As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland

Chapter 136

Kara said angrily.


Hal, who shrugged his shoulders, continued to charge.

But it was no longer Clark, who was Wuxia Amon, with hot eyes in his eyes, aiming at the Green Lantern rushing into the air.


The impact of the heat sight itself directly shattered the barrier that Green Lantern raised as a defense.


Howl was hit in the chest and his body fell straight down!

At a critical moment, Carla accelerates upwards and catches the falling Green Lantern.

"If you're referring to this type of tool, I think . . . can't stop a Clark like that."

Carla grabbed Green Lantern's arm and said bluntly.

"There is another form of tool!"

Green Lantern smiled at Kara, not seeming to be frustrated by the failure just now.

Use the green light ring to create a huge rolling ball and protect yourself inside.

Just after creating the round sphere, it was hit by Clark who flew over, and it slammed back in the air with a "bang".

Facing the protective shield like a green turtle shell, Clark smashed it with punch after punch.

It seems that I will not give up until I break the "tortoise shell".


The ball wrapped in Green Lantern slammed to the ground with a bang, smashed the ground into a deep pit and bounced back quickly.

Clark punched the sphere in mid-air and blasted Hal, who was wrapped in a "tortoise shell", into a building.

Howl in the huge ball looked at the wall that was about to shatter, no longer as calm as before.

This guy... why did he suddenly become so fierce?


The ball was blasted directly from one end of the building by Clark to the other end of the building.

On the floor of the building, it was a mess.

Green Lantern, who was rolling inside the ball, immediately released the barrier, but Clark's fist continued to charge at him.


Supergirl looked at Clark who looked like a beast and shouted at him: "You are not yourself now, you don't know what you are doing!"

Hearing Kara's voice, Clark turned around and faced Kara while floating in the air.

The hair on his forehead was wet and tangled.

"I always knew."

Clark, whose eyes made Kara feel unfamiliar, shook his head, "I have always known what I am doing, wearing a red kryptonite ring, I will relax, I can always experience the feeling of being unconstrained. I will choose I feel that the right path is because I know that the easy and unfettered path will hurt my loved ones."


Saying that, the acceleration rushed towards Kara, and the fists of the two collided.

Clark, who gritted his teeth, held down the opponent's fist, "I lost the person I love the most, then... I will abandon this path without hesitation!"

"If the world will let the people I love disappear in such an unfair way, what's the point of existence!"


With a roar, Clark grabbed Supergirl's arm and threw him out.

Supergirl, struggling to stabilize her figure in the air, panted and said to Clark, "What about Louise? Isn't she your favorite person? And Lana!"

She uttered all at once what had not happened in the future.


Clark looked at Kara suspiciously.

He didn't understand why the other party would mention Louise, the woman who had only met him a few times.

"Louise is the one you love in the future! You haven't lost everything. Listen, Carl, we don't know what happened, Eric disappeared temporarily, and Louise and Lana became another person, but This is not destruction! It is not the end! What you have to do is to wake up and save and solve everything, not to vent your anger on everyone!"

"It's not catharsis! It's the path I decided to take!"

Clark stared at Kara, shook his head, and turned away.


A blast of air pierced through the air.

Chapter 162 Mach Twenty Full Template Unsealed

"What is this place? Wonder Woman."

Eric frowned and asked the young version of Wonder Woman.

The goddess of this time and space in front of him is not as serious as the Wonder Woman who has traveled from the future.

Maybe because of age, maybe because of preconceptions, her initial impression of Eric was not bad.

"You can call me by my name—Diana, I don't mind."

Diana wore a gray trench coat, covering her proud figure, turned to face Eric and said, "As for where we are, it's an island."


As soon as he heard the island, Eric thought of the unlucky Green Arrow who was still waiting for his return on the deserted island.

"What island?"

"Paradise Island!"

Wonder Woman utters words that startle Eric.

"Yes, my hometown."

"I heard that men are not allowed on Paradise Island."

Eric said what he knew.

"To be precise, it is like this. Once a man sets foot here, he will be expelled and hunted down. But I think, with your ability, you should not have to worry about my sisters chasing and killing you!"

Diana lifted a branch in front of her and stepped on the beach sand into the woods.

"This is my home, but it's not my home. The first time I left here, I had an argument with my sisters, and I always thought I was in the mud, so I heard my sisters from time to time. Comments and contempt for me."

Diana's expression didn't change, and she continued to move forward, "But then I learned the truth. I'm not in the mud, I'm the daughter of Zeus."

"Well, this should be bad news for you."

Eric replied casually.

"Yes, I couldn't accept it, so I left Paradise Island. When I left, I even wondered if this was my home. I was full of confusion and didn't even notice my mother's earnest call."

"I'm afraid to come here, but most of the time I have nowhere to go."

There was a smile on Diana's lips when she mentioned her mother.

"I can feel some magical energy in you, which is very similar to some existences on the island. My mother told me that I can trace the sources of magic that I am interested in after I grow up. That's why you're here."

"I can't do magic."

Eric frowned.

"Yes, you may not be magic, but I can feel a certain dark side in you, and that makes me hear a story about a moon-hunting night."

Diana told Eric about a scene she experienced as a child.

"The result of my discovery by Hecate was..."

Diana's eyes flickered with inexplicable light, "The witches used a soldering iron to mark a mark on my forehead, a mark about the witch made up of a full moon and a half-moon ring, I fainted, and when I woke up, Found lying on the bed. Naturally, there are no marks on my head. I told my mother, and my mother summoned the priestess, and they refused to admit what they did to me, thinking it was just a dream of mine!"

"But I know it's not a dream!"

Diana's eyes became very serious, "I can feel that there is some kind of engraving or spell in my body, and now it is about to wake up!"

Listening to Diana telling Hecate's story, Eric had a general understanding in his heart.

Hecate, the bright side of magic, the source of all magic.

Known as the Trinity Goddess, she stole the fire of witchcraft from the Inverted people outside the Wall of Origin and passed it on to the Prometheus.

The ancient wizards who were guided by Hecate became the first to learn magic.

The magnanimous Hecate doesn't mind giving her witchcraft to humans, and she longs for human respect.

People also respect her very much, but the result is that if you give blindly, it will encourage greed in people's hearts.

All the wizards stood up against her, and of course failed, because she was the ancestor of magic, and she could not be defeated.

The first group of people who were given witchcraft by her, Zeus and Naboo (Dr. Fate) were all suppressed by her.

In order to prevent his future power from being coveted, Hecate spread his power among the human girls.

The Wonder Woman in front of her should be one of the boarding objects.

Although Wonder Woman doesn't understand magic, a simple mark can control her, and Hecate will control her to use magic.

Eric recalled what he had learned in his previous life, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

When brainwaves control the minds of Metropolitan people, some dark existences leak out, and they are discovered by Hecate outside, so do you plan to enter this world?

Although I don't know why Hecate prepared to enter the world so early, Eric felt that he might not be the opponent's opponent.

How to stop each other?

Since the Wonder Woman in front of you is one of the opponent's means of resurrection, do you want to attack Wonder Woman now?

Eric looked at Wonder Woman standing in front of him and shook his head.

Forget it, although it is possible to become an enemy, it is more likely to become a helper than an enemy.

Followed behind Wonder Woman and walked straight forward, after entering a stone-paved road, everything in front of me suddenly became clear.

A magnificent building with an ancient Greek architectural style appeared in front of the two of them.

Eric was looking at the building in front of him, and Wonder Woman suddenly realized that something was wrong.

There was no human voice on the island of Nuoda!

You must know that this island has its own countless sisters.

How could there be no sound coming out?

Everyone at this time is usually training.

Diana, who had a bad premonition in her heart, walked forward quickly.

Entering the square in front of the main hall, and seeing the scene above, Wonder Woman was stunned!

In front of the main hall was a dense crowd of people standing, but at this time they were all standing still, and their bodies had completely turned into stone statues.

It maintains the posture before turning into a stone statue, or attacks with the spear in its hand, or assumes an attacking posture.

Diana walked up to the sisters who had been turned into stone statues in shock, and reached out and touched the stone statues with trembling hands.


After touching the statue for a moment, I immediately realized something very important.

That is the safety of the mother!

I walked quickly inside, and I saw an existence that made me feel extremely frightened and collapsed!

The mother has also been turned into a statue!

One hand stretched forward, one on his waist, as if trying to stop someone.

Tears welled up in Diana's eyes, and she slumped on the ground.


Diana, covering her face, let the tears wet her cheeks.