Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 121: Waiting and Proposing

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The setting sun is like blood, and the palace area is reflected in the color of blood and fire, just like the kingship of the Mexicans.

In the setting sun, under the royal power, two great nobles walked silently, stepping on their shadows step by step.

"Butcher, what do you think?" After walking silently for a long time, Iscali, a royal nobleman, spoke slowly. His face was cold and stern.

"Last month, it's too early, don't worry."

The noble noble Tepopolo smiled kindly, and the wind was light and cloudless. The two have long known each other by their nicknames.

"Isco Atel's family has long been enfeoffed outside the state, and there is still a day to rise again!"

Iscali frowned. His emotions were fluctuating, and there was dissatisfaction in his voice.

"So what? After all, it is the bloodline of the royal family. Today, it seems mysterious and unpredictable, quite extraordinary."

Tepopolo smiled gently and patted his old friend on the shoulder.

"Besides, King Avet is also a combination of the two royal families. He reuses the close relatives of the paternal line, and probably also wants to balance your power."

Iscali was silent for a moment and replied in a deep voice.

"But his throne, after all, is inherited from the maternal line! You can stand on the outside and watch, but I stand inside!"

"You are wrong, my old friend." Tepopolo put away his smile and responded seriously.

"The throne of the Mexicans never inherits from anyone! It only inherits from great force and great talent!"

"That's why I told you not to worry. The coronation war in the autumn has not yet begun. The king needs to prove himself, and the heir needs to prove himself! If he is really a great commander, what's the harm in obeying?"

"What you should pay more attention to now is the new laws and reforms that the priests have made! Our power is also inherited from wealth and force. But now, the priests want to take it away!"

Iscali was horrified. He looked at Tepopolo with awe.

"I've heard of the new law, and it seems that it only restrains ordinary great nobles, not against us. Besides, some nobles have indeed gone too far."

Tepopolo smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Now, what about the future? The priests are getting tighter and tighter. Once they develop, they will eventually devour us!"

Iscali frowned deeply. He pondered for a moment, but his mind was still blurred and he couldn't see clearly.

"Then what should we do?"

"Wait, or wait, wait silently." Tepopolo smiled again.

"Behind the new law reforms are the elders. Now we can't do anything."

Speaking of the elder, the two of them looked at the magnificent Great Temple not far away at the same time. As the sun sets, the **** sacrifice seems to appear in front of us again. They shuddered at the same time and fell silent.

After a long time, Iskali did not speak again until he walked past the Great Temple, away from the shadow in the nightmare.

"Butcher, what are we waiting for?"

"Last Moon, of course, is waiting for an opportunity." Tepopolo curved his eyebrows, looking more and more kind.

"Chance? You mean..." Iscali's eyes flashed fiercely, with a murderous look on his face.

Tepopolo was stunned. He stopped, looked at Iscali, and sighed with a smile.

"My stupid friend of the moon, you are almost forty years old, how can you still be so murderous? I should give you your name."

Iscali frowned.

"Come on, my smart butcher friend! When you followed the conqueror Montezuma I to the south, you executed thousands of Zapotec prisoners at one time. Why don't we use the same name, I'll be the elder The first generation, you are the second generation of the young."

Having said this, Iskali laughed, enjoying himself.

Tepopolo sighed helplessly again. Then, he thought of something, and his face was serious.

"Iscali, I ask you, will you bring Zapotec's captives back to the capital of the lake?"

Iscali pondered for a moment, then simply shook his head.

"It's too far. It takes two months from the city-state of Zapotec to the capital city in the lake. There are dense mountains and forests, and there is no convenient river. It consumes too much food along the way. It is better to sacrifice on the spot to please the gods and the gods. Legion."

Tepopolo smiled and nodded, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes, Iscali, this is distance and time. You see, even the great Montezuma could not completely conquer the remote southern states. The vassals bowed their heads and surrendered when the army came, and when the army left, He often refuses to pay tribute, and decides everything independently on the land.”

"Next, if the king's conquest fails, the waiting opportunity will come! The nobles will renegotiate the future, and the reformation of the priests will be difficult to continue. If the heir is not good enough, it will be your Vizily Vettel family who will exert their efforts. It's time!"

Iscali groaned. He thought about it, testing the mind of his old friend.

"So, we don't really contribute to this west expedition?"

"No, I will do my best in the Western Expedition! As a councillor, I must give my full support to the king before he fails, and gain the king's trust. King Avet will take everyone in his heart, and Gilliam is his eyes. If the king really If you can lead us to conquer Tarrasco, the opportunity will also come!"

Tepopolo smiled faintly. With Iscali's confused eyes, he said slowly and deeply.

"At that time, we asked for an external seal. We took our vassal warriors to the distant Tarasco Lake District to guard the frontier for the Alliance. That is true autonomy, like the military city-states on the Tlaxcala front in the northeast. , but without facing a formidable enemy!"

Hearing this, Iscali finally looked shocked.

"Tepopolo, are you leaving Tlatelolco, which has been passed down from generation to generation?!"

Tepopolo nodded in confirmation.

"Tlatelolco has already been incorporated into the capital of the lake. The princes may die or disappear, and I will become the noble noble with the highest status. The general trend is that the entire Texcoco Lake District will become the territory of the king completely. The priests will also expand their power in the reform. If I stay here, the end will not be good. It is better to invite the foreign vassal, jump out of this cage, and watch the kings and priests of the central center."

Speaking of which, Tepopolo is meaningful.

"What the future holds, I'm afraid we don't know yet. Now we just have to wait."

Iscali frowned deeply. His eyes seemed clearer, but the future was still cloudy, like changing tequila. Even an outstanding samurai, wisdom and vision still limit him to the death. After a while, he hesitated to speak.

"If you invite foreign vassals, will the elders and the king allow it?"

Tepopolo smiled confidently, gentle and powerful.

"Of course. The change of title must be the plan of the elders and the king. The elders have been detaining thousands of low-ranking nobles and warriors in Texcoco, polishing their hearts and sending priests to teach day and night, and they must be waiting for Hiloteppe. The fall of the city of Ke.

At that time, the upper layers of the Otomi people will be washed away, and all of them will be re-sealed. The alliance can firmly grasp this important town by the northern river, and eliminate the hidden dangers of the capital. In the territory of the Otomi people, these converted nobles can only move closer to the alliance.

The core of Western Tarasco is the Patzcuaro Lake District, which also has a communication distance of one or two months from the capital, and cannot be directly managed by the royal family. Since it is a war of gods to destroy the country, it must be guarded by a noble vassal king to rule the newly conquered land! Who is more suitable for this position than us? "

Thinking of this, Tepopolo was once again in high spirits. His thoughts drifted away, and hidden ambitions rose from his heart. The Patzcuaro Lake District is also the foundation of the king, so how can the Mexicans have only one king?

Iscali nodded silently. As an old man of the royal family, he has never endured the pressure that the royal family brought to the great nobles, and he is actually not interested in sealing remote places. But what the old friend said made sense. He finally understood the thoughts of the elders and the king.

As a result, Iscali was cold and stern again, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Butcher, you are right. In this battle of gods, the great nobles and priests of Tarasco cannot stay. Tarasco's weeds must be cleared and Mexica corn is planted!"

"The great nobles must be unplugged! But the priests of Tarrasco...well, too."

Tepopolo responded in agreement, pausing for a moment before continuing to nod as if nothing had happened.

Conversations continue, hearts change. With their backs to the **** sunset, the two walked steadily in the shadows, waiting silently. On their periphery, are the elite private warriors who are loyal guards.

In the main hall, Shirot waited quietly for a long time. When the outsider left, he sat cross-legged beside Avit, watching his friend King's work closely, watching him record and organize the wooden boards with pictures. From time to time, the teenager asks for some advice on the handling of government affairs and puts forward novel suggestions.

During the chat at work, Avit also brought a little smile. He returned from his divinity, his expression relaxed, he occasionally touched the boy's head, and mentioned two words about his favorite daughter. Gilliam sat quietly in the shadow of the throne, watching silently, occasionally adding some details.

Busy time always goes by quickly. When Avit finally raised his head, the setting sun sank into the ground, and it was pitch black outside the window. The distant moonlight shone from the window, reflecting the bonfire in the main hall, bringing tranquil warmth. So, he gave the boy a gentle smile.

"Shirot, come here today. Come early next week for the New Year's sacrifice, Alyssa misses you a little, and I don't have time to accompany her on weekdays.

After the elders and us have finished their tour of the city, you will take Alyssa on a boating tour of the and then go to the royal garden at noon to relax and see the flowers and butterflies. In the evening, when there are few people, go to the zoo and the aquarium lake to tease the roe deer and patterned fish. In the evening, go to the High Priestess Platform to watch the moon and the stars... I will let people prepare snacks, snacks and drinks, no alcohol.. ."

Listening to Avette's detailed arrangements and specific plans, Shulot wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was under a lot of pressure. The young man felt Avit's true emotions, and his heart was warm, and he listened quietly with slight joy.

Soon, Avit finished exhorting. The two stared at each other silently, this kind of atmosphere has been gone for a long time.

"Okay. Avelot, I'll take Avelot to find Alyssa. The little golden eagle has grown a lot and has new gray feathers. Of course, it still feels soft. It's always been very courageous. Little, you can accompany Alyssa for a long time."

Shirott responded with a sincere smile. Avit was slightly stunned, thinking of the little golden eagle who had been trained, and couldn't help but smile.

The two laughed again for a while. Only then did the boy seriously look at his friend and make the proposal that he had been waiting for for a long time.

"Avit, when I was fighting on the Leman River, I thought of forming a well-trained pike militia to supplement the warriors and maintain the front line."

"Now, we have enough copper mines to make copper spears. Recently I went to the surrounding mines and found a lot of excellent miners and soldiers... Can you send me thousands of miners and let me form a new army? ? They should be able to use it when they are on the westward expedition to Tarasco."

With a frank expression on his face, Shulot said the proposal to form a new army, and looked at Avette with anticipation and sincerity.

Hearing this, King Avet looked at the boy beside him. His smile gradually solidified, another thought gradually rose, and the ruthless divinity came again.