Ask The Dao

Chapter 106: Counterattack

Hood died unjustly!

Even if he saw that Duan Yu had a bow and arrow, he had no defense, because Duan Yu pulled the distance away from the Guanai crossbow arrow, which also gave him an illusion that even if the opponent held the crossbow arrow, he could not shoot himself!

In the Song Dynasty, there was a god-arm bow, which was actually a powerful crossbow. It stood on the ground while riding on its opportunity. It could penetrate the iron armor three hundred steps away. It was also called the conquering bow, which was the pinnacle of cold weapons.

Crossbow arrows have always had a range of up to three hundred steps.

And Duan Yu was holding a Shenfeng bow, even if he was an ordinary arrow, he could send three hundred steps, let alone a bronze talisman arrow!

On the wooden pole of the arrow body, the buffing spell he inscribed can make the arrow shoot four hundred steps away.

In addition, the three-revolution bronze symbol on the bronze arrow made the arrow hitter not only unlucky, but also involved in the surroundings!

If it is an ordinary Taoist talisman, this Hood has the official guardian of the fifth-rank town solicitor, the armor guard, and the iron-blooded spirit lingering, it may not have this effect.

What's more, the enemy is still a gas refiner, and there must be a backlash when killing officials!

However, Duan Yu used a bronze talisman arrow, which was very resistant. No matter what martial arts master or military bodyguard, he would still shoot with one arrow! As for what backlash? He dared to kill a fifth-grade gold medal when he turned the stone seal in the second turn. Now that the bronze seal in the third turn has increased his endurance, he will not care.


Xiao Jingfeng and Yu Jingbai in the back were both acquaintances, their eyes stared at this scene.

Although the primordial spell can slightly resist the official method, it is a positive fifth grade! There are armor guards, the effect is too good, right?

What's more, even though the real soul of the primordial spirit killed a fifth-rank imperial official so forcefully, how could there be no reaction at all?

‘It must be a secret technique to suppress the injury forcibly! ’

"Go! Let's abandon the horse into the mountain!"

After an arrow, Duan Yu didn't forcefully break through the pass, although the danger on the opposite side was like a pitiful girl.

He is very clear about his strength. Although he is extremely sharp against this small battlefield, he may even be able to pass five levels and cut six generals, but what about it?

Once surrounded by the army, isn't it a place to die?

The imperial court is not afraid of dead people, this time when Hu De is dead, next time Chen Ce will come with the elite soldiers of the gluttonous camp!

What's more, this pass looks unprepared, who knows if it is a trick to lure the enemy, and what vicious trap is hidden in it?

Duan Yu has only one life, but he cannot take risks.

Hearing him say this, Xiao Jingfeng and Yu Jingbai also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they were considered Duan Yu's subordinates at this time, they still didn't have much confidence in fighting the court.

The two looked at each other, but they confirmed Duan Yu's secret technique and forced backlash.

If the strength is still there, with his madness, I am afraid that he has already rushed away, right?

The group immediately abandoned the carriage and disappeared into the mountain beside it.


"'s a pity that I didn't come!"

Inside the pass, a lazy school lieutenant with a grass stick dangling from his mouth, saw this scene, and suddenly spit: "What are you still waiting for? Go and clean up the mess immediately!"

No matter what, in a pass stationed with 800 people, there is always a school lieutenant as the garrison chief.

Seeing the busyness of his subordinates, the lieutenant went up to the wall and saw the scorched black and mess in a place, digging through the bones: "What is the mechanism on the arrow? Is this a demonstration? Or a provocation. ?Pity……"

If the other party really dared to rush into the barrier, he would dare to close the door and beat the dog, and hundreds of people would come to fight to the death!

Despite this, he may be the first to die, but he has to do it. This is the duty of a soldier!

But now, since the other party did not forcefully break through the barrier, it is not his responsibility.

To be honest, deep down in this guard's heart, he might not feel relaxed at all.

He is also a mortal corpse, and doesn't want to go to the big killer that can shoot more than three hundred steps and kill people and explode.

"Quickly report the matter of this place to the Dudu's Mansion, and Dudu Chen, please decide!"

This defense issued orders again and again. One person rolled in the flesh and mud for a long time, and finally took out a piece of debris, his eyes lit up: "Bronze? But then, it's all overseeing."


With the martial arts of the four of Duan Yu, climbing the mountains and ridges as if walking on the ground, generally speaking, it is a foolish dream to find a deed.

What's more, the Pedestrian Secretary Zhen Fu was shot and killed by him with one arrow, and Yezhou Pedestrian Secretary successively lost his elite, and now even the leader is dead. It is absolutely vitally injured, a mess, and can no longer be used.

However, even though Duan Yu traveled all the way, he was caught up by the imperial eagle dog in a mountain on the border of Qing Dynasty and Dongchen.

"Be careful! Someone is approaching behind!"

Yu Jingbai was the first to spot the enemy.

This gentle woman had a firm look. Even though she had been walking in the mountains for many days, she did not complain at all. At this time, she waved her hand and made a white bird fall and whispered.

This is also a kind of Baihao Mountain Taoism, called Niaoyushu. In fact, it is some skills to domesticate small birds, and can communicate briefly to obtain some information.


After hearing the warning, Duan Yuchang exhaled: "Unexpectedly...then Cui Shan could master the situation so quickly! All the hills are loyal."

Pedestrian Shude had a great feud with him, and it was inevitable to jump so hard.

At this time, the opponent can catch up. Obviously, not only the military, but also the gang of people who are good at searching for traces from the God Hunting Division are also contributing. Maybe Nie Min personally leads the team!

Therefore, Duan Yucai lamented that the eight sage kings were able to do so. It didn't take long to usurp the throne, and he actually mastered the form of the border state, which made the military, pedestrian division, and **** arrest division all obey their fate.

Generally speaking, if this kind of coup d’état is in power and commits the crime of slaying the king, the country will have to be chaotic at least for a while, and even because of the civil war, it is not surprising that there will be a split.

"After all, the eight sage kings have the name of the sage kings among the people, not to mention... There have been rumors in the middle of the country that this throne should have been passed on to the eight sage kings..."

Xiao Jingfeng quickly added aside.

‘I’m afraid, there is the shadow of Daxia’s man behind the scenes! ’

Duan Yu's heart shuddered and said, "You go first, I'll cut off the tail!"

The two of Yu Jingbai and Xiao Jingfeng were only in the realm of no leakage, so it was good to be able to protect themselves. What's more, they couldn't clearly confront Cui Shan, otherwise they would become a rebellion against Mount Baihao.

As for Qin Feiyu? Wugong is not yet Duan Yugao, which is also a burden.

After much deliberation, Duan Yu still had to do it himself.

After all, he is the main target. Once he shows up, he will definitely attract firepower.

"You go to Dongchen first, we meet in West Yecheng!"

Duan Yu glanced at Qin Feiyu and added: "Sister Zhiyu is also there!"

"Big Brother..."

Qin Feiyu clenched his fists: "Hate that I can't break through!"

If he had broken through the bottleneck of using martial arts to enter the Tao, he would be considered a combat power at this time, but with the body of a master, counterattack is still very dangerous.

"You are all gone, but I can do my job well and can get out anytime!"

Duan Yu took the Shenfeng bow and quiver, and smiled.

In the mountains and forests, the art of bow and arrow has become more sharp and demanding.

The marksman who can cross the mountains and forests is undoubtedly synonymous with terror.


In the dense forest, the cold light disappeared.

Duan Yu held a ghost cut in his hand, lying down like a tiger, lowering his breath to a state where there was nothing, staring coldly at the path.

In the mountains and forests, the army is hard to come by, and can only be searched in the form of elite teams.

His reliance is his own human and immortal body, comparable to the martial arts of a military master who uses martial arts! There is also the time difference of the court.

With such a cultivation base, looking at the entire Yezhou, it is also one of the few. Under the premise that reinforcements are difficult, they are completely sure to attack and kill a small team.


Wan Lai was quiet, half an hour later, a small team appeared in his sight.

"One, two, three, four, five... five gluttonous soldiers! There is also a school lieutenant? It seems that Chen Ce has taken over... As for the guide..."

His eyes fell on a leader.

Duan Yu knew this person, he was a seventh-rank silver medal, and he was a colleague who knew him well.

But at this time, there was no hesitation in chasing him.

Similarly, Duan Yu's heart to kill him was extremely firm.

"According to the previous map and Harrier Check, that line should be ready to break through the border from here!"

The seventh-rank silver medal responsible for the investigation, named Lu Mao, said with certainty, and squatted down again, carefully looking at every place around him.

Seeing a broken branch, he immediately felt like a treasure: "It really is here, I haven't even walked far!"

Although Duan Yu carefully cleared his tracks along the way, there were still three Xiaobai under him, which were inevitably exposed.

Suddenly, that Lu Mao suddenly raised his head, his face showed extreme horror, and he wanted to shout.

Unfortunately, before he could speak, the light of a knife burst in front of his eyes and wiped his neck.


Blood rushed, and a head flew high.


In the next moment, five gluttonous elite soldiers looked indifferent, surrounded Duan Yutuan who had started the crit, shouting in unison.

This five-person theory is definitely a top level player in the world, even mentally tough, comparable to a grandmaster, just a long military career, wind and rain, and the loss of vitality, physical lack, otherwise it is five grandmasters!

At this time, under the joint attack, the method of battle formation is used, and the cooperation is intimate, and it is more life-saving, even if the master encounters it, he will drink hate!

The two of them had their long swords out of their sheaths, and the swordsmanship opened up and down. They basically wanted to exchange the rhythm with Duan Yu, and didn't care about their own safety.

By their side, the two companions held shields to persecute, wholeheartedly protecting the sword.

The last one was a grinning laugh, jumped a step, bent the bow and shot the arrow.

Under such attack, even if it is the body of human beings and immortals, it has to pay a price!

When Duan Yu saw this scene, he just sneered, and a bronze talisman flew out: "Muteng!"


On the ground, several vines danced around the thighs of four gluttonous soldiers.

Taking this opportunity, Duan Yu passed them and cut the ghost!


The archer looked astonished, looking at the bisected longbow in his hand, half of his body fell obliquely.
