Ask The Dao

Chapter 87: Tomb

"Fight back! Fight back!"

Bieleg whizzed constantly, and the shooters of the Muer Department immediately countered.

It's just that they didn't shoot a few arrows, they were sniped one by one. In front of the white knight, there was no enemy of one!

In particular, there was another knight on the opposite side holding a big yellow umbrella, charging forward, like a huge shield, no arrow can penetrate it, like a **** descending.


Qin Feiyu entered the already chaotic Bieleg camp. As soon as the big yellow umbrella was collected, it turned into a knight's spear, picking up several'prairie warriors'.


Behind him, the horse bandits saw the two chieftains uncomfortable, their eyes turned red, and they followed behind them and slashed.

Duan Yu held a ghost cut in his hand, but he found Bieleg.

This person was in the leading position before, and the decorations on his body were also the most luxurious. He must be a nobleman from Muerbu.

Maybe it's still the master of a movie, and it will make a lot of money if you can catch it!

Without hesitation at the moment, rushed towards him.

‘Although you are an eagle shooter, close combat may not beat me! ’

Seeing this scene, Billerg pulled out his scimitar, turned a thought in his heart, howled and killed.


The two horses crossed by, and Guiqi cut directly with the scimitar, beheading the horse's head of Billerge's love.

Duan Yu kicked Bi Lege off the horse with a side kick, grabbed him and pressed him on the horse's back.

Fortunately, Bilege was also a famous warrior in the Muer department. Under Duan Yu's grasp, he didn't even have the slightest resistance to resist, like a baby.

"Your master is in my hands, so you still don't surrender?"

Duan Yu laughed.


After the war, horse corpses and human corpses were everywhere on the grassland, and the surrounding area was stained red with blood.

Qin Feiyu is very accustomed to this kind of environment. He kept taking prisoners and counting the spoils: "Big brother, after the first battle, our people lost 27 and were seriously injured 18... The rest were generally slightly injured. On the enemy side, fifty-eight people were killed and over a hundred captured, especially the master of the tribe, Bieleg, who had captured the enemy! Next, should they be taken hostage and let the Murbu serve us?"

"You are on the prairie, it won't work!" Duan Yu shook his head and rejected the proposal: "As the master of the first one, Billerg lost a big defeat. It would be okay if he could immediately go back to suppress the situation, otherwise, , There will definitely be someone who has the idea of ​​hitting him on the throne...No matter who is in charge, the first thing is to use us to fight against him!"

He smiled and kicked Billerg next to him: "Do you think I am right?"

Bielege could not answer, and could only stare at Duan Yu with a wolf-like gaze.

"So... I am going to let you go back!" But then, Duan Yu said a deal that Bielege couldn't refuse: "Of course, this is not free. I want your son-Sanji to change it! Don't be surprised... before I deal with you, won't I investigate? I know exactly what Sanji looks like!"

This is actually a liar, Duan Yu only knows the name of the little prince, Sangji, but Bieleg's face is full of horror.

"He is your only son and heir, right? And these hundred people are also your direct line, so... in order to change them back, you must make another deal with us!"

Biller closed his eyes, feeling as if he heard the devil's bewitching.

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes, bloodshot in his eyes: "You devil, how much gold and cattle and sheep do you want?"

"No, no, no...My request is very simple, I just hope you will start the tribe to find a place near Huhe Lake for me..."

Duan Yu smiled and shook his fingers, clearly seeing Billerge's intention: "Then, dear tribe, would you like to complete these two transactions with us?"

What else can Billeger say?

If he is loyal and unyielding at this time, the Muer Department will change hands 80% of the time, no matter who the new leader is, he will not let go of Sangji!

As for after replacing him with Sangji, will he be able to ignore his only son and these direct descendants?

After succumbing once, it will be easier to succumb a second time!

Duan Yu couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he saw this scene.


Seven days later.

Duan Yu and Qin Feiyu followed a small group of cavalry and came to a hill.

"The building you are looking for should be here!"

Bieleg was riding a horse with a stab wound on his body.

This was not left from the war that day, but the injuries left by Huo and the rebels after he returned to the tribe overnight.

Fortunately, his accumulation of prestige for many years was finally not useless, and coupled with the sudden shock, he cut off the head of the usurper cousin on the spot and kept his position.

In return, it was also to redeem his son and the hundred or so tribal heroes. These days, he had to send people to look for similar relics mentioned by Duan Yu. The whole person seemed to lose weight.

"There is a cave at the foot of the mountain with a group of evil wolves. In order to deal with them, I killed the four best hunters!"

Bieleg looked gloomy: "And in the wolf den, I found the ruins you were looking for!"

‘It’s so! ’

Duan Yu nodded secretly. Who could imagine that the inheritance of the gods of plagues would hide in a brood of beasts?

As for how Xiao Sangji surpassed this heavy warning and inherited a few years later, Duan Yu was also lazy to think about it. Maybe he was so lucky that the nest of wolves had already moved?

"I have fulfilled my promise, when will you release Sanji and them?"

Bieleg's face was gloomy, and if possible, he would rather hack these two cunning southerners directly.

But he can't do it unless he wants to die immediately, and then bear the resentment of hundreds of families in the tribe!

"Don't worry, I have no enemies with you. As long as I confirm, I will release them immediately!"

As a kidnapper, Duan Yu believes he is still very credible.

At this moment, he winked at Qin Feiyu and made him stare outside, entering the wolf's den by himself.

As soon as he entered, he immediately felt the difference.

The cave is very dry, and there are stone walls all around, with traces of carving.


Seeing this scene, his eyes brightened and his confidence gained another three points.

After walking for a while, I came to the bottom of the cave.

The air was filled with the smell of wolf, and there were dark red furs and blood stains on the ground. It seemed that Muer had indeed paid some price in order to clean this place.

Duan Yu lit a torch, reflecting the yellowish rock wall in front of him.

On this, a large number of strange symbols were engraved impressively to form a certain formation.

"This is... the layout of the soldier? It's weird. How can Sanji in the previous life understand it? Could it be that he broke through forcibly?"

Duan Yu was full of suspicion, and he couldn't care too much at this time, so he observed carefully.

This layout map is similar to a vertical sand table, with stones on it representing the camp and sergeants. The layout is so dripping that there is only one flaw.

"Fortunately... this **** formation is still rough, otherwise I will call flying fish in!"

Duan Yu took a look and directly grasped a bulge on the rock wall, and found that he could move as expected, placing this mark representing the elite soldiers on the gap.

In this way, a five-element formation was immediately completed, and there was no dissonance.


After this hand, it seemed to activate a certain mechanism, and the entire stone wall buzzed, and suddenly moved back a few feet, revealing a backward passage.

Duan Yu looked solemn and walked in slowly.

The passage is very short, with a stone chamber at the end, and there are no traps inside.

This stone room is oval in shape, and a boned skeleton sits quietly, with tattered clothes on it, looking very permeating.


Duan Yu didn't rush forward, but searched the surroundings and suddenly found out.

There was a huge crack in the sky above the stone room.


He thought for a while, and his heart suddenly became clear: "Could it be that this area is an earthquake zone? There was once an earthquake that shattered the top of the stone. If it were to happen again, the crack would continue to expand. Perhaps by coincidence, it could form a straight through the hill. The passage at the top? And when Sanji was escaping for his life, he fell directly into this natural passage from that natural passage?"

This is really incomparable with people.

In terms of tomb robbery, Duan Yu walked all the way to the main entrance, excluding how many traps he did not know before he came to the main tomb.

However, Sangji directly found the location of the tomb owner and made a straight way down from the top.

Of course, he did not do it himself, but God is helping him!

"The things in the previous life, maybe so, but now... the mantle of the plague **** is still mine!"

Duan Yu didn't guess again, but looked at the skeleton.

The **** of plague, once used his own power to poison a hundred thousand grassland army, and the retribution on his body was naturally very terrifying.

Even when he looked at the opponent's bones at this time, he was a little frightened.

"Sure enough, there is a deep blessing and a deep misfortune. Although this inheritance is fairly smooth this time, it represents a disaster in itself!"

According to Duan Yu's estimation, although the sinful goddess bears most of the sinful grievances himself, the rest is also very terrifying.

If it wasn't for this inheritance to be of great use in his follow-up plan, I really don't want to open it.


After lifting the spiritual eye, he moved his eyes, saw a few words on the wall behind the skull, and blew his breath.

A layer of lime peeled off, revealing the original font of the iron painted silver hook.

"My name is Tengkui, and the world is known as the **** of plague, born in the country of Teng, once..."

The first half of the handwriting introduces the life and origin of the gods of the gods, but in the second half, the conversation changed: "Leave the inheritance here, waiting for the fate, and those who are interested can bow before me a thousand times, and follow my mantle... "

"This old man is not authentic..."

Duan Yu glanced at the skeleton contemptuously: "A real soldier cannot pretend to be a ghost with Taoism, but can only use small tricks of mechanism tricks,'s a pity that I'm terrible!

He immediately came to the bones, dipped his right hand, found a hollow rock, and slammed it.


A thin layer of rock wall shattered, revealing an iron box underneath.
