Astral Pet Store

Chapter 306: Home trouble (second more)

When Tang Ruyan went to sort out, Su Ping didn't make customers wait too much, and already opened the door again.

The customers stuck at the door finally waited for the door to open, and immediately rushed to welcome them. Most of the people who were in the front were mostly old customers in the Suping store, and some of them were middle and low grade students at Fengshan College.

"Mr. Su, I'm here to nurture the beast again." Zhang Baoxing, who ranked first, grinned. Although there was more business in the Suping shop, he still grabbed the first seat.

Su Ping remembered him, nodded, and went back to the counter, saying, "Do you still breed your red flame dog?"

"Huh!" Zhang Baoxing nodded vigorously.

Speaking of Chiyan Dog, his mood is a little excited, this time in the division league, he also rushed into the top 100!

Once in the main venue, as long as you pass the test, you can enter the top 1,000!

Once it reaches the top 1,000, it is considered to be completely famous, and his name will be published with other people in the media of various regions and spread throughout Longjiang.

As for whether it is mixed in thousands of names, will it be noticed... that is another matter.

At least, this is a proud achievement, no matter whether he is going to the Pioneers team or applying to a large group in the base city, he will be able to make people look up and respect.

"Ordinary cultivation or professional?" Su Ping asked.

"It's just ordinary..." Zhang Baoxing was slightly embarrassed. Although he grabbed the first time every time, he felt that he left an impression on Su Ping, but every time he was cultivated normally, he was also tired and depressed.

He wanted to cultivate something professionally, but one million at a time, he really couldn't get it out.

After all, although the cultivation effect in the Suping store is amazing, the price charged is also scary compared to other pet stores.

With thousands in his pocket, he can go to other beast shops, but in Suping, 100,000 is just the beginning...

When registering and charging, Su Ping also chatted casually with him, and when he knew that he had entered the top 100 of the division, he was also happy for him.

After sending away Zhang Baoxing, Su Ping continued to receive customers from behind.

The customers who are in the front are almost all old faces. Some people's name Su Ping is a bit impressed, but some don't remember, but only have memories of the face.

Ordinary regular customers seem to know that the Suping shop has the habit of "chasing customers". In order to be able to get the position first, they will come in line early.

After receiving more than a dozen customers in a row, suddenly, the countertop in front of Su Ping was beaten fiercely.

"Boss, you pay me!"

A roar came, attracting those who were standing in line behind him, and suddenly stretched out his neck and looked in surprise.

Su Ping raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man in front of him. He had some impressions on this face. He moved his heart slightly and frowned, "Full words."

This young man did not expect Su Ping to be so fearless and even more annoyed, saying: "Boss, the top 100 packages offered by your shop are delivered, saying that the good packages entered the top 100 of the total league. We are now even among the top 100 in the division. Didn’t even enter, how can you count me?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the queue was surprised and looked at Su Ping.

The delivery service in small naughty shops is almost a well-known thing.

In particular, the service of delivering champions, let the names of small naughty shops instantly spread throughout the base city of Longjiang.

It's just that this article is too high-profile. No one believes it. It's just a gimmick. It also attracts some people's controversy and attacks. It is believed that Xiao Naughty is unscrupulous and has no business reputation for fame and marketing.

But now, I didn't expect that even one of the top 100 services would have happened.

Didn't enter the top 100 in the partition?

In a surprised eye, the young man was angry, his eyes glared at Su Ping, and he seemed to swallow him alive.

Su Ping glanced at the young man and remembered that he had purchased one of the top 100 guaranteed services. Among the few people who had guaranteed the top 100 services, the pets he had nurtured to them all had seventh-order combat power. Professional cultivation.

Unless it is very bad luck, otherwise it is impossible to lose in the divisional zone, no problem in the top 100.

"Sir, report your name." Su Ping said calmly, thinking of the Liu family's resistance.

He thought that he would block, and also block Ye Hao and Su Yanying who had sent the top ten, but he did not expect to be just a person who sent the top one hundred.

"Sun Qiu!" the young man sneered. "You still want to refuse, but I have the contract I signed!"

"Please don't worry," Su Ping said, and then opened the register, and quickly found the person's information from it, indeed he himself. He didn't say anything, but turned on the communicator, quickly entered a mainstream website, and then searched for the "Sun Qiu" fighting video.

Soon, a lot of videos jumped out, some were shot by passers-by.

Su Ping selected one of the higher-click videos to enter, and the shots inside were clearer and were edited by the official.

After a few minutes, Su Ping frowned and watched all the videos.

After reading it, his brows were loosened, and his face became cold.

Seeing the change in Su Ping's expression, Sun Qiu's face changed slightly, and he said angrily: "Now the evidence is so strong, do you still want to deny it, you black shop, quickly lose money to me!"

The people queuing at the door in the distance, also all stood close to the team to watch on foot, curious.

Tang Ruyan, who was receiving customers, didn't anticipate this situation. He stood there stunnedly, but there was no joy in his heart, but he was worried.

If the shop's reputation is damaged and the customer runs away, she can recognize her true licking of the dog...Tianzi, it's even harder to come across.

"The beast you cultivated in our shop is the sixth-order Aurora Spirit Fox, right?" Su Ping looked directly at Sun Qiu in front of him, his eyes sharp.

Sun Qiu's face changed slightly, "Yes, do you want to hit someone?"

Su Ping said coldly: "Your Aurora Spirit Fox, I have cultivated for you the point where you can easily kill the seventh-order monster, why didn't you use it in the game?"

Sun Qiu was stunned.

The people who lined up behind were surprised when they heard Su Ping's words.

Can a monster of the sixth-order lower bloodline be cultivated to kill the seventh-order monster easily? !

This span is too big!

Although they have carried out ordinary cultivation in the Suping shop, they have either acquired new skills or improved their combat power, but they have not upgraded an entire realm at once!

Many people looked at this young man, their eyes puzzled, and some of them had darker thoughts, their eyes became strange, and they thought of something else.

Seeming to feel the whispers around, Sun Qiu's face changed, and he suddenly gritted his teeth, sneered: "It's nice to say, what cultivated to the seventh level, if it is so strong, will I not use it? Do you still have a face to say that I am lovable Beast, look at what I cultivated my Aurora Spirit Fox!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to open the summoning space, and a demon fox fell from it.

The demon fox is covered with snow-white hair, but at the moment there are dark patches on the hair. The color is extremely ugly, and it seems that the dye is spilled.