Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 213: There are always tears in your eyes

  Chapter 213 Tears are always in your eyes

  In the next few days, Slytherin and Gryffindor once again returned to their former hostile state, with a strong smell of gunpowder.

   is different from the original book, perhaps because Jemini is Slytherin, and other academies are not too repulsive about Harry's participation.

  Ron did not quarrel with Harry because of this incident, perhaps, but if Harry told him the truth, he would definitely support Harry firmly.

   But compared to the understanding of the Gryffindor Cubs, Snape's attitude is undoubtedly terrifying.

  He said before that he should poison a student before Christmas and let that student use his own antidote to detoxify.

In the cold and damp underground classroom, with the mist above the cauldrons, Snape stood on the podium, looking around at the students below with cold eyes: "You should prepare your own formula now. I ask you to be careful. Sorrow, and then we will choose someone to try—"

   Immediately afterwards, his gaze and Harry's gaze met in mid-air.

   Of course Harry knew what was going to happen next-Snape wanted to poison him.

  Jemini could see it too, and Snape looked like he wanted to grab Harry's messy hair and drown him in the cauldron.

On the other side, Harry, thinking that he might drink Snape’s poison next, felt like his internal organs were rolling. He wanted to stand up, rush to the front of the classroom with the cauldron, and buckle the cauldron to Snape. Pu's greasy head—

  The atmosphere in the classroom became more and more tense. Suddenly, a knock on the door broke the dull air.

  The one who opened the door was a little boy with freckles, named Colin Crevy, Harry’s little brother.

  He flashed into the classroom sideways, smiled brightly at Harry, and walked to the podium.

   "What's the matter?" Snape looked impatient, he was intoxicated by his own fantasies-Harry drowned in the cauldron.

   "I'm sorry, sir, I want to take Harry Potter and Mr. Jemini Fox upstairs."

   Snape looked at Colin Crevey with cold eyes: "They have to go to potions class for an hour, and they will go there after class."

   Poor looked terrified: "Sir, Mr. Bagman wants them to go there. All the warriors must go. I think they want to take pictures..."

   "Very good, very good." Snape snapped: "Potter, leave your things here. I want you to come back later and try your antidote!"

  "I'm sorry, sir—he must bring his things, all the warriors..."

   "Very good! Potter, take your schoolbag and disappear from my eyes!" Snape went wild, and Harry and Colin disappeared at the door.

  Jemini: "..."

  You guys are waiting for me...

A few dashed to follow Harry and the two, Colin took them to an old classroom. The desks in the classroom were pushed to the back of the room, leaving a large space, but there were three desks side by side. Then, it was placed in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet.

  There are five chairs behind the table. Ludo sits on one of them and chats with Rita Skeeter.

  Krum and Fleur have arrived, Krum's gloomy face as always, Fleur's arrogant face as always, a potbellied man holding a smoking black camera in his hand, secretly peeking at Fleur out of his light.

   Seeing the arrival of the two Jemini, Bagman quickly smiled and stood up.

   "Very good, everyone is here, the four warriors are here... There is nothing to worry about, it is the wand detection ceremony, and the other referees will be there soon." Bagman said.

"We must check whether your wand is fully functional and in good performance, because in future competitions, the wand is your most important weapon. The expert is upstairs, with Dumbledore, and then take a few photos. "

   Bagman said, pointing to Rita Skeeter behind him: "Ms. Skeeter is writing a short article about the hegemony for the "Daily Prophet"..."

   "Maybe not that small, Ludo." Rita Skeeter said flatly, and then she owed Jemini, "Hello, Master Fox."

   "Good afternoon, Rita." Jemini smiled gently.

  I have to say that Rita Skeeter is a very smart woman. Since being pinched by Jemini, she has always spoken and acted appropriately.

  Although she looks ugly as always.

   "Before we start, can I talk to Harry a few words?" Rita asked, and she was very curious about Harry: "You know, to add some color to the article."

   "No problem!" Bagman said loudly: "It's—I don't know if Harry objected?"

   Harry: "???"

   "That's great!" Rita Quan was acquiesced when Harry was dazed, and dragged him into the broom room next to him.

  A few minutes later, Dumbledore brought a group of people into the classroom, and Jemini saw Ollivander behind him.

   "Where is Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

  Jemini pointed to the broom room: “I was dragged in by Rita Skeeter. I don’t know what the two of them are doing inside.”

   "Oh ha ha..." Dumbledore happily walked towards the broomstick: "I guess Harry won't be interested in Skeeter. Of course, Skeeter is hard to say to Harry..."

  He opened the door of the broomstick.

   "Dumbledore!" Rita Skeeter said loudly, and she stood up: "How are you? My summer article on the International Union of Wizards, I wonder if you read it?"

   "It's awesome." Dumbledore said cheerfully, "I especially love reading the passage where you described me as a rigid old madman."

  Rita Skeeter is not ashamed: "I just want to show that some of your points are a bit wrong, Dumbledore, many wizards outside—"

"I would love to hear your frank reasoning, Rita." Dumbledore bowed gently: "But I'm afraid we will have to talk about this issue later. The wand testing ceremony will begin soon. If one of ours The warrior hides in the broomstick, and the ritual cannot be carried out."

  Harry rushed out of the broom room, his face looked very ugly.

   "I just saw it by accident..." Jemini whispered with a smile, "The amazing green eyes are full of tears—"

  Harry's face turned darker.

  "One hundred gallons, you can delete it~"

  Jemini's voice is like the whisper of the devil.

  Harry lowered his head, trembling all over, like a poor girl being blackmailed.

   "If you don't delete it, by tomorrow, the whole magic world will know that Harry, your eyes often have tears—"


  His voice seems to be bitten out of his teeth.

  To speak, Dumbledore’s group has already been seated behind the table, and the wand detection ceremony is about to begin.

    is the second one today! From tomorrow on, I will try to add more changes, ask for a monthly pass.



  (End of this chapter)