Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v5 Chapter 1: Homesick


Time flies, and more than three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Tao Ranju’s garden is now full of plums and peaches.

Yi Yi is sitting on the swing stand in the orchard, swinging freely. In the past few years, Yi Yi's image has not changed at all. Even if she has entered Kaizhi, she still looks like the original little girl. Semen has a long life and a very long maturity period due to the fact that the plants become refined. Therefore, after a certain degree of growth, the rate of continued growth will slow down significantly. A few years of time is just a matter of time in terms of fine things.

In contrast, the little tiger is getting fatter and stronger.

It has now officially grown into adulthood, is the pinnacle of the top grade, has not yet awakened its bloodline, and has not yet entered the enlightenment, so it is still muddled every day, living a life of food and mouth.

Yiyi on the swing, wearing a flower crown woven by herself, swings on the swing with her little feet, while tapping the distant branches with her fingers. Strains of fresh and tender grass emerged from the soil as she pointed, giving rise to green leaves, and quickly formed a green grass field, which was quite a bit of plucking seedlings to encourage growth.

This is an ability that Yiyi has mastered since he opened his mind, which can make plants grow quickly. However, Succeeding is extremely harmful to spiritual plants. If it is used on valuable spiritual plants, it will only spoil the good things. It is only suitable for some ordinary plants and used as forage feeding.

At this moment, a few big horns were greedily gnawing on the evergreen grass that had just grown in the field, while the little tiger watched intently.

These big horn bulls were obtained by Tang Jie from the Huxiao Valley through the younger students, and kept here. As a tiger's food, it is better than always buying them outside. After all, spiritual food is not cheap, and Xiaohu's appetite is not small. Tang Jie can't let him go out hunting all day, so he can only raise a few in his own garden as a meat source. These big horns were scared enough by Xiaohu at first, but after a long time, when they got used to it, they were all right.

The things that made Tang Jie unable to figure out are also here. This little guy has eaten so much spiritual food, why hasn't he advanced?

For this reason, he specially asked Wang Poguan, but he didn't expect Wang Poguan to be overjoyed after hearing it.

A monster that hasn't opened up for a hundred years is basically synonymous with no future in the cultivation world, but Wang Poguan is so excited that even Tang Jie doesn't know what it is. Tang Jie didn’t believe that Wang Poguan would have the idea of ​​"just let the child be an ordinary person and spend his life peacefully." In addition, the origins of the Tiger Clan and the Tiger Clan in the Huxiaoshan Mountain are obviously different from other tiger clan. I understand a little bit.

I'm afraid this is exactly where the talent of the Wang Poguan clan lies, and it needs a relatively long growth period.

Tang Jie remembers that in the Primordial and Ancient times, some great monsters had extremely long growth periods, even the juvenile period, which took a hundred years. Once they matured, they would at least exist at the Zifu Sendai level. He didn't expect Xiaohu to have this kind of blood, but think about it, this little guy has three talented spells when the blood is not awakened, and it really doesn't mean how big the background is.

After the evergreen grass in the field was bred, Yiyi did not stop casting spells, but controlled some plants to continue to grow.

This is a typical waste. The evergreen grass grows so high without any benefit. Instead, it squanders the only bit of spirituality and becomes a complete weed. Yiyi didn't care, just enthusiastically directing the growth of grass, constructing a thatched house, not only built a house, but also extended it in all directions to form a platform, and it was a great posture to build a pavilion.

It's a pity that the job failed halfway through, and the thatched cottage in the process of being formed suddenly collapsed, suddenly turning into large blades of grass and flying.

I was so angry that Yiyi jumped and yelled: "I hate it!"

"Why, failed again?" Tang Jie walked out of the house.

Four years later, Tang Jie's appearance has become more mature than before. Wearing a long robe, there is a sense of majesty in his gestures.

This is the majesty that the cultivator naturally possesses after reaching a certain realm, such as blue jade's realm coercion from this, and now it is finally reflected in Tang Jie's body. It's just that Tang Jie's momentum is much more restrained compared to Sapphire's flying.

At this moment behind Yi Yi, Tang Jie looked at Yi Yi with a smile.

Ever since she opened her mind, she has been dreaming of using plants to make a palace like the ice and snow elves at the beginning, so that she can live in the palace and be the queen of nature.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't create a palace like the ice elves.

Seeing Yiyi's swelling, Tang Jie said with a smile: "Every essence has its own specialties, why do you have to learn from her? You can't build a flower palace, so how can the ice essence know your beauty? Luo Tianzhi?"

Qiluo Tianzhi is a spell that Yiyi has mastered after he is promoted to the rank of wisdom. The super-wide range of group attack spells are so powerful that even Tang Jie can't resist with Wushuang Slash.

"But people just like the flower palace." Yiyi replied in a little girl's unique way: "I don't believe that I can't complete this spell... the emerald flower palace."

In the whisper, another piece of grass rose from the ground.

Looking at Yi Yi's seriousness, Tang Jie didn't persuade her again.

In Tang Jie's view, Yiyi is still too far away from creating spells, and doing these is just a waste of time, but Tang Jie is even more aware that some things cannot be purely based on gains and losses.

In the process of focusing on pursuing a certain goal, people can often burst out with great enthusiasm, high concentration, and profound wisdom.

Yi Yi is still young, and the self-created spell she pursues is like a dream bubble, but in the process of pursuing it, she can benefit her mentally. Because of this, only persuaded Yi Yi, Tang Jie let her go.

Without taking care of Yiyi anymore, Tang Jie left the house and walked freely in the academy, but along the way, many familiar faces were no longer there.

In four years, it was like electricity in a flash.

Peng Yaolong and Ye Tianshang have graduated long ago. As leading students, they also had extraordinary performances at the Fairy Fate Society, and they became official disciples of the Washing Moon Sect.

Peng Yaolong entered the Bloody Battle Hall of the War Department, Ye Tianshang entered the Hall of Worship and became Yan Changfeng's subordinate, and Long Tao followed his father Long Ruohai into the Fengtang Hall.

Fengtang is a department dedicated to receiving offerings from all over the world.

Different from Fengtang, Fengtang provides armed protection and charges additional expenses. The nature is more similar to the bodyguard business, except that the bodyguard has a larger shelf, higher qualifications, and more expensive fees. Fengtang specializes in managing donations in various regions. , Especially some important mining areas, planting areas, etc., are all in charge of Fengtang.

If Gongtang is an arms dealer that specializes in selling weapons to the outside world, then Fengtang is the tax department. Together with the existence of a state-owned enterprise called Shangtang, the three together form the three major financial pillars of the Xiyue Sect, which is also a big shortage.

Qi Shaoming was still studying under Li Hongyang. The news that came two years ago was that he was also out of the ordinary and was quickly catching up and closing the gap with Tang Jie by virtue of his talent.

Wei Tianchong just broke away at the beginning of this year. Although his qualifications are relatively average, with the performance of the Fairy Fate Club and the identity of the true biography of Changfeng, Wei Tianchong also succeeded in being promoted in eight years, and he finally lived up to the entrustment of the Wei family. . On the contrary, his eldest brother Wei Tianzhi finally failed to break free at the end of his ten-year period. Like Wei Tianzhi, Wu Xing was not able to escape from the ordinary in the end, but his mood was very calm. After returning home, he followed the young master and took charge of Weifu's business, and he was responsible for the business dealings with Shouwangchuan. ——After returning from Hongmeiling, Wei Tianchong suggested that the family establish a communication line between Lingzhou and Shouwangchuan to traffic goods back and forth.

As a result, Tang Jie broke away from his servant status, but he still belonged to the Wei family, and his status was equivalent to that of the young master of the Wei family.

Shi Meng is still worse. He has low talents and no resources. Now, like Wei Tianzhi, he is hovering between success and failure. Fortunately, Tang Jie comforts him and promises to protect him from the world within ten years and let Shi Meng grow. Take a sigh of relief.

Cai Junyang has never heard of coming back. This guy has not been in the academy for many years, and he is always wandering in the rivers and lakes. But with his qualifications, there is no problem.

As for Tang Jie himself, he has now escaped from the embarrassment of entering the world. In the Hundred Refining Period, every muscle and bone in his body is in the process of refining.

In the world of cultivation, many people think that from this step, the cultivator can be regarded as the cultivator in the true sense. When the cultivator reaches this stage, many things are no longer solvable by the accumulation of spiritual energy, perception, experience, practice, spiritual energy, secret methods, elixir, all kinds of requirements come one after another, the requirements are complicated, the changes are complicated, and they are extraordinary and solvable. .

Walking on the forest trail in the college at this moment, Tang Jie had unexpectedly reached the top of the list.

After Tuofan came back, Tang Jie also frequented this place for a while, taking over many tasks in exchange for some resources.

With the help of these cultivation resources, as well as the income from the Fairy Fate Meeting, Tang Jie will once again raise his physical constitution to the initial stage of the jade body. However, at that time, Tang Jie found that his physique was difficult to improve.

Whether his current body was made with a secret method, in fact, there are still some hidden flaws. The biggest problem is that it is difficult for the physical body to continue to grow stronger. On the contrary, there is no obstacle in cultivation. However, as he entered Bailian, aura was no longer the only criterion for improvement, and money could no longer solve all problems. Under the two-phase action, Tang Jie gradually reduced.

When all the students saw Tang Jie, they respectfully saluted and shouted, "Big Brother!"

Now Tang Jie has also become the first-level figure of Senior Brother in this Xiyue Academy, let alone him, even Wei Tianchong is also called Senior Brother.

Thinking back to entering the college at the beginning of the year, the stinky boy was ignorant and lazy, but now he has become a senior man like a dog. Even Tang Jie had to shake his head and smile bitterly, saying, "The sea has not been swollen, and the personnel are still in trouble."

When these words were spoken, Tang Jie thought of the second elders of the Wu family again.

Tang Jie visited them several times when he was on a mission a few years ago. After taking the medicine Wu Xing sent, the two elderly people were in good health and much better spirits. However, Tang Jie's methods failed to deceive the two old people, and the two old people had actually guessed that Tang Jie bought it. After staying with the two elders in Lingzhou for a while, Tang Jie continued to practice after returning. He didn't expect two more years to pass in a blink of an eye.

Thinking of this moment, an inexplicable emotion arose in my heart, and I wanted to go back and see the old man.

As soon as this thought in his heart began, he could no longer stop it. At exactly this time, he was on the top of the list again, and he simply walked to a student on duty in front of the stage.

When the student saw Tang Jie coming over, he respectfully yelled: "Hello, big brother."

Tang Jielue responded and asked directly, "Is there a mission in Lingzhou?"

The student looked over, shook his head and said, "Not really."

When students go out, the college has rules and regulations, and it is not easy to go out without problems. Therefore, the mission of the college is the best opportunity to go out. Whenever you want to go out to explore the ancestors, you basically have to come first to pick up a task. If Cai Junyang is practicing outside, he is also hung up on tasks. It's just that this guy is shameless enough, never complete the task while hanging up, just take the opportunity to break outside. The college doesn't care about it, anyway, Mingli's rules are good.

Because of this, even if Tang Jie wants to go back to visit relatives, he has to take up the task first, otherwise his one-day holiday each month is really not enough to toss back and forth.

At this moment, I heard that there was no. Tang Jie was very disappointed in his heart. He was thinking about whether to go directly to Xie Fengtang to formally ask for leave. He listened to the student and said, "However, one of the C-level sect missions is from Lingzhou."

"Class C sect mission?" Tang Jie immediately became interested when he heard it.

This C-level sect quest is sent from the Moonwashing Sect and can be accepted by the preparatory disciple. As for the higher level, even the preparatory disciple cannot accept it. Since it is a sect task, the reward is also the contribution of the sect.

Because Tang Jie had been recommended by Ming Yekong, he had been preparing disciples for a long time. In the past few years, he has also taken on many sect missions. The contributions of the sect have been accumulated, and the debts he once owed have been paid off.

At this moment, I heard that there was a Class C sect mission to Lingzhou. Tang Jie was overjoyed and asked, "Take me to see."

The student gave the clause to Tang Jie.

Tang Jie took a look and found that it was actually a mission to explore the spirit stone mine.

There is a mountain north of Lingzhou called Yongsui Mountain.

Thirty years ago, someone discovered a vein of Lingshi in Yongsui Mountain. Lingshi is an energy resource in the cultivation world, and its value may not be very high, but its significance is extremely significant.

After the Lingshi ore vein was discovered, there was no occurrence of the purple gold vein in Lebanon, and the local Shimen sect announced the handing over of the Xiyue Sect at the first time.

After dispatching personnel to investigate, the Cultivation faction confirmed that it was a small spiritual stone mine, and ordered the local branch office to be responsible for supervision. The Shimen faction was responsible for the mining. For the sake of the other party's conscious, the more generous approach.

Now the veins have been mined for thirty years. As a small spirit stone mine, Yongsui mine is gradually depleted.

Not long ago, the Shimen faction sent a letter saying that the Yongsui Mine is basically no ore to mine. Please ask the Xiyue faction to inspect and confirm that the mineral resources are exhausted. They still have to continue to hand in the spirit stones, and the life is sad.

Since the veins have been mined for thirty it should be exhausted in terms of time, and there will be basically no problems. Therefore, the Moon Clerk sent the matter directly to some low-level disciples in the form of a task. Opportunity for meritorious service. There are not many contribution points, only two points of sect contribution, but for Tang Jie, the important thing is not the contribution point, but the opportunity to return to his hometown.

Yongsui Mountain is not very far from Canglong Mansion, and it only takes a few hours to fly with the sword.

After seeing the task at this moment, Tang Jie nodded and said: "Then I will take this task."

"Since this is the case, the brother has sealed this task for the brother. The brother must remember that this matter must be completed before the end of next month." The student answered with a smile.

Tang Jie responded, "Thank you for the reminder, yes, give me two more mission certificates, and I invite Wei Tianchong to serve Meng to complete it together."

Those who are invited by Tang Jie to assist will not contribute to the task. But what Tang Jie wanted was only proof. Wei Tian chong waited for the dream that they had been away from home for a long time, and they had already missed home even if they wanted to come.

Holding the proof and leaving, the student looked at Tang Jie's back, suddenly took out a talisman in a moment, and wrote "Tang Jie took the task of Yongsui Mine", then burned it, and dissipated into a plume of blue smoke in the air.