Arrow Demon

Chapter 2089: responsibility

"If you want to become a god, you must first have the arrogance and ruthlessness of a god." This is what the Demon Emperor told Bai Li.

What is a god? Baili felt that he was a **** when he looked at ants while wearing open pants.

And the current Demon Emperor is no different from himself wearing open crotch pants, except that the following battle has changed from two groups of ants to two groups of more advanced creatures.

"Higher? Haha! It is the lowest in the entire starry sky human race. I really don't understand where your pride comes from." The Demon Sovereign was never a good person, and he couldn't be a good person. Feel this way.

"Didn't you say that I am a human emperor in the future? So the status of the human race will always be improved." Bai Li took out the human emperor theory of the previous devil.

"But you are not yet, you are no different from the ants below." The Demon Emperor didn't care about Baili's face.

"Then you brought Lao Tzu here to humiliate Lao Tzu?" Bai Li was really angry this time! Your uncle, what I thought you were doing here with me, now you tell me that I can only watch?

"You can understand it this way! Baili don't treat me as an enemy. Maybe our enemies are common, maybe we can become friends."

The words of the Demon Sovereign made Bai Li feel sick.

become friends? The ghost wants to be friends with you! You are so perverted.

Next, the Demon Emperor did not stay idle. First, he took Baili to the capital of the gods. At this time, the gods no longer had the prosperousness of the past. The gods of the golden inch of earth are now full of idle wasteland. The house that everyone dreams of is now empty.

Even the Jade Pavilion, which has always been fully booked, is now a doorstep.

Fatty dead lay alone on the counter, seeing how fat he was, Bai Li wondered if he would die immediately because of his obesity in the next moment.

Moreover, Bai Li estimated that the fat man would no longer dare to go to the second floor, because his weight was already in danger of collapsing the second floor alone.

The dead fat man kept calling Bai Li's name, as if Bai Li was his savior, as if Bai Li would end this war as soon as he came.

But Bai Li knew very well that in the current situation, if he could not complete the task of the mystery of the barren ancient times, even if he could survive, it would not make sense to get out of the old days.

Because he couldn't beat Yi Lingyun at all.

"Yi Lingyun's strength is infinitely close to the peak of this world. Although his method of promotion is a forbidden technique, unless you really get the peak power, you will be killed instantly even if it comes out."

The Demon Sovereign will not deceive himself in this regard, since he said so, it must be true.

Although Yi Lingyun deceived the Demon Race, he also got a lot of benefits. At least the power connecting the Demon Race and the world was ruthlessly swallowed by him. This is why Yi Lingyun can have such a powerful power instantly. .

Moreover, Yi Lingyun is very smart. He didn't choose to maximize his power and let himself break through the air. Instead, he chose to suppress his power to the eighth rank, because this realm was enough for him.

At least it is enough to destroy the Apocalypse Dynasty. If it is strengthened again, after all, the power itself does not belong to him. Maybe he will break through the air if he is not careful, then all the preparations will fall short.

The imperial city looks very dilapidated. At this time, Yin Lingyu is not so much Emperor Tianqi as a puppet, because it is his uncle Yin Yueming who really controls the operation of the entire Tianqi Dynasty.

When Bai Li saw Yin Yueming's face, he couldn't help begging the Demon Sovereign to smash that face again, but the Demon Sovereign only smiled at this, and even saw the mockery in his eyes again.

"Bali, if you can't let go of everything here, you won't be able to get out of the absurdity, nor can you get the absurd mystery, because the moment you get the absurd mystery, your connection with the world will almost come. The end is over, you have a more magnificent starry sky waiting for you! There is your stage, and here, it is just your memories. In your words, this is novice village in plain terms."

The Demon Sovereign used the two terms Memories and Novice Village, but Bai Li was indifferent.

The Demon Sovereign took a ruthless road. He had no feelings at all. Perhaps the only feeling was his race, but instead of saying that it was a feeling, Bai Li felt that it was a sense of mission.

Just like when Zhang Ermazi vowed to protect Liu Erya forever, what happened? Later, Zhang Ermazi heard that he became a contractor. He did marry Liu Erya and gave Liu Erya his promise of "Big Bieye". There is nothing wrong with protecting Liu Erya for a lifetime. At least he never Liu Erya has never owed money to Liu Erya, Liu Erya is also safe and can live a wanton life.

The only thing that disappears is the feeling that should have existed.

Bai Li feels that the Demon King is similar to Zhang Ermazi. To him, the guardian of the demons is the same as Zhang Ermazi's guardian of Liu Erya. They all think that it is their own promise and must be fulfilled, but Zhang Ermazi There were more than a hundred women outside, and the Demon Emperor had already forgotten his love for the Demon Clan, as if Zhang Ermazi was almost unable to remember why he guarded Liu Erya.

Bai Li didn't want to be Zhang Ermazi and he didn't want to be a person like the Demon Emperor, because when guarding is just a duty and not because of the feelings in the heart, in fact, guarding is not important anymore.

Bai Li felt that the Demon Emperor was very tired. He hadn't seen his future clearly during the 36,500 reincarnations. In fact, Bai Li felt that maybe he put down the entire demon clan and maybe he could get out of this cycle.

It's just that he can't let go, because that guardian is the source of his strength. If you let go of this guardian, the Demon Emperor will no longer be the Demon Emperor, but will become a puppet.

Now the Demon Sovereign wants Bai Li to be such a person, because in his opinion, Bai Li will definitely be able to get the mystery of the ancients, and then Bai Li will gain the peak power, and eventually leave this world and go to a more vast world. The starry sky, so life and death here are no longer important to Bai Li, because even if Bai Li can guard them for a while, one day after Bai Li leaves, they will need to live on their own.

The truth of the Demon Sovereign is not wrong, but this is his Tao, not Baili's Tao!

His Tao is a ruthless Tao, while Baili's Tao is a sentimental Tao. There is no right or wrong, only oneself is willing and unwilling...