Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 200: The Battle of Takuro Plains is over

White clouds like snow, draping the shadows of the sky. The sky was as blue as a mirror, reflecting the bright red of the ground. With a boiling cry of killing, Chang Feng shook the clouds in the sky and offered sacrifices to the supreme god. The sun **** lowered his eyes indifferently, watching the vast and cruel battlefield, and then attracted tens of thousands of souls.

On the hill where the sun fell, Orosh was covered in blood, and finally broke through all obstacles! The fierce jaguar fighters rushed to the front of the flag and slammed twice, beheading the leader of the enemy guarding the flag. Then, he let out a tiger roar, folded his hands hard, and the gorgeous and tall "feather" handsome flag fell down!

Seeing the scene in front of him, the surrounding battlefield stopped in an instant. The sacred banner was thrown on the ground, and many blood-stained feet stepped mercilessly into the dust and mud. After a while, a thunderous cry suddenly sounded, accompanied by countless desperate wailing!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

Tens of thousands of samurai chased the north, and tens of thousands of enemy troops fled like ant colonies. The flag of the black wolf shone brightly in the sun, and fluttered in the strong wind.

Shirott looked at the battlefield of great victory and laughed heartily, his laughter was full of confidence and heroism. The glorious victory has finally arrived, like drunkenness!

Afterwards, the young commander looked at the left flank of the enemy army that was still stubbornly resisting, and waved the red command flag again. The two wooden cannons turned around, aimed from the side, and emitted two thunders again!

A roar of thunder exploded in the sky-blue samurai formation, wiping the flag of the coach, knocking down several guards. The scattered stones thudded and slammed against Oanda's helmet. The puffs of smoke rushed towards his face, covering his eyes. The owner of "Sky" shook his head, which was dazed by the roar, and was still shouting words to motivate the samurai.

After a while, the smoke finally dissipated, and Oanda was suddenly silent. He looked around and saw that all the Allies had long since retreated, or were collapsing, or had surrendered. The surrounding enemy troops rushed in quickly, some holding sticks and shields, some gathered spears, some held amulets, and surrounded the remaining more than 2,000 "sky" warriors.

"Patriarch, the marshal has escaped! The situation is over, let us protect you and break through!"

The loyal guards approached. They looked desperate, ready to fight to the death.


Oanda gave a bleak smile. He looked around, three different legion flags, firmly surrounding the four directions. Not far away, three thousand archers climbed the hill, holding long bows and horizontal bows, aiming at their army formation. There are also dozens of craftsmen, pushing two roaring wooden beasts, slowly approaching.

"Where to flee to? We are the queen of the army, and there is no way to escape!"

Speaking of this, the owner of the "Sky" suddenly looked excited and burst out in anger.

"Kestrel and Cardinal, how can they fly in the same sky?! Cowardly Cardinal! Peng Guali, you betrayed the three gods, the kingdom, and the oath of the coalition army! You will fall into the abyss of the ground!!"

Oanda turned and looked west. It was the Legion of Feather that had escaped and disappeared, and it was also the hometown that could not be returned. He let out a low growl, like a prophesied curse.

"Chappala's feathers, although you can escape for a while, you can't escape the future! You will eventually be caught by the enemy and die on the high platform of sacrifice! I will wait for you in the kingdom of God in the sky!!"

Hearing this, the surrounding guards were shocked and speechless. The Patriarch has fought for many years and has high prestige. They wanted to persuade, but they couldn't speak for a while.

At this moment, an envoy of the enemy came to the front. He was dressed in Mexican garb, but spoke with a northern Tarrasco accent.

"The incarnation of the gods, the invincible Lord Shilot, let me bring his benevolent password: Surrender, General Chapala, good at fighting! Follow the great alliance, convert to the supreme god, and fight for the new sun! You will retain your status as a noble, retain the pro-military guards, and retain your family heritage in the dying Tarasco Kingdom!"

Hearing this, Oanda suddenly raised his head and stared at the front.

I saw the tall black wolf flag moving towards this side. Under the flag were the enemy troops and hundreds of brave jaguar warriors. A warrior with a small stature was surrounded by the center of the elite army and walked slowly towards it. He wears a multicolored feather crown and a black and gold battle suit. He holds a dark green feather shield painted with gods in one hand, and a crimson spear flag symbolizing the marshal in the other hand, dazzling like a **** descending. Beside him, a warrior with a simple expression like a monkey was whispering something.

Shulot handed the banner to the flag officer behind him, and walked towards the sky blue enemy warrior. "Monkey" Kuluka whispered back beside him, a flash of inspiration in his eyes.

"My lord, the opposite General Chapala is an excellent veteran, and he is also leading a real elite. He can still respond quickly to wooden cannons and spear formations and maintain the morale of the army, which is indeed very tight! He must be A splendid nobleman, his subordinates are family warriors that have been passed down from generation to generation. In the future, when we attack the Chapala Lake District, such a character will be of great use!"

The young commander nodded slightly and smiled confidently. He waited for a while, and the teacher Olosh strode back with the broken "feather" flag. He shed the blood of the enemy, leaving a red trail behind him.

"His Royal Highness, I present to you the commanding flag of the enemy army and congratulate you on the brilliant victory!"

Olosh knelt down on one knee, raised his hands high, and presented the "Feather" flag.

Shulot took over the brand-new handsome flag and looked at the familiar feather pattern. Those feathers that unfolded were not embroidery, but real quetzal feathers, a luxury more expensive than precious stones. In the golden sunlight, the beautiful feathers shone with blue patterns like flowing waves.

The young commander watched for a moment, as if he was about to see someone he had never met from the gorgeous banner. After a moment, he smiled and nodded in approval.

"Olosh, you have defeated the enemy's central army, captured the enemy's commander-in-chief, and let the enemy's marshal run away. You should be the first in this battle!"

Hearing the revised order in the words, Orosh was slightly taken aback. Immediately, his face became clear, and he lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"This is the blessing of the Lord God! It is also the glory of His Highness! The Western Expedition will surely win, and the Alliance will conquer the world!"

Shulott laughed loudly. He bowed down, handed the flag to Orosh again, lifted the other party from the ground, and said in a low voice.

"Teacher, take the banner and go with me to persuade the enemy generals to surrender."

Oloshi nodded. Holding the broken flag in one hand and the battle stick in the other, he carefully guarded His Highness and walked ahead first. But for a moment, the young commander, the brave general, the elite guard, and the commander of the black wolf came together to the last enemy line.

"Sky" Patriarch looked carefully, silent. Although the enemy marshal looked calm, his face was handsome and handsome, but he was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

"Three gods and ancestors are on top! I actually failed in the hands of a young man!"

When he really saw the enemy marshal, Oanda's heart suddenly froze, and his face showed pain. He had imagined the appearance of the enemy and his own answer, but at this moment he was speechless.

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields, slashed wildly in desperation, and then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spear. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears. The archers in the rear threw away their bows and arrows, turned and ran away. Baring their fragile backs, they were constantly knocked down by the pursuing samurai, and cried out in fear. Afterwards, the warriors flanked by the two flanks came, and the militiamen fell to their knees helplessly. They made no resistance, surrendered by the hundreds, and waited for the judgment of fate!

The surviving Chapala Central Army was dismantled. The warriors in the rear are no longer standing. They dropped their shields and slashed wildly in desperation, then quickly exhausted their stamina and were stabbed to death by the dense spears.