Astral Apostle

Chapter 86: Qualification restrictions

  Chapter 86 Qualification Restrictions

  After waiting for two days, the first lord of the surrounding city rushed over with a team, met with the imperial hunter team, and successfully took over Deep Rock City.

  Professionals came to the scene, and the hunter team stopped staying. After handing over with the lord, they took the corpse of the cloud-backed dragon that had been processed by the craftsmen and left.

   The surviving civilians are very grateful to the imperial hunters who were accidentally involved in the incident but eventually became the saviors of Deep Rock City. Although the property damage was not small, they still gathered some food and gave it to Zhou Jing and others as food rations on the road.

The outline of    Deep Rock City was left behind, and Zhou Jing and his party pulled Yunji Dragon along the road. Compared with when they came, there were two more people in the team.

   One is Dodun, whose limbs were broken and tied to a scooter. The three-time strengthening of his physique ensured that he would not die easily. His jaw was dislocated and he could not speak, but could only whimper and moan.

  The other is Lynn, who brought simple luggage, put on a thick burqa, and held a wooden cane in his hand, dressed in the costume of a traveler.

   After thinking about it, he finally decided to agree to Zhou Jing's invitation, end his seclusion life, and leave with Zhou Jing.

For the future plan, Lynn didn't think too far, but after this night's turmoil, he used sorcery to defeat the alien blood warrior for the first time and protected himself with strength. Finally, he was no longer willing to be ordinary, and he was determined to start. The door to a new world.

  Lin En doesn't have much trust in Zhou Jing, but just as Zhou Jing said, this is his most suitable teammate at the moment, so he just teamed up. His initiative is not high, and he doesn't mind living in the capital, mainly to form a team with Zhou Jing, and hope that Zhou Jing's promised future will protect him and find the spirit of nature.

   However, Cole and other hunters were confused and did not understand the intention of Zhou Jing to bring a civilian.

   "Why bring him, is there anything special about him?"

   In front of the team, Cole leaned into Zhou Jing's ear and asked in a low voice.

   Zhou Jing chuckled: "It's nothing special, didn't I rescue him before, his house was burnt down, and he planned to move to the capital, so we simply brought him along."

   Cole accepted this explanation, didn't mind protecting a civilian who was passing by, and looked back at Lynn who was sitting on the scooter.

  Lin En looks slightly delicate, looking younger than the actual age of twenty-six or seven years, with small arms and calves, and a rather thin figure.

   But after integrating the spirit of nature, his physical fitness has been slightly improved, and he is healthier than an average adult and comparable to a soldier who has received long-term exercise.

"So that's the case. I thought you accepted him as a hunter apprentice... Although he looks thin, his physical strength is good, and he has potential." Cole tsk tsk, his fiery eyes wandered on Lynn, full of Interested review.

  Lin En was so tight that he looked at him, turned his body unnaturally, and dared not look directly.


   went all the way, and soon it was night, the team found an open grass camp and lit a bonfire.

  Usually hunters spend their nights sleeping outside, and also track exotic animals. They usually only bring some dried meat and dried vegetable cakes as food. This time, they rescued Deep Rock City and got a lot of ingredients donated by civilians. On the way back, they have free time to cook.

   Several people took out the iron pot given by Deep Rock City from their luggage, threw in some vegetables, and cut some useless parts of the meat from Yunji dragon, and threw it directly into the pot to make a meal of stewed meat.

   Because there are no seasonings, the taste is not great, but the ingredients are so good, the meat of the alien beast is quite delicious, and the stew is quite soft. Put it in your mouth and chew it, your teeth can easily sip the stew, and the meaty soup fills your mouth instantly.

  The appetite of the hunters is amazing, and they cut a few rounds of meat from the Yunji dragon and threw them into the pot, like a self-service stew pot, adding vegetables anytime, anywhere.

   The group ate 80% full, packed their things, and took a rest.

   Zhou Jing took the initiative to watch the night, and when the hunters were all asleep, he woke up Lynn and exchanged in a low voice, asking about his experience in witchcraft practice.

  According to the canon records, there is only one way to perform witchcraft, and that is to integrate the spirit of nature.

   And the first step is to sense natural elements and enter a state called "elemental vision", otherwise the spirit of nature cannot be integrated at all.

  The method is recorded in the book, which, according to the explanation, can test whether a person has the potential to practice witchcraft.

  The main world also has a wizard system, but it is not the same thing as the "wizard" recorded in the Candid Book.

In Zhou Jing's view, this spell system in the alien world should be called "shaman wizard" or "elemental wizard". It is a primitive and special spell form, and does not focus on knowledge like the spell casting system in the main world. Accumulation is more inclined to the use of spirit and mind power.

   "...I followed the content in the book, and I sensed the natural elements just once I tried it, because only I have practiced it myself, and I'm not sure if you can succeed..."

  Lin En lowered his voice, holding a small wooden box filled with blue paste in his hand, and constantly used his fingers to draw a little bit, smearing it on Zhou Jing's bare upper body.

Witchcraft remnants wrote that the method of making ordinary people sense the elements requires auxiliary materials, mashing several special herbs and minerals, adding water and stirring them into ointments, then drawing special symbols on the body, and then through a state of concentration similar to meditation, Can slowly enter the element field of vision.

   Only after integrating the spirit of nature, this ritual is not needed, and the elemental vision can be opened anytime, anywhere, and Lynn can do it.

   Soon, the symbol was drawn, and the ointment was cold on the body.

   Zhou Jing checked it and made sure it was the same as the symbol on the book.

   "When you empty your mind, you can imagine a fire and concentrate on how it burns, so you can get rid of all kinds of distractions." Lynn shared his experience.

   Zhou Jing did the same, sitting on the ground and meditating with his eyes closed.

  The wind blows from time to time, and the ointment feels colder, but as time passes, the ointment gradually condenses and dries, as if there is dry mud on the body.

   Zhou Jing has never sensed any natural elements, and the world he perceives has not changed.

   "It doesn't seem to work, try again."

   Wipe off the dried ointment and Lynn applies new symbols.

   Zhou Jing tried two more times, still without success.

   He raised his hand to reject Lynn's proposal to do it again, shook his head and said:

   "No need to continue, it seems that I don't have this potential."

   Contacting the [Secret of Witchcraft] achievement that was triggered at that time, he already understood the situation, and if he wanted to sense elements, he mostly needed the qualifications of "magic" or "natural affinity".

  But the No. 2 astral apostle "Jason" has no such qualifications. Zhou Jing had a vague premonition, but he just gave it a try with the attitude of coming here, but unfortunately there was no surprise.

Although he holds the small aptitude promotion rewards of "Magic" and "Natural Affinity" in his hand, the two aptitudes of "Jason" are too low, and they haven't even reached the white level. threshold.

   "Don't be sad..." Lin En didn't know what to say.

   "It's nothing, it's not a big deal."

   Zhou Jing dried his body and put on his clothes again, but there was no sign of loss.

   This made Lin En heave a sigh of relief, but was surprised that Zhou Jing was so open-minded and calm.

   Zhou Jing was not too disappointed - it would be the best for Jason to practice sorcery. If he couldn't, at least he knew the qualification requirements, and if he had the opportunity to create an astral apostle in the future, he could pinch people in this direction.

   "Also, Bill might be able to practice witchcraft."

   Zhou Jing thought about it and felt that the odds were not small.

   "Bill" has no magic aptitude, but his natural affinity has reached the green gear, which is much better than "Jason", and may be able to enter the elemental field of vision.

  Unfortunately, I originally wanted Jason to say that he would cultivate both the "Blood Warrior" and "Elemental Wizard" professions. It seems that this apostle can only be a muscle stick...

   Well, this apostle focuses on physical development, at least purely.

   Zhou Jing smacked his lips.

   He is not discouraged. As long as there is another eternal apostle who becomes a shaman, he can transform his spellcasting ability into his main body, and let his main body embark on the path of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. There is still hope.

  You can give it a try... Zhou Jing secretly set up a new small goal.


  Although he failed to get started with witchcraft, Zhou Jing did not neglect Lin En. He kept asking the other party's practice experience on the way, and deliberately made the relationship closer.

  Lin En found that Zhou Jing did not have the aptitude for magic, but he was better at speaking. He no longer had to worry about Zhou Jing throwing him away after he became a wizard. He felt less awkward, and the two got along much more naturally.

The    team trekked all the way, the road was calm, there were no twists and turns, and finally returned to the capital at noon one day.

   Everyone's journey was faster than the news. When they came back, the news of the chaos in Deep Rock City had not reached the capital. No one knew about it, and it was peaceful and peaceful.

   Zhou Jing and the others approached Kreber to report the matter immediately. Kreber was surprised, and with a few people, he went over to learn more about what happened, and then hurriedly left the Imperial Hunter Station and ran to report to the Empire.

   It wasn’t until dusk that Kreber returned to the station, went straight to Zhou Jing, and got straight to the point:

   "Jace, get ready, come with me to the court to meet the king!"

   Hearing this, Zhou Jing's eyes moved.

  My identity, like Bill, was finally noticed by the core powers of the empire.

   (end of this chapter)