Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v2 Chapter 41: Tenchuden

Knowing what the problem was, Tang Jie regained his confidence in the mind of the soldier master.

As expected, the Xuan Hall that day was specially used for dodge training. As soon as you enter the hall, you can see the flying locusts attacking you. Students must not use defensive techniques, and must rely on their own movement and block to avoid them. attack. Those migratory locusts didn't hurt when they hit the body, but there would be an extra mark, and then the jade card would light up and be recorded.

Wait until the specified time is completed, and judge the result according to the number of attacks.

Tang Jie was not yet proficient in the purple electric method, so as soon as he entered the hall, he was beaten into a sieve, and the flash of the jade brand was directly shining into a light bulb, and the results were naturally horrible.

Tianji Temple is to train endurance ability. Tang Jie will find himself in the battlefield after entering. In front of him are endless soldiers rushing towards him, and he is encumbered by his own soldiers and rushing forward. Those soldiers really couldn't kill them no matter how they were killed. One batch came and another batch came. There was almost no end. Tang Ji was exhausted after being beaten, and he could hardly even raise his arms. Only then did I realize that in this endless battle of soldiers, any magic that could reach the sky was fake, and only a steady stream of combat power was the key to sustaining oneself.

After leaving the Temple of Heaven, Tang Jie rested for a while before going to the Temple of Heaven Change.

Before entering the Palace of Heavenly Change, you can receive some magic symbols, which record various spells to replace the students' current lack of abilities.

After entering the temple, there will be some phantom spiritists fighting against them. There are so many different kinds of spells, and it is definitely not something that current students can stop. The only thing they can do is use the talisman in their hands to respond. Before the magic talisman runs out, either defeat the opponent or sustain it for a long enough time.

This hall exercises the students’ understanding and choice of spells. Before facing various possible dangers, a reasonable choice to use spells is sometimes more suitable than powerful spells, and it can also help them personally understand and understand each. Practical application of similar spells.

At the same time, Tang Jie had the easiest time in this hall. Because of the relationship between the arts and sciences, he had a lot of understanding of all kinds of spells of various schools. Outrageous decision-making.

Nevertheless, he only scored 32 points. The following spells are getting stronger and harder to deal with. There are even some spells that are similar in shape but different in quality, and some spells are released very quickly. You must pinch on the opponent. At the first moment of the action, he guessed what spell the opponent would use in order to make a correct response.

Tianshu Temple is quick to train and cast spells. There will be some psychic phantoms fighting against you. These psychics are different from Tianchang Temple. The main reason is that the casting speed is extremely fast and the power is extremely weak. Often students have a magic trick. Before he squeezed it, he was beaten up by a spell head-on, sometimes directly disrupting the law.

It is normal for unlucky students to enter here and not be able to release a spell for a long time.

Various interrupts.

Tang Jie was better. Even if his condensing hood hadn't reached the point where he could send and receive his heart, it was infinitely close to instant. Therefore, it was not a problem to resist attacks. The problem was that his vitality needle had not reached such a speed.

Those phantom spirit masters smashed one by one with spells. Tang Joleng didn’t release a vitality needle for a long time, relying on the condensed water cover to hold it, and forcibly beat the Tianshu Temple into the Tianyu Temple. In the end, he was still caught by those phantoms. A volley shot directly outside the palace.

After the Tianshu Hall was beaten up and down, Tang Jie went to the Tianyan Hall again.

Tianyandian is a comprehensive training ground. When students enter, they will usually be in a fierce secret forest and face all kinds of weird things. Sometimes it may be a hunt and you have to flee in the hunt; sometimes it may be a hunt where students play the role of a hunter; more often they will face some special monsters, including monsters that can charm people, who are brutal and brutal. The violent bear, the fast and flexible wood ape; sometimes even some strange search tasks are received, each time the requirements are different, and the situations they face are also very different. It can be said that it is the most complex and the most comprehensive quality test. temple.

Tang Jie's comprehensive quality and judgment ability are extremely strong, so the performance of this hall is also good.

After going to Tianyan Hall, Tang Jie finally went to Tianzhu Hall.

The Tianzhu Temple is to test the attack power of the students, but the difference is that a city of civilians has been transformed into the Tianzhu Temple, telling the students that these civilians are all transformed by ghost illusions, let the students kill in it, and kill many people. winning.

However, how Tang Jie looked at these civilians were not like ghosts. When he took the sword and killed the first civilian, the opponent did not fight back at all, and even splashed blood on him, and he could feel warm blood pouring in. Took him all over.

At that time, Tang Jie was also stunned by this scene. He almost suspected that this was not an illusion but reality. He saw civilians fleeing because of fear, and some people knelt on their knees begging for mercy, wailing and wailing, so much so that Tang Jie's exaltation The sharp blade can't cut it anymore.

He stopped attacking.

This hall eventually became the hall with the worst performance in Tang Jie.

When he came out, Tang Jie was a little bit distracted.

He didn't understand why Xiyue Academy did this.

Didn't they keep saying that they are educating people and do not support unprovoked killings?

Why let the students go through such madness?

Is this still Tianzhu Temple for training offenses?

This is a temple of cultivating demons that obliterates humanity!

At this time, he had gone through the Seven Palaces, physically and mentally exhausted, coupled with the tremendous stimulation of Tianzhu Palace, finally left in anguish.

He didn't know that shortly after he left, Xie Fengtang suddenly appeared in front of Tianzhu Hall. The Si Yueer appeared with him, and the other was the old man at the entrance.

"How does old Qian look at this?" Xie Fengtang asked with a smile.

The old man replied slowly: "Not bad, at least not a murderer."

However, Si Yue'er smirked: "But it's not hot enough, not decisive enough, some mothers-in-laws are already."

Xie Fengtang gave her an angry look, and sighed: "Killing decisively is not decisive, Yue'er! Don't use your set of standards to judge whether others are good or not? There are many things that require decisiveness in this world. It is also decisive!"

"But Xianlu is dangerous, how can it be possible to climb to the top without blood?" Si Yueer replied unconvincingly, "Is there less blood on your hands? Is there no such innocent person among them? If I don’t understand this, I don’t think he can achieve anything in his life."

"That also depends on the situation and environment. When you have a choice, you must know how to restrain yourself after all. Unscrupulous is easy, self-restraint is hard, and the road is hard to find. It can't be solved with a single word. "The old man is still slow and honest.

After thinking about it, he said: "I am optimistic about this."

"It's worth optimistic about being able to memorize the three spells in one hour." Xie Fengtang smiled. It's a pity that he didn't know that his optimistic reason was totally unfounded. Of course, if his feelings get better in the future, and then he knows that Tang Jie cheated, he might say: A student who knows that the master is on his side and dared to do tricks can also be said to be courageous and knowledgeable. NS.

As long as you like someone, you can find a reason, and vice versa.


The Seven Heavens Palace and his entourage made Tang Jie understand how big the gap between his strength and the true top was.

It is no wonder that from Lingquan to Linghu, according to the standard time, there is a year and a half of cultivation process.

This year, the students will also have a lot of growth, the veteran Lingquan and the newcomer Lingquan have different levels of strength.

Why can't recognized geniuses such as Qi Shaoming An Rumeng be victorious in the first place? It is for this reason.

Of course, the situation will be different over time.

Calculated by time, with Qi Shaoming’s progress, it is estimated that he is about to touch the threshold of Linghu. If he is not in a hurry to rush to Linghu, then the next day may be the day when he practiced his skills and grabbed the top spot. After all, these All resources.

As for An Rumeng, her Six Desire Channels are not conducive to the speed of cultivation, but the power of her cultivation is multiplied, just like the bonus of the Shaohai Cave Golden Jue to Cracking Jade Finger. There are also additional unique effects that make it even stronger than Qi Shaoming at the beginning.

Compared with the students who are keen on the higher and lower training grounds, Tang Jie is more keen on the special training grounds. For one thing, he has no shortage of combat experience. He has lived through ups and downs in his two lives, which enabled him to understand many things earlier and deeper than others. Secondly, this special training field has improved its own strength more obviously.

There are too many targeted questions on the training field, and the special training field is completely focused on training itself.

Therefore, in the following days, in addition to daily practice, Tang Jie will regularly come to the special training field every day.

Among the seven palaces of heaven, his favorite is still the palace of heaven. He likes the quirky and changeable atmosphere here, and at the same time, he has gradually learned more about the ecology of various places in Qixia Realm.

There are so many changes in the Heavenly Performance Hall, and the content alone consumes countless efforts. The person who wanted to design the Seven Heavenly Halls should be the one who took the most effort in the Heavenly Performance Hall.

The one who benefited the most was the Palace of Heaven. As Tang Jie had expected, Tang Jie's physique became stronger and stronger during his constant beating and training, so that he could resist the seventh puppet on his own. For this reason, let alone the invisible golden body, he even gave up using the condensation water cover.

After the appearance of the seventh puppet, the power of all the puppets has risen sharply, and its strength is no longer inferior to the general low-level spells. Seven puppets and 14 fists smashed down, which is equivalent to withstand 14 spell attacks at the same time. Ordinary defensive spells, I'm afraid I can't bear it in one round.

Even with Tang Jie's strong physical quality, he was forced to leave after suffering a round of bombardment.

The most painful is Tianji Temple. The long battle is not only a huge test of the physical strength and aura of the students, but even the spirit and will are also challenged. If it is said that other cultivation needs to be limited to one's ability, then Tianji Temple requires you to constantly squeeze your body, it is true that only hard training can make progress.

Because of this, every time Tang Jie was beaten to exhaustion, he was so tired that he couldn't move his fingers before he was forced to withdraw.

The fastest progress is the Tianchang Temple. The requirements of the Tianbian Temple are far higher than the requirements for the strength. Tang Jie is precisely the most talented in this respect, so that it has become a level second only to the Tianyu Temple. . Tianyu Palace has the foundation of mind and resources, so it is his best performance, and Tianchang Palace is purely talented. Therefore, Tang Jie's achievements in this hall are even more proud than Tianyu Palace.

The slowest progress is Tianxuan Palace. Because of his strong body, Tang Jie didn't have high requirements for dodge, and his mentality was wrong, so his mind was naturally limited. In addition, the Zidian method is not a technique that specializes in small-scale movement, so the advancement is much slower than Tang Jie expected.

The most unwilling to face is Tianzhu Temple.

This is also his worst performance, no progress at all.

Today Tang Jie came out of Tianzhu Hall again, without asking, this time he stopped after only killing one person.

The old man glanced at him and said strangely: "I don't understand. You don't look like that kind of indecisive person. Why can't you deal with illusions until now? You should know that they are not real lives."

"Because I don't think this kind of practice will help our strength in any way, but will cultivate the murderous and violent spirit in our hearts." Tang Jie answered honestly: "I think Xiyue Academy does not need such a disciple."

"So..." The old man chuckled: "What the Moonwashing Academy needs is not such a disciple, it's interesting and interesting, but why do you decide what kind of disciple is needed for the Moonwashing Academy?"

Tang Jie was stunned.

The old man said again: "Why do you think that the Moonwashing Academy needs disciples? No, it is the Moonwashing Sect that needs disciples, not the Moonwashing Academy, you...understand?"

Tang Jie's heart trembled.

The old man has continued: "You are very smart, but you are obviously too smart. You are so smart to guess the purpose of the academy. This is your problem. However, there are some things that you can't guess after all. Why do you think of the Axiomists? Doesn't it need to kill? Or do you think that the Moonwashing Sect is now aspiring to the literary spirit, and no one can shake its front, and you can sit back and enjoy its achievements?"

Tang Jie's mouth trembled, after all, he said nothing.

He knew that the old man would give him the answer.

The old man sighed: "This is the academy. There are many things that shouldn't appear here, but this does not mean that you will not have to face it in the future. There are always a lot of helplessness in life. Many. Sometimes when God needs you to wield a butcher knife, you also have to make a choice."

"I understand what the old man means, but if it is possible, there should always be some other way." Tang Jie replied.

"Another way?" The old man glanced at Tang Jie: "Then do you have any other way to get a high score in Tianzhu Hall without killing one person?"

"This..." Tang Jie was immediately dumb.

He really can't help it.

"Since you can't, then face it. The academy does not encourage you to kill innocent people, but the academy also hopes that you understand that there is always some helplessness you must face. Go, give you another chance, this time kill at least a hundred Come out again, then, you will have new discoveries."

Said that the old man pointed at the jade card next to Tang Jie, and then waved his sleeves to send Tang Jie into Tianzhu Hall again.

Back in the hall, Tang Jie took a deep breath.

Looking at the people in the city, he closed his eyes and cut off with the sword.

He slashed! Kill him! He slashed wildly with his sword, allowing the blood to shed around him, wailing one after another in his ears, just slashing and killing constantly, and he kept saying to himself that these were just illusions.

Those civilians who bowed their heads and bowed in front of him, crying and crying were killed by him one by one until the blood was spilled on the long street.

Finally, without knowing how many people were killed, Tang Jie suddenly heard a violent shout.

"Damn it, I beg you to kill me like that, brothers fight with him!" The civilian who had previously wailed for help suddenly stood up, and the leader turned into a ghost and rushed towards him.

"It turns out that they are really all pretending to be ghosts!" Tang Jie finally understood.

When these seemingly kind and pitiful civilians suddenly turned into ghosts, the pain that had hindered him in his heart suddenly disappeared, he laughed a long time, and slashed away...

When he came out again, Tang Jie was full of murderous aura, with a high spirit of fighting spirit.

The old man glanced at him and said, "Understood?"

"Yes! The student understands that the arena is deceitful, the demons and demons are rampant, sometimes we can't fully believe in what we see in our work, but we must firmly believe in our heart. The Academy has already told me that they are ghosts, but I was still shaken by their wailing. Being deceived by the illusion, so much that I failed to enter the temple repeatedly shows that I am hesitant and not confident enough!"

"Very good, just know, go, go."

"Yes!" Tang Jie departed respectfully, but a cold hum appeared in his heart.

It now seems that the Cleansing Moon Academy also wants to use this kind of thing to convince students to firmly believe in the Cleansing Moon Sect.

Yes, Tang Jie didn't see that the civilians were transformed by the ghosts, but that was because the ghosts or the civilians were all illusions, and naturally they could not be detected.

But in the real world, there must be clues about the transformation of ghosts into people.

Not only Li Gui, but all conspiracies and tricks have clues.

As for the Moon Washers, they are actually using this kind of thing to discourage the students' self-confidence in judging problems-if you can't judge right or wrong by yourself, let the Moon Washers help you judge.

Good technique!

Tang Jie secretly smiled in his heart.

In the end, it is the Cleansing Moon Academy, and in the quiet, it is already cultivating students' absolute trust in the Cleansing Moon Sect.

Knowing this, Tang Jie naturally knew what he should do in the future.

After solving this matter, Tang Jie felt relieved, and he felt a lot easier when he walked.

On the way back, I saw Wei Tianchong walking towards him.

When he saw Tang Jie, he cried with a headache: "Tang have to help me call the shots!"

"Young Master? What happened?" Tang Jie was puzzled.

"My puppet..." Wei Tian wailed, "My puppet was smashed by them!"


PS: Yesterday’s notification of the event, a friend suggested to add a bottom line for rewards. After discussing with God's Pattern, I think it's better not to add a bottom line, and there is no need to set a special threshold. So any reader is eligible for awards as long as they give a reward. After all, this event is based on a lively atmosphere. As long as we are satisfied, we don’t have to put too much emphasis on the prizes. The key is that everyone has a good time.