Archean Eon Art

v14 Chapter 12: Patrolling among the mountains

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Cangyuan Chart as soon as possible!

Huang Yao's ancestors drank and smiled, "Bet on both sides. They are taking benefits from our side and taking benefits from the human race. Whichever side wins, they can all be at ease. We can't take them out. Full evidence of betrayal. It is unrealistic to let them stand on our side as thoroughly as the Demon Gate. In the human race world... the top fighting power is still the human race."

"You have to find out the identity of the **** and demon." Jiuyuan Yaosheng said, "We have lost ground fighting, and the ground is constantly being slaughtered. In this way, the million demon king can't last too long."

"I have tried my best." The black robe said lowly, "In fact, there is a way, the simplest, it must be able to find out the identity of the mysterious devil."

Jiuyuan Yaosheng and Huang Yao Ancestor were a little surprised.

The black robe continued: "Blood Curse."

"Blood curse?" Jiuyuan Yaosheng shook his head, "Useless, leaving a blood curse on the demon king. Even if the demon king is killed, the blood curse is difficult to attach to the murderer. The inferior realm of the king demon, The blood curse will surely be isolated. It is the "Dark Star Domain" of the Lord Hou Shenmo that can detect external forces such as the blood curse and will not let it be attached to his body."

"I'm talking about a blood curse that'retraces cause and effect'." said the black robe.

"Trace the cause and effect?" Jiuyuan Yaosheng, Huang Yao's ancestors startled, looked at their companions.

"No matter what way you kill, as long as you kill and trace the cause and effect, it will definitely be attached to the enemy. Unless the enemy has the ability to isolate the cause and effect, the blood curse cannot be stripped." The black robe said softly, "In The demon world can do this, in addition to the three emperors, Qianqin Demon Saint can also perform."

Jiuyuan Yaosheng and Huang Yao's ancestors all moved.

"What do you mean, let Qianqin Yaosheng seize the house into the human race world?" Jiuyuan Yaosheng, "Qianqin Yaosheng Saint is still young, it may not be willing to come to the human race world."

"Hahaha, Beijue, I know you have a grudge against Qianju." Huang Yao's ancestor smiled.

"I'm thinking about the demon clan and the emperors." Heibaoren said, "And we really have no way to find out the identity of the **** and demon in Yuanchu Mountain. Jiuyuan... you know, we have done our best. ."

Jiuyuan Yaosheng thought about it and nodded, "Okay, I will report to the emperors and emperors. We can't help the emperors to find a way. Otherwise, let the **** and demon continue to slaughter."


On the ninth day of May, the night fell.

Meng Chuan and his wife chatted at dinner.


A bird demon king came and fell outside the hall, saluting respectfully: "Dongninghou, your letter."

A letter flew to the Mengchuan couple.

Meng Chuan was a little surprised, because if it was not an important letter, the bird demon kings usually left immediately after throwing it.

Close handover means that the letter is very important.

Meng Chuan opened the envelope and looked at the contents of the stationery, which also had the Venerable True Yuan imprint on it.

"What?" Meng Chuan's face changed after reading it.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qiyue asked.

"The demon clan army is about to start hunting." Meng Chuan handed the letter to Liu Qiyue.

Liu Qiyue's face slightly changed: "A mortal is worth a hundred credits? Let the demon kings hunt at will?"

"This order was passed on to all the demon kings, and Yuan Chushan also got the news as soon as possible." Meng Chuan said, "70% of the world's population is outside the city. If you watch it, these mortals will be kept by the million demon kings. No one will be killed after chasing. We must save!"

"According to the letter, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the mountain will send 1,500 big sun gods and devil servants, and three thousand demon king servants to guard the world for a long time." Liu Qiyue looked at the letter. "If they are in danger, they will also ask for help." , Will send Achuan you past."

"Huh." Meng Chuan nodded. "There are no more than 1,500 great sun gods in the Great Sun Realm, and none of the disciples at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty have 1,500 big sun sights. Obviously... even the outside disciples are counted in. Even controlled. All the demon servants of the demon king have also acted, and the denominations have done their utmost to prevent the demon kings from slaughtering in the world."

"Three thousand demon king servants, I am afraid that most demon king servants have been sent out." Liu Qiyue said.

"There are not many gods and demons that can control the demon king's servants. The Fenghou demon, Fengshen demon and Venerables who practice phantom demons can control it." Meng Chuan said, "But three thousand... It's almost the ultimate that doesn't affect the ordering arrangement."

Like the most powerful "Wu Yu Wang" in Yuanchu Mountain's illusion, it is the ultimate to control thousands of servants of the triple demon king.

The three thousand servants, in addition to the bird demon king, the overall strength is relatively strong, generally some powerful triple demon kings such as mountain demon.


At the beginning of May, early morning.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, in front of Chixue Cliff.

Large groups of gods and demons gathered here, all carrying their bags, ready to go. The young disciples Meng You and Meng An were watching.

At the forefront, Li Guanzun stood there, and Mountain Lord and Elder Yi at the beginning of the Yuan stood beside him.

"You five hundred and twenty-three big sun gods need to go out today." Li Guanzun said aloud, "Millions of demon kings will slaughter in our homeland."

"At this time, you need to cut the demon king."

"Besides you, there are other big-day realm gods and deities, starting directly from the cities in Dazhou."

"This time a total of 1,509 big-day gods and demons went out to rescue various places! Among them, there were 601 inner disciples and 908 outer disciples." Li Guanzun said, "In addition to this There are also three thousand demon king servants who will also be on the expedition. This time... we have tried our best and have only one purpose. If the demon king dares to come out, kill it. If they kill them, they will not dare to show their heads!"

Five hundred and twenty-three big sun gods and demons were present, all of whom had the intention to kill in war.

Some of them are gray-haired, and some are magnificent.

"Since then, you will have a meal and drink, patrol in the mountains and chase down any demon king who dares to appear."

"You will fight forever, maybe you will die in the wilderness, or you may have no bones."

"But the human race will always remember every one of you, always remember!" Li Guanzun's eyes glowed red.

The fighting intentions of all the gods and demons on the scene increased.

There is no escape route.

Ethnic wars! They have no way back.

"This war, the Terran will eventually win. Each of you is a hero of the Terran!" Li Guanzun said lowly, "Now, go!"

The five hundred and twenty-three great sun and gods immediately turned around, carrying their bags and carrying swords, and went down the mountain.

Many young disciples such as Meng An and Meng You, as well as many gods and demons who have the potential to become enemies, watched silently. They also wanted to join one by one and go to battle together. Only they must become stronger and get the permission of Yuanchu Mountain before they can go down the mountain.


One thousand five hundred great realm gods and deities, three thousand demon king servants, this is the power sent by Yuanchu Mountain.

Heisha Dongtian and Liangjie Island also sent their own forces!

They will patrol this land to protect mortals.