Arrow Demon

Chapter 2037: God King?

Click... Click...

It sounded as if the egg shell was broken, and then the blood-colored silkworm pupa was torn apart, and an extremely pale hand stretched out from the blood-colored silkworm pupa.

As the silkworm pupae continued to be torn apart, the naked old bat finally crawled out of the silkworm pupae.

The eyes of the old bat looking at Baili are somewhat complicated, but it is this complicated look that lets Baili know that the old bat is back.

Hong waited for several elders to get a brand new dress for the old bat. After the old bat put on the clothes and bid farewell to the close contact with nature, he waved his hand to let the blood elders retreat, leaving only Hong one.

"Why are we going back here?" The old bat's question, if you don't know it, people will be confused, but those present are all people who understand what happened.

With a wry smile, Bai Li said with a spreading hand: "I can't answer this question. The ten mysteries suddenly merged, and then this barren age was born. Then I was pulled back, but I didn't expect you to follow me. Come back together!"

"No wonder I think this Scarlet Temple is a bit weird..." The old bat looked around. Although it looks no different from the real Scarlet Temple, the old bat has lived in the Scarlet Temple for too many years. Just like a person at home, suddenly one day I change a place for him, even if the surrounding decoration is exactly the same, he can feel that it is not his own home.

After a brief chat with the old bat, Bai Li brought the topic back to what the old bat said when he was awake briefly.

"What do you mean by time before?"

Not only was Baili curious, but when he heard Baili's question, He also leaned forward. Obviously he also wanted to know what happened.

Hearing a bitter smile from the old bat here, he said: "Don't you find out that except for me, the current time point is the year before the destruction of the ancients?"

When the old bat said this, everyone including Wei was stunned.

What? This is the year before the wild destruction?

The Wilderness is not the same as the Apocalypse Dynasty. The Apocalypse Dynasty has an annual calendar, but in the ancient times, everyone did not have an annual calendar. It belongs to the wayward way of living a day.

He was in the Forest of Doom, but he didn't know the exact time of the Forest of Doom. There was only the old bat. The old bat realized that he had returned to the year before the ancient cataclysm as soon as he woke up.

All of this was discovered on the pink trees that suddenly appeared above the blood.

The same was true back then. There were a lot of pink trees on the blood source suddenly. To be honest, even the blood clan who controlled the blood source didn't care about these trees.

And these trees are the poisonous trees in the ancient blood plains later, and they are also the ones that completely destroyed the blood clan, so that the blood clan can only hide in that cave forever and become inhuman and ghostless.

The old bat found those trees as soon as he woke up. At that time, the old bat was terrified and his first thought was to run to destroy those trees, but the old bat tried, but the trees seemed to be protected by the law, no matter what he did. Even a single shot can't hurt the trees.

The old bat feels like a traveler in time and space. He knows what will happen next, but history is doomed. No matter what he does, he cannot change history. This is why the old bat cannot destroy the trees.

In the same way, the old bat was not killed for this reason, because history is doomed, the old bat will not die, he will be sealed in the ground, so even if someone takes action, the old bat cannot be killed. He sealed it.

The old bat once thought about fleeing, and even allowed the whole blood family to migrate to other places, but this idea also failed, because the old bat found that he could not leave the range of the blood source anyway, in other words, it seemed to be an independent world. And he can only stay in this world and this space, unable to leave!

"This is the same for me. After I returned here, I tried to come to the Blood Plain to find you, but the Forest of Doom restricted my actions and prevented me from leaving anyway."

You unexpectedly had the same experience as the old bat.

But after saying this, the old bat felt wrong: "If you can't leave the Forest of Doom, then why are you here?"

This question directly confuses you!

Yes! It seems that I have not thought about this problem at all! Since I can't leave the Forest of Doom, why do I appear here?

But he quickly grasped the key to the problem. He set his gaze on Bai Li and said, "It should be because of Bai Li!"

correct! The old bat also thought of this idea.

From the moment they wake up, they can only live in their respective domains. No matter what method they use, they cannot change the domain or break the domain. This is like an independent world. Although the ten secret realms are integrated, they all They can only stay where they should appear in history ~ ~ cannot change any historical trend.

But the moment Baili appeared, everything was different. If this barren ancient world is a complete program, then Baili is the only BUG! It was precisely because of Baili's appearance that Wei and Baili could break the restrictions and walk out of the Forest of Doom, and he felt the same. Without Baili, he would not even be able to get out of the nightmare.

So for a while, everyone's eyes returned to Baili. Baili should be the key to the entire barren ancient era. Only Baili can change the original history of the barren ancient times. But what exactly is this change for?

"Is the King of God or Luo who sealed you?" When everyone was at a loss, they felt that they asked a more professional question.

Moreover, he felt rather confused about the various questions that everyone was talking about. He didn't know what everyone was saying, and he was more concerned about who sealed the old bat.

Hearing the opening, everyone turned their eyes back to the old bat.

"It's the King of Gods!" Old Bat said a piece of news that everyone didn't feel surprised at all, because everyone had guessed before. After all, Luo played almost no role in this ancient cataclysm, so he didn't have any. The reason was to attack the old bat, and even Baili suspected that Luo could not get out of his Dragon Ridge!

Hearing that the old bat said he was the king of gods, He also yelled: "Damn! It is this old boy, he has the ability to change the course of history just like you! What are we waiting for, hurry up and ask the brother to kill this. old man!"

The scum screamed to destroy the entire Protoss, and at this moment, a blood clan elder walked in outside and brought a news that made everyone confused.

"Patriarch Qi, there is a man who claims to be the king of gods to see outside of the blood source..."