Archean Eon Art

v8 Chapter 23: trap

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Cangyuan Chart as soon as possible!

When Yang Fang put on the magic surgery for the first time, he felt that his body was much older, fearing that he would lose a few years of life. Brother Zhang Junfeng is older, and it is more expensive to perform the magical forbidden technique. You can see that Brother Zhang is older.

"Haha, I am an indestructible god, I am the best at healing me." Zhang Junfeng smiled, "Before I die, I can maintain my peak strength. Even if I don't do it now, I can only live two or three It’s just a year. While I’m still alive, my old bones will do more. I’m going to kill the demon king...but it’s worth ten or twenty big sun gods.”

"Two or three years of life?" Meng Chuan shuddered.

He was young, and even if he didn't practice physical methods, the demon forbidden technique could be completely restored in a few months. Not to mention the cultivation of Vajra, it can be completely restored in a few hours.

But Brother Zhang is too old. The use of a demon forbidden technique is consuming life. In order to kill the master of the Blackwater Palace, the cast time is longer.

"Let's go, I'll go out, maybe a few gods and demons will die." Zhang Yunfeng smiled.

"Okay." Meng Chuan saw Brother Zhang's eyes and said no more, "Let's go."

Whizzing! !

The two instantly turned into a lightning current and flew northward quickly.

Yang Fang and Dean Chang watched.

"My human race has a large number of gods and demons like Brother Zhang, who are willing to sacrifice their own gods and demons." Chang Dean said, "I believe that the battle with the demon race... my human race will win!"

"Must win." Yang Fang also nodded.

Yang Fang left behind Jiangzhou City. After all, Jiangzhou City has a population of 7 million, and it must have enough power to guard it.

In fact, a quadruple heavenly demon was lost, and the demon did not dare to commit crimes easily again. Before the small and medium-sized city barriers completely give up, the power of the demon race in the human race world is very limited.


Meng Chuan quickly led Brother Zhang Junfeng and hurried on the road. The two areas were covered by the field and the burden was reduced.


Transformed into a flash of lightning across the sky, and once again exerted force in the air in the form of flying swallows, it completely crossed the Pentium River with a width of five miles.

With Brother Zhang, I can still leap three miles.

"It's a fast speed." Zhang Yunfeng was taken by Meng Chuan, feeling the speed of the wind and the electric shock, and also amazed. "Brother Meng, if you take me, you can have such an amazing speed in the war with the demon clan. , Your role will be much greater than many gods and demon."

Meng Chuan said with a smile: "Twelve super-god demon monsters of my human race, the Thunder Destruction Monster is famous for its speed, killing enemies in the front, the 13 Sword Devil Monsters and the Reincarnation God Body are much stronger than me."

On the outbreak, the phoenix **** is the strongest, and the phoenix nirvana burns life, and its power is incredible.

Of course, with normal strength, the thirteen sword evil spirit body and the reincarnation **** body should be more powerful.

"Don't be humble, I heard that Master Meng's black iron book "Heart Sword", this is the fast knife. With Master Meng's speed, he has cultivated to the extreme, as invincible as the world." Zhang Yunfeng said with a smile, "The original creation Senior Guo Ke of Sword, although only a king and a demon, was invincible in that era. Even the Venerable Master is not his opponent."

"My practice time is short, and the sword technique is still immature." Meng Chuandao, it was only this time that the four-fold heavenly demon was fighting to reach the peak of the sword soul, and it was still the last step away from the "daodao realm".

The two chatted while hurrying.

"Huh?" Meng Chuan and Zhang Yunfeng both looked far into the distance, and there was a demon outside in the distance. There were gods and demons chasing down the demon kings.

"You can't escape."

Five gods and monsters crossed the city wall and continued to chase with all their strength. The three demon kings also fled together, but they escaped without chaos, helping each other, making it difficult for the gods and demon to kill them for a time.

"We all gave up Fucheng, are you still chasing?" a rat demon king shouted.

"Catch it, we have companions to answer, and you will be wiped out in a while." The bear demon king also roared.

A flower demon is attached to the body of the bear demon king, with pollen floating around.

"Kill me tens of thousands of people, still want to escape?" The five gods and demons were full of anger, unwilling to let the demon kings escape.

Suddenly a flash of lightning fell from the sky.

Directly landed next to the rat demon king.

"This is!" The Rat Demon King was shocked to watch the lightning fall, saw the two figures in the lightning, and saw clearly a young man in black and an old man with white hair.

"Brother Meng, Brother Zhang!" The five gods and demons chased were overjoyed, and naturally recognized the famous genius Brother Mengchuan and the older generation Brother Zhang Junfeng.

"call out."

A blade of light flashed across the neck of the demon king, his head flew away, and the demon king died.

There are even more white fields covering the bear demon king and flower demon, and countless silk threads penetrate the body of the bear demon king and flower demon, which is also an instant kill.

"Let's go." Zhang Junfeng said.

Meng Chuan nodded.

The two turned into lightning again, and still went straight to the north, rushing to Changfeng House at full speed.

"Thank you two brothers." The five gods and monsters behind were all overjoyed. Under normal circumstances, it would be nice if they could kill one or two demon kings even after chasing. And they dare not chase too far, they also need to guard the city. Meng Chuan and the two passed by but helped them a lot.


Changfeng House.

The Snake Demon King entangled there, and the black water mist invaded the four sides into the tunnel. The people in the tunnel screamed in despair, and there was no more sound afterwards.

All this made the six gods and demons in the distance very grieved and indignant, watching the demon kings slaughter but couldn't stop it.

"Why is this snake demon king so strong?"

"It's magical power, the gods and devil of the sun can't stop it."

These gods and spirits are anxious.

Changfeng House has a population of 1.2 million, and they will not give up easily.

And at the moment the black water mist field.

"The king." The snake demon king is very respectful. "We just continue to slaughter mortals?"

"Continue the slaughter, in your field, it takes half an hour to slaughter the whole city. It is still early, and the human race will send stronger gods to support." A figure emerged from the ground and appeared in the body of the snake demon king. By the side, he was just Xu Gao's body, with a black carapace all over his body, two curved corners on his head, and a long scorpion tail.

"Yes." The Snake Demon King respectfully ordered.

It is just an elite triple demon king, the strongest is the domain! As for the so-called supernatural power "poison mist", it is just ordinary poison mist.

Realm covered! Poison mist is also covered!

It is to cover up the real murderer who killed many powerful gods and demons-the quadruple demon king "Zhuangfu Big Demon King".

"Fenghou Shenmo sits in a medium-sized city gate. This is a rare opportunity to slaughter the gods and demons. Missing this time, there will be Fenghou Gods and demons sitting everywhere in the world. If you want to kill the gods and demons like this? It is impossible." Zhuang Fuda The demon king is very charming, among the demon races. After all, he is the quadruple demon king, and he is also the vein of the demon tribe Zhuang.

Zhuang's vein represents the blood of the poisonous scorpion demon saint in the demon clan.

"You must seize the rare opportunity to kill a good one." The big demon king Zhuangfu laughed, "The black water palace attacked Jiangzhou City, distracted, I quietly stayed in Changfeng House and waited for the rabbits. Kill a batch. The gods and demons who can be responsible for support are absolute elites."

"Great King Yingming." The Snake Demon King touted.

The big demon king Zhuangfu nodded slightly, and suddenly looked to the distance: "A new demon is coming!"

In the distance, a lightning flashed across the sky, and there were rarely two figures in it.

"It's a stronger demon." The eyes of the big demon king Zhuangfu brightened. The more he made the credit, the more rewards there were from the demon clan.

The demon race's "Zhuang clan" internal competition is also fierce. Although the human race world is dangerous, it is easier to get a lot of credit.


Lightning struck the sky and landed in Changfeng Mansion.

Fall beside the six demon.

When seeing the young man in black clothes and the white-haired old man who appeared in the lightning, the original six gods and demons all said: "Brother Zhang, Brother Meng."

Only half a cup of tea time, the two men arrived at the Changfeng Mansion, which was 800 miles away from Jiangzhou City. On the way, they also killed five demon kings and one demon.

"What's the matter?" Meng Chuan and Zhang Junfeng didn't rush, but asked about the situation, while also observing the three demon kings in the black water mist. The snake demon king was the most prominent.