Archean Eon Art

v7 Chapter 7: withdraw!

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Cangyuan Chart as soon as possible!

Meng Chuan and others were besieged by the demon kings, but the dripping water was not leaking.

On the contrary, General Zhang Yunhu, who was protected in it, could use his short spear as much as possible, and another short spear turned into golden light, which was only more than ten feet away. The ordinary triple sky demon king was also difficult to dodge, and his head was directly penetrated, and immediately collapsed. under.

"Large leader, you can't go on like this." The crooked bull demon king saw it, and said, "We attacked Meng Chuan's point, but we couldn't break it at all! Zhang Yunhu can release a short spear without care, we have already Five triple heavenly demon kings are dead. We can't let Zhang Yunhu wantonly shoot."

The banshee in black also looked at the situation coldly.

The plan she made failed. Originally, she believed that even if Meng Chuan was fast, and faced a large group of demon kings at the same time... it was difficult to stop everything perfectly, and because the novice had no experience on the battlefield at the beginning, it should be easy to break. If you can kill this human race genius who has completed the thunder and destroy the monster, it is even more important!

However, things developed very differently than she expected.

Her plan was correct, but she did not know that Meng Chuan had reached the second floor of Yuanshen, and that the realm of Yuanshen had reached 20 feet. All attacks were nowhere to escape. Meng Chuan's strength is also stronger than she expected. Even the power of Yuanshen can be integrated into the body at any time.

"Changing the goal, focusing on Shi Xiu." The black lady banquet ordered.


All the demon kings were excited.

They hadn't wanted to attack Meng Chuan for a long time, but they only dared to switch to other human deities. The inner rules of the demon race are strict, and it is undoubtedly violent to violate the order.

"This Meng Chuan body is too weird and guarded too hard, we can't even break it. But Shi Xiu... but it's much weaker." These demon kings are full of confidence, and other human races and gods are old opponents.

In terms of melee, Zhang Yunhu is the strongest old opponent in the past! The second is the two-sword goddess ‘Mu Qing’, and finally the blood **** ‘Shi Xiu’.

On defense protection, Fan Cheng is the strongest!

It was just a preliminary match today...

They found that novice Meng Chuan was as good as Fan Cheng on defense.


Tentacles and sharp tails drilled from the ground and attacked Shi Xiu.

One more demon king was all killed in close quarters!

"Shi Xiu be careful."

Everyone was surprised.

too suddenly! Although Meng Chuan and the six of them were separated from each other, they were close to each other. Those demon kings were still madly attacking Mengchuan, and most of them were now attacking Shi Xiu! Including the three demon king elites, this made Shi Xiu face a bad situation in an instant.

"Cang." "Cang." Zhang Yunhu immediately rushed forward, and the two short spears in his hands immediately resisted the mad attacks of those demon kings. I saw that the two short spears turned into vague golden lights, and I could only hear successive bombardments. The sound, Zhang Yunhu's own power helped Shi Xiu to block most of them, Shi Xiu then blocked the remaining demon kings. So that the demon kings can not threaten the inner circle of Yang Xingwu and others.

Zhang Yunhu helped, Shi Xiu of course easily resisted the mad attack.

But Zhang Yunhu could not distract him.

"Look at me." Meng Chuan blinked in the cold, originally a large group of demon kings besieged himself, and now it is suddenly reduced to only five demon kings shot against him, are they all ordinary triple demon kings? There is not a demon king elite?

"Dragon Yin style!"

Meng Chuan killed his heart together and did not hesitate to move.

I saw five Mengchuans appearing under his obscurity. Each Mengchuan stabs a knife. The knife shines like thunder, pierces the void, and spins with a singular trajectory, a special move trajectory, There was a piercing shriek, and the trajectory was more like a dragon rushing out of the water. The five triple sky demon kings only felt the thunder and lightning dazzled, and followed the knife light to the front.

Too fast! Even the void is twisted and the distance shortened.

The five demon kings were too late to hide.

"Puff puff puff puff puff."

Each demon king is pierced with a brow, and the knife light is shot from behind the skull.

When the heart is destroyed, they can all last for some time, but the pierced head is definitely dead on the spot.

One demon king fell directly.

This made the demon kings who were excited and besieged Shi Xiu stunned and followed the cold of the heart!

Five triple heavenly demon kings, die in one face?

"This is too fast! Zhang Yunhu shot, not so fast."

"Perfect Thunder World Destroyer, as fast as lightning, is really fast."

"too fast."

Those ordinary triple demon kings are trembling.

Meng Chuan, as the strong man of the human race who satisfactorily fulfilled the super-god-like demon body, on the basis of the true element of power, completely crushed these demon kings! Not to mention the realm of swordsmanship, which means that the elite demon kings can deal with each other. In addition, there is ‘Yuanshen Realm’, he can perfectly grasp the situation on the field! Even in order to respond to the opponent's counterattack, he did not exert his primal power.

Of course, the five ordinary triple demon kings are also not eligible to let him exert the power of Yuanshen.

"Good." Zhang Yunhu, who was forced to defend, and Shi Xiu and Yu Chiyan were all overjoyed.

On the other hand, the demon king was diametrically opposed.

"This Meng Chuan is very defensive and killing the enemy is more terrible."

"His knife is too fast, and it's hard to prevent it."

"According to intelligence information, the complete thunder annihilation demon of Da Rijing can match the speed of the five-fold demon king! The speed of the sword is also extremely fast."

"We'd better not fight him close, even if we fight close, we have to besieged by more than ten demon kings just like before, giving him enough pressure."

These demon kings passed on the discussion, and the offensive slowed down.

"Big leader, ten triple heavenly demon kings are dead, what should I do?" The bull demon king asked, he was the second leader, the background was not much worse than the big leader, but his strength was slightly inferior.

According to past experience, although there is no real demon king elite, ten can be damaged, which is considered a big loss.

"This Mengchuan..."

The lady in black has a headache.

Attack on Mengchuan? Unbreakable. It also allows Zhang Yunhu to easily throw out that terrible short spear.

Give up on this? Meng Chuan counterattacked! Meng Chuan's move is as fast as lightning, and the efficiency of killing the weak demon king is higher than that of Zhang Yunhu!

Neither offense nor abandonment!

"Withdraw!" The black lady banquet ordered immediately, "Submit the order, withdraw."

It should be withdrawn at the critical moment to minimize the loss.


All the Triple Sky Demon Kings immediately shrunk, no longer attacking, but hiding inside the heavy field.

"Woo woo--" The sound of a low beast horn sounded and spread everywhere.

The double sky demon kings who had been fighting against the human deities and gods on the wall were stunned, and they jumped down the wall without hesitation, even if Liu Qiyue's arrows fell one by one, these demon kings still madly ran towards World entrance direction.

A large number of demon races who were climbing up to the top of the city immediately rushed toward the entrance of the world like a flood receding.

All are retreating!

On the contrary, those demon races who rushed to the outer city gate are desperate. They can't retreat, they can only shock more frantically. They want to rush out of the outer city gate as soon as possible and get complete freedom.

"The demon clan retreated." Zhang Yunhu smiled, and everyone else was relieved.

"Brother Meng, good job!" Shi Xiu praised.

"Okay, don't be happy too early, continue to haunt these triple demon kings, prevent them from cheating, and suddenly hit the city head." Zhang Yunhu ordered.


The demon kings did not swindle, maybe they knew that swindling was useless in front of Zhang Yunhu and other veterans.

Soon, the living double demon kings took the lead to escape back to the demon world along the entrance of the world, and there were also a large number of ordinary demon clan at large.

Followed by fifteen triple sky demon kings fled into the world entrance.

Finally, thirty-five demon kings, including the black demon, entered the world entrance.


All the demon races in the inner city gate and the outer city gate that failed to escape were slaughtered by the human race gods and demons.

Only a small number of demon clan will be detained by captives. In the future, they will be trained for the clan soldiers and clan juveniles. The other demon clan will be killed without pardon.


The demon kings retreated to the demon world, and after half an hour, Beiheguan also completely calmed down. Some soldiers also chased down hundreds of demon races who had luckily rushed out of the outer city gate in the wilderness outside the gate.