed an invisible force, and the power of the earth was much thicker here, making the exploration range from three miles around... to two miles around.

Meng Chuan continued to fly down dozens of miles.

It has always been flowing rocks and metal blocks.

"This is really the case." Meng Chuan nodded slightly.

"According to the books, under the ground is mud rock, and the rock is more solid as it goes down. And about two hundred miles underground, it is the'Earth Fluid Layer', where countless rocks and metals are flowing... So, it has been flowing slowly. The further down these rocks and metal blocks are, the smaller."

"Two hundred miles underground to five thousand miles underground are all fluid layers of the earth. The further down, the thinner the fluid. The countless fluids seem to be alive, and they are a complete whole. The greater the resistance, the king and the devil will drill under normal circumstances. Five thousand miles underground is the ultimate."

"Five thousand miles down the ground is the power of the liquefied earth, and the resistance is even more terrifying, so that the chemical environment can go deeper."

"Further down? There are no records in the book."

Meng Chuan looked at the rocks and metal blocks circulating around him, "while the earth's fluid layer has been flowing, it is impossible to build Dongfu here. Dongfu will be pulled and shattered."

"So the cave houses of the demon kings are at most two hundred miles underground." Meng Chuan secretly said.