Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v11 Chapter 103: The final battle (5)

With the shout of the Lord of the Blood River, the remains of the immortal emperor had already stood up, and walked towards the immortals step by step, at a slow and fast speed, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Mu Ziyang’s side, facing Mu Ziyang. Yang stretched out his palm and struck out flatly.

Mu Ziyang shouted violently: "No matter what person you are in front of you, you will not be a remains after death, how can I be afraid of it!" With one hand raised, one arm turned into a dragon and beat the bones, regretting this. The bones and palms collided. At the moment of the impact, Mu Ziyang's dragon arm shattered inch by inch and dissipated into dust.

Mu Ziyang retreated with a painful grunt. Although an arm would regenerate in the next moment, the impact of this blow on him was not small.

The remains over there ignored Mu Ziyang and continued to move forward, but this time they reached Ye Yunzi's +++m, still punching out.

Ye Yunzi's body was full of golden light, and the Celestial Armor wore the majestic and majestic body, and the defense had been raised to the extreme at this moment. The bones blasted with a punch, and they were hitting the golden light of his protective body. Hearing a bang, they could not break the golden light.

Ye Yunzi was overjoyed and was about to take advantage of the situation to counterattack. Suddenly, he felt a strong attack. He could no longer control his figure, and was knocked into the air like a ball. Then I saw that the golden light of the protective body was severely distorted and deformed, and finally it shattered little by little, and finally dissipated.

Although this punch did not hurt Ye Yunzi, it still smashed his golden light of the bodyguard, that is to say, the defense he was proud of could only block a blow.

Fortunately, the remains did not care about him after hitting Fei Ye Yunzi, and walked forward again, but this time they found Empress Luanqinghua's body and pointed at her.

That section of white phalanx seems plain, but it contains infinite power that can destroy the world.

After feeling the flower, she knew it was not good, so she threw up her head and screamed.

Its sound is sharp, its voice is bleak, its prestige is far, straight out of the bleeding river, wherever it goes, like autumn comes to the earth, the flowers are bleak, the vegetation is withered and the wind is washed away, and it can be seen that the animals are faint and the years pass... …

In this whistling sound, the old and withered face suddenly became ruddy.

As if time had turned back and youth had come back, the original old woman turned into a gorgeous middle-aged young woman in a blink of an eye.

This scene is quite similar to Sang Hongmei's transformation back then, but it is much higher than Sang Hongmei in terms of level.

At this moment, the middle-aged young woman smiled slightly and pointed out.

The fingertip collided with the phalanx.

Unexpectedly, the remains of the phalanx failed to cause any harm to Luanqinghua's queen, and the two sides fought against each other.

In the next moment, the Empress of Love Flower said: "You are nothing but that."

As she spoke, the wind of time blew again, and the face of the original young woman changed again, and she became a little younger, her face became graceful like a virgin, and she was still a little bit immature and jerky. At the same time, the strength on her fingertips increased sharply, and the remains of the Immortal Emperor Wang Ting was hit and flew out by the burning love flower with one finger, and the whole body's bones were shattered to pieces.

Seeing this scene, even the immortals of the blood river looked dull.

They couldn't imagine that the remains of the Immortal Emperor that they had been cited as the Austrian aid was shattered by one finger.

It was just the next moment that her body shook suddenly, her original matte face was instantly covered with a layer of aging, wrinkles crawled across her cheeks in the blink of an eye, and the whole person's momentum was wilted. At the same time, Guang Yuanzi who was fighting with him had already taken advantage of the situation and hit the back of Ranqinghua with a palm. After Ranqinghua had already screamed and flew out.

"Queen of Flowers!" Tang Jie waved his hand, and a clone rushed out to catch the Queen of Love.

Others don’t know, but the people of the Six Sects of Qixia are the most aware. After igniting love, they use emotion as the raw material to stimulate time and reverse the past and the present. They can explode endless combat power. They are the most explosive and terrifying among the six factions. One, the strength improved at that moment is more than a realm. However, every time you use this trick, it consumes a lot of yourself, just like Tang Jie's Demon Extinguishing Fist, and it is weak in fighting again. It was because of this that Guang Yuanzi was hit.

"I'm okay!" exclaimed after Burning Love Flower, already urging Xian Qi to recover itself. She is indestructible after all. Although this blow is expensive, it will not completely lose her combat effectiveness. At this moment, he stood up and said: "The old man can fight again, and drag the **** Guangyuanzi for everyone. Although he suffered some injuries, he also destroyed the bones. This transaction has been done, hahahaha!"

The Lord of the Blood River sneered: "Joke, the remains of the Immortal Emperor, if it is so easy to destroy."

As he spoke, the fragmented bones flew back again, but they recondensed into the original remains.

Then it walked towards the immortals step by step.

All the immortals were shocked and didn't dare to resist it. In the end, the remains are not completely incapable of dealing with it. Although it can shrink to an inch, it can only take a long time, but its pace is not fast. You only need to look at its direction and you can always avoid it. Besides physical contact, this remains seems to have no means of mana cultivation, so as long as you don't let it get close.

Only in this way, the battle became passive at once.

Originally, due to the appearance of the remains, the combat power was basically flat. The injury after Burning Love made her unable to fight Guang Yuanzi any more, and on the other side, due to unexpected changes, the eight-armed Heavenly Demon had already condensed a large number of monsters, and the comparison of strength gradually turned towards the other side.

In addition, they are now fighting in the blood river, the entire blood river is the main body of the blood river lord, affected by the impact, the strength has somewhat declined, and the immortals are more and more unsupported.

Seeing this situation, all the immortals became a little anxious, and one after another complained why Yun Tianlan had not broken through the obstacles and returned.

The Lord of the Blood River knows everyone’s mind and laughed loudly: "You don’t have to think that Yun Tianlan can quickly turn around. This Blood River Array is my body, which collects countless resources from the Blood River Realm, and then uses my own body as the layout. The strange fish that blocked it was nothing else, but the blood and flesh of the immortal emperor. His blood became a river of blood, and his flesh became the two big fish. These years, they have been guarding for many years. The remains, even I can’t get close to them easily. But as long as they are in this blood river, they can get endless nourishment, and they can’t be killed in any way. With the blood river formation and the monster fish transformed by the blood and flesh of the immortal emperor, even Yuntian Lan is a real immortal, and I can't even want to escape."

Speaking of this, the Lord of the Blood River's eyes condensed, and a fierce light appeared: "Today, I will exterminate all of you! With the advantage of the number of people, the Yun Tianlan will live and die!"

This word fell in the ears of all the immortals, and their hearts were all cold.

At that time, Tang Jie said, "So, this is all your back hand, right?"

"En?" Xuehe was stunned and looked at Tang Jie.

"I said, in this case, I'm relieved." Tang Jie replied.


"True fairy!"

Fairy Gu She moaned desperately.

The Tianya in front of him had already restored his previous cultivation level. He used to be a true immortal, but after being imprisoned and suffering, his realm fell. Unexpectedly, he recovered his previous cultivation level in such a short period of time.

Looking at Fairy Gu She at this moment, he smiled all over the world: "As I said earlier, you are seeking your own death."

With a wave of the Divine Sword in his hand, the sword light slashed through the sky, and shot at Gu like a tear through the world.

Gushang's figure flashed sharply, leaving countless images at that moment. Each one was like a real person, making different actions and transforming various spells. It was somewhat similar to Tang Jie's floating phenomenon, but it used space. The characteristics are displayed.

But Tianya shook his head and smiled: "It's useless."

Xinshou slammed a sword, the sword light had already cut through the phantom, pointing directly at the body.

Slashing the God Sword and Slashing the God and Destroying the Soul, its power is not weaker than that of the Heavenly Jade Sword.

Gu She knew that this sword could not be cut, and hurriedly called the space shuttle. However, he just snorted coldly. With the blessing of his true immortal cultivation base, even the voice was accelerated ten times, and it was pierced into her ears, turning into turbulent energy and exploded in her mind, almost exploding her head.

At the same time, the end of the world has been cut with a single sword.

Gu shot saw the opportunity quickly, and the true spirit flew out before the sword, fleeing into the void.

It's also thanks to her that she enters the Tao in space, so she can escape in time and reconsolidate the immortal body. Wan Tianya laughed and said: "You won't come out for me yet!"

Raised his hand into the air with a punch.

He can't understand the space, but he has his own solution. With the bombardment of this fist, the space oscillated, and Gu shot standing in the void immediately unstable. After another punch, the void shook, and this small space appeared to burst. With the third punch, Gushe could no longer support the small space where Gushe was, and it shattered and Gushe had already fallen out. Fortunately, at this time she has completed the reconciliation.

Seeing the sword light came again, he hurriedly jumped to avoid it.

No matter how powerful her spatial methods are, then Tianya is one level higher than her. She has too many cultivation bases, and she has a divine sword in her hands. Although Gushe also has Tianyahaige inheritance treasures, but Tianyahaige The first soldier is the treasure of the palace. It is not taken with him, and the other treasures are only wasted when used, so they are no longer opponents.

At this moment, after repeated battles, he was killed three times in a row by End of the World in just a few moments.

Although he avoided the God-Slashing Attack by relying on spatial means every time, it would happen sooner or later that he fell like this.

Thinking of this, Fairy Gu She was terrified, and finally retreated.

It's just that she wants to go, but she wants to stay all over the world.

He smiled long and said, "It's too late to leave at this time. The fairy should stay and contribute to my recovery."

Speaking of Zhan Shenjian, another sword light that opened the mountains and the sea shot Gu.

At this moment, Fairy Gu She suddenly raised her head and looked towards the end of the world: "You said, to contribute to your recovery... That is to say, your strength has not really been fully recovered yet, right?"

After all the world's end, he saw Fairy Gu She raised his hands, and countless threads of space had been entangled towards the sword.

The Divine Slashing Sword was separated from the Xuanyuan Sword, and this space blade could not destroy it, but the countless silk threads could dispel all the mana and immortal energy attached to it.

If there is no owner of the artifact, then there is no heavenly power and no use.

The sword of the sword is suspended in the air.

"Fight against me? Stupid!" A trace of hideousness appeared on Jin Tianya's More mana rushed towards Gushe Fairy, and the two turned into a confrontation in a blink of an eye. At this time, the momentum began to decay rapidly.

Fairy Gu She was right. As expected, Tianya hadn't really recovered to the true immortal cultivation base. In fact, he was only able to temporarily break through to the true immortal realm.

But what if so?

Relying on that temporary breakthrough, Fairy Gushe has killed Fairy Gushe several times. In addition to the previous consumption, Fairy Gushe now consumes much less power than before, and he travels all the way, even if he falls back to the realm of fairyland. , Is also in peak state, with enough confidence to kill opponents.

With confidence in my heart, I am naturally not afraid to fight against each other.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Really? What if I were to be added."

One hand has grasped behind the end of the world.

