Arrow Demon

Chapter 2098: Door of hell

Baili has heard a lot of legends about the land of the underworld, such as Monkey King's angry change of life and death, such as the eighteenth hell, such as the story of the Ksitigarbha

But when Bai Li asked the Demon Emperor curiously, the answers he got were all false.

First of all, he doesn't remember who Sun Wukong is. If there is such a existence that can beat and cry all the ten temples, he can't be ignorant.

Then, although the eighteenth level of **** really exists, it is not used to punish the wicked. Even if you are a good person of the tenth generation, you have to go to the eighteenth level of hell, because you can only be in the eighteenth level of hell. Wash away everything from past and present lives, and finally re-enter the land of reincarnation.

Although there is the Naihe Bridge, there is no such thing as Meng Po cooking soup for all the Yin Ling on the Naihe Bridge.

The Ksitigarbha king exists, but Ksitigarbha has no dime relationship with the Nether Land, he belongs to the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom.

The name of the Ten Temple Yamas is correct, but the Yama King is not the boss of the Ten Temple Yamas. The Ten Temple Yamas each control an area of ​​the netherworld, just like ten monarchs. They don’t usually hold meetings to study. All kinds of decisions.

The other is that the Netherland is not underground

And the soul is not black and white impermanence, and there are not only two black and white impermanence. Each temple under the ten temples of Yama has two impermanence, and these two impermanence are the two strongest under Yama. A level of existence with Skeleton King.

As for the judge, there is indeed only one, but the judge does not have a surname. There is no basis for Cui's statement. The judge is the judge and the judge is his name.

Bai Li was a little excited. He used to be cursed to hell, but now he finally has this opportunity, which makes Bai Li indescribably excited.

The Demon Emperor's hand took Bai Li back to the wilderness of the Apocalypse Dynasty. Bai Li didn't know where it was, but it didn't matter.

That ridiculous world is not reincarnation, and even the Nether Land can't control it, so the creatures there can rebirth again and again in reincarnation and eventually be destroyed again, endlessly circulating.

When the Demon Sovereign waved his hand, a white figure appeared in front of him, Bai Li finally knew how to enter the Nether Land.

The white snowman in front of him was almost entirely white from his clothes to his skin, and even his hair had no other color, especially his pair of white pupils, which looked terrifying.

And behind the white figure, there is a huge portal that keeps flashing, but this door is pitch black and looks terrifying.

It's like a mouth that may open at any time to swallow others.

"Get away!" The Demon Sovereign glanced at the white figure, and then opened his eyes with cold eyes, and when he heard the Demon Sovereign's words, Bai Li probably guessed it. This is the gate of reincarnation here in the Apocalypse Dynasty, all dead. From here, all creatures will enter the Nether Land of Reincarnation.

And this guard is white impermanence?

But soon the Demon Emperor's words let Bai Li know that he was thinking too much, because this was just a white ghost who was guarding the door, and had nothing to do with Bai Wuchang's dime.

Facing the devil’s roll away, Bai Li thought that the other party would have to say something, but never expected that after the Devil’s words, this guy actually formed himself into a ball-shaped object, and then bounced. And rolled away

Obviously, this white ghost knew what this person was in front of him. He said that if he let himself go away, he could only go away, and he couldn't even go away. From this, Bai Li also knew how overbearing the Demon Sovereign was. .

"After you go in, don't cause trouble. Ten Temples Yama is not that easy to talk. It is already a violation of me to bring a creature in. If you really cause trouble, I will break your leg!"

The Demon Sovereign threatened Baili from the side, but Baili felt relieved when he heard the words of the Demon Sovereign.

Even if he was in trouble, it wouldn't be a problem, because the Demon Sovereign said, breaking his leg after coming out showed that Yama of the Ten Temples hadn't fully paid attention to him.

Otherwise, don’t you have to say that we are both dead?

The black big mouth swallowed Baili with the Demon Emperor. From the moment he entered this big mouth, Baili found that the Demon Emperor tied himself with him with a whip-like thing.

The explanation of this Demon Emperor is to prevent himself from making trouble.

But in fact, Bai Li knew that the Demon Sovereign did this because he was too weak to withstand the power of the Nether Land. Once he was lost here, he might be frightened. After all, Yin and Yang were separated, so he didn't have to come in.

"What would happen if the soul of the Netherland was taken away by force?"

"First of all, the law will not allow it. Even if you use the concealment technique, it is useless. It is completely different to intercept and kill the soul outside to **** the soul. No matter how much you do outside, the Ten Temple Yama will not follow You smashed to the end, but if you stole your soul from here, then I can tell you clearly that Yama of the Ten Temples will stay with you endlessly."

The Devil Emperor seemed to be warning Baili.

"Then what if you snatched it away? Who is the one who died in the ten temples without dying with you?" Baili looked I would not do this, and why should I do such a stupid thing ? The soul is always going to reincarnation. Isn't it better to find his next life than to die with Yama of the Ten Temples? "The Demon Emperor looked contemptuously.

But the words of the Demon Emperor instantly made Bai Li feel that his IQ was crushed.

Yes, some souls enter the Nether Land, and they will re-enter samsara after a certain period of time. Although they may not be the human race after samsara, they only need to find the roots to find the samsara of the next life. What about death?

"Of course, if you want a person to completely preserve the memory, it is impossible. Unless you have the power to oppress the Yama of the Ten Temples, no one can preserve the memories of the previous life!" The Demon Sovereign said so and gave Baili a Ruoyou Ruowu's eyes.

And this look made Bai Li couldn't help but excite his soul. There is no doubt that he is an existence with the memory of the previous life. Who is it that oppressed the Ten Temple Yama and saved his memory?

Is it the person who wants to figure out his identity?

Just as Bai Li was thinking, he was interrupted by the Demon King: "If you think too much, wearing the creation ring will not enter the cycle."


Well, Bai Li never thought that the God Ring of Creation still had this function.

"You are wearing the God of Creation Ring, as long as you don’t take your soul from here, even the Ten Temple Yamas here can’t help you. Of course, that means the God Ring of Creation is on you, at least now you don’t have it. Heart"

When the words of the Demon Emperor fell, Bai Li felt that the world around him suddenly seemed to be turned upside down! Bai Li felt as if his whole person was torn apart. The feeling was unspeakable. Just when he felt that he was about to die, a new world finally appeared in front of him, and he finally came to the legend. The nether land

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