Arrow Demon

Chapter 2090: The story that Chu Qianmo had to tell

Bai Li doesn't want to continue to watch everything about the Apocalypse Dynasty, because when you know that your brothers and sisters are suffering but you can't give any help, it will be a pain to watch.

Crossing the storm sea is a pain for Bai Li, even with the help of the Skeleton Nightmare to run wild, after all, it takes a long time. Riding the Skeleton Nightmare looks extremely windy, but riding such a long time is actually not good.

But for the Demon Sovereign, it was completely different. He just waved his hand and appeared in the middle of the endless storm with Bai Li. Even the Demon Sovereign used a finger to cut off the terrifying storm and made the storm sea in an instant. Restoration of tranquility.

Then he released his finger to let the storm return, looking like a child having fun.

Once upon a time, when Bai Li came here for the first time and saw endless storms, he felt endless despair, but now seeing everything the Demon Emperor did, Bai Li suddenly felt that he was ridiculous.

"When do you think I will have the ability like you?"

"The next epoch will almost do!"


Bai Li is full of contempt for the words of the Devil Emperor, Nima is the next era! Do you know how old an era is when you are Laozi? It is a full three hundred and sixty million years!

See clearly that it is not 360,000, but 360,000! Baili doesn’t know what kind of mentality is this guy who counts by era when he says nothing, but Baili knows that if he continues to grow, one day he will meet an old man with white beard and jump out to tell himself He is seven years old this year, and this seven refers to seven eras...

"How many epochs have you lived?" Bai Li knew that an epoch was the reincarnation of a world, so Bai Li wanted to know how many epochs the Demon King lived.

"I don't remember! Who would take this leisurely!" The Demon Sovereign gave Baili a blank eye, and at the same time, he also let Baili know what the Demon Sovereign existence is to do.

They are the masters of this starry sky, and they are also the order maintainers of this starry sky. Every era destruction to rebirth is actually a process of self-recovery in the starry sky world. According to the routine, in this process, all All races will be refreshed and reset.

In other words, you think the flame demon clan is very awesome, right? I'm sorry they are just awesome in this era, but they can't figure out what it will look like in the next era!

However, these maintainers of the starry sky have forcibly changed the order of the starry sky. They will forcibly shelter the races below them when the era is destroyed, so that these races can be retained. When the next era is refreshed, they will Rebirth, in this way, the human race is always at the bottom, and those powerful races are always in control.

Bai Li somewhat understood why Mo Ang said that he must make the dragon stronger! In fact, it is to keep the dragon race, because a race that is too weak cannot be sheltered by the master.

"How many years are left in this era?" Bai Li looked at the Demon Emperor, seeing the Demon Emperor's expression that you are sick.

"Three hundred and sixty million years, who would count these things boringly?" The Demon Sovereign obviously doesn't even know what year it is.

"Then how do you determine when the era is destroyed?"

"When the starry sky turns purple, it is the last year of the era and the first year that the era is about to open." The Demon Sovereign did not hide from Bai Li, but gave the answer directly.

Coming out of the endless storm, Bai Li did not continue to ask more, because there was already Penglai Big Island.

Gaojia Town may be the largest town in the world, and it is not limited to the Wutian Dynasty, and it is impossible to have such a huge town including the Tianqi Dynasty.

Nima's huge city wall more than ten feet high, that city gate was actually made of pure copper, and the people coming and going in the whole city can be said to be extremely lively.

Here, Baili can see the shadow of the former Shendu, and even Baili suspects that as long as it continues to develop like this, Gaojia Town will eventually become the same size as Shendu.

There are not many forces above Penglai, and because of Gao Hai being a disciple of Baili, most people don't dare to trouble him at all.

Although it has been a while since Bai Li left the Wutian dynasty, Xu Changming's old yin forced 10,000 reasons to make Bai Li's reputation continue to deter the world!

Therefore, in the Wutian Dynasty, no one knew about Baili's departure. The last thing everyone remembered about Baili was that Baili rode a skull nightmare into the sky.

This incident also caused Xu Changming to write down the article and fabricate more than a hundred different versions, but any version basically talks about how powerful and powerful Baili is.

So even though Bai Li had been away for a long time, no force at all dared to provoke the Yanhuang line.

Even a few months ago, Xu Changming personally posted a post to Jiujianxian in the name of Baili, about the night of the full moon.

But Jiu Jianxian refused, on the grounds that he was no longer Bai Li's opponent!

As soon as this incident came out, the reputation of Yanhuang and Huang immediately reached a new height.

As for what method Xu Changming used to get Jiu Jianxian to cooperate with his performance, this is not a matter for Bai Li to consider.

In the entire Gaojia Town, apart from the former Gao family still preserved, other places are almost completely unrecognizable, but Baili still saw Gao Meng with his children in the Gao family.

The girl is no longer the way she was laughing and joking, and now she also feels a bit of a good wife and mother. Thinking that she still liked herself back then, Bai Li couldn't help bragging to the Devil Emperor, but in return it was a demon. The emperor sneered.

"I heard that Chu Qianmo was taken down by OK boy!" The Demon Emperor looked at Bai Li with cold eyes, and Bai Li swears that this is the coldest look in the Demon Emperor's eyes since he knew the Demon Emperor. .

Bai Li deeply suspected that Chu Qianmo might be the devil's concubine.

"Yeah! Chu Qianmo's skin is slippery! That's a...teeeeeeee..." Baili used more than 20,000 words of discordant language to describe the night between herself and Chu Qianmo, but it was white. After talking about it, I realized that the Demon Emperor's face didn't show any anger and wanted to kill himself, but instead looked at him with a joking expression.

Fooled... Bai Li knew that he had been tricked by the Demon King! Nima reached the realm of the Demon Emperor, and women were no longer important to him.

Zhang Ermazi will still guard Liu Erya anyway, but the Demon Emperor probably only guards the Demon Race and not his Queen...

A guy who doesn't even care about his wife, would he care about Chu Qianmo? Or maybe the old guy is actually the Queen Mother in his dream? Baili vowed that since knowing the Devil Emperor, the woman mentioned the most by the Devil Emperor is Queen Mother West! So Baili had determined in an instant that the old guy and Queen Mother must have a "Story I Have to Tell"! 8)