Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 210: the only way

The winds of April set off from the ocean and traveled thousands of miles to the land of the lake in Mikancho. In the warm sun, a light mist rose from Lake Patzcuaro, and the air was moist. The pines and cypresses by the water are fluttering in the wind, and the morning dew condenses on the tips of the leaves, flowing down the slender branches. The quiet time of early spring is silently soaked in the rising sun.

Shilot stood quietly by the lake, looking at the deep blue sky. The fresh wind blew through, with an unknown fragrance of flowers, blowing away the clouds. The sun fell on his face and around him, leaving behind a bright peacefulness.

However, peace and tranquility are only temporary appearances, and war and fighting are the reality of the world. The breeze was blowing from the southwest, and the tip of the nose was the scattered fireworks, and there was a faint smell of blood.

Shirot sighed lightly. Then, he looked back suddenly, and a burning flame was reflected in his pupils.

"The long rainy season is coming, and the loss of food will increase exponentially. The horn of spring ploughing will sound at the end of the month, and the mobilized manpower will become tense. The war must be speedy!"

A few dozen steps away, hundreds of personal guards stood silently behind His Highness in armor and bows. They are like chilling pottery figurines, waiting for the commander's order.

And further south, raging fires are rising in Ivacchio. The flames danced, connecting with the rising sun in the sky, turning the prosperous town into red. The sound of the wind blew, bringing distant sounds and making the screams of fighting resound through the sky. The temples of priests, the manors of nobles, the houses of great merchants, and wherever there was resistance, the Mexica Legion was resolutely slaughtered, and even the fire of destruction, until everything was silent.

After a few quarters of an hour, the sound of fighting gradually ceased. Toltec stepped on the sun and came from the burning town. His shirt was bloody, his eyes were bloodshot red, and his face was full of cold killing intent. It was not until he reached His Highness that he knelt down on one knee and replied respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, our army launched a raid at dawn, and now Ivacio has been conquered by the army! The most resistant temple was burned, and all the priests of the gods went to the abyss. Most of the nobles of Tarrasco died in battle, and the remaining They all became prisoners. The big town merchants resisted for a moment, and then surrendered. They launched representatives and asked to negotiate with you. They said that as long as their property was preserved, they would surrender to you, and then negotiate the cost of labor, which is really whimsical. !"

At the end, Toltec held the battle stick in his hand and sneered coldly. In the eyes of the samurai, the victor takes everything. These conquered merchants are already sacrifices to the captives of the alliance, and they have no qualifications for negotiation.

Shulot's face was calm. He raised his eyes to the southern sky. The royal army of Suangua was hiding somewhere within a hundred or two miles to the south, and a war would come suddenly at any time. So, he shook his head and decided the fate of the captives.

"Toltek, I don't have much time to spend here. All I need is the miners who dig copper mines, the artisans who make copper ware, the food for the legion, the armaments for the battlefield, and the latest military situation in the south! As for the entire town All the wealth of the army will be rewarded to the warriors of the legion! I will give you half a day to solve everything quickly, and then go out to investigate!"

"Follow your will and thank you for your generosity!"

Hearing this, Toltec looked happy and bowed to the ground. Then, he got up and returned, striding forward, like a black wolf chasing its prey, pounced on the prey promised by the leader.

Soon, the warriors in the town burst into cheers, chanting the generosity of His Highness. Then the warriors got busy. They screened captives, searched for supplies, and then divided the feathers, gold, silver, gems, and slaves they plundered equally by battalion. After a while, a shrill cry sounded, and it quickly stopped silently. The priests of the army, singing the hymn of the sun god, returned with blood-stained obsidian daggers, and all the noble captives were sacrificed.

Shilot did not change his face and continued to meditate. After a while, Ezpan came to him with a slightly fat prisoner.

"His Royal Highness, I tortured the newly arrived businessman. This big businessman is from Trapanic and said that he has important military intelligence to report. He saw the trail of a large army in the south!"

Ezpan reported respectfully, and then kicked hard. The prisoner bent his leg and fell forward on the grass, begging for mercy in a panic.

Hearing the military situation, Shulot was slightly moved. He waved his hand, signaling the captive to be quiet. Ezpan knelt down on one knee, pressed the businessman's head into the grass, and forcibly silenced the other party.

"You found the trail of a large enemy? When, where, under what banner, and how many?"

His Highness asked. Ezpan then repeated it again in the kingdom's southern dialect. Hearing this, the businessman stopped shouting. His eyes flickered, and he put on his habitual smile.

"His Royal Highness Mexica. I am a businessman from the Trapanic tribe. We Trapanic people have always been obedient to the powerful Mexica Alliance and paid tribute to the Alliance on time. In the war between the Alliance and the Kingdom, we are also resolute. Support the belief in the alliance of the sun **** and the rain god... I am willing to use the latest information in exchange for your protection of my property and a small reward."

Shirot lowered his eyes slightly and spoke in a low voice.

"The military situation is urgent and must be accurate."

Ezpan nodded, his expression cold. Then, with a sharp knee strike, he knocked the businessman down completely. Then he pressed the opponent's left hand to the ground and took out a sharp dagger. Under the fearful gaze of the other party, he slashed the blade without hesitation.

"Ah, ah!..."

Fear combined with pain, the slightly chubby businessman let out two short howls before being pushed into the grass again. Like Ezpan, he lost the pinky on his left hand forever.

"Where is the enemy? What flag? How many people? To be honest, a lie, a finger!"

Ezpan let go and repeated the question. At the same time, he raised the dagger again.

"His Royal Highness spare... life! I say, I say!..." The businessman opened his eyes wide in horror, begging for mercy in a loud voice full of pain.

"Nine days, no, ten days ago, I was passing through Apatchin Gambang in the south, and I met a local merchant who was fleeing... A Mexican army landed from the ferry on the north bank of the Tulsa River, and immediately defeated the approaching The town. They executed a group of nobles and merchants, collected enough supplies from the town, and then began to march north. I hurriedly fled here before they arrived. .."

"What, are you sure that the one in the south is the Legion of Mexica?"

Shiroute looked surprised. He thought he could hear the trail of Tarasco's army, but unexpectedly he heard the intelligence of the friendly army.

"It must be the Legion of Mexica! I have seen with my own eyes the local merchants I know well, they are holding high the flag of the sun **** and the flag of the falling moon."

Falling evil moon... There is only one Mexica commander who has this emblem, and that is...

"The Last Moon, Iscali, is the South Road Legion!"

Shiroute whispered to himself, his face excited. The appearance of such a new force in the neighboring south will bring a more favorable development to the situation. If this is the case, Suangua will not be able to detour from the south. The only way to retreat west will be completely cut off from now on!

"How many people are there in the Southern Legion? Where is the last position? Where are the local businessmen you know?"

Sherlot looked serious and asked seriously.

Trapanic's businessman's eyes flickered again. He answered intermittently.

"The army in the south...several thousand...a little north in Apatchin Gambang...the army came, there was chaos, and the local merchants and I fled..."

Shirot lowered his eyes again and shook his head slightly. Ezpan shouted fiercely, cut off the dagger again, and then spoke indifferently.

"One lie, one finger. Three lies and you die!"

The slightly chubby businessman cried out in agony, tears welling up in his eyes. He wept lowly and spoke in fear.

"Ah, ah! I... I don't know! A large army appeared in the south, and our merchants couldn't escape in time, so how could we come close to take a closer look. As for the local merchant...he, he fled in a hurry, no The samurai hired to **** has only a few servants, and they are full of gems and treasures... Encountered in the wild, no one knows about this chaotic time... I, I naturally killed him, laughing at the property, a few A servant was also sent to the kingdom of God together... Your Highness, I am telling the truth and I am not lying!"

Shirot watched for a moment and nodded.

In this day and age, there is no one good businessman. The big businessmen raised warriors, colluded with tribal leaders or nobles from various places, and often engaged in smuggling and private trade. In a fortified town, businessmen can be law-abiding good gentlemen. In the desolate wilderness and weak villages, as long as they have the upper hand, they will show their hideous minions and obey the laws of the jungle.

"Band up his wounds and imprison him. Send out elite scouts, take the merchant's servants, and go south to establish contact with Iscali's legion!"

"Tell Iscali, quickly lead the army north and join my northern army. Be careful, Suangua's army is somewhere not far to the south. If there is any trace of the enemy, report to each other in time, and then join together. Army attack!"

"Follow your orders! Your Highness, may your light shine on the heavens and the earth!"

Ezpan pays homage. Then, he dragged the merchant captive and left quickly without looking back.

Not long after, a dozen teams of scouts hurried south. They have different military orders, and the most important thing is to find the Tarrasco Royal Army.

Sherlot looked into the distance. The sun rises high, and the light shines on the earth, so that all shadows cannot hide. The young commander muttered to himself.

"Suangwa, the legion has blocked the road to the southwest. Where can you go?"

The sun rises and sets, and suddenly it is a day. The bright sun shines for hundreds of miles to the southeast, reflecting the green mountains and forests. In an undulating forest valley, the stream flows quietly, passing several nearby noble manors. This is where the nobles showed their bravery. The woodlands where they hunted in autumn were always forbidden for civilians to enter and leave. In spring and summer, it was always desolate.

At this moment, however, if one can walk through the hidden sentry and into the seemingly peaceful forest estate, thousands of strong warriors can be found. They held bronze axes and bows in their hands, and wore bronze helmets and leather armor, keeping their military uniform. Tarrasco's most elite king army is currently stationed in a hidden valley, waiting for the king's decision.

King Suangua, dressed in a battle suit and with his hands behind his back, stood on the heights of the manor. He was silent, looking at the northwest sky, before sighing for a long time.

"When the fire starts, keep the wind away. Let the wildfires swept through the city, burning up weeds, corn and even cocoa outside the city. As long as the holy wind is still there, new seeds will always be sown!"

The king of Tarrasco whispered the metaphorical words. This was the secret letter from Chief Minister Zinzini a few months ago, and he had already memorized it by heart.

"Chief Hummingbird, did you expect today's situation a few months ago? In just one year, the kingdom that has been inherited for two hundred years is at stake. Where is my future, and where is the kingdom's turnaround? Woolen cloth?"

The young king looked heavy. Since retreating from the southern route, the royal regiment has traveled secretly southward along a remote path and swiftly westward along the river in the woods. Relying on the status of king, the army used the noble manor as a stronghold and received supplies from the great nobles in the south. For the sake of safety, he took all the descendants of these nobles with him. On the surface, he believed that he was trying to win over him, but in reality, he kept the news of the march as a never leaked.

Along the way, the military situation in various places continued to gather, and the king's plans were constantly changing. When he left from the southern front, he prepared to lead his army back to the capital, and the whole army stood firm, waiting for reinforcements from the Tlaxcalans. Soon after, he encountered a large number of Mexica scouts and learned that the surrounding area of ​​the capital was already under the control of the Mexica Northern Army.

The most secure North Road was defeated one after another. Although Su Angua scolded Russian and Peng Guali, he no longer dared to underestimate the young Mexica. The Royal Legion is not dominant, and once they encounter an enemy in the wild, the outcome is unpredictable. So, he turned to the southwest, preparing to make a detour to the south to the city of Ivacio in the hinterland. On the one hand, it obtains supplies there, and on the other hand, it supports the capital in the north.

The young king was ruthless and prepared with both hands. Once the capital is besieged and cannot be rescued, or the hearts of the people are too scattered to be stationed, he will lead the royal family and the chief family to the south and retreat to the Colima Mountains in the southwest. The Kingdom of Tarasco has been fighting various tribes in the mountains for many years, and is well aware of the advantages of the mountains and forests. Defending against danger and defending, and guerrilla attack to avoid real attack, are all appropriate strategies to wait for the situation with the weak enemy strong.

However, the scouts in the south soon reported that a Mexican army of about 5,000 people landed in Apache Gambang, only a hundred miles away from the Wang army.

"What's more deadly is..."

Su Angua turned around and looked at the scout who was kneeling on the ground. The loyal scout traveled hundreds of miles a day, bringing the latest bad news.

"The northern army of Mexican quickly moved south, captured the city of Ivacio, and went forward to block the passage to the west. The enemy scouts moved forward for nearly a hundred miles, and they were close to the royal army!"

The young king waved calmly and let the scouts retreat to rest. Afterwards, he showed determination and looked at the re-erected royal eagle flag.

"As of now, there is only one way!"