Ask The Dao

Chapter 118: Demon shark

? "Fortunately, although this demon Kun is big, the sea is even broader. One hundred merchant ships may not be able to run into it... Of course, if it is on the top of the Death Star, there is no way..."

According to Gongsun Xiaobai, the demon Kun is almost like a ‘overlord’ in the ocean, and he hates humans very much, and there are no ships that it runs into that do not capsize.

Fortunately, it doesn't eat people very much, and sailors who are in shipwreck can always be rescued by passing ships, or drift to small islands to wait for rescue.

Over time, there has been a legend of the ‘Sea Hades’ on the mainland!

"So dangerous?"

Duan Yu's face was solemn, knowing Gongsun Xiaobai's concerns.

If he encounters this big demon, he really has no choice.

After all, with the opponent's body shape and sebum thickness, I am afraid that ordinary swords will not be able to break through that thick layer of fat!

"If it is really bad luck, we will have to ask ourselves if we encounter it!"

Gongsun Xiaobai smiled.

He dared to go to sea, naturally he had made the worst psychological preparations long ago.

"Except for this demon Kun?"

Duan Yu was interested in this sea monster beast, and continued to ask.

"Except for the monster kun, the next group of sharks is a shark led by some monsters. They are very cunning and cruel. They especially like to devour the human race... But the leather teeth and the monster materials on the body are also rare and valuable. Filipino, and will not fight forever when encountering hard stubble... Compared with them, those spirits are more terrifying, sharks are finally visible and tangible, and they will bleed after counterattack, but that kind of spirits , But it is hard for ordinary people to hurt, so they can only rely on monks..."

Gongsun Xiaobai was very talkative, bringing news about the monsters and spirits on the sea one by one.

"But I heard that there is a clan of sharks in the East China Sea. I heard that men are like Rakshasa, but women are beautiful and charming... The night pearl of the sea is also the treasure of the East China Sea!" Duan Yu thought for a while and suddenly asked.

"Well, ships in the East China Sea have occasionally encountered examples of sharks, but this clan is extremely hidden, and there are no traces of their activities on the islands that have been discovered so far... It depends on luck if you encounter them! The lord of Wuyue Kingdom, it is said that somehow he was favored by the princesses of the Yuren clan during a voyage. It is a good story in the East China Sea..."

Gongsun Xiaobai was stunned: "As for the night pearl of the sea, it is also extremely rare. The royal products are invaluable. As for the only emperor, it is really only in the legend."

"So that's it..."

Duan Yu smiled, tasting tea with Gongsun Xiaobai, and eating the barbecue and grilled mushrooms delivered by the sailor below, which was very happy.

It's just that no matter how reluctant to give up, after three days of rest on the small island, after replenishing fresh water, the fleet still has to set off and plunge into the more dangerous second half of the route.

Above the big wing controlled by the old aconite, Duan Yu obviously felt a tense atmosphere.

This experienced old sea dog has ordered the sailors below to maintain their weapons every day, looking like they are ready to go to war.

As for whether the next enemy is a dangerous sea beast or a vicious pirate, no one can say clearly.

Soon, the first attack, on the night of the full moon five days later, came so unexpectedly.

The sea rises with a bright moon.

A sleepy sailor rubbed his eyes and came to the deck to release water. Of course, you can’t expect this kind of ship to have toilets or the like. All excretion is solved directly in the open air, at least without headaches. The sea will Purify it all automatically.

It's just that sometimes, this kind of excrement, and the garbage discarded on the ship, etc., are a temptation signal to the top predators in the sea.

In the deep to dark sea, suddenly there were a few sharp backs, which crossed the sea, leaving behind a triangular shape representing death.


After a scream, the sailor who was still on the deck suddenly disappeared, but there was a tumbling on the surface of the sea, and before long, a lot of blood and debris appeared.

"Enemy attack!"

The sailor's big wing was the first to notice something wrong and sent an emergency signal.

Immediately, the ten big wings all woke up in the dark. A large number of sailors were kicked and climbed up from net pockets and boat boards, holding swords, spears and other weapons in their hands, looking at the sea in horror.

"There is no enemy ship, it should be a monster!"

Seeing this scene, the old Wutou said with certainty: "It is a blessing in misfortune to not meet King Haiyan!"


Just as Duan Yu and Qin Feiyu arrived on the deck, the hull of the ship shook, as if being hit by something violently under the sea.

Several sailors screamed, knowing that they were holding onto the side of the ship, and finally they didn't throw them directly into the sea.


But they hadn't waited until their horror was calm, and suddenly a few white water columns protruded from the surface of the sea.

This water column was like a cannonball, carrying great kinetic energy, and swept a few unlucky people off the boat on the spot.



Those hapless guys struggling to paddle for help, but after a while, they saw a dorsal fin surging in despair. Under the sea, a large number of sharks opened their blood basins and enjoyed a **** feast.

"It's a black shark! Get ready for the speargun! Crossbow!"

Old Aconitum roared fiercely: "Fight back! Counterattack!"

"Black Shark?"

Duan Yuling looked at it, and the originally vague and dark sea surface became clear. Among them were a large number of black sharks cruising around. Their fangs were sharp and ferocious, and their eyes flashed, seemingly spiritual.

They are actually mixed with monsters! Not only slightly opened up the spiritual wisdom, but also comprehended the talent spells similar to the water cannon!

Fortunately, the figure is not too big, and it is a blessing in misfortune to not be able to overturn this big wing for a while.

"Bow and arrow! Shoot!"

Qin Feiyu himself bends the bow and shoots the arrow towards the water.

Above the ocean, crossbows are not a sharp weapon. Because of the high tide, the bowstring will loosen over time.

For better maintenance, it is necessary to apply a precious wax. As a result, the cost continues to rise, and each ship is not equipped with much.

Even though there are several feather arrows hitting the target, those sharks have thick and thick skin, leaving at most a small hole. It is just a flesh wound, but it is more aggressive, spraying water jets and sweeping sailors.

"It's over, this is not an ordinary group of black sharks, there are so many monsters!" The old Wutou frowned, "I'm afraid the only way is to feed these living ancestors and let them retreat by themselves!"

Generally speaking, when encountering difficult monsters, merchant ships will not fight to lose both sides. At this time, they have to pay for the road.

In general, it is to throw large livestock such as cattle and sheep into the sea, so that the uncles in the sea are full, and naturally they don't bother to toss the fleet anymore.

Sometimes there are no cattle and sheep, and even people do.

As long as they fight bravely against monsters, more people will die. First, they will eat and drink enough, and secondly, they will be afraid of death and injury, and they will naturally retreat.

Life on the ocean is so brutal and cruel.

"Now there are only some turtles on the boat, I don't know if sharks love to eat..."

Duan Yu shrugged his shoulders: "What's more...Even if they love to eat, I don't want them to eat all our fresh meat for a month! Take my bow!"

Half of the cabins on the Great Wing were Duan Yu's own cargo, and most of the sailors were his people. How could you sit and watch the monsters raging?

Yang Cai next to him ran to the cabin and took out Duan Yu's Shenfeng bow.

This bow is very well maintained, and the material itself is extraordinary, but it has not been affected by the ocean climate at all.

Duan Yu tried the strings, was very satisfied, and came to the boat.


Seeing the profit, the demon shark in the sea immediately spewed a jet of water, trying to sweep him down into the sea.

Once in the shark's home court, even Duan Yu at this time may not be able to survive.

It was just that Duan Yu had already prepared, and several bronze talismans flew out, blasting the water column apart.

At the same time, with a glance, he had already locked a few monsters, took out the bronze arrow, bent the bow and set the arrow, and let it go!

call out!

There was a loud noise on the surface of the sea, which immediately exploded a large group of splashes.

After a while, a shark rolled its belly and floated on the surface, half of its body was almost broken, only the fleshy flesh was still tenaciously connected to each other.

On the deck, the old blackhead and the other sailors stared at this scene blankly, and after a long time did they cheer: "The son of God!"

In a place outside the ocean, where the imperial laws of the court are difficult to reach, personal bravery is more deeply respected, and everything follows the simplest and straightforward law of the jungle!

And immediately, all the newcomers were stunned to see the creepy scene.

——Under the stimulation of the blood, more sharks emerged from the sea, tearing at the corpse of the previous companion, like a greedy glutton, only knowing to enjoy fresh meat.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you fight back! These sharks are such beasts that eat all kinds of animals like this!"

The old Aconitum beats and kicks, so that the rest of the people wake up like a dream, and resume their movements.

‘Or...Is the blood of the monster beast more exciting to these sharks? ’

Duan Yu thoughtfully continued to shoot.

His rune arrows are no better than ordinary crossbows, at least at the level of bed crossbows, with amazing power.

And the arrows were all shot, and every arrow took the life of a monster black shark.

A lot of blood stimulation, and the attraction of food, made those sharks bite the same kind forever, and even forgot to attack the caravan.

In the midst of the fleet finally sailed out of the blood-red Shura Field.

Duan Yu put down the Shenfeng bow, but did not relax at all, staring at the sea.


The next moment, the surface of the water was raging, and a black shark with a length of five feet suddenly jumped out of the sea, with fierce and hateful eyes in its eyes, opened its blood basin and opened its mouth, and aimed directly at Duan Yu who was standing on the bow!

"Just waiting for you!"

Duan Yu had been prepared for a long time. He leaned forward and shrank. While avoiding the bite of the death god, the ghost cutter slashed through the shark's abdomen, leaving a half-foot-long opening.


Blood guts ran all over the ground, and the shark hit the deck directly, immortal for a while, and bounced hard.

"Quick! Kill it!"

The old Wutou was stunned and overjoyed when he saw this scene.