Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 5: Ollivander

  Chapter 5 Ollivander

   "Morning." Professor McGonagall said to an idle goblin: "Our new students this year need to exchange some Gallons here."

  There was a pair of glasses hanging on the bridge of the goblin's nose, he pushed the glasses, and looked at Professor McGonagall.

   "Ah...Minerva McGonagall." The goblin gaze swept across Jemini and nodded slightly: "I'm glad to serve you, then, who will come first?"

  "I would like to ask, what is the maximum exchange rate between British pound and Gallon?" Jemini thought for a while and asked.

"Up to five hundred gallons per person per year, sir." said the goblin: "This amount allows a wizard from a Muggle family to live a pretty good life in the wizarding world, but it will not disturb the balance of the financial market. But even so, this is not a small number."

  "Then please help me directly exchange five hundred gallons. Although it is a little over budget, it is not unacceptable." Jemini thought for a while, took out a wad of banknotes from his arms and handed it to the fairy.

  "Considerable wealth." The goblin's eyes lit up: "Considering your age, I think there should be more opportunities for us to meet in the future."

  Soon, the 500 gallon exchange was completed.

   "It must be very inconvenient to carry such a large sum of money with you, should it be deposited with us?" the goblin asked politely.

   "Are there interest?"

   "Of course there is."

   "That still doesn't save."


It doesn’t matter whether there is interest or not, it doesn’t matter to Gemini, it’s most convenient to put the money in the space of the weapon store, although as long as it is his wealth, it can be traded no matter where, but the money in the vault The inexplicable disappearance of money may cause turmoil.

  He can naturally use this bug to knock on Gringotts, but this kind of thing can only be done once, and if it is too much, it will trigger the suspicion of this group of fairies.

  As an arms dealer, the only goal he pursues is money, and Gringotts is the world’s oldest goblin bank. For this petty profit and this group of goblins, it is obviously not worth the gain.

  Unless you add money.

Five hundred gallons were handed over to Jemini, and the goblin gave Jemini a bag with a non-marking stretching curse. The attitude was obvious, and Jemini also expressed his happiness. I hope everyone can maintain this sordid financial relationship in a friendly manner.

Soon, the Finleys and the Grangers also exchanged a lot of shiny gold gallons. The two exchanged 100 gallons each. According to Professor McGonagall, the money was enough for one. The freshmen have bought the supplies needed for admission.

  "Professor, can you please help me check this non-marking stretch bag?"

  As soon as he left Gringotts, Jemini stopped Professor McGonagall.

  Professor McGonagall was stunned, and immediately smiled: "Of course you can. It seems that you don't trust those fairies, but this is right."

   took the non-marking stretch bag that Jemini handed over and checked it, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no additional magic or curse, Professor McGonagall returned the non-marking stretch bag to Jemini.

   "No problem, this bag is also very practical, you can use it with confidence, Mr. Fox."

   "Thank you very much, Professor."

  Mr. Finley on the side looked at Gemini with envy.

  In terms of appearance, behavior, or work, Jemini can be said to be the most brilliant boy he has ever seen.

  Look at his son again. Justin stared at the chocolate sundae in the hands of the other children. Mr. Finley hesitated for a few seconds, but finally held back his restless slap...

   "Professor McGonagall, where are we going next?"

  Mr. Granger looked at Professor McGonagall and asked.

  Professor McGonagall pursed his mouth and glanced at the three Jemini with a little excitement: "As a wizard, the most important thing is naturally the magic wand in his hand, isn't it?"

  This is a small and broken store. The golden sign on the store has almost peeled off. It says: Ollivander: A well-made wand has been made since 382 BC.

  In the dusty glass showcase, there is a magic wand solitary on the faded purple cushion.

  The shop is quiet, as if this is not a shop, but a library.

   Stacks of long and narrow wooden boxes almost reached the roof, and the quiet environment gave people a very mysterious feeling.

"morning everyone."

   A soft voice sounded, and an old man with silver-white hair walked out behind the pile of wooden boxes. The old man’s big light eyes looked like two bright moons in the dim shop.

  "Long time no see, Mr. Ollivander."

   "Ah...Minerva, long time no see, fir wood, dragon heartstring, that is a magic wand that is very good at transfiguration, and the truth is so..." The old man's eyes lit up and his voice softly said.

  Professor McGonagall nodded, a little too lazy to pay attention to this old man with his head full of wands. He muttered once every year when he saw himself.

   "As you can see, I brought Mr. Fox, Miss Granger, and Mr. Finley to buy their wands."

   "Oh... it's almost time." Ollivander glanced across the faces of the three Jemini: "I hope the wand I made can help you become an outstanding and great wizard."

  He took out a long tape measure with silver scales from his clothes pocket, measured the height and waist circumference and other data for the three of them separately, and then asked: "Which side of the few dominated hands?"

  The answer is unified, everyone is right-handed.

"In my shop, most of the wand cores are made of unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers, and fire dragon heart nerves. This is the experience I have summed up over the years. These three substances are used to transmit magic. This is also the essence of these wands. Every Ollivander wand is unique, because there are no two unicorns, fire dragons, or phoenixes that are exactly the same."

   "Of course, if you use a wand that should belong to another wizard, it will never have such a good effect. I hope several people can remember one thing: the wand chooses the wizard."

   Ollivander babbled, drew one from the stack of wooden boxes, took out a magic wand and handed it to Finley.

   "Willow, unicorn hair, eleven inches."

  Finley took the wand, his face was puzzled.

  Ollivander raised his chin: "Wave it."


  A gentle breeze blew across the room, and Ollivander nodded in satisfaction: "It seems that my vision is as precise as ever."

  Getting the wand, Justin was overjoyed, and put the wand in the wooden box like a baby.

  The figure of the old man walked through the fortress formed by stacks of wooden boxes. Soon, he took out another magic wand and sent it to Hermione.

  "Walnut, dragon heartstring, twelve inches long, how about trying her?"

  Hermione took the magic wand and waved it.


   A crisp sound of cracking sounded in the room, and a vase was shattered by the red light from the tip of the stick. The cracking sound shocked everyone.

   "It seems that the two of you are not getting along well." Ollivander took the wand back in a little embarrassment, and then began to pick and choose among the stacks of wooden boxes.

  "Try this? Grapevine wood, dragon heartstring, fourteen inches long."

  Hermione took the magic wand and waved it. In an instant, there was a burst of fragrance in the house, and delicate flowers bloomed all over the house.

   "It's great, great." Ollivander's eyes sparkled with excitement: "This wand is a perfect match for you."

  (End of this chapter)