Astral Apostle

Chapter 252: 251 Incidents

   Chapter 252 Uprising

   Zhou Jing returned to the house, and soon after, the doorman of Zhike brought three people inside.

   "I have seen a real person." The three of them bowed in a respectful manner.

   "Don't be too polite."

   Zhou Jing replied casually and looked at the three carefully.

   These three military attachés of the imperial court are all tall and strong, and they are all in their prime. At this moment, they are not wearing armor, but wearing regular clothes.

The man in white led by    was Ma Zhen, the commander-in-chief appointed by the imperial court. Behind him were two other generals who were assisting him. Huang Ping in green robe and Yu Wenyan in blue robe.

  This time the imperial court sent troops to expedition, and there is no room for mistakes. These three people can be recommended by Pang Shumi, and naturally they have real skills, but they themselves are descendants of nobles and nobles, and they are also considered related households.

   The three introduced themselves a few words, and then took their seats at the invitation of Zhou Jing.

   "The Holy Master has appointed the three of us to unite the army and suppress the bandits. This time, I took the liberty to visit the real person. I think the real person knows what I am waiting for."

   Ma Zhen spoke in a deep voice.

   Zhou Jing nodded and said indifferently: "If the poor guess is right, General Ma is here to invite me to go with the army?"

   "That's right." Ma Zhen clasped his fists in awe: "The leader of the bandit, Chen Feng, is very brave, and I hope that the real person can help me. You and I eat the money of the king, so you should share your worries for the king, and do your best for the country."

   "General Ma is worried about the country and the people. He is really a loyal minister and a good general, and it is really a blessing for the court."

   The other party was so politically correct when he spoke, Zhou Jing had nothing to say, so he just smiled and said a word.

   "I don't know what the real person wants?" Ma Zhen asked, speaking directly.

  Zhou Jing threw off the whisk at will, and said in a calm tone: "The Holy Master also has this intention. He mentioned it to me early. Although the poor road has not fully recovered, I would like to contribute to the court and help you break the thief."

Ma Zhen's eyes lit up, and he said sternly: "With the help of a real person, this time this time, the bandits in Huyang will be pacified, and he will take down the head of Chen Feng and return to Beijing to present it to the saint, to get rid of a thief for the imperial court, and let the world see the thieves and gangsters. The fate of the party is also a sigh of relief for the real person."

  Come on, I'm optimistic about you.

   Zhou Jing smiled without saying a word.

  The intention was straight to the point, and the group chatted, getting closer and getting acquainted with each other.

  Zhou Jing had a simple understanding of the three. Ma Zhen was in command of the army all the year round. He had an old-fashioned and serious temperament.

   And Huang Ping is a boring gourd, three sentences can't make a fart. Yu Wenyan, on the other hand, is more slick, often greasy when speaking, and likes to hold people.

   Zhou Jing found something in common among the three, that is, although their personalities were different, they were more or less superior and arrogant in their conversations.

   However, this arrogance is also divided. In the face of characters like themselves, they naturally control their temperament and will not express it deliberately.

   Zhou Jing once again reiterated his rules, not to commit murder, and to join the army as an honorary person who can listen to the secrets, Ma Zhen agreed.

   After completing the goal of this trip, the three of Ma Zhen got up and left, and left satisfied.

   Zhou Jing took a sip of tea and watched the three of them walk away, the corners of his mouth twitching.

   These three high-spirited military generals of the imperial court, in his opinion, are the three victims who are about to go into the tiger's mouth, and Chen Feng's sacrificial offering.


   When the influence of the defeat of Tianwangzhai had not yet been eliminated, the imperial court dispatched elite soldiers from all over the world to attack Chen Feng, claiming to be a force of 400,000 people.

   Today's Green Forest can really be called the overlord, only Chen Feng in Huyang is left, and the tyrants and powerful bandits from other places are far behind.

  As the imperial troops and horses continued to assemble and approached Huyang step by step, the villagers and husbands scattered and fled, and the rich and powerful entered the city to avoid disasters.

  Some people say that if the imperial court sends troops in person, it will definitely be like a broken bamboo, and it will easily wipe out the bandits. Some people say that Chen Feng is invincible, and this time there will be no difference from the past.

   Knowing that the imperial court was coming, Longwangzhai also began to prepare urgently for the battle.

   In the fourteenth year of Xinghe, when summer and autumn change.

  Huyang, Yueshan Lake, Longwang Village.

  Dark clouds cover the top, and the west wind is strong.

   Ten thousand troops lined up, no matter the leader or the soldiers, all eyes were on Chen Feng on the high platform.

   Chen Feng, the owner of the Dazhai, personally instructed that he should take an oath to speak today and announce the whole army.

   Zhou Jing stood on the high platform and looked around at countless faces.

   He has already returned once, switched the shuttle target, and now he is on Chen Feng's body and controls it himself, in order to do a big thing and officially announce his rise to the world.

  Zhou Jing originally wanted to let Longwangzhai rest for a while to recuperate the newly surrendered captives, but the imperial court directly sent a large army to attack, taking advantage of the emptiness, and there was no time to rest.

  Since the imperial court is so determined to kill, and the whole village is under the same hatred, it can be used as an opportunity to use the topic to play.

Anyway, if our side loses, everyone will die. If we win, the court will suffer heavy casualties and lose all face. In the eyes of ordinary people, there will be no chance for reconciliation at all... Let's just take this opportunity to openly rebel, completely oppose, and make a big deal. To boost morale.

  The field was quiet and chilling, except for the hunting sound of the west wind scrolling flag.

  Zhou Jing took a deep breath, amplified the sound of his running energy, and said aloud:

   "The imperial court regards me as a thorn in the eye, and the heart of killing me will not die. Today, 400,000 troops are sent to exterminate me. It is called the orthodox destiny, and to annihilate our mob and rebel against the party, how can I wait to die?"

   Zhou Jing made his opening remarks, observed everyone's expressions, and found that they were nervous and angry.

   He paused and continued:

   "The world is not fair, the court is full of traitorous officials and officials who harm the public and private, and they talk about begging for the people's lives, but in fact they use extortionate taxes to **** people's blood and loot people's fat.

   I know that most of my brothers are from poor families. They work hard for a year, but their income is meager. It is difficult to save food. Most of the fruits of your hard work have been transformed into the brocade clothes on the dignitaries and the landlords, and the jade food on the table, but you can still only eat bran and eat vegetables, wear ragged clothes, and continue to pray that the coming year will be a good year to live. scene.

   But in the past few years there have been disasters everywhere, and the disaster relief funds have been embezzled by traitors again and again, and eventually led to refugees everywhere. There are high walls to block and the red door to cover, when did they control your life and death? Even in the midst of the disaster, which day is not the day when the lanterns are decorated with lanterns, singing and dancing are peaceful in their house? "

   These remarks swept the audience with the support of majestic energy.

   There were countless soldiers present, and most of them were from poor backgrounds. Hearing these words, I couldn’t help but think of the scenes of being careful with the big men when I was a Shunmin in the past, and my chest gradually rose and fell.

   Zhou Jing glanced at the soldiers and said solemnly:

"This group of powerful and treacherous officials, bully and tyrannical gentry are like tarsal worms, lying on the top of the great rivers and mountains, eating the marrow of the people, stealing the benefits of the country, and claiming to be superior to others, above the grass people like us, and holding power from generation to generation. We live and die, we take what we want.

   This bird world has been so unfair for thousands of years... But why is it so? Everyone has the same head and the same blood, how can they enjoy happiness from generation to generation, and we gang of mud legs can only struggle to survive from generation to generation? "

   Wan Jun didn't answer, he just gritted his teeth, clenched his cheeks, and stared straight at him.

   Zhou Jing let out a breath and said:

"Even if one day the fertile soil is thousands of miles away, and the yield per mu increases by dozens of times, you will still only be able to keep a very small amount of the income from your labor. No matter how much you harvest, whether you can live a comfortable life or not, it is still up to the dignitaries to decide whether you want to go to school. No matter how much you pay, if you don’t pay enough, then you will be punished according to the law. Those who are submissive can only imagine the benefits of heaven, and if they don’t pick up swords and guns, they will always be oppressed. I will never treat you squarely... But how many people can I kill just relying on me to eliminate evil and seek rape?

   Now, the imperial court wants to kill me and then hurry up. Since the water and fire are inseparable, it will turn against his mother! No matter what kind of princes and nobles he is, everyone has only one head, they want us to die, and we won't let them live! The nobles and nobles who oppressed you have enjoyed the blessings of generations. If you don't avenge this revenge now, when will you wait! "

   Zhou Jing spoke louder and louder, and finally, like a thunderbolt, the sound wave swept the entire army, raising his arms and shouting:

   "By relying on the sky to deceive the people, he is a prince, and the people are equal and equal, and the powerful should be punished! Kill, kill, kill! Kill his inner treasurer and burn it into splendid ashes, and the streets will be trampled on the bones of the public!"

   "kill kill kill—"

   The next moment, Wan Jun roared, shaking the sky.

  Guo Haishen and the others were so excited when they heard it, they only felt resentment in their chests, and they also raised their hands to drink violently.

   For a while, the sound waves were like rolling thunder.


   At the same time, lightning flashed through the dark clouds.

   Immediately afterwards, the light rain fell and gradually turned into a torrential rain.

   Zhou Jing raised his arms and roared:

   "All the generals obey the orders and rise up with me!"


  Wash la la—

   Countless soldiers shouted and raised their weapons in unison.

   At this moment, there was a rumbling sound, and a thunderstorm ripped apart the gloomy sky.

   The pale thunder light illuminated tens of thousands of swords, spears, swords and halberds pointing to the sky, as well as the burly figure with messy hair standing on the high platform of the military formation.

  The lightning that was born and died in an instant seemed to freeze this scene and turn it into a picture scroll engraved in time.

  —"History of the Great Xia":

  [In the 14th year of Xinghe, the "Wuzu" Chen Feng gathered hundreds of thousands of people to revolt at Yueshan Lake in Huyang, known as the Chen Feng Rebellion. 】

   (end of this chapter)