Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 102: Blood and Links

The sun goes west, leaving a deep and secret night. Under the dark night that covers half of the world, it is the brightest bonfire in the entire American continent, the capital in the lake that sleepless tonight.

The grand enthronement ceremony has just ended. In the palace area of ​​the capital, the nobles light incense, gather to feast, sing and dance and sing poetry. Civilians in the community lit torches and gathered to pray and bless. And on the swaying canoes on the shores of Texcoco Lake, where the stars are shining, there are young men and women meeting. They hugged each other, whispered, and looked at the bright Milky Way in the medieval night sky.

Starlight lights the way. Dozens of the chief minister's messengers walked through the secret path with solemn expressions. After a while, like a beast waking up from the jungle, the entire capital gradually became quiet, and the lights went out one by one. The autumn wind is full of chills, bringing with it the fear of the unknown.

Lines of samurai poured out of the imperial armory. They were resolute, blocking key roads, bridges and ports, controlling small boats on the shore, and prohibiting pedestrians from passing through the city. The young men and women were frightened and driven to the nearest houses. With a little doubt, the samurai guarded against "Prince Texcoco's rebellion".

In the Prince's Mansion on the edge of the palace district, Biriel was shaken from a sound sleep. He opened his eyes in confusion and saw the anxious face of the middle-aged warrior. After paying homage to his uncle Trol, he was gloomy and drank some wine. While thinking about the glory of the past, he fell asleep in the night wind.

In his sleep, he was the much-anticipated father, and then he became the much-anticipated self, standing on the majestic Great Temple, looking around the capital at his feet. What does such a dream imply?

"King, something is bad! We are surrounded by a large army! The enemy outside has already broken in, and there are only a hundred warriors in the palace, so we can't hold it! Get up, we will break through!"

The middle-aged warrior shouted anxiously, accompanied by the crisp sound of swords clashing, and a low mourning before dying.

Biriel suddenly woke up. He jumped out of bed, staggered slightly, and pulled off the gorgeous royal clothes. Put on a plain cotton armor.

"Who is the enemy? How many are there?" Biriel asked calmly after taking the shield and battle stick handed over by the samurai.

"The enemy's equipment is very well-equipped, with copper axes and leather armor. The martial arts are extremely superb, and they are absolutely elite. Either the royal guards or the temple guards! There are many, I don't know the specifics, but they are much more than us."

The middle-aged warrior's face was solemn. He was ready to die.

Biriel rushed out of the gorgeous main house with a single stride, followed by the middle-aged samurai. He climbed onto the cool roof and looked around. The enemy of the leather-armored bronze axe climbed over the stone wall, broke open the wooden door, and surrounded him from all sides. As far as the eye can see, the guards of the palace are retreating.

The other warrior's face was expressionless. Like puppets wielding copper axes, they slashed through the chests of the guards, mercilessly cut the throats of the wounded, and completely blocked all passages.

Biriel felt sad in his heart. He remembered the suggestion of the middle-aged warrior returning home overnight in the evening, the suggestion of the chief priest to get married, and angrily roared at the night sky: "Kechar, how dare you lie to me!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh". Dozens of sharp arrows came, and the archers equipped with Tlaxcala had been waiting for a long time.

A figure suddenly blocked the front. Biriel stumbled to the ground. There was an arrow in each of his arm and thigh, and blood flowed. But he didn't have time to worry about his wounds, he just held up the fallen middle-aged warrior, and the real tears welled up.

There were more than ten arrows in the middle-aged warrior's body, most of which only penetrated the leather armor shallowly, piercing blood holes one by one. Only the fatal arrow pierced the leather armor two inches straight into the chest, severing the heart and arteries, causing sharp internal bleeding.

"Texcoco..." The middle-aged warrior opened his lips, only had time to say a faint half sentence, then opened his eyes regretfully, watching Biriel motionless.

In the distance, the young warrior with a long bow nodded slightly. This kind of bow is really good. Within a hundred steps, it can shoot and kill leather armored warriors.

On the rooftop, Biriel was crying, angry, and dodging under the rain of arrows that continued to hit. Within a quarter of an hour, the resisters were all dead. Dozens of bronze axe warriors climbed onto the rooftop, hanging blood-splattered bronze axe, and surrounded him.

"I am the prince of Texcoco, the son of the founder of the Three Cities Alliance! How dare you harm me for no reason?" Bilier shouted at the surrounded warriors. His handsome face was full of twists.

"Prince Texcoco, surrender. You poisoned the chief priest and intended to rebel, and your sins cannot be forgiven. Only by offering sacrifices to the great gods can you be freed from boundless guilt!" The messenger solemnly pronounced the sentence.

Hearing this, Biriel raised his head in disbelief and looked at the majestic messenger.

"Poisoning the High Priest?..."

After being shocked for more than ten seconds, Biriel realized something. He desperately roared in the direction of the Great Temple: "The old thief is vicious! Actually..."

The messenger waved his hand vigorously, and the warriors swarmed up. They knocked down Prince Texcoco with the blunt blade of a copper axe, bound his hands with sisal rope, stuffed sackcloth in his mouth, and dragged him to the Great Temple. There were only corpses left in the palace, and on the altar of the main hall, the head of Trol was dying.

The arrests of the Texcoco family were carried out simultaneously in various parts of the capital. The family warriors of the royal family break into the gathering of nobles who are feasting. They ruthlessly captured Texcoco's military nobles, hereditary nobles, and even honorable nobles, regardless of rank. These nobles came to attend the enthronement ceremony of the new king, and the banquet was in full swing. At this time, the incident happened suddenly, and all was taken away in one go.

Afterwards, the priest of the Great Temple came with Ugel's order and declared "Prince Texcoco's crime". The priests appeased the nobles of the capital and Tracopan, and invited them to the priest's palace in the temple area to pay homage to the chief priest Kezar and bid farewell to the souls of the nobles.

The 2,000 noble chapters in the temple district have long been under centralized control. Hundreds of samurai from Texcoco were first eliminated and temporarily held in custody. The messenger announced "Orders against the Texcoco rebels".

The military nobles looked uneasy and could not make a noise. Immediately, more royal officers arrived, which suppressed the noise of the noble chapter. After another two hours, 5,000 warriors from the capital came upon the order to suppress the noble battle group, and the 7,000 army was launched one after another. They took the navy that had already been mobilized at the port and sailed under the moon overnight. The fleet went to the east bank of Texcoco Lake, dozens of miles away, to the city of Texcoco.

Avit returned to Montezuma Palace under the guidance of the messenger. He first asked the guard to bring the gift to his daughter. Then, under the dim bonfire in the main hall, he and Gilliam were relatively speechless.

After a long while, Gilliam respectfully saluted and made a solemn report.

"According to the latest information, the chief priest Kechar is dead. Prince Texcoco intends to rebel, and the elders sent troops to suppress it."

Avit nodded slightly, then shook his head again, Prince Texcoco could not rebel at this time.

"This is too strange, what happened?"

Gilliam pondered slightly and lowered his voice to speak.

"The situation is under the control of the elder, and the Texcoco family is unprepared. This must be the elder's plan."

Avit was slightly surprised.

"You mean... the death of Kechar?"

Gilliam nodded cautiously.

"Why is the elder like this?!"

"That depends on what His Royal Highness Sherlot said to the elder."

Gilliam responded with a respectful salute, which was very meaningful.

At the same time, in the dark snake house. Sherlot was awakened by the sudden noise. He was a little dazed, and carefully pulled away the tail of the little green snake wrapped around his neck. Then he put his ear to the wall and listened carefully. There were faintly loud shouts and calls. After about a quarter of an hour, the clamor gradually subsided. In the dark night, there is a dead silence.

Shirot frowned. He was a little worried about Avit, and Alyssa, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Immediately, he walked to the stone gate and shouted to the guards outside to ask. The guards remained silent and did not respond.

Shirot leaned against the wall again, staring at the darkness in front of him. He doesn't know his fate and worries about the people he loves. Silence and darkness make people irritable, and gradually make people fall asleep. The little green snake changed position and wrapped around his waist. It's like a silk quilt, it's smooth and soft, and it's comfortable. The young man put his head on his hands and fell asleep in contemplation.

This sleep was the next morning. At this time, there are two meals a day, and breakfast will be around 9 o'clock. The stone door was banged open, and breakfast consisted of tortillas and black bean puree. The guards also did not communicate with Shilot, and left immediately after leaving the food. The boy chewed the still warm bread, his thoughts drifting in the distance.

At this time, dozens of miles to the east, in the name of celebration, the city gate of Texcoco slammed open.

A large number of Neiying had been preparing for a long time to lead the army of the Alliance into the city. Seven thousand warriors from the capital entered from the west gate, four thousand holy city warriors rushed from the north gate, and more than a thousand garrisoned warriors in Texcoco were unprepared and surrendered. Immediately, the gates and streets were controlled. The warriors of the royal capital were in charge of the bombing, and the holy city warriors broke into the door directly and arrested the royal family, nobles and priests of Texcoco.

The royal family and the great nobles who have been passed down for hundreds of years trembled, obeyed, cried, angry, resisted, and fought, but they could not change the fate set by the elders. Recalcitrants were reduced to ashes, and those who surrendered were captured. The incident happened suddenly, the strength was disparate, and crying and roaring were meaningless.

After breakfast, Sherlot cheered up. He first recalled religious teachings for three hours, then thought about economic research for two hours, and finally thought about military reforms for two hours. At four o'clock in the afternoon, it was time for dinner. Supper was hearty and unexpected, turkey legs, rabbit stew, corn pie, and mushroom tomato soup.

Shiroute remembered the customs of his hometown, and patted his head in fright. By the way, the Mexicans have a similar habit. He froze for a moment, terrified for a moment, and then the warrior's will prevailed. He let go and sat down and ate happily.

"Eighteen years later, I'm a hero again!" The young man thought wildly, forced himself to be heroic, suppressed his inner unease, and drank the mushroom soup in one gulp. Then he tore off a rabbit's leg and gave it to the little green snake. The little green snake sniffed the cooked meat with disgust, and swayed away from the boy. It's going to dive into the waterways and catch delicious critters.

Meanwhile, on the eastern shore of Lake Texcoco. Thousands of children of the royal family and nobles were terrified and escorted into canoes by heavily armed warriors. They were empty stomachs, bare hands, shivering, and went to the capital city in the lake. They already know about "Prince Texcoco's rebellion", but they don't know what their fate will be next.

Another silent night. That night, Shiloh slept unsteadily. He thinks of his father, grandfather, friends, subordinates and lovers, strict self-training, technical research that forgets to eat and sleep, and his grand future plan.

The dark night made people vulnerable, and the young man couldn't help but feel sad: "He died before he left the apprenticeship, and the hero is full of tears. The ancients honestly don't deceive me!" Unintentionally, he had already brought into the mind of Zhuge's military advisor.

At this time, the little green snake finally came slowly from the ground. It twisted on Shirott's clothes to remove the water stains, and then wrapped around the boy's neck unceremoniously, again posing a comfortable "?" sign. Xiulott felt a lot more at ease, and fell asleep again.

The night was so long and hard that many people could not sleep.

When the stone gate opened again, Shulot sat up alertly, and the little green snake disappeared again. Candlelight poured in from outside the door, illuminating the calm face of the elder, as well as the captain of the guard holding a clay pot.

The elder did not speak. He looked at the young man's expression, and the faint smile flashed away. Then he made a gesture and turned away.

Shilot followed tragically, through the long ramp, through the corridor of the gods, and came to the window of the palace again.

Under the sudden light, Shirot tried his best to adapt and looked ahead carefully. The scene in front of him is so familiar, the gathering of nobles and warriors, the sacrifice of priests and elders. There was a solemnity between heaven and earth, but there was no singing of joy.

A handsome young man smiled smugly, and was the first to ascend the towering War God Temple. The priest's chant sounded again.

"Sinful Prince Biriel of Texcoco, go to the kingdom of the **** of war! He will sacrifice the sacred sacrifice to absolve the guilt of offending the gods and the king!"

This is a very familiar voice, but it has not been heard for a long time. Xiulott looked at him in surprise, only to discover that the priest who was wearing the highest priest uniform and holding an obsidian dagger was his grandfather! He looked around again, but couldn't find Kechar.

Shiloh looked at the elder in shock, and the elder nodded calmly.

"My child, Prince Texcoco poisoned Quetzal, and your grandfather is now the new chief priest."

In front of the Temple of War, Biriel stood in the top of the majestic Great Temple, looking around the capital city under his feet. It turned out that this was the revelation of the dream... He smiled miserably for a moment, and was pressed on the sacrifice stone by the priests and elders. Immediately, the body separated and rolled down the stone steps.

Behind Biriel, there are all the prince bloodlines of Texcoco, which have been passed down for a hundred years, and there are more than 500 people. Then came the children of the more than 400 nobles, and finally dozens of small nobles. They were put on anesthesia, their hands and feet were sore, their bodies were painted with sacrificial blue, and one by one, they were sent to the Temple of War. The soul returns to the kingdom of God, and the body falls to the dust.

This time, there is no need to ask for names. Because of their names, they have long been part of the league's history. Once bloomed at the top, now withered overnight.

There was no cheer in today's sacrifice. The nobles under the Great Temple looked solemn and trembled in their hearts. This is completely different from the nobles who sacrificed their enemies. These people on the stage, who were still celebrating and drinking with themselves the day before yesterday, are above everyone else, and they are sent to the altar today, how can they not be feared!

Those glorious names, even longer than the history of the alliance, are the real dignitaries that every Mexica noble must memorize. And now, in front of everyone, a prince, two noble nobles, and nearly ten hereditary nobles will be extinct forever, the inheritance will be cut off, and they will disappear in front of the gods!

This is a large-scale purge that has never been seen in the history of the league. Although Prince Texcoco was furious for a while, he poisoned the chief priest, and the crime was unforgivable. But why bother with this!

If it weren't for the fact that the capital had been sealed off and the nobles were under the strict supervision of the royal family's warriors, I'm afraid the large and small nobles would have fled long ago and returned to the fief to launch the warriors to protect themselves.

Among them, Prince Tracopan was the most uneasy. He escaped in plain clothes twice, but was intercepted by the Elder Guard. Afterwards, he bribed Uger with a lot of money, and then he was instructed to go to see the elder. Under the indifferent gaze of the elder, the prince voluntarily handed over the management of the six thousand Trakopan warriors, as well as the Chinampa who provided for these warriors.

Only then did the elder gently nod his head, comforting words. Reward the prince with a scepter as a symbol of identity, a royal talisman that expresses trust, and betrothed the grand-niece of the chief priest to him. Prince Tracopan was relieved.

In the depths of the prison where no one can see, dozens of high-ranking priests of Texcoco were secretly executed. Most of them have the blood of princes and great nobles, and they hold theocracy to hinder reform. In the largest prison, more than a thousand children of the Texcoco minor nobles and noble chapters were imprisoned. These elite noble warriors are not in the scope of cleaning, and the elders keep them for other The elders calmly looked at the red-stained temple. There was blood in his eyes, and Gujing had no waves. His eyes were slightly deflected, and everywhere, nobles and nobles bowed their heads solemnly and remained silent. Just no more reverence and obedience from the heart.

The old man sighed in his heart. These days, big nobles have been asking to see him, asking the elders to pardon Prince Texcoco, and not to get involved too much. Although under the power of the elders, the big and small nobles bowed their heads again, but their hearts have been exhausted.

In the entire Texcoco Lake District, there are only two princes, twenty honorable nobles, and more than one hundred hereditary nobles. This purge completely eradicated the Texcoco family, wiped out some of the most conservative religious nobles and priests, and recovered a large amount of land and property. At the same time, it deterred the great nobles and cleared the way for religious reform.

But his prestige was exhausted. The nobles were pinned to the brink of rebellion and could no longer be deprived of their benefits for at least a few years. Even, the alliance must prepare for the next war as soon as possible, use the victory of the war to improve the prestige of the center, and feed the loyalty of the nobles with the flesh and blood of the enemy.

At this time, Shirou finally calmed down. He looked at the elder with a serious expression, not knowing how to speak.

The old man's face was calm. he said slowly.

"My child, the first litter of mice is gone. You have to help Shutter compile religious books and clarify the law. You have to organize the text and teach the priests and apprentices. You have to prepare and make more longbows. After the autumn harvest next year , the alliance will send troops again."

Shilot lowered his head. The autumn wind blew his long hair, and also brought a faint blood. The development of the times requires the fuel of life, as well as the driver of the direction to drive towards a stronger future.

Facing the elder, he sincerely salutes him, and takes orders with a solemn and solemn voice.