Arrow Demon

Chapter 2095: Xuanyuan Yu, the Proud Son of Heaven (Re

From that moment on, Xuanyuan Yu never saw Bai Li again. He lived a life like an animal, and in the eyes of that man, he was a trash.

Xuanyuan Yu's pride no longer exists, he began to become cruel and vicious!

But when he saw that man, Xuanyuan Yu had nothing but fear.

In the hands of that man, Xuanyuan Yu could only live like a dog.

Until one day, the man left himself and left, and the poison on his body began to break out again, until he became completely human and ghost, Xuanyuan Yu gave up everything, and he hid himself in In this virgin forest, while torturing the poor people, while waiting for death.

But today he saw the familiar person again. After so many years, Bai Li is still the same as he was back then, but he is no longer the proud son of Xuanyuan Yu.

Xuanyuan Yu hated why he was proud. If he killed Baili for the first time, maybe his destiny track would change differently, maybe he was already the master of the whole world.

Instead of lying here like a dead dog like now, can only endure the pain silently.

Bai Li walked in front of Xuanyuan Yu, looked at Xuanyuan Yu, who is now neither human nor ghost, turned his head and gave the Demon Sovereign a pleading look.

The Demon Sovereign sighed helplessly: "Bai Li, your biggest weakness is that your feelings are too rich. This is true for your friends and you should do the same for your enemies?"

When Bai Li nodded, the Demon Sovereign shook, and finally pointed a finger towards Xuanyuan Yu. The next moment Xuanyuan Yu’s whole body wounds began to heal, and all the toxins in his body had disappeared. When Xuanyuan Yu When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to have returned to that year, back to the time when he met Baili.

Back when I could kill Baili at any time

Xuanyuanyu looked at everything on and off his body. He cried and knelt in front of Baili. He was so sad and sad.

No one interrupted him, no one stopped him. At this moment, looking at Xuanyuan Yu in front of him, Xuanyuan Yu was actually better than his own talents, and he had a more brilliant future.

He will become the Lord of the Wilderness, perhaps he will become the greatest Lord of the Wilderness in the history of the Wilderness, or perhaps he will take the Wilderness out of that wasteland and return to a brighter land.

But all these encounters that year ended in vain.

Baili never regretted it, because it was a life-and-death battle, and there was nothing right or wrong.

Bai Li had no hatred with Xuanyuan Yu, but Xuanyuan Yu killed Zhang He, and the punishment for so many years Xuanyuan Yu had already repaid everything, and now Bai Li suddenly realized that he didn't want to kill Xuanyuan Yu that much.

Bai Li once thought that he would kill Xuanyuan Yu with his own hands, so that he would be comforted by turning Xuanyuan Yu into ashes.

But when looking at Xuanyuanyu, when listening to Xuanyuanyu telling his past word by word, when he talked about his pride, what Baili saw was a vigorous young man.

When he was hurt, Bai Li saw the pain of a teenager

Although Bai Li didn't see Xuanyuan Yu many faces, he might only have four times when he counted this one, but at this moment Bai Li felt that Xuanyuan Yu in front of him was a man of flesh and blood. He would be stupid and he would have the pride of a young man. , He will suffer, he will hate himself!

And this one is not Bai Li but Xuanyuan Yu himself.

"Is the person you hate the most?" Bai Li asked, standing opposite Xuanyuan Yu.

Xuanyuanyu didn't answer for a long time, and finally he swayed because he knew that he didn't need to hate Baili. He had never used any conspiracy with him since he came to Baili. Since the first encounter, everyone has made it clear. In the battle, it was only that Xuanyuan Yu lost time and time again, and he finally got to where he is today.

So what Xuanyuan Yu hates most is himself. His pride made him lose the chance of success, and his hatred made him abandoned again. They all said that the young man has the least troubles. Perhaps Xuanyuan Yu once was such a trouble-free young man. .

But now he is no longer that boy, when he wakes up, he has already gone to today, he can't look back, just like Bai Li can't look back.

"Let's go to your past self, and live well. Our grievances are gone, and maybe we can talk about wine next time." Bai Li glanced at Xuanyuan Yu and finally decided.

Back then, Xuanyuan Yu didn't kill himself and let him go, but today Bai Liyan let go of what Xuanyuan Yu Yima was doing back then.

Xuanyuan Yu could hardly believe what he heard, he looked at Bai Li puzzled.

"Are you going to be as stupid as I was back then?" Xuanyuan Yu asked back.

"Won't let me go because of your arrogance, and I let you go because of hatred." Bai Li said, looking at Xuanyuan Yu in front of him.

"Are you afraid that I will make a comeback?"

"You won't be able to make a comeback after a person's pride has been crushed by reality, and why are you making a comeback? Just like you said, Xuanyuan Yu, do I really owe you anything? You sent me back then. No violence, it’s a life of nine deaths. We all eager to kill each other in the most vicious way, but we never thought of sitting down and talking. In fact, I saw another self from you. I was so proud of myself. ."

Bai Li patted Xuanyuan Yu's shoulder lightly, and didn't say a word, because everything that should be said has already been said. Is Xuanyuan Yu really hateful? Bai Li felt that he was even more pitiful. He was supposed to be the brightest star in the sky, but this star fell when it should have been rising.

It is not a pleasant thing to destroy a genius by hand, especially since this genius still has the same shadow as himself.

"Why do you have to take Laozi to a place like this to meet such an annoying It’s not good to let him live and die here!" Bai Li scolded the devil as he stepped out. This village.

The Demon Sovereign looked back at Xuanyuan Yu. Such an ant was actually not worth his shot, but he still did it. Actually, the Demon Sovereign didn't know why he did it, but Xuanyuan Yu still returned to the beginning and returned to his best. That year.

The Demon King sighed and followed Baili away. The sound of howling and crying came from the village. This cry seemed to be suppressed for thousands of years. This cry seemed to be full of grievances and no one would come forward to comfort him, because He doesn’t need to be comforted, he will cry out all his grievances, and then he will be reborn, but a new path in life opens, and no one knows where he will eventually go.

Bai Li turned his head and glanced at the village for the last time. Xuanyuanyu’s story was over, and the grudge with him was also over. At this moment, Bai Li suddenly felt that his heart seemed to be flying beyond the clouds. Killing an enemy can make him happy, but with his own hands Letting go of an enemy and ending a period of grievances can make one feel almost complete; suddenly Baili has an epiphany

(The grievances between Xuanyuanyu and Baili have come to an end. Many people say that Xuanyuanyu is like a wicked person, but I never think so. I have never wanted to create a truly evil character, and Xuanyuanyu is no different. Everyone only saw his killing and his madness, but no one knew that there was such a story behind him. In fact, he was just a proud child back then. The encounter with Baili made him embark on a path of On the way back, I have given him this result. Perhaps letting go of the vicious and proud Xuanyuan Yu will make the world more good. People of great evil may not be able to fully understand, let alone Xuanyuan Yu itself is not a great evil)

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