Arrow Demon

Chapter 1955: Chu Qianmo

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Chu Qinmo has never met someone like Baili, or someone who doesn't know how to describe it.

How to describe Baili? Hob meat? Nothing male? Shameless?

Chu Qianmo felt that all these adjectives together were not enough to describe Baili.

Moreover, Chu Qianmo didn't realize that he was directly led astray when he was talking to Bai Li. Just now he was talking about Huntianding. This quickly became a problem in the private life of the Bagua Demon Emperor.

And what the **** is this guy saying he is a virgin? The ghost will believe this!

"How many wives does the Devil Emperor have?"

"Two..." Chu Qianmo answered almost subconsciously, but after she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong!

What the hell? Why did you become the problem of how many wives the Demon Sovereign has?

How many concubines does the Devil Emperor have to do with you?

And why should I answer this guy?

"What about you? How many do you have?" Bai Li asked directly regardless of what Chu Qianmo thought in his heart.

"I didn't..." Chu Qinmo answered almost subconsciously.

But when she finished saying this, she looked at Chu Qianmo with an expression of your insincereness.

Chu Qianmo is a witch, such a witch actually told herself that she did not have any concubine, which is absolutely impossible for Baili to believe.

"Is the demons in your eyes so unbearable? Tell you that the demons are not as dirty as you think. You and I are just born in different worlds, and there are differences in beliefs."

"I am an atheist! I have no faith!"

Chu Qianmo: "..."

"Bai Li! I warn you, I am not here today to discuss with you whether you have faith or not! Do you know that your life is running out? If I leave today, you will definitely die!"

"Then don't give it away! Remember to put incense on my grave."

Chu Qianmo: "..."

Hob meat! This product is pure hob meat, the kind that doesn't get in.

Thinking of the expressions that he didn't care about when he saw Lord Skeleton before saying that Baili was very difficult, Chu Qianmo knew that he was still too young.

If you knew that Bai Li was such a product, you should send the old witch instead of yourself!

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Chu Qianmo didn't believe that there are people in this world who are not afraid of death, especially Baili.

Although Chu Qinmo repeatedly promised various benefits, Chu Qinmo knew in his heart that even if a person like Baili did not have the benefits of the Demon Race, as long as he was given time and space to grow, he would one day reach the top.

There are too many secrets in his body, so many that even he can't see it clearly. If nothing else, it is the ring that even the Devil Emperor can't do anything about.

When I first met in Yanzilou, to be honest, Chu Qianmo didn't put Baili in her eyes. In her opinion, Baili was nothing more than a small ant.

But after the actual confrontation, Chu Qianmo knew that he was wrong.

Perhaps Baili is still a little ant today, but he has a future that can even surpass himself!

Therefore, when Chu Qinmo appeared again, when she talked to Baili, she no longer had the kind of superiority she had before. What she showed was the feeling of talking to people of the same level.

"No one is not afraid of death, especially a coward like me. Do you know why I chose to become an archer?"

Chu Qianmo shook his head!

"Because I am afraid of death! Do you think that if you really have to carry a knife and slash against someone, is the probability of death much higher than that of becoming an archer, and even if you are not hacked to death, you may be hacked! It’s good to be an archer...I shoot the enemy from a distance, but I can run away! Isn’t it a good idea..."

Chu Qianmo just wanted to say something at this time: "Bai Li! What about your morals?

Some people think that their profession is a kind of belief, some people think it is a dream, some people are pure love, but Bai Li said he was afraid of death... this Nima...

"But I can keep you alive, and what you pay is nothing more than a Hun Tian Ding that is useless to you."

"Are you questioning a collector's love for the collection?"

Chu Qianmo: "..."

collector? I collect your sister's house!

"What you are worried about will not happen, and the Demon Race will never be against you! This kind of guarantee If you don't believe me, the Demon King can personally guarantee you, and what I said today represents the Demon King."

"Girl, you are wrong, I don't believe you, I don't believe your demon king!"

Chu Qianmo: "..."

Crazy, Chu Qianmo was really crazy. At this time, she felt that Baili might be someone who couldn't claim to win in her life. If it weren't for Huntianding, Chu Qianmo vowed that Baili would have died ten thousand times.

"In that case, go and die!" Chu Qianmo turned around and left without looking back.

Seeing Chu Qinmo leaving angrily, with a smile on Baili's face, go? joke! Does she really dare to leave? She left without telling her whether she would die, but she must be dead.

"Ten...Nine...Eight...Seven..." Baili started counting down from minute to minute.

When Baili counted down to four minutes, I saw Chu Qianmo rushing back from outside!

"Bali!" Chu Qianmo yelled at Baili, but she couldn't say anything but a Baili.

"Girl, it's impossible to get what you want right now. I've already said that everyone is not a fool!"

" won! You won!" Chu Qianmo was really convinced at this time, and she had no way to win at such a hob meat.

And Chu Qianmo informed the Demon Emperor of everything just now during the few minutes he had been out.

I thought that the Devil Emperor should be furious It's better to let yourself cut the white li a thousand times, so Chu Qianmo would definitely accept this task without hesitation.

But it's a pity that Chu Qianmo is too naive. After Chu Qianmo said all this, the Devil Emperor only had a few words.

"Bai Li cannot die! Only he can take out Huntianding, so he cannot die!"

"No matter what method you use, you must save Baili. If he dies, you don't have to come back!"

Chu Qinmo was also surprised by the Demon Emperor’s answer. One thing he did not deceive Bai Li was that she also didn’t know what Huntianding was used for, but now seeing the Demon Emperor’s reaction, Chu Qianmo understood. The meaning of Hun Tianding is probably more important than the lives of their eight monarchs combined.

Because in Chu Qianmo's life, even in the darkest moments of the Demon Race, she had never heard of the Demon Race being so caring about anything, and this time because Bai Li and Huntianding would be so!

Sometimes Chu Qianmo even wondered, isn't it because of Huntianding at all, or Baili is the illegitimate son of the Devil?