Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v11 Chapter 28: Intercept

The eleventh chapter of the war of repairs, the 28th interception Author: Fate 0 Update time: 2015-12-2909:10:03 Words: 3519     Similar situations are being staged in turn on the Qixiajie battlefield.

   Hundreds of Tang Jie clones wandered around the small and medium-sized battlefields, and rescued the monks from one place after another. They were exhausted like a firefighter.

   However, more results were created by the Five Elements tribe and bean soldiers.

   A large number of Five Elements people roared to and fro, becoming a strange army on the battlefield. They are weird in shape, they look like monsters, but they have weird abilities.

  Because of being in the world of Huangting, the Five Elements tribe has an exceptionally strong control over the power of the Five Elements, and all kinds of magical powers are almost based on this. So the cultivators often didn't even see anyone, they saw a ball of fire, a piece of sea or a piece of wind and sand, and a wave of rolling logs rushed over the ground, and then...there was no more.

   If Tang Jie brings excitement and comfort to people, what the Five Elements tribe brings to people is shock and mystery, while what bean soldiers bring to people is funny and funny.

   Watching a group of cute beanies who are no taller than babies babbled over and wielded their swords and spears to fight. Although the large-scale battlefield is a little imposing, it still has nothing to do with solemnity. When you encounter various exaggerated gestures, cute expressions, and cute faces of the bean soldiers, it will inevitably make people laugh. However, it is this group of bean soldiers who make people laugh, but they are extremely fierce in combat, and their combat effectiveness is even more frightening.

   Although the three forces sent by Tang Jie continue to influence the battle, the fact is that there are still squads that are constantly being captured, and the speed of the boundary has also slowed down. However, with the rupture of the battle line, Qixia repairmen need to defend less and less places, and the monks are more and more concentrated. Some cultivators whose fronts were destroyed joined other places to assist in the defense after retreating, making the defenses of the fronts continue to increase. At the same time, the advantages of more advanced practitioners in the Qixia world have gradually been brought into play.

  Blue Heart Ridge.


   Along with a sharp sword light passing by, a cultivator of the blood race had been split into two pieces. A huge power erupted in his body, directly exploding it into powder, which turned into a rain of blood. This blood cultivator was a purple mansion-level cultivator, who was actually beheaded by a single sword.

Cai Junyang waved the big sword in his hand, and smiled: "What kind of **** and exquisite Longshan eight-door real cultivation of the Purple River Great Demon, can't even stop Lao Tzu's Three Swords, it turned out to be nothing more than that. Hello, do you two want me to help? "

   Not far from him, Wei Tianchong and Qi Shaoming are fighting with two Zifu monks. Seeing this, they hummed together: "No need!"

In fact, Qi Shaoming’s temperament has always been a little high. He has not developed a arrogant personality, mainly because he was defeated by Tang Jie that year. He knows that there is a sky outside the sky, but his reputation as a genius of the Nine Turns still makes his temperamental. One chip. Tang Jie couldn't catch up with him, but Cai Junyang had always been competitive. Before the Zifu Huadian, Cai Junyang was always ahead of him. Unfortunately, Cai Junyang finally failed to break into the Zifu on his own. It was Tang Jie who helped him. As a result, Qi Shaoming and Cai Junyang were promoted at the same time. Tang Jie is equivalent to Inadvertently helped Qi Shaoming bring the gap back. In this case, he naturally didn't want to be thrown off by Cai Junyang, and was struggling to catch up.

   Seeing that Cai Junyang had taken the lead to complete the kill, Qi Shaoming's wrist shook, and Jian Guangru slashed at his opponent. The cultivator sacrificed a small blue bead, emitting a bright light, holding the sword light, so that the sword light could not fall. Qi Shaoming snorted, showing his figure, and he was divided into nine, which was his proud splitting. It’s just that with the improvement of his cultivation level, the art of splitting light and glancing shadows has now been upgraded to supernatural power level. Each of the nine Qi Shaomings is the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion, and even the seven-star moon chasing sword in his hand is perfectly reproduced. A blade of sword light turned into the air, and it was chopped down continuously.

Seeing that the blue pearl water sparkled continuously under the agitation of the sword aura, the nine Shaoming Qi did not know how many attacks were cut out at this moment, and the fierce sword tide chopped down the blue beads and couldn’t bear it. , It actually exploded.

   "My Exploring Sea Pearl!" The cultivator cried out with heartache. Qi Shaoming had already blew a whirlwind figure in the air, completely submerging the cultivator in the tide of his sword intent.

   The other side guard Tianchong was in a deadlock. His opponent is a demon master repairer, he is full of devilish energy, and his body is highly poisonous, and his body is tempered, not to be urged. Wei Tianchong's spell hit him, and he was weakened by 90% before it hurt him, and he just took the rest of it casually, and then quickly recovered. At the same time, they punched and kicked, seemingly simple, but simple and vigorous, with a strong sense of coercion. Even if it's just a single punch, it feels like a mountain is crushing the top.

  Wei Tianchong did not know that this person was called Jinding Demon Lord, and he was also a well-known figure in the Demon Sect. Although he was only a nursery cultivation base, he was powerful in combat and ranked first among the three. At this moment, Wei Tianchong exhausted his means but couldn't win without saying. On the contrary, he was gradually suppressed by him, and he felt overwhelmed.

   In front of them, Cai and Qi won, and the one who had the upper hand had the upper hand, but his side was down and out, and he was annoyed, and he shouted: "You're a damn, is it true that I am muddled?"

  The Jinding Demon Lord smiled and said: "In my opinion, you are not much better than the muddy one?"

   "Really? Then let you see and see the strength of the clay sculpture golden seal!" Wei Tian clashed with the treasure, pressed his palms to the bottom, and said frantically, "Get me up!"

   Below him are the broken peaks floating in the sky, suspended in the sky due to the gravity of the two worlds. With this shot of Wei Tianchong, he saw that the large and small peaks in the sky suddenly shook huge at the same time, and then saw the sudden change of the peaks and ridges. They stretched out their arms and turned into huge mountains. Giant, just walked towards the golden ding demon lord in the void.

   "This is..." Jinding Demon Lord was shocked when he saw this, and didn't understand what had happened.

   Wei Tianchong yelled angrily: "Taste the supernatural powers of my hundred-refined war puppets, kill me!"

   I saw that the mountain giants had already waved their arms and hit the Golden Ding Demon Lord.

  If these mountain giants only rely on brute force, Jinding Demon Lord has enough ways to clean up, but looking at the body of these mountain giants, the brilliance of the radiance, flashing the brilliant trajectory of the magic circle everywhere, it is obvious that it is not just brute force. Sure enough, the next moment that Jinding Demon Lord slapped his hand with his full strength, and even the mountain collapsed for it with the palm of his full strength. The remaining power hit the opponent unabated. Rao was the double cultivation of Jinding Demon Lord, and he couldn't bear it after being hit by this huge palm, so he had to evade quickly.

It's just that more giants swarmed in and surrounded it from all directions. Not only that, the magic circle circulates in brilliance, locks the void, locks the ground, and locks all the escape methods around, so that the escape technique is invalid, there is no way to the sky, no entry into the earth door.

   This is the supernatural power of Wei Tianchong's hundred-strength war puppets. It is infinitely different from Tang Jie's creation of life. Infinite creation is to give life, but Bailian war puppets create lifeless puppets. This is also the unique secret method that Wei Tianchong created, to truly incorporate his talents in shaping, thus creating this magical power, and no more complicated engraving is needed. Of course, there are no rare materials, so although it looks powerful, the actual power is limited, but as long as there are enough mountains for him to display, a large number of war puppets are continuously produced, and its power is still not weak.

At this moment, one mountain after another turned into puppets, swinging his huge arms and smashing at the Golden Ding Demon Lord, leaving the Golden Ding Demon Lord as solid as a rock, under such repeated smashing, he finally gradually broke down, making crazy and angry wailing sounds. .


   Another giant arm, like a pillar of heaven, struck Jinding, making him vomit blood and fly.

   At the same time, there was an abrupt shout from a distance, but it turned out that his companion had been killed by the sword.

   The death of his companion brought huge psychological pressure to the Golden Ding Demon Lord. He had no intention of fighting anymore and turned his head to run.

When he wanted to retreat, he gave Wei Tianchong the space to use it to his heart's content. He was constantly urging his mana. With his magical powers, more and more mountains turned into puppets. All kinds of giants, filling every space around Jinding Demon Lord.

   The Golden Ding Demon Lord rushed from left to right and couldn't get out, seeing that he was about to lose, there was a trace of despair in his eyes. He suddenly lowered his head and shouted: "You won't want to kill me!"

   As he said, the whole person has turned into a golden light longitudinally forward. This golden light was so sharp that it was actually dozens of giants who had pierced through the obstacles in one breath, forcibly sculpting a passage.

   rushed out of the blockade of Weitianchong, Jinding Demon Lord laughed and said: "A bunch of idiots, the old man wants to go, who can stop it?"

It turns out that the original name of the Golden Ding Demon Lord was the Golden Top Demon Lord. It has a great magical power, the golden light empowering magical power that I used just now. Inducing countless people to chase and kill is by this hand, not only does not die, on the contrary, it becomes stronger and stronger.

At this moment, one blow broke through and escaped the heavy siege. Jinding Demon Lord laughed and flew to the distance. At this moment, it was too late for Cai Junyang and others to chase after At this moment, Jinding Demon Lord Suddenly felt a trace of danger rising from the bottom of his heart. He knew it was not good. Before he could take any action, he saw a sword light suddenly attacking from outside the sky.

   This sword is so fast, urgent, and weird, like the rising sun, shining all of him, giving him a feeling that he can't avoid it. The only thing he could do at that moment was to use all his strength on the surface of his body, and the mind-movement dharma ran to the extreme, and in an instant he gave birth to countless shields that matched his own hard body to block the blow.

   But when the sword reached the body, he knew he was wrong.

   Under that sword light, all defenses were ineffective.

This sword light pierced all the magic shields of the Jinding Demon Lord like a ruin and pierced his body. While penetrating him, it burst out with huge energy, exploding like a sea tide, and destroying it with an irresistible force. His together.

   "" Jin Ding Demon murmured, he couldn't finish his words in the end, and disappeared with the sword light.

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