Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v3 Chapter 30: Betrayal (Part 2)

Pingyue was shocked and did not dodge in a hurry. She was slapped severely by Yang Zhiyuan. He immediately vomited blood and fell out. At the same time, Li Yijing and Liang Shengxian also shot at the same time. The arm no longer gave her a chance to cast spells, Yang Zhiyuan made a move on her chest, pulled by an invisible spiritual force, and a small mustard bag had flown out of the calm moonclothes.

This sudden scene even Liu Hongyan and others were stupid.

"Yang Zhiyuan, you..." Tranquil Moon was full of anger.

"Sorry." Yang Zhiyuan said coldly: "The main road is ahead, and there is no room for mercy."

Cai Junyang frowned: "What are you doing? Yang Zhiyuan, you just said it nicely, arguing against each other, and not hurting peace."

Yang Zhiyuan laughed loudly: "I bah! Cai Junyang, you idiot, do you really believe that once a dispute occurs, there will be such things as harmless? There is only one true story. You fight for me, intrigue and deceive, and you can use all kinds of methods. . You say it’s not hurtful? Are you joking? This kind of remark is probably only for the innocent people like you and Tranquil Moon to believe."

Cai Junyang was stunned by his scolding, and Yang Zhiyuan suddenly changed his tone: "Of course, then again, everyone agrees to each method. If you don't hurt your harmony, you shouldn't get angry. You see, I am now. I didn't get angry, if Sister Jingyue was willing, I would still be willing to continue to be friends with her after getting the head."

"Yang Zhiyuan, you are dreaming!" Pingyue roared angrily.

"So, it's not me that hurts the harmony, but you yourself. It doesn't hurt the harmony...huh, naive!" Yang Zhiyuan sneered, already backing back with the mustard bag.

Cai Junyang was also obviously angry: "Okay, okay, you have you, Yang Zhiyuan! But you don't think that even if the head is really in that bag, you can take it away with just a few of you?"

"They can't take it away. What about us?" A voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

In the darkness, a group of people suddenly walked out. The two headed were tall and thin, but their faces were very similar. They were clearly twin brothers, but one was slightly taller and the other slightly fatter.

Liu Hongyan's eyes were sharp, and he saw the person who came, and his whole body trembled: "Chen Naixing, Chen Naian! It's you two bastards!"

Chen Naixing, Chen Naian, four-year students of Xiyue College, these brothers are also very famous in the college.

But their fame is not a good fame. It is said that the two brothers burned, killed, looted, and committed no evil. It's just that they act cautiously, this kind of thing is never done in the academy, and they usually only do things outside.

Although Xiyue Academy has strict rules, in fact, no matter how strict the rules are, there are always loopholes that can be exploited.

The thousand-year-old big school, the stale dogma, and the solidified class have long caused many things to flow on the surface and float in the form. Under the grandeur of the surface, the black water flowing in the dark is already muddy, and it even floats openly on the surface in some corners.

For example, Heaven Extinction Sect.

Liu Hongyan and the others didn't see much. One was because they were new to the college, just like students who had just stepped into the campus, and had not had time to get in touch with the many unpleasant things. The second reason is that the place of enlightenment itself is also stubbornly guarding the last clear stream, suppressing the flood of turbidity and filth.

But when they come to the outside world, many bad deeds do not need to be covered up, and those filthy truths will gradually appear.

Today, what they have seen is the simplest and most common scene.

Needless to say, Liu Hongyan and the others also understood what had happened.

Yang Zhiyuan and the others were bought by the Chen family.

Sure enough, at this moment Yang Zhiyuan, Li Yijing and Liang Shengxian retreated with Tranquil Moon, and there were as many as five scholars who followed the Chen family. Adding Yang and Li, they suddenly became eight pairs. The situation of three.

Cai Junyang said angrily: "Yang Zhiyuan, you take refuge in the Chen family brothers, do you think you can get the position of true biography?"

"True biography?" Yang Zhiyuan laughed: "I never thought of getting any true biography. I am so sober! There is only one true biography, but there are too many people who want to get it. I have no talent and no capital, so why should I grab it? True biography? But because of this, I retreat and serve those who are likely to get the true biography. The Chen brothers are my choice! They promised me early that as long as I helped them get the head, I would give the three of us Three thousand dollars per person! Compared to a bet on the true story, I would rather take the three thousand lings of real benefits!"

"Just rely on them? These two wicked people?" Liu Hongyan pointed at the Chen family brothers and said angrily: "I'm afraid you won't see a single piece of money by that time, they will be wiped out first!"

The slightly taller brother Chen Naixing said with a smile at this moment: "Although my brother is not a good person, he also knows that credibility is still very important in this world. We have done a lot of burning, killing and plundering. , I haven’t done anything about this debt."

Said that the fatter brother Chen Naian took out a bag and threw it directly to Yang Zhiyuan.

Yang Zhiyuan took a look at the bag and smiled with joy: "Thank you two brothers."

"Now you can bring the mustard bag." Chen Naian said.

"This..." Yang Zhiyuan hesitated: "Two brothers, this mustard bag itself is also worth a lot of money, and if there is anything in it..."

"Shut up!" Chen Naixing's face sank, "This is Tingyue's thing. Unless you kill her, can her things get into your hands? Without our help, would you dare to kill her? Your advantage is only Selling information, the loot has nothing to do with you!"

"This..." Yang Zhiyuan and Li Yijing looked at each other, dissatisfied at the same time.

They had never thought of catching Tranquil Moon before, so they only talked about the selling price, but didn't talk about the distribution of the spoils. Now it sounds like the Chen brothers didn't distribute any spoils to themselves.

I was angry, but helpless.

The Chen brothers are indeed not people who break promises at will, but it is impossible for them to pay even a little more in addition to their promises.

At this point, the three of them could only give the mustard bag to the Chen family brothers.

Seeing this scene, fire appeared in Calm Moon Qi's eyes.

Chen Naixing took the bag, glanced at Pingyue, and said with a smile: "Die bastard, what a Xiaoyao club has been established, I feel so embarrassed. The young students dare to fight for the truth with the seniors. To be honest, I don’t care if there is a human head in this bag. Even if I can’t get it, I’ll go back to Tang Jie. When you fall into Lao Tzu’s hands, just wait for Lao Tzu to take you down!"

When he said this, his tone was full of murderous intent.

Liu Hongyan was shocked when she heard it: "Chen Naixing, you dare! You are the same as moon-washing students, killing each other, the college will not let you go!"

"Fart!" Chen Naixing yelled: "Stupid woman, do you really think that the academy can cover the sky with one hand? Or are you dazzled by delusions? Are the rules of the Washing Moon Academy governed by the outside?"

"What did you say?" Liu Hongyan was shocked.

However, Chen Naixing was right!

The rules of Xiyue Academy cannot be controlled outside the academy!

Even though Xiyue Academy keeps saying that disciples in the academy are not allowed to kill each other, but these rules only apply to the academy. The disciples rules are only legally binding within the academy. Outside the academy, they are only psychologically binding, but they cannot be rationally bound.

What really restrains students from killing each other is the friendship of the students, the warning from the academy, and Wenxin's domestic laws.

However, for a real villain, friendship is meaningless, and warnings are useless.

As for Wenxin's domestic laws, there is still a certain threat, but how many of those in the government dare to act on the immortal disciples?

Unless it is a tragedy caused by the sky, under normal circumstances, the disputes between the disciples of the immortal faction are resolved by the immortal factions themselves.

For this reason, lawful places are often also a paradise for lawless people.

Of course, the premise is that they know what to do and what not to do.

The villains like the Chen family brothers can stay away for many years without incident, because they are very aware of the powerful relationship between them. In fact, let alone them, even the Heavenly Mie Zong knows what can be done and what should not be done.

If the moon washers don't like them to do something, then they will definitely not bubbling.

As for this dispute over true transmission, as long as too many people died and too much trouble was caused, the academy might not care about it.

Even if you manage, it may not be a big deal.

The reason why Liu Hongyan and the others firmly believe in the law that the students must not kill each other is that they have stayed in a beautiful world for a long time. They are not used to the real cruelty, so that they regard the canon as an iron law, but forget even the iron law. It may be broken.

It's like only students who set foot in society can they understand that people are not parents, and no one spoils themselves-this kind of understanding is not a rational understanding, but a deep understanding of the bones.

In terms of action, it is the difference between frivolousness and prudence.

To understand this, Cai Junyang and others felt chills in their hearts.

Here Chen Naian also said: "Today, none of these are allowed to run away. Especially Liu Hongyan, be sure to take it! Today, my two brothers, I will definitely taste the taste of this smoky moon and flower..."

As he said this, the people around him laughed together.

As four-year students, no matter how weak they are, they are enough to deal with the three Liu Caishu, not to mention the advantage of a large number of people.

Cai Junyang was furious was about to swear, but Pingyue suddenly sneered: "Take me...I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Chen Naixing was taken aback. Here, Chen Naian rummaged in the mustard bag and sighed: "There is no head...Wait, what is this?"

He said that he had taken something out of the mustard bag, but it was a piece of silk.

The silk was taken out from the mustard bag one by one, and there were seven colors, shining colorfully in the night, which made people's eyes dazzling.

The Chen brothers stagnated at the same time, and Chen Naian said strangely: "This thing looks familiar?"

At this moment, I only heard a scream from the mustard bag, and another thing flew out of the bag automatically, but it was a thin sword.

As soon as the thin sword flew into the air, the colorful silk and satin in Chen Naian's hand had taken off and flew away, automatically wrapped around the small sword, forming a colorful sword spike dangling in the wind, looking extremely bright, almost illuminating the entire night sky.

"Acacia Willow Leaf Sword!" Seeing this scene, Chen Naixing screamed first.

"Seven emotions will fix the soul!" Chen Naian continued to shout, with a tremor in his voice.

These two words fell in the ears of Cai Junyang and others, and they also changed at the same time.

Liu Hongyan looked at Pingyue, blurted out: "Seven love killing method? So you are Qian..."

Before she could finish her words, Ting Yue had a long whistle.

The sound of howling is like fire, and the storm is starting!

The thin sword flying in the sky suddenly flew downward, and the sword pierced Li Yijing and Liang Shengxian who were holding Calm Moon.

The two wanted to resist at the same time, but only saw that the sword spike rolled back, the colorful eyes turned into a sky full of brilliance, and the sword body was no longer visible.

Then I only felt a pain in my arm, and both arms flew up at the same time.

In the blood spring waterfall, Tranquil Moon has long flew up, the tornado is in the air, holding the colored sword, spreading out on the shoulder, and shouting in a long voice: "You forced me... the Seven Emotions Lore Sword, come out!"