Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 326: Immigration and Baby Boomers

  Chapter 326 Immigration and Baby Boomers

  After bathing and massaging, Li Fushou was resurrected with full blood and returned to Lingxiao Pavilion in vigor to continue working.

  The war has stopped for more than half a year

  Thanks to the expansion of the occupied area and the enhancement of people’s confidence, the continuous input of a large number of laborers has enabled the Red River Valley’s economy to develop rapidly and vigorously.

  Especially the most important immigrant work, which achieved fruitful results in 1882. The annual immigrant population exceeded one million, achieving a historic leap.

  As of March 1883

The total population of Australia exceeded 5.176 million, of which the Chinese population was 3.229 million, a sharp increase of 896,000 over the previous year, the white population was 1.813 million, a slight increase of less than 40,000 over the previous year, and the indigenous population of the South Pacific was 134,000. In the previous year, nearly 30,000 people were drastically reduced.

  Shangri-La's population continued to grow rapidly, from 232,000 to 381,000. The main growth drivers were the development of Qixing Town and Longmen Town in the Qingshui River Basin. It is expected to exceed the 400,000 population mark by the end of April.

The statistics did not include 31,000 indigenous prisoners. The Borneo Theater of War continued to transport indigenous prisoners of war to the Koi Copper and Gold Mine at a rate of 2 to 3 ships per month, which greatly promoted the construction of the Longjin Highway, the construction of the Crescent Lake and the power station. Mining area construction.

The indigenous prisoners of war mainly came from the Machen Kingdom in South Kalimantan Province. This is a Borneo indigenous kingdom with low productivity and a total population of less than 170,000. Because a large number of strong men were sent to the mining area to perform hard labor, this indigenous kingdom that once existed in history It has long since vanished, leaving no traces.

  With the support of ample labor, the Jinli Copper and Gold Mine has been officially launched, mining ore based on existing conditions.

  The Borneo Immigration Plan has been accelerated. Since June 1882, the Chinese immigrant population in East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan has exceeded 252,000, with an average monthly average of more than 28,000.

  After entering March 1883, immigrants have further increased. It is expected that the immigrant population arriving that month will exceed the 30,000 mark.

The influx of a large number of laborers has strongly promoted the economic development of Queensland, especially the two industrial star towns Songjiang Town and Zhuque Town. The urban population has exceeded 300,000, surpassing Sydney to become the fourth and fifth largest city in Australia. The city squeezed to sixth place.

  Since the steam industrial revolution, the world economy has shown a trend of accelerated development.

According to the statistics;

  In 1870, the total global trade volume was 2.214 billion pounds, and it rapidly increased to 4.078 billion pounds in 1882, almost doubling in 12 years.

  The world's steel output, which is the main economic indicator, soared from 520,000 tons in 1870 to 16.6 million tons in 1882, an increase of 32 times.

  Oil production increased from 800,000 tons in 1870 to 13.2 million tons in 1882, an increase of 16.5 times.

  The total length of railways in the world has tripled from 210,000 kilometers in 1870 to 650,000 kilometers in 1882.

  It is against this historical background

  Queensland has emerged as a new force. The degree of industrialization is second to none in the entire South Asia and South Pacific region. The per capita economic income has also increased significantly. A large number of emerging bourgeoisie who have developed industries and commercial trade have emerged.

  This has further promoted cultural and entertainment needs. Large and small dance halls and nightclubs bloomed everywhere, theaters and tea houses sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and a wave of new temples and Taoist temples was set off in various cities and towns.

  Various newspapers and bookstores have appeared one after another. The Qinlou Chu Hall is more prosperous. There are many women from Europe, Belarus, Fusang and other places, and the business is booming.

  Only the Chinese women are almost nowhere to be seen. They have become the targets of the bachelors who get rich first. The young women brought back from the mainland by the media company were married back home almost immediately after they got off the emigration ship. There is no possibility of living in society.

  This has further promoted the development of large and small media companies. The society is using its own power to correct the demographic imbalance. This initiative has achieved remarkable results.

According to the statistics;

In the whole year of 1882, there were 282,000 couples married in Queensland. Among them, media companies, large and small, contributed half of the brides, and the remaining half was the female school-age population of immigrants from the mainland. As long as the girl’s family was broken threshold.

  The news that Australian brides are in demand spread throughout the coastal cities of the mainland. Legend has it that as long as the family has a daughter of the right age, all the immigration loans of the family will not be a problem to repay, and they can live a good life of prosperity.

This has directly led to the rapid increase of young women in the immigrant population, which is close to 30%. This means that nearly 300,000 young women of the right age immigrated to Australia in 1883. Coupled with the vigorous introduction of media companies, it is expected that the imbalance between men and women will be solved in the next 10 years. .

  It is expected that from the second half of this year, Queensland will usher in the first large-scale baby boom, with more than 330,000 births throughout the year, realizing an explosive growth in population.

  In 1883, more than 400,000 young women will be influxed throughout the year. Unsurprisingly, they will be integrated into society like ice and snow melted. Most of them will marry and be women and give birth to children within one year.

  The baby boom in Queensland will continue to be hot. It is estimated that the baby boom born in 1884 will surge to more than 500,000, and the society will enter a stage of more harmonious and orderly development.

  In order to deal with this situation

Queensland has made great efforts to simplify marriage registration procedures and has introduced the "Marriage Law" to protect the rights and interests of men and women. This law is based on the "Marriage Law" of the British Empire and takes into account the actual immigration situation of the Manchu Empire. It has deliberately made flexible judicial interpretations, similar to Interpretation of relevant laws in Hong Kong.

  Mainly during the duration of the marriage, the man can marry a partial house with the written consent of the first wife, and the rights and interests of the partial house wife are protected by law and must not be abused, bullied, or beaten.

  Marriage age The man must be at least 18 years old and the woman must be at least 16 years old.

  The "Marriage Law" stipulates related provisions such as pre-marital property notarization and post-marital property division. The man has the responsibility to raise the children of the marriage to 18 years old and so on. This can guarantee the related rights and interests of divorced women. This is a huge progress in this era.

  In order to cope with the arrival of the large-scale baby boom, the Queensland State Government has adopted various effective measures to further ensure the smooth passing of the birth climax of the newborn population.

  In August 1882, Red River Valley University and the University of Brisbane announced at the same time that they would expand the enrollment of the medical school starting from September 1. The enrollment scale more than quadrupled.

On September 1, 1882, 16 newly-built primary schools across Queensland began to enroll students, dozens of kindergartens began to enroll students, and various public and private schools were sprung up. The State Council introduced relevant bills to tax schools at all levels. Reducing and exempting preferential treatment for land and land for a period of 30 years.

  On February 6, 1883, Songjiang Medical College was formally established.

  On March 2, 1883, the Brisbane Nursing School was formally established.

  The new milk powder workshop of Songjiang Dairy Products Factory has been put into production. Songjiang Textile Products Deep Processing Base has specially developed a series of baby products, such as soft wool blankets for babies, wool quilts, wool bibs, baby clothes, plush toys and so on.

  A new baby economy is taking shape in society. Around this emerging industry, society will solve a large number of employment problems and further promote comprehensive and balanced economic development.

  Li Fushou successively reviewed and approved several related documents, all of which were reports on population and baby boom. Government departments increased specialized staff, built related facilities, commercial streets, hospital construction, and teacher training, etc.

At this time, the secretary of the Secretariat Fan Zhongzhai came in with a few documents. Li Fushou raised his head and greeted him. He dropped the pen and documents in his hand and lay down on a chair behind him and said; "Brother Zhongzhai, I have been caught all these days Surrounded by the baby boom, looking at the current gratifying situation, the immigration policy we implemented in the past few years may be deviated!"

   "Master Yuanding, I think the immigration policy of the past few years is correct and very correct."

   "Oh, tell me your truth."

"That's it. We started a situation in Queensland a few years ago. What the army and factories urgently need is young and strong labor that can be recruited. When they come, they can form combat effectiveness, and when they come, they can form productivity. There are a lot of babies. It's a burden, we can't afford it."

   "There is some truth in what I said, but it is a bit biased." Li Fushou sighed lightly, got up and moved around in the room, and walked to the wine cabinet to open the wine bottle...

  He saw Fan Zhongzhai hurried over to take the bottle, waved his hand casually, and poured a glass for himself and Fan Zhongzhai.

   Picking up the wine glass, Li Fushou bowed to Fan Zhongzhai, and took a sip of red wine with a toast, feeling the unique mellow taste of French red wine lingering in his mouth, and said;

"When you are at a high place, you will often be separated from the people, and you can't feel the urgent needs of ordinary people. Queensland has developed into a deformed society, and I have unknowingly built it into a volcanic crater. We are still at a loss when we squat on the crater. Unconsciously, it's really dangerous.

  From the rapid increase in **** and gang **** and other vicious cases in recent years, it can be seen how dangerous it is for a man to occupy a dominant position in a social group, full of violence and offensiveness, and repeated severe crackdowns cannot be contained.

  If there is no yin, there will be no birth, and solitary yang will not grow long, so heaven and earth match yin and yang.

The    triangle is the most stable structure. It is the same for the society and the family. Fortunately, our Chinese compatriots have super tolerance, which allowed us to escape.

  Brother Zhong Zhai...Whenever I think about this, I am secretly grateful. "

  Fan Zhongzhai took a sip of red wine quietly after hearing this, and thought about it and said; “Master Yuanding, I still can’t agree with your point of view. You are too demanding of yourself. People are not sages, who can be right?”

"Well, you don't need to comfort me. Now Queensland has a population of over 3 million people, accounting for three-fifths of the entire Australian population, and it will increase in the future. This is like a heavy weight that will be overwhelmed one day. Australia’s balance, have you considered this issue?"

   "The only warr!"

   "It's easy to say, how do you pass this level for the Brits?"

  Fan Zhongzhai shook his head decisively. He thought about it more than once, but this mountain lying in front of him was really helpless.

  It’s easy to beat the southern states, but it’s very difficult to pass the Brits, and the British will intervene 100% of the time. This is the current difficulty.

  Li Fushou smiled, raised his wine glass and touched Fan Zhongzhai for a while and said; “Apart from these annoying issues, I haven’t congratulated you on your son and daughter. It’s a double happiness!”

  Fan Zhongzhai has a wife and two concubines. It happened that in March, the first wife gave birth to a concubine, and the second concubine gave birth to another daughter. These days, he was so happy that he closed his mouth from ear to ear, and he walked all the way.

  "Tongxitongxi, Mrs. Fiona will have a childbirth next month. Zhong Zhai is here to congratulate Master Yuanding for having another son. The descendants are full and the Li family is prosperous."

   " and my brothers don't need to praise each other." Li Fushou said with a smile.

  The luscious French red wine is very suitable for the current mood. The sun shines in through the tall window lattice. The two talked very happily. After chatting for a while, hearty laughter broke out from time to time.

  (End of this chapter)