Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

v2 Chapter 477: learn to swim

The 477th chapter learns to swim

When I arrived at Hongyun Company, Hongyun had already waited for two people downstairs, and went to Zhao Tiezhu’s car. Red Yun said to Gege, “Is the swimsuit bought?”

"Buy it, or Zhao Dashu bought it for me~" Gege said happily. Red rhyme was puzzled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and asked, "Hey, can't you see that you are so kind?"

"Of course~" Zhao Tiezhu saw the hint of vigilance in the eyes of the red rhyme, but also the look of the heart. The people who don’t want to do it are like a satyr. Your daughter, I bought a swimsuit for her, and it is also a normal pull. . Just in front of Gege, Zhao Tiezhu is not good at exporting.

"Right, iron pillar, where are we going to learn?" asked Hong Yun.

"Go to the Red Star Reservoir, where many people go to swim, and there are many shoals, suitable for novices to learn." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Reservoir? Is that dangerous?" Red rhyme asked worriedly.

"With me, there is no danger." Zhao Tiezhu said confidently.

Hongxing Reservoir, located in a mountainous area on the outskirts of fj city, the whole reservoir is very large, and the water quality is very good, so there are countless people coming here to swim here every year. In summer, there are many people coming to winter swimming in the winter, the deepest place here. It can be several tens of meters deep, and the power supply of the entire fj city is provided by here.

After driving for more than half an hour, Zhao Tiezhu and others went to the Hongxing Reservoir and parked the car on the dam above the reservoir. Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yungege took the swimsuit and swim trunks, and they went down the reservoir. On the edge of the reservoir is a man-made beach. This was left when the sand was used here. It stretched over a hundred meters. At this time, there were already many people on the beach, including some students.

After Zhao Tiezhu walked to the beach, he found a location and laid some blankets on the beach. Then Zhao Tiezhu ran back into the car and took some tea drinks. Red Rhyme and Gege walked into the side. In a privately built shed, the swimsuit was changed.

The rhyme's swimsuit is more conservative than Gege's. It is a traditional style swimsuit. There is a small skirt around the bottom, but because the rhyme is very good, even the traditional swimsuit can't cover her sexy. .

The mother and daughter, one person and one bathing suit, walked on the sand and walked to Zhao Tiezhu. The people around them could not help but reveal a astounding gaze. The mother and daughter are both beautiful, but very rare. The men around can not help Zhao Tiezhu’s Qi people’s blessing. But there are also some men who are excited to do various kinds of movements on the water in an attempt to attract the attention of beautiful women.

"Sunshine is really good." Red Yun looked up at the sky. It was just two o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was not very strong, but it was not too weak. The red rhyme lay on the blanket. "You both go swimming." I am sunning."

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, and walked into a shoal with a grid. The water here was very submerged, almost one meter deep. The grid stood in the water, and the water only crossed the waist. Zhao Tiezhu Standing in front of Gege, "Do you want to learn faster, or learn to be slow?"

"How do you say that?" Gege asked curiously.

"If you want to learn faster, I have a way to let you learn quickly, but it is hard. If you want to learn slowly, you have to come slowly. When you can learn, you have to look at your talents." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously. .

"Hey, I am not afraid of suffering!! Learn quickly!!" Gege said confidently.

"Are you sure?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Gege with a weird look.

"OK!!" Although Gege was shocked by Zhao Tiezhu’s glance, the arrogance that she had had since childhood kept her from hesitation.

"That's good, since you decided." Zhao Tiezhu looked a glimpse, and suddenly shot, his hands forked at the waist of Gege!

"Why!!" cried Gege, his face with a shocked expression.

Zhao Tiezhu used his hands to force the gag, and then threw it into the deep water next to him.


Gege only felt that he was thrown into a bottomless place, and his feet kept moving, but he couldn’t step on the ground, his body was fiddling in the water, trying to catch something, but what it was. I couldn’t catch it, the whole person was helpless and struggling in the water, and the water wrapped around my head made Gege unable to breathe.


Gege took a sip of water and the oxygen in his chest was exhausted. For the first time, Gege felt the death approaching. Her eyes slammed open in the water, and then looked helplessly at the water on her head. The strength of the hands and feet seems to have disappeared.

"Mom, someone killed your daughter, you have to avenge your daughter~" Greg stunned, but then a fierce excitement, "Is this Zhao Tiezhu really intends to take this opportunity to take himself Give it to death? Then you can be bright and bright with your mother? Beast, I won’t let you succeed!” Gege’s anger burned, and he did not know where a huge force came from his hands and feet. With both hands moving to the next position, the whole person smashed out of the water at once.

Rare fresh air~

Gege took a deep breath, as if to **** all the air in the world, but it was very fast, and it was a slamming sound. The grid was submerged by the water, and the water was sucked too much. They were all sucked into the nose, and the trace of water was directly in the lungs, so that Gege suddenly spit out the air that was sucked in.

"Mom, Gege can't do it!!" Gege grabbed the helplessly, but couldn't catch anything.

Just then, one hand slammed into the water, grabbed the neck of Gege, and then raised it up.

The whole person of Gege was raised in the water.

"Cough and cough." Just as soon as the water came out, Gege coughed up.

Zhao Tiezhu laughed and said, "How do you feel?"

Gege seems to look at Zhao Tiezhu, the enemy of life and death. When she coughs up the water in the trachea, it is a punch in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"What are you doing!!" Zhao Tiezhu took the fist of Gege and shouted.

"You want to kill me!!" Greg yelled.

"Haha, aren't you going to choose this way? The fastest way to learn to swim is to drink water. When the water is full, you will swim." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Where is this way!!" Gege angered, "You obviously want to kill me!!"

"Cut, I want to kill you, but also need to save you again? The brain has gone up?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Gege with contempt. "Have you just floated up? Just think about the action just now." ”

When Ge Ge listened to Zhao Tiezhu, Lima calmed down, and then carefully recalled the feeling of just dialing the water, and then his eyes lit up. "Is it the coherent movement, is it swimming?"

"Smart~" Zhao Tiezhu made a snap.

"Ha ha ha, then I know." Greg smiled proudly.

"That's good, you can go on." Zhao Tiezhu used his hand again, and he gave Gege into the deep water area.

"Pit Niang!!" Gege only came and shouted three words, then slammed into it and fell into the deep water area.