Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 168: parties

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A strong long wind blew from the eastern sky, and the wind chimes on the high platform jingled again, like a fierce prelude to a movement.

King Suangua stood on the high platform, silently looking at the eastern sky. The summer wind in the rainy season is so dull, and the moist moisture is blowing in, heralding the arrival of new heavy rain.

After a long while, King Tarrasco sighed softly. He lowered his head, stared at the longbow and bronze arrow on the ground, and spoke slowly and solemnly.

"Zinzini, how did the master craftsmen study? When can these mexican longbows be imitated?"

The chief minister showed a faint smile.

"Your Majesty, I have gathered the master craftsmen of the capital to study together for two days. According to the masters, the manufacturing technology of this kind of longbow is not complicated. The craftsmen only need to follow the existing shape and approximate imitation. Before I came here, I just gave a strict order to let the craftsmen start making it, and the first one can be imitated within two or three days at the fastest!"

Su Angua nodded in satisfaction. He looked at the Chief Minister and asked seriously.

"Zinzini, the stone castles in the south are crumbling, and the dangers are like accumulating eggs! The warriors on the front line need this powerful new weapon. In two weeks, make a thousand longbows, can you do it?!"

The chief minister thought for a moment and replied calmly.

"Your Majesty, it can't be done. It's impossible!"

Hearing this, the king widened his eyes, waiting for the chief's explanation.

"The technical difficulty of the Mexica longbow can be overcome. However, its long bow body is long and wide, and the wood texture is hard. It is very labor-intensive to make! We lack skilled bowsmiths, and the initial stage of mass production will be very slow. At the same time, this long bow The bow has a great pulling force, and the arrows used must have strong shafts and neat shapes. It is also extremely difficult to make! Also, high-quality feathers are expensive, and high-quality wood has a large gap..."

Zinzini spoke patiently one by one, ignoring Su Angua's gradually gloomy face. Finally, his voice suddenly became louder.

"Your Majesty, the most important point is that longbows and feather arrows require a lot of labor. With the large-scale mobilization of the Lake District, our manpower is almost exhausted!"

Hearing this, Su Angua's expression froze. He asked seriously.

"Tell me in detail!"

The chief minister saluted respectfully, and then stretched out his right hand, calculating one by one.

"The Greater Patzcuaro Lake area has a total population of more than 900,000 people, and Ding Zhuang has more than 200,000 people. At this time, the north and the south were fighting at the same time, and the border was full of flames. Two months after the war, including the militia, Ding Zhuang lost 30,000 to 40,000 people. The kingdom has already recruited 50,000 militiamen into the battlefield, and 50,000 will be recruited in the future. Many of the remaining Ding Zhuang are in the fiefs of large and small nobles, and it is difficult to force them. These people can only maintain the most basic autumn harvest... Your Majesty, pure In terms of national strength, we are only three-fifths of the Mexica Union."

Su Angua was silent. He knew in his heart that, including the vassals who paid tribute to the Mexica Alliance, the kingdom's national strength was only half of that of its huge enemy. The king pondered for a moment, listened to the chants of the priest in the wind, and spoke slowly.

"The nobles are gathering together, waiting for the sacrifice ceremony of the priests. I will discuss the prophecies of the gods with the priests and elders. The gods will inevitably say that the nobles and large nobles will jointly dedicate their human and material resources to resist the invasion of Ability God believers. This will be pious A manifestation of it or not!"

Zinzini was stunned for a moment, and after a little thought, his face changed greatly. He spoke hastily.

"Your Majesty, nobles are the foundation of the kingdom..."

Su Angua waved his hand to stop it, his face was cold and hard.

"Zinzini, I have my own measure! Can thousands of craftsmen in the capital be able to select a batch to make long bows?"

The chief minister lowered his head and calculated for a moment before answering.

"If we stop the maintenance of the palace and temple, and forcibly recruit craftsmen from the royal family, we should be able to make up two or three hundred people."

Hearing this, the king frowned slightly.

"This number is too small! Three hundred more people were recruited from the copper artisans, and all of them were used to make long bows and arrows."

Zinzini was busy calculating again. Then, he hesitated to answer.

"If this is the case, the daily output should be more than 50 longbows and more than 1,000 arrows. It will take nearly 1,000 people to cut down wood and handle miscellaneous tasks... Is it just a gap for copper soldiers?"

Su Angua nodded and waved his hand to make a decision.

"Just do it like this! The militia guarding the fort does not need bronze soldiers. Allocate a batch of bronze tools to the craftsmen, so that they can improve their bow-making skills and make them proficiently as soon as possible. The warriors step up supervision and work day and night. Also, urgently select warriors who are good at archery. And the militia, listed directly under the royal family, give priority to equipping longbow!"

The chief minister quickly drew an abstract longbow and a small figure on the wooden board, marked counting symbols, and wrote down the king's instructions.

Suangua turned around and looked at the five majestic "Houses of Wind" Yakata, where the sacrificial ceremony had already begun.

Under Yakata, the nobles stood in awe, silently watching the solemn and grand ceremony. In front of the three temples, the holy fire burned fiercely, and the low-level priests sang. They inhaled the smoke of the kingdom of God wafting from the pottery gourd, and danced wildly in a trance-like ecstasy.

The king frowned, looked away in disgust, and looked at the calm-looking high priest. Armed with sharp blades, these old priests stood at the top of the temple, welcoming the bundles of Mexica offerings one after another. The number of sacrifices is not too much, but the ritual of sacrifice is very complicated. Each **** has different preferences, corresponding to a part of the body of the sacrifice.

Suangua's face was calm, watching the blood bloom in front of the temple. His mind suddenly became a little dazed.

"The Mexicas have always been known for being good at offering sacrifices, and all the tribes in the world sang their piety. I don't know if there is a chance to see the spectacular sacrifice ceremony with my own eyes..."

Thinking of this, the king suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the sky in the south.

From the "Palace of Winds" to the southeast, four or five hundred miles away, is Sittaquaro State. The undulating mountains and forests hinder the movement of large-scale troops, and the rivers flowing from north to south are natural marching channels. At the main road of the river, there are dense stone castles.

The summer sun falls from the sky, illuminating the flag on the stone fort. The long wind blew, and the flags fluttered with distinct patterns, and a third of them were already the sun and hummingbirds.

The royal aristocrat Iscali, carrying a three-and-a-half meter commander's flag, stood on a hill, staring straight ahead.

Two hundred meters ahead, is a small fortress of bluestone. The stone fort is full of bloodstains, scattered corpses and arrows, and at the top is the eagle flag of the Tarrasco royal family. A jaguar warrior with a yellow armor and beast helmet was covered in blood, strode up to the top of the watchtower, and broke the eagle flag with one hand. Behind him, the senior warrior in the dark green battle uniform looked solemn, bowing his head and handing over a new flag.

Then, the jaguar warriors planted the flag at the highest point. Facing the long wind, he suddenly shouted, calling out the name of the Lord God. The flag just unfolded in the wind, revealing the bright markings of the sun and hummingbirds. At this moment, seeing this exciting scene, thousands of Mexica warriors cheered together, praising the victory bestowed by the Lord God!

On the hill, Iscali also bowed his head to block his protruding cheekbones and prayed silently. Then, his expression was cold and stern, his eyes flickered with cold light, and he calmly called the guard beside him.

"How many prisoners of war are there?"

"Two hundred Tarasco warriors, five hundred militiamen, mostly wounded."

"Not a single one."

Iscali waved coldly, his voice indifferent as usual. This stone fort resisted resolutely, facing several times the enemy, powerful longbow and the bombardment of slings, it still stood for five days. When the warriors of the alliance climbed the city, they also killed and injured more than 200 people... The commander of the southern route is not prepared to give any prisoners a chance to convert.

The guard bowed his head and complied, then strode away. After a while, the priests who accompanied the army built a simple altar, prayed to the supreme god, and offered sacrifices. Soon, the sacred chants echoed inside and outside the fortress, and thousands of warriors knelt before the sacred fire, feeling the comfort of their souls and regaining their will to fight.

Iscali also knelt down and prayed. He whispered in his mouth, but his mind drifted into the distance with the wind.

"It's halfway through July, and Sittaquaro has only taken a third of it. The resistance of the Tarrascos is getting stronger and stronger, and the warriors are losing more and more. When will the king arrive with a large army? "

Changfeng continued to walk. Behind the commander of the South Road, there are successive wooden camps until Raziko State at the beginning of the grain road. In the mountains and forests outside the camp, there were many corpses in Tarasco costumes, dyeing the soil beneath them red. On the periphery of the camp guard, there are shallow mounds where the warriors and militiamen of Mexica are buried. After a moment of shouting and fighting, there will be eternal peaceful sleep, no matter whether it is enemy or foe.

The warm sun shone down, treating hundreds of miles equally, but the ground changed. At this time, the Mexica Valley was full of lush greenery. Wildflowers along the road are in full bloom, and young crops in the farmland are thriving.

Farmers meticulously weeded fields and tended to corn, soybeans and pumpkins. Occasionally they stopped to work and looked at the group of militiamen walking by the road, the sharp stone spears in their hands, and the high bamboo baskets behind them. This is the militia transporting food to the southern front.

When the warriors in the front row pass by, the farmers will also ask a few words in a low voice, asking what the Tarasco people in the west look like. The fight two hundred miles away took place on the enemy's territory, and the alliance's spring ploughing was as always. To the civilians of the Union, the war seemed to be thousands of miles away, the end of the world.

The residents of the capital city in the lake are obviously well-informed. They chatted in the great market of Tlatelolco in the northern city, and the busy caravan brought the latest inaccurate news. Under the guidance of the community priests, the residents of the capital talked loudly, imagining the situation of the battle, and discussing the victory that was destined to be won.

In the king's palace, Avit sits high on the throne, wearing a majestic robe. With the latest paper book in hand, he was consulting the Texcoco Lakes mobilization report. Beside him, Gilliam stood hunched over, holding a pen and paper. He looked solemn and did not make a sound.

The king has all military mobilizations firmly in his hands. He looked at the counting symbols on the paper booklet, and did quick and accurate mental calculations without needing anyone else to report or help. After a long while, Avit nodded in satisfaction.

"The vassals everywhere are quite honest. The Vastecs, the Mistecs, the Zapotecs, all sent their second tribute of the summer. The distant Zapotecs did some tricks, The tribute is only two-thirds of what the alliance requires. The alliance is busy with farming and war, and it is indeed impossible to send troops to them. However, this is more like a temptation for the vassals and cannot be condoned at will!"

Avit thought for a moment and made a decision.

"Gilim, dispatch 3,000 elite warriors and 500 jaguar nobles. Let them go to Mistec in the south to make a detour, declare the force of the next alliance, and then join the sequence of the southern army to the west. At the same time, send messengers to scold them. Zapotec people, let them make up for the lack of tribute in the tribute after the autumn harvest!"

Gilliam nodded and took the order, writing down the will. he asked in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, you will go on expedition after the autumn harvest. If there is still a shortage of the third tribute from the south at that time, what should you do?"

The king smiled slightly.

"Then write down the shortfall and make up for it in the New Year's tribute. If there is still a shortfall, the alliance will not raise troops now, but it will keep it firmly in mind and count it together in the future!"

Gilliam nodded solemnly.

"Your Majesty, as soon as the war begins, the consumption of materials is like burning forests, and the alliance's manpower and material resources are in full strain. If it weren't for the tributes from vassals from all over the world, I'm afraid it would be difficult to maintain. Tarasco will only be more difficult than us."

Avet nodded in agreement.

"Returned some time ago, Iskali's Southern Route Army is progressing well, and has captured the outermost circle of stone forts. As long as Sitacuaro is captured, the Tarasco people will be safe! The Northern Route Army also succeeded in gaining a foothold in the Leman River, containing a large number of northern enemies. How to fight later depends on his own performance."

Gilliam bowed his head.

"The South Route Army is the main force of the Western Expedition, and the North Route Army is always a partial division. As long as His Royal Highness can attract reinforcements from the Chapala Lake District, and always maintain the pressure on Akambalubang, it is a great achievement!"

Hearing this, Avit smiled lightly, and didn't say but calmly ordered.

"Gillim, continue to send envoys to the city-states of the alliance, urging them to mobilize the warriors who do not need farming as soon as possible, and rush to the north and south fronts. Before the autumn harvest, we must launch another wave of offensive! Similarly, send envoys and scouts to the major forces to test their attitude towards the alliance. and observe the military mobilization situation. Tell Akap that he is doing well in the religious holy city of Cholula! Let him continue to talk about theology with the priests and elders there, and send him a special batch of tobacco and holy water!"

Hearing the name of Holy Water, Jilim's hand froze, and his face finally changed slightly. After a short while, the intelligence officer returned to normal and continued to record in his hands.

Afterwards, Avit stood up and looked at the western sky through the wide doors and windows. He thought silently in his heart.

"Shirot, you shouldn't let me down..."

At this moment, in the distant religious holy city, in the towering mountain sanctuary of Cholula, Akap trembled inexplicably. He was wearing a gorgeous robe, his face was like a crown of jade, and he was as graceful as the messenger of the gods. He was laughing with a group of gray-haired old men.

The rich divine smoke wafts in the sanctuary, exuding a pleasant and intoxicating special breath.

"Elder Akapu, the supreme concept of the gods you just talked about is very good, why did you stop suddenly?" At the front, a seemingly kind and noble old man asked with a smile.

Acap pondered for a moment, feeling that everything was normal, and said with the same gentle smile.

"Respected priest leader, the divine smoke you burned is too precious, and it made me intoxicated for a while, and I completely forgot."

The leader of the priests laughed and waved. Several well-dressed maids immediately stepped forward and poured more precious herbs and flowers into the exquisite copper incense burner.

"Then ask Elder Acap to continue to forget about myself and meet the gods above all in a dream!"