Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v6 Chapter 4: Immortal road is difficult

When Zhao Hui and others came to Shuiyue Cave Sky in the early morning, they were surprised to find that Tang Jie was already sitting on the 150-meter platform.

Judging from the remaining sweat stains on his body, it was obvious that he hadn't been up for a long time.

"Brother Tang..." Zhao Hui pointed to Tang Jie.

Tang Jie faintly replied: "I am in a cave, overjoyed, tossing and turning, and hard to sleep at night, so it is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor and try to reach the peak."

He said that he was overjoyed, but his expression was serious, and there was no hint of joy.

When Zhao Hui saw him like this, he knew that most of his thoughts were in his mind, so he couldn't say much, so he could only say, "Send the elders to do this ascendancy arrangement, which is mainly to test the limit and improve, so it is better to combine work and rest. Otherwise, it’s hard to keep up. Junior brother, if you have enough time, it’s better not to rush for a while."

"Thank you brother for the teaching, Tang Jie can save it."

After being polite, Zhao Hui went to deal with the spiritual field with the juniors of the farm.

Under the light of light, the terraced fields are a beautiful pastoral scene.

From this day on, Tang Jie began the process of struggling with this mountain.

As it continues to rise, the resistance to mountaineering is getting bigger and bigger.

From one hundred and fifty meters to two hundred meters, Tang Jie felt obviously strenuous. He had to exhaust his whole body for almost every step, and then he could sit down and rest for a while before he could continue.

When he stopped on the ground, all the force of the fall was stopped by the ground, but as long as his feet were suspended in the air, he would feel as if he was tied to a 10,000-ton weight.

Because of this, it is really difficult to walk on this mountain. The feeling of walking on the stone steps is as if the feet are welded to death. Only by entering the high platform can you get rid of this terrifying force.

At a height of fifty meters and more than three hundred steps, Tang Jie just walked for a day and night before reaching it.

When Zhao Hui came back the next day, he was surprised to see Tang Jie standing on a stage at a height of 200 meters.

Being able to get to this point in two days, even among those elite disciples, Tang Jie's performance was no less impressive.

However, Zhao Hui persuaded him: "Junior Brother Tang, if you can get to this stage, you can also see that Junior Brother has a tough will and a strong temperament. However, mountaineering is not based on will alone, but also requires the use of the environment to make progress. We must only care about climbing the mountain and forget the purpose of entering the Shuiyue Cave."

Tang Jie could only smile and nod.

Zhao Hui said: "Since you have reached 200 meters, I will fetch scented grass for you."

Unexpectedly, Tang Jie shook his head: "No, brother, I don't want scented grass, I want to participate in essence."

"What?" Zhao Hui was stunned: "This ginseng essence is a hungry thing, what do you want it to do... don't you..."

Zhao Hui's face suddenly changed.

He suddenly remembered something. Although Shuiyuefeng's power mainly acts on the feet, as it continues to climb, its power will eventually inevitably spread to the opponent's body, causing it to form an overall fall. Until then, long-term burdens will still be formed, and it will become more and more difficult for climbers to regain their strength.

The only way to fight against this power is to improve yourself.

But if you don’t improve, in this climbing process, as long as the burden is large enough, it will even endanger your life.

Tang Jie gave up the scented grass at this time and asked for a life-long ginseng essence, the purpose of which is self-evident.

He is going to fight hard!

Zhao Hui looked at Tang Jie incredulously, and muttered: "Hey, it's just a mountain climbing, don't you have to be so desperate?"

"On the day of the big vacancy, when it was time to make up for it, Brother Zhao must have heard of Consciousness Refining." Tang Jie replied lightly.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui suddenly realized: "So Junior Brother Tang, you want to enter the state of consciousness training?"

The so-called refining of consciousness is the kind of state that Tang Jie entered when he was a student Lin Fighting, and was later rescued by Li Yu, to make up for himself, and his strength soared.

And this state of refining consciousness is actually a manifestation of mind and spiritual consciousness, but at that time the sea of ​​consciousness is not open, everything is in ignorance, even if it happens, you don't know how it happened.

But it is certain that this state is of great benefit to opening up the sea of ​​consciousness. If you can develop consciousness when you enter the state of refining consciousness, it will definitely do more with less.

In fact, this method was not invented by Tang Jie. Someone invented this method a long time ago, but this method is more dangerous. After all, the state of refining consciousness is a state of extreme lack of body.

It is too worthless to break through the life-and-death barrier in order to impact and gain consciousness, so it is rarely used by people.

But for Tang Jie, whose hope is more important than life and death, he is willing to do so.

At this moment, he understood what Tang Jie was thinking, and Zhao Hui also said dryly: "Junior Brother Tang, think twice before acting. This is a bet on life. Moreover, the state of refining consciousness is not easy to advance, even in the midst of life and death. Enter the practice of consciousness."

Tang Jie replied indifferently: "I have entered twice."

Zhao Hui was speechless.

Tang Jie didn't lie to him, he did enter twice.

The first time was in Xuezilin, and the second time was a hard fight during a ten-year journey.

Because of this, Tang Jie has long been familiar with refining consciousness.

In fact, the real trick to cultivating consciousness does not lie in life and death, but in squeezing oneself into complete deprivation. It is difficult to achieve the ultimate squeeze by themselves. Many people fail to do this until they die. It requires a determined person to carry out their minds throughout the body.

It is said that in the very ancient years, practitioners once regarded the cultivation of consciousness as a prelude to the realization of consciousness, and firmly believed that only after experiencing the cultivation of consciousness, can they develop consciousness. However, as the practice of knowledge is not the only way to gain knowledge, with the changes of the years, this habit has gradually disappeared in the long river of history. Nowadays, this kind of stupid thing of fighting with fate is rarely done, even if it brings it. The spiritual consciousness is more pure and condensed.

The pressure on the Shuiyue Peak is enough, and Tang Jie is also strong-willed. For him, it is really not difficult to enter the state of refining consciousness.

This is why he chose to participate in Jingjing, and only this thing can give him the most powerful support when his body is empty. As for the Wind Snake... let's talk about it then.

Zhao Hui quickly sent him a large and good Millennium Ginseng Essence. After taking the Ginseng Essence, Tang Jie continued on.

For the next fifty meters, the difficulty increased again.

Tang Jie's feet seemed to be tied to a mountain, which dragged him down. Not only that, but because he hadn't improved on the battlefield, Tang Jie already felt the spread of this pressure, which had spread from his legs to his whole body.

This kind of spreading power no longer disappears with his stop, but always exists, making his rest effect greatly reduced, as if altitude sickness, even breathing began to become challenging.

However, Tang Jie didn't stop, he knew that only this little pressure could not squeeze him dry.

His goal is three hundred meters!

Arrive at 300 meters, get another spiritual grass, and then use the power of three spiritual plants and the power of the elixir that you reserve to formally attack and open consciousness!

Looking at the sky above his head, Tang Jie gritted his teeth and moved on.

This time, he walked for two days and two nights.

If calculated in proportion to time, so far, the time spent every fifty meters has exactly doubled.

If you follow this analogy, the distance from 250 to 300 meters can be reached in almost four days, followed by eight days, sixteen days, thirty-two days, and sixty-four days.

If you don't consider improvement and change, it will take exactly 127 days to reach the 500-meter hero platform.

But reality is not mathematics, it is not.

When the obstacle reaches a certain level, it will become an insurmountable moat.

If it takes a few hours for one step to go, it is usually useless to give it a few more years.

For this reason, without improving oneself, from 250 meters to 300 meters, for most people, it is already a huge moat.

This is also why it is said that without progress, it is absolutely impossible to reach the top of the peak-less than one-third of the distance is the limit, and it is impossible to complete the remaining distance with perseverance alone.

Standing in front of the stone steps leading to the 300-meter high platform, Tang Jie took a long breath, his eyes full of determination.

Zhao Hui gave him a worried look: "Junior Brother Tang, have you decided?"

"Yes, I have decided!"

He said that he stepped forward.

Step out in one step, like falling down.

Tang Jie only felt that the downward suction was so terrifying, as if countless hands were pulling his body to prevent him from leaving.

This power is ubiquitous and has already surpassed the limits of his feet, affecting every part of his body. Even his internal organs are being drawn by this power, like a suction force sucking wildly at his ass. Tang Jie even felt like his internal organs were about to run out of here.

The heart began to bang and bang wildly, and it continued to accelerate. In an unprecedented situation, it gradually made a roar; the blood flowed crazily in the body, like the roar of the Yangtze River; the head made a humming echo, as if a thousand The drum was throbbing in his ears.

Tang Jie's whole person was faltering.

The most terrible thing is that this bad feeling does not stop with him.

From the moment he stepped on the stone steps, the pulling force that affected his whole body would always exist, and it would continue to affect him and weaken him until he ascended to the high platform three hundred meters away.

Because of this, Tang Jie could not stay.

He took a deep breath and stepped again.

However, since he stepped onto the stone steps, every step he took was doomed to be difficult.

It was as if someone was holding on to his feet, no matter how hard Tang Jie tried, his feet couldn't be lifted.

"Wow!" Tang Jie yelled up to the sky.

The power of the whole body is exerted to the extreme at this moment.

His feet finally lifted up.

Little by little, he moved forward and stretched into the air, seeing that he was about to step on the upper stone steps, Tang Jie suddenly exhausted his strength, and his feet were already snapped down again.


Tang Jiehu let out a sigh of relief.

He didn't say anything, just endured the thunderous sound of his brain, and started the process of resting and vomiting back-just now, almost all his strength was emptied.

After a short break, Tang Jie started his climbing attempt again. This time he was a lot more cautious, consciously adjusting all the energy in his body, raising it to the highest point as much as possible, and then rushing up in an explosive manner.

He succeeded.

One right foot stepped on the stone steps.

Then Tang Jie just rested with one foot on top and one on the other.

After a while, he stepped again, trying to lift his left foot to the stone steps.

As a result, he failed again.

Come again after a break, it is still a failure.

It was not until the third attempt that Tang Jie finally put his left foot on the stone steps.

Complete the first step.

Calculating the time, this level of stone steps actually took Tang Jie half an hour.

Sure enough, the truth is not mathematics, at this speed, Tang Jie is absolutely impossible to reach 300 meters in four days.

Fortunately, time is not a problem now, as long as he can go up!

From this moment on, Tang Jie was completely consumed with this step.

Pulled by that huge force, every step is so difficult, it takes all of your energy to explode to achieve the strongest force. Even so, sometimes there will be failures.

Every failure is a waste of energy and time.

Tang Jie had to calculate his strength carefully and adjust his physical strength. He gradually became aware of the truth that haste is not enough. He no longer rushes for a while, and he will not rush into the game when his physical strength is not restored. Instead, he must ensure the success rate.

But as it continues to rise, the pulling force is also increasing.

Tang Jie had to take into account the power of step growth when calculating his own strength.

This means that he needs longer time and more preparation.

On the first day, apart from the time wasted on the first step due to lack of experience, it was actually the fastest in Tang Jie's progress. In twelve hours, Tang Jie had risen by 12 meters. This day was also the moment when Tang Jie had the most energy.

By the next day, Tang Jie only walked out eight meters.

Until the third day, Tang Jie only walked out of the poor four meters.

He knew that trouble was coming.

With the continuous rise, the pulling force got bigger and bigger, and he only walked half the distance in three days.

Standing in the middle of the road, Tang Jie gasped like a bellows.

There is a road of 20 meters ahead, and a step of more than 100 meters, but it is like a moat that is so insurmountable.

Yes, Tang Jie knew that he was constantly approaching that critical point.

Once he reaches the limit, he will not be able to cross it anyway unless he improves.

But, is this my limit?

"No!" Tang Jie growled low.

He looked at the road far away like a bull with red eyes, full of dissatisfaction.

This scene fell in the eyes of the farm disciples, and everyone shook their heads and sighed.

As people who have been working here for many years, they know best how difficult this path is without improving themselves.

The most terrible thing is that because the pulling force on the stone steps still exists, Tang Jie has been under the influence of the pulling force from the beginning to the end. Although it is not as strong as the force he bears when he takes a step, it is more durable, which brings him to his recovery. The huge impact made him unable to practice on the stone steps.

He is equivalent to being stuck in the middle of the stone steps.

Zhao Hui couldn't help crying again: "Tang Jie, you can't get up! Listen to me, now go back to the platform below, and then rush to learn, you can still get up!"

Although it is not easy to go back, at least it is much easier than going up.

Tang Jie shook his head, "I haven't lost yet."

As he stood there, he began to rest intently.

Concentrated mind, will like iron!

Tang Jie squeezed himself heartily and moved forward again.

At the moment he took a step, the roaring thunder sound suddenly disappeared, and the rushing blood gradually subsided. Tang Jie suddenly felt as if his body was full of strength. Up the steps.

Practice knowledge!

Tang Jie knew that this was the state of refining consciousness.

After repeated struggles and struggles, Tang Jie finally entered the state of refining consciousness again.

It's just that he didn't expect that this step didn't appear when climbing the 300-meter platform, but appeared halfway through the climb.

Isn't it a good thing to be too sure?

The state of refining consciousness is a state of forcibly squeezing oneself through the will and stimulating all the powers, which is why he can easily step onto this level.

However, Tang Jie couldn't provide the big supplement that Tang Jie needed next.

Because he hasn’t finished this path yet, and his whole body is under the influence of pulling force, it’s difficult to even practice, and he has only Nan Yizi and Shenjing in his hands. Regardless of resources and environment, they are in a disadvantageous situation. To supplement oneself?

This accident also made Tang Jie feel anxious. If he continued like this, he wasted training his knowledge, but he might cause huge harm to himself.

At this moment, inexplicably, there seemed to be some force entering his body.

Suddenly Tang Jie felt that all his exhaustion was swept away, and all his strength was restored, as if he had eaten some great tonic pill in one breath.

"Roar!" Tang Jie yelled up to the sky.

At this moment he felt full of strength.

He stepped forward, and he stepped on the steps that were originally like a moat.

Then a scene that stunned all the farm disciples appeared.

In this way, Tang Jie walked towards the 300-meter platform step by step.

"How is this possible?" Everyone was stupid, each of them opened their mouths wide and couldn't close them together.

"Breakthrough, it must be a breakthrough!" Zhao Hui murmured.

Only a breakthrough can explain all of this.

"But... but how did he break through? He obviously didn't cultivate!" Some disciples were puzzled.

Unless there are some special circumstances, there is basically no such thing as an immediate breakthrough in Qixia Realm. After all, the realm is not an upgrade, and each realm means a substantial improvement or even change in some aspect. This kind of improvement and change requires long-term accumulation, not the impact of a successful battle.

But at this moment, Tang Jie obviously broke this law. He obviously made a breakthrough, but it was obvious that he hadn't gained knowledge yet, so how did he break through this breakthrough?

Facing this situation, the disciples of the farm hall were almost crazy.

They can't understand this phenomenon at all.

But whether they understand it or not, Tang Jie's summit is still going on.

At this time, he had already walked more than 20 meters, only a few steps away from the 300-meter high platform.

However, after taking these many steps in one breath, Tang Jie's speed finally slowed down.

His strength was exhausted again, a few steps away, as if he had been saddened to the sky.

Tang Jie did not give up.

Only he himself knows where this power comes from-this is the power of Baihu's blood!

The undeveloped power hidden in the depths of his body, with the help of this moment of refining consciousness, was finally fully revealed!

It was with the powerful impact brought by the appearance of this force that Tang Jie could get out of all this in one go.

But if he stops now, as the white tiger's power fully enters his body and gradually diminishes, then before he becomes enlightened, he is afraid that he will never be able to step on this level again.

In any case, can't stop!

He continued to gritted his teeth, step by step!

The blood oozes from his body surface, that is, the pulling force has really affected or even destroyed the inside of his body, and even the blood has begun to seep out from the blood capillaries due to its involvement.

This turned Tang Jie into a blood man, steaming up and down in a **** mist, looking terrifying.

But Tang Jie just kept walking, he roared in a low voice, like a beast that devoured people, even his eyes were blood red.

This scene made everyone tremble.

They have seen countless people climb to the top, but the first time they climbed so tragically.

Especially this is only three hundred meters, which is far from the height of eight hundred and eighty-eight meters.

Tang Jie didn't realize it, and continued to rush forward.

For him, this is his peak, rushing through here, there is a smooth road behind.

The power in his body was fading fast, and Tang Jie knew that he could not last long.

He rose up all his strength to move forward, and finally took another step.

At this moment, he is already standing on the stone steps of the last floor, as long as one step is stepped on it is the platform!

Go up!

Tang Jie shouted in his heart, and all the power burst out.

The right foot rose little by little, and Tang Jie's eyeballs almost protruded from the eye sockets.


Tang Jie's right call fell on a three-hundred-meter high platform.

"Oh!" Seeing this scene, all the farm disciples who worried about him cheered together.

They were happy for Tang Jie and cheered for his efforts.

At that moment, half of Tang Jie's body was already lying on the high platform, and his whole body was empty without a trace of strength.

Practice knowledge!

The state of refining consciousness again.

After refining consciousness in the middle stage and giving strength from the white tiger's blood, Tang Jie went into a state of refining consciousness non-stop, directly squeezing out all his own strength.

This is simply a godsend.

Supplementing a large amount of medicine in the state of refining consciousness, and at the same time attacking and enlightening consciousness, is absolutely extremely beneficial to Tang Jie's growth, and to some extent it is equivalent to developing his potential again.

But here is the problem.

Tang Jie has not yet reached the high He still has one foot left on the steps, and now he has no strength to take a step.

"It's a pity..." Zhao Hui also sighed when he saw this scene.

"God gave me a good opportunity, it fell short!" Everyone shook their heads speechlessly at the same time.

Only Tang Jie gave a slight smile on his face.

"Really? But not necessarily." He said.

Then he put his hand in the mustard bag and slowly took out something.

A short golden blade.

Seeing Tang Jie taking the knife, everyone was shocked, then reacted, and exclaimed, "No!"

A resolute color appeared in Tang Jie's eyes: "The immortal road is difficult, only the brave can climb to the top!"

Hand up and down!