Aspiring to the Immortal Path

v8 Chapter 15: Siege

Along the Feima Mountain all the way north, after passing through the continuous mountains, there is a vast plain.

This is the famous Dongjin Plain.

The former Dongjin Plain was famous for its fertility and vast products. It is full of spiritual energy, pleasant climate, and a large number of spiritual plants. It is the most important rear resource base of the human kingdom.

However, with the defeat and retreat one after another, the country lost its territory, and the former rear became the front line, and the original rich plains became a bloodbath plain full of killings.

Nowadays, there are no rare creatures, rare spiritual plants. With the war, no one has any interest in sustainable development. Instead, crazy mining and destruction at all costs. Only harvesting, no planting, and fewer resources can be used.

There is a small lake in the east of the plain called Xianfeng Lake. Its original name was Sanchazi Lake, but it was later renamed Xianfeng Lake because of a **** battle, because behind it is Dongjinguan.

Dongjinguan, one of the three most important towns on the front line of mankind!

This is a majestic hurdle that cannot be accomplished by humans.

It was located on a flat ground fifteen miles away from Xianfeng Lake, and the entire city was smeared into an icy black color. From a distance, it looked like a black giant creeping on the ground.

Only by looking closer will you find out how big this "behemoth" is. Its wall is as high as one hundred meters. Standing on the wall and looking down, it is like standing on the edge of a cliff. The city wall, which is 15 miles long and five miles wide, is made of purple gold mixed with black iron. It is a real city of steel.

This iron and steel city has no gates. From the beginning of its existence, it was not for people to pass through. Everyone must go in and out through the immortal family, including those mortals.

On the icy city wall, there are a large number of spell marks, and the formation of engraved symbols floats on it, forming a huge, vast and complex super giant magic circle. It consists of seven hundred and sixty-eight small magic circles, each of which has a different meaning and function. The failure of any one of them will not affect the other magic circles, but together they can play an additional role, which can be said to be the guardian foundation of Dongjin Pass.

There is no geographical advantage in the immortal war, the law formation is geographical advantage!

From the day it existed, this giant city of Xiongguan has been suffering from the invasion from the monster race, and has gone through tests again and again. The blood dyed the city walls crimson again and again, and returned to its true colors under the influence of spells. Only the land under his feet was already purple.

Under Dongguan city, another monster siege is about to begin.

Tens of thousands of monster races gathered together, looking at the city with greedy eyes, but did not rush into it. These monsters are also above Kaizhi with the lowest strength, and one monster will lead every one hundred. The lowest of these demon generals is also the early stage of transformation, if they are in those ordinary human cities, one can destroy a city. At the end of the monster clan team, there were three beasts with a height of one hundred feet and four hoofs and one-eyed one.

Shocking beast!

In addition to its powerful combat power, this wild beast is also a drum of war for the monster army. Their roar can greatly increase the power of the monster army, and at the same time make the human army frightened.

On the backs of the three sky-shaking beasts, there were still three people, three demon kings.

The pot abdomen on the left has poop, his face is like a basin, and his real body is a moon swallowing golden toad, whose name is the king of swallowing heaven.

The white-faced man on the right does not need a beard, and looks like a scribe. His real body is a white-haired monster, called the King of Poison Heart.

The middle blue-faced proboscis, the body is wide and the body is large, and its real body is a blue-haired giant elephant, the name of King Juli.

At this moment, the three demon kings looked at each other and nodded together. All the monsters who were good at long-range spells shot together, and countless spells blasted on the distant wall like a storm, and the wind, fire, thunder and lightning flooded in an instant. The sky above Dongguan City was hit so that the wall kept emitting mottled colored light. If it weren't for a large array of guards, and just a wave of attacks, the city wall would be over.

Correspondingly, the human forces are unwilling to show weakness.

One soldier after another struck arrows on the wall and shot them out forcefully, so a large shadow appeared in the sky, flying arrows like locusts, shooting like rain. Although these arrows were shot from the hands of mortal soldiers, they took moon shooting bows specially made for mortal soldiers, and they used special-made magic killing arrows. Under the action of the sky feather arrow array, their power was greatly increased and generalized. Monsters below the shape, as long as they are not particularly good at defense, can cause a certain amount of damage. Although the damage is weak, their arrows are painted with powerful poisons/medicine refined by the immortal family.

Facing such an arrow rain offensive, the monster races would not ignore it, but attacked with fierce spells, not giving the arrows a chance to fall. A large number of arrows were destroyed before they got close, but there was always a sporadic rain of arrows passing through the obstacles and hitting some little monsters, triggering a series of wailing calls.

The long-range confrontation like this is a must-have program before every official siege. The monster consumes the power of the magic circle in this way, and the human cultivator uses the magic circle and arrow rain to consume the mana and quantity of the monster.

For this reason, the war of attrition in the early stage seemed neither spectacular nor fierce. Only the blurred color of the city head brought a dazzling view of the war.

After hundreds of rounds of spell bombardment, the guardian light on the head of Dongjin City finally gradually dimmed.

At this time, the guardian formation at the head of the city was still in effect, but it was already difficult to prevent the demon clan's forcible breakthrough. Of course, this is not to say that human beings have no power, but just as the monster race has no army to overwhelm it, it is impossible for humans to have all their chips in the face of an attack of this degree.

The most important thing is that the guards know why the demon race came from, and they know what to do.

Seeing the dim formation at this moment, the white-haired demon poisonous heart king smiled and said, "It's time to start."


The three sky-shaking beasts let out a violent roar at the same time.

The roar shook the hearts of all the soldiers. Some even sat down on the spot, even urinating, and even the weak-willed, unable to hold them, fell directly from the high city wall. The Baizhang city wall fell into the ground and fell directly into mud.

At the same time, the monsters shouted wildly together, and began to attack the city.

The static war that had just appeared to be somewhat gentle, tearing off its warm mask in an instant, showing the wildest side of the war.

Masses of monster races rushed towards the city head. The height of one hundred meters could not stop their amazing strength. Some monsters just flew up to the city head with a light leap, forcibly tore open the mask of the magic circle, and their figure flashed. He has appeared next to a human soldier, grabbed the soldier in the entrance and chewed it up with a **** of his arm. The delicious taste made it forget about it with excitement, but the next moment it was pierced by hundreds of sharp arrows. The strong toxin made this rampant monster pay the price and died on the spot.

More monsters flew directly from the air, and they yelled excitedly and rushed towards the human soldiers below.

At the same time, on the head of the distant city, a warlord wearing a purple cloak waved his hand. Behind him countless cultivators flew up to meet the murdered monster race. They have far fewer trees than the monster race, but they have been replenishing their energies until now. At this moment, they have released the spells they have prepared for a long time.

Under the bombardment of massive spells and flames, in just one round of attacks, nearly a hundred monsters died on the spot.

But the monsters are not easy to deal with.

The counterattack from the monster quickly unfolded, and a **** battle was officially launched at the head of Dongjin Pass.

The blood poured down from the sky like a rainstorm, and the frenzied killings revealed the cruel nature of war.

However, all of this fell in the eyes of the demon king or the old general who had been on the battlefield, but they were indifferent. For them, a war like this was nothing but a piece of cake.

A recruit shivered as he watched the battle in full swing. He looked at the sky and murmured: "They can't attack, they can't attack."

The veteran next to him glanced at him disdainfully, and said: "Of course they can't attack, but that is not their, blood and killing are!"

For Yaozu, every war is actually a hunt. The corpses of those human soldiers are the best trophies. As far as the human side is concerned, with the help of mortal soldiers, it is the right time for the cultivator to kill and injure a large number of monsters. They can't stop the monster cannibalism, the only thing they can do is to kill as many monsters as possible, until the monsters can't bear the casualties and begin to retreat.

Both humans and demons understand this truth, and because of this, the demons will not attack by a large army, and the human race will not rely on the magic circle to defend themselves. Each meets some of the other's needs and gains some. Among them, those dead lives are just the most insignificant small numbers in all calculations.

Even cultivators can die for the needs of war, let alone mortals?

Listening to the words of the veteran, the recruit was at a loss.

"You mean, the government recruited us to fill these monsters?" He asked incredulously.

"Otherwise, what do you think it is? You really think that with a bow and a few arrows, how many monsters you can kill? They are monsters, magical monsters! Stinky boy, learn to be more sensible. This is from the realm of cultivation. War, in such a war, mortals can throw a few arrows, which can be used as bait to provide a chance to kill those cultivators, which is already a contribution. The only thing you and I can expect now is that they kill faster. Be cruel, let the monsters retreat earlier, the only thing you can do is to survive as much as possible." The veteran said to the recruit, lying in the pile of dead bodies.

There were monsters roaring around everywhere, the soldiers couldn't retreat, and some of them could only pretend to be dead. The recruit in front of him was fortunate to have followed a and followed him in the dead, listening to him explain how to survive on the battlefield.

"But this will kill you too, right?" the recruit said.

Freshly dead meat is also fresh, and monsters are not picky eaters.

"Then it depends on luck," the veteran replied.

As his words fell, a tiger-headed eagle fell from the sky, grabbing the veteran's body and flew into the air.

"No!" the recruit shouted, watching the veteran's figure disappear into the air.

In the next moment, a cat demon rushed up the city wall and rushed towards the recruits, constantly zooming in on the recruits' eyes.

At the moment when the claws ripped his body apart, a big hand suddenly blocked the recruits.

With just one palm, the cat demon has become a meatloaf.

