Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 222: chase

The golden sunlight slanted westward, illuminating the bright red battlefield. The earth is soaked with warmth, and the wind is wafting with blood. Among the green grass are three-colored feathers, patterned leather armor, broken spears, shining stone pieces, obliquely inserted feathers and arrows, scattered flags... and countless fallen corpses. Looking at the bright red battlefield from a distance, the distance is blurred and cruel, as if seeing the flowers all over the mountains, blooming in the spring of life cycle.

In this spring field, tens of thousands of Mexica warriors raised their hands and cheered in victory. Golden bronze spears flickered on the ground, and black battle sticks streamed under the sky. The long and slender bow was raised obliquely to the sky, and the smoky thunder hit the ground. These powerful and wild oaths were deeply engraved in the eyes of the old militiaman Chiwako, which made him shiver again.

The Royal Capital's reinforcements consisted of 3,000 elite soldiers and 1,500 warriors. Even though the minds of the various ministries are different, after this long period of fighting, they are already on the verge of breaking through Toltec's line of defense. However, at this moment, the legacy of the king's flag fell with a bang, the sacred cocoa tree collapsed before my eyes, and there was no hope for everything!

The reinforcements from the three thousand capitals stood there for a few breaths, and then there was an uproar. The barbarians, militiamen, warriors, nobles, and priests were all in chaos; angry roars, chaotic crying, faint shouts of killing, and fierce arguments all suddenly mixed together.

The former army commander wears the hummingbird's suit. His face was full of despair, he roared loudly, and he continued to move forward. The large number of nobles shook their heads one after another and demanded to retreat immediately. Soon, an aristocrat shouted out, with fear from his heart.

"The Mexican Legion is here!"

Everyone looked together, only to see the flag of the enemy commander waving under the banner of the black wolf. Thousands of Mexican warriors carried long bows and waved battle sticks as they marched towards the reinforcements in the capital at a constant speed.

Even though they were separated by a distance of several miles, the nobles couldn't hold back any longer. They turned around one after another, left the chaotic temporary meeting, and returned to their private army. Afterwards, the Temple Legion of the army was commanded independently, and the order was forbidden, and it had already turned around and started. Under the leadership of the high priest, they were the first to set foot on their way home from the northwest.

Seeing this familiar scene, the old militiaman immediately realized something was wrong. He trotted two steps, grabbed the captain Puapu who was roaring in anger, and shouted urgently.

"Master Ash! The army is about to collapse! Hurry up and run back with the team!"

Puap shouted angrily, but his eyes were full of blankness. The immortal banner was broken like a rotten tree, and the High King fell before his eyes. Decades of three views completely collapsed in an instant, and his heart of belief was suddenly filled with darkness.

"That is the king of the gods...that is the incarnation of the sun can it disappear so easily?...Evil Mexica!"

Puap shouted angrily again, but there was an undisguised fear in his voice.

Now is the point of life and death, the crisis is at hand! The old militia burst out with twelve points of potential. He looked at Puapu, who was still in shock and lost his breath, and he couldn't fight out. If it weren't for the follow-up plan, he would have fled first with his brothers. Thinking of this, the old militia gritted his teeth and raised his hand to slap.

"Clap! Master, if you don't leave, just wait here to die!"

Puap's eyes were staring at the beating, but he finally had a look in his eyes. He covered his aching cheeks and roared angrily.

"Old man Qi, how dare you hit me?!"

Seeing that the captain regained his senses, Chiwako quickly put on a smiley face, then raised his hand and slapped himself.

"Master, the sky is about to fall, you are still in a daze, I am doing this for your own good! Look, the priests have escaped, and the surrounding nobles are also fast. The fastest rabbit eats bean sprouts, The slowest rabbit is eaten by wolves! Sir, we have to hurry. Even if we can't run first, we can't run last!"

Puap looked around, the Mexica troops who were blocking the reinforcements were scarred and were defending in place, panting. The subsequent Mexica Legion was miles away, and the speed of the march was only ordinary. The enemy has no shadow, and the nobles have completely lost their fighting spirit. They shouted loudly, desperately urging their private army to assemble, turned around and fled to the capital in the northwest. And further afield, the banners of the priests are rapidly shrinking.

"Shameless noble, incompetent priest!"

Puap roared. He continued to search and finally saw the commander of the Hummingbird family. The opponent was shaking the flag with force, gathering family warriors, and the order to march turned out to be... attack? !

Puap was stunned. He looked at Chiwako subconsciously, and the old militiaman shook his head resolutely.

"Master, at this time the queen is attacking, it is a dead end! It seems that the master's master no longer wants to live. You can't accompany him!"

"Master, even if we surrender, we mustn't choose it at this time! If the hunters catch too many rabbits, they will choose a few to kill. After taking so many prisoners, there may be a sacrifice! The only way out is to escape, and leave now. When the real pursuit begins, once the good running Jaguars join, we will not be able to escape. !"

Puap shuddered when he heard the name of the Jaguar Chapter, a habit of being scared out of horror stories as a child. He gritted his teeth hard, and instead of looking at the commander's assembly order, he turned around and shouted to the warriors under him.

"Mexican, **** it!...Let's go, back to the capital!!"

Following the captain's order, the old militiamen clenched their spears, took the brothers, and turned back to the northwest. Before leaving, he looked to the south for the last time, the sun illuminating his old cheeks, but not penetrating his deep heart. Only a faint sigh drifted in the wind lowly.

"This first bean, finally paid off the debt!"

Hundreds of steps away, the black wolf Toltek was covered in blood, panting violently. He fought for a long time, and his body was quite exhausted, but his face was full of a contented smile. Toltec looked at the chaotic enemy formation in front of him, watched the opponent's retreat, and waved his hand excitedly.

"It's really a grassy warrior! It's soft in your hand! The militia scouts, assemble quickly. See my orders, attack as soon as possible!"

After Toltek gave the order, he turned his head in peace and watched the situation in the south. His eyes were full of admiration, watching the spear corps wave the broken king flag, listening to the proud and excited shouts from afar, and scolding in a low voice.

"Monkey has had great luck again, and hit a first hit! Seeing that he is going to be a lot higher than me!"

The black wolf's sharp eyes continued to scan, and suddenly it was fixed not far from the southwest. There were more than 200 imperial guards fleeing, led by the general known as the Hound. The spirit of the black wolf was suddenly lifted, and the majestic fighting spirit rose from his heart again.

"I, the black wolf Toltek, have to compete with the hound Yuku to see who is the real warrior! And catching the enemy general is also a great achievement!"

The black wolf clenched the longbow excitedly. He looked around and ordered decisively.

"Come on the two captains of bow hunters, and chase with me! The rest of the militia scouts, chase after the reinforcements in the capital, and keep the order unchanged!"

After finishing speaking, the black wolf who was good at running was the first to stand out, and with dozens of personal guards, he rushed directly to the southwest. In the remaining army formation, the senior scout Nekali was covered in blood, but clenched the copper axe in his hand. He looked at the fleeing prey in the north, and a fierce smile gradually appeared on his face.

The bronze axe guard hurried westward, temporarily staying away from the enemy's pursuit. Suangua stopped suddenly from running. He looked back sadly, silently watching the ancient king flag fall, tears pouring out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"The inheritance of the ancestors, the blood of the royal family, the magnificent capital, the great kingdom... will all be lost in my hands! What will I look like, going to the divine kingdom of my destination, to meet the soul of the ancestors!"

Yoku paused for a moment and stood beside the king. The remaining half of his left ear was simply bandaged twice with a white cloth, which was quite suitable for the king whose right arm was injured. However, this kind of small injury cannot affect the peerless warrior, nor can it shake the firm will.

"Your Majesty, as long as you are alive, there is still hope for the King! The most important thing at this time is to withdraw to the southwest, and run as far as you can before the Mexicans recognize your double! Your Majesty, please cheer up. , we'll be back!"

Su Angua nodded and said sincerely.

" my loyal hound! I leave my safety to you!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to die for you! As long as I am here, no one will threaten you. Your Majesty, please leave now, and I will come to your Highness. I will definitely fall before you!"

Yuku knelt down quietly and gave a deep salute. Then he stood up and waved the flag resolutely. Another fifty guards turned to the north, raising their shields to form small scattered formations. With the determination to die, they met the longbow warriors who were chasing, and the warrior chief who was strong and skilled in the distance.

The Hound stood on the spot, took a deep breath, and then raised his hand with two arrows, killing the two frontmost enemies. Shocked by the sharp archery, the chasing Mexican warriors slowed down a little, while the warrior chief quickened their pursuit. The hound shot two more arrows, slightly suppressing the speed of the chasing army, then turned around again, and chased the king like a wolf.

And two miles away, the black wolf Toltek touched the longbow behind his back and showed a grinning smile. Then, he continued to gallop at a high speed, chasing the big fish in his mind!

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