Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 227: goodbye

The mighty night wind rose from the bonfire and merged into the vast dark sky. It flew to the northwest, crossed the mexican camp that sang all night, walked through the silent wilderness, until the lake area plain.

The night is deep, the night is getting brighter. Desolate villages are scattered on the fields, and a few little torches are twinkling in the villages, and then slowly extinguished in the night wind. And on the distant skyline, a distant shimmer finally appeared again, outlining the shadow of a majestic city.

An old militiaman, Chiwako, stood in front of an abandoned mansion with a spear. He stared at the twilight sky in a daze, then silently looked at the royal capital in the sky, sighed with concern, and turned around and entered the house.

In the spacious house, there were more than a dozen warriors from the militia lying all over the place. Wizti was wrapped in a headscarf, sitting in the corner with his legs crossed, and nodded to the old man with a low expression. Chiwaco gave a "hmm" and looked around. Several other old brothers also stayed, yawning, bowing their heads and sorting out the leather armor on their bodies, and then brought their spears and short daggers by their side.

"Quick! It's almost dawn! Brothers, get up quickly! When we can see our feet, we'll leave!"

The old militiaman greeted loudly and walked quickly to the center of the mansion. Everyone got up and busy, only the captain Puap still closed his eyes tightly, like sleeping like a turkey. Chiwako bowed his head and saw that the samurai master was sweating on his head, humming and talking in his sleep, like a stupid owl that couldn't wake up.

The old militiaman curled his lips and reached out to pat Puap's face. The samurai master shuddered, rolled over suddenly, and shrank back into a hedgehog.

"Master, master! We're going! Wake up, wake up!"

Hearing the voice, Puap shook his head confusedly. He raised his arms in his sleep, covered his ears with his shoulders, and continued to curl up.

Seeing this, Chiwako's face darkened and he frowned.

Yesterday, the Mexicans chased and killed all the way, and the teams that were behind were completely slaughtered, and the screams behind them continued all the way. Fortunately, everyone was born in the militia, used to walking in the countryside, and ran fast under their feet. He had been escaping half the night like a hare, leaving the Mexica far behind. When it was completely dark, the torches in everyone's hands were burned out, and the road under their feet could not be seen at all, and then they stopped and rested in a deserted village.

Running all the way, the brothers were so tired that they fell asleep as soon as they lay down. Only the samurai master sighed and murmured all night, talking about the king and the chief, without seeing his usual shrewdness and strength, and he didn't know when he fell asleep...

The old militiaman glanced around, and the brothers had already packed up. He finally stopped waiting, raised his right hand, slapped the samurai captain fiercely, and shouted loudly.

"Master, the jaguar warriors are catching up!"

"What? Jaguars?! Go, go!"

Puap suddenly woke up from his dream. He got up from the ground like a rabbit, fumbling around in panic, looking for a close-fitting weapon. The old militiaman squeezed out a smile, stretched out his hand and shook the arm of the samurai master, and said respectfully.

"Master, it's almost dawn, the Mexicans are behind, let's go!"

Puap looked around and saw a dozen or so well-equipped militia warriors, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his hand, and was about to slap Chiwaco right now. The old militiaman took a step back, looking at him with a smile in his eyes, holding a sharp spear in his hand. Puapu paused with his big hands in the air, turned his head to look around, his pupils shrank slightly, he also put on a smile, and patted the old militiaman on the shoulder affectionately.

"Okay, okay! Old man Qi, thanks to you and the brothers all the way! When I get back to the capital, I will be in front of the chief and personally ask for the credit for you!"

Chiwako nodded respectfully, smiling silently. He looked at the surrounding militiamen and shouted sharply.

"A bunch of stupid woods, come and help the master put on his armor!"

Under the leadership of several old brothers, the surrounding militiamen came to help Puap change into leather armor. The samurai captain looked around, most of his trusted samurai lost at night, and the rest were gang militia... He was stunned, then smiled and nodded to everyone, wisely did not say a word.

The sky was getting brighter, and the remnants of the soldiers also packed up. Everyone gathered from the surrounding houses, and there were actually fifty or sixty.

The old militiamen watched carefully, and half of them were remnants of which they did not know which part they came from, and the armor was also severely damaged. Chiwako thought about it, then divided several subordinates, and simply divided the remaining soldiers into groups, and roughly controlled them in his hands. Soon, just as the sky was getting brighter, the old militiamen asked Puap to raise the flag of the captain and lead everyone on the road quickly.

Outside the village, senior scout Nekali and a few sharp soldiers were cooking fire in the wild and taking a rest. He is the most elite scout. He is not short of meat on weekdays, and he can also rely on the moonlight to discern the way. After the war, the Mexica warriors chased and killed them overnight, and the reinforcements in the capital were scattered, and most of them were captured like turkeys. Nekali just kept going all night, all the way to this place.

The bonfire slowly softened the water-filled corn tortillas, and also evaporated the **** smell on the leather armor. Nekali wiped his hands on the long grass, leaving a dark red trail of blood. Then, he picked up the warm tortilla and devoured it, taking a few bites into his stomach.

Nekali sighed contentedly, bowed his head and licked the dewdrops on the grass in the morning, and quietly stood up on the grass. Taking advantage of the dim morning light, he looked around like a beast, looking for the next target. Soon, the senior scout's eyes narrowed, and the excitement before hunting appeared on his face again.

"Hurry up, eat faster! There is a group of remnants outside the village in the northwest, let's go eat them!"

Hearing this, several scouts looked to the northwest together. A scout swallowed the food, looked at his palm, and asked hesitantly.

"Head, there are two warriors with a palm and a palm, and we only have one palm. This... I'm afraid we can't beat it?"

"No! These Tarrasco troops are just hares fleeing in a hurry, and we are the cheetahs of Mexica! As long as we make a surprise attack, the hares will just like last night, screaming and fleeing, leaving the cheetahs to prey !"

While speaking, Nekali narrowed his eyes and watched carefully. After a while, raging anger rose from his heart. He saw a familiar figure, wearing a rare hood and carrying a common spear... The battle in Lake Yuriria came to his mind again.

"Damn, that sly black fish, those sly hares, are still alive! Don't make any noise, come with me!"

Nekali suddenly pulled out his battle stick and charged at the enemy in the distance. The scouts were stunned, and had to take out their weapons, chased the captain's footsteps, and launched an attack together.

"Ah! The Mexicans! The jaguar warriors have caught up!"

The dark green battle suit suddenly appeared on the field and caught the eyes of the remaining soldiers of Tarrasco. The scout warriors ran quickly and let out a terrifying howl. With the two sides still a mile apart, the Tarrasco militiamen were already in chaos. The twenty or so dispersed militiamen turned and fled, while the rest were on the verge of collapse.

"Old man Qi, the jaguar warriors are here! Come, let's go!"

The remnants of the soldiers were in a panic, and Puap's expression became panic. He grabbed the old militiaman's arm and urged him eagerly.

Chiwako was uneasy in his heart, but his face remained calm. He stood on tiptoe and tried to look into the distance, fingers in his hands.

"Impossible, how can the Mexicans run faster than rabbits! Three gods, there are more enemies than wolves! They actually have one, two, three, four, five... five... Huh?! "

The old militiaman was stunned for a moment, then quickly snapped his fingers again. Then he straightened his back suddenly, pushed aside the flustered Puap, and shouted to his brothers.

"Stupid woods, don't panic! The enemy has only one palm, not a jaguar warrior! We can beat it! Quick, form a formation, form a spear formation. Just like the lake, just like the estuary, form a formation and stab them to death!"

While talking, the old militiamen turned their spears around, and slapped the chaotic old subordinates with their blunt spear shafts. Wezti also brought six old brothers to help with punching and kicking. Soon, the Tarrasco militiamen equipped with more than 20 warriors formed a spear formation, and dozens of spear tips flashed cold light, facing the Mexican warriors who rushed in front of them.

Seeing the formed enemy, Nekali was taken aback for a moment. He gritted his teeth fiercely, then nimbly moved around to both sides, continuing to let out a threatening howl. Several other scouts also arrived quickly and began to circle around the gun formation, swiping battle sticks from time to time.

Puapu stood behind the gun formation before he reacted. He looked at the end of the field and saw no more enemies appeared. He felt ashamed and his face turned blue and red. The brave gray-earth warrior glanced at the old militia who was commanding the spear formation, and suddenly let out a roar, killing Nekali, who was headed directly.

On the other side, the old militiamen watched for a while in the formation, and then shouted sharply.

"Left front, progress, poke!"

Nearly ten militiamen turned to the left together, poked their spears, and smashed a scout to the ground. The loose gun formations are slightly scattered. The remaining three elite scouts rushed in without hesitation, knocking down five or six militiamen.

"Brothers, see it, let's poke together!"

Chiwako continued to shout, and took the lead in stabbing a spear and stabbed a scout in the thigh. The opponent immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground crying out in pain. The other six brothers were also battle-hardened, and under the cover of the militiamen, they accurately stabbed. But after two back and forth, the other two scouts were also thrown to the ground.

"Come around and help the samurai master!"

Chiwako shouted again, and the remaining dozen or so militiamen waved their spears and surrounded Nekali, who had already gained the upper hand.

"Cowardly samurai! Damn hares!"

Nekali waved his battle stick and let out an angry roar. Under Chiwaco's command, Tarrasco militiamen joined the battlefield one after another. Puapu took advantage of the situation to take a step back, gasped for breath, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The gleaming spears increased rapidly, gradually surrounding Nekali. The senior samurai moved quickly, waving their shields and sticks with all their might to block the stabs of the militiamen, but the space for dodging was getting smaller and smaller. Finally, he gave a desperate roar, looked in Chiwako's direction, and threw the copper axe in his hand. The other party flexibly shrank his head and raised his shield, blocking it like a turtle.

After only a moment of fighting, a dozen bronze spears surrounded Nekali firmly. The hunter becomes the prey in a blink of an eye, and death is in sight. The senior scout bit his lip angrily and shouted unwillingly.

"Damn tortoise! ​​I am a military noble in Mexica, and I am a samurai directly under the royal family! I want to have a sacred and honorable fight with your leader!"

"Stop! Stop! Stay alive!"

Hearing Nekali's shout, Chiwako was stunned, and quickly raised his hand, the militiamen stopped together. The sharp bronze spear tip with a chill, pressed firmly on the senior scout's vitals, making him unable to even turn around.

"What did you say? You, a military noble? You, have you seen Marshal Mexica?"

The old militia, Chihuaco, took two steps closer, gesturing laboriously at Nekali in a dialect similar to that of the Mexicans in the mountains to the east.

"Of course! I am a warrior directly under the royal family, serving the king from generation to generation! I am the most outstanding scout. His highness, who is good at fighting, often meets me in person and listens to information on the battlefield! Old warrior, are you their leader? I want to talk to you. Fight!"

Nekali glanced at the old militiaman and replied directly in fluent Tarasco capital.

"Okay! Wood, except for his weapon, tie him up first!"

The old militiaman nodded with a smile, turned a deaf ear to Nekali's request, and directly shouted and ordered. Wizti immediately obeyed. He first beat the opponent's arm with a spear, then grabbed the shield and battle stick, and finally put the senior scout to the ground with his hands behind his back, like a wild deer.

"Damn Heiyu, how dare you tie up your house... um... um... woo!"

Once again beaten by hooded militiamen, Nekali's eyes flashed with rage. He struggled hard, scolded angrily, and then there was a piece of gray cloth in his mouth, with a choking smell of sweat.

Chiwako stood aside and thought about it for a moment, feeling that something was wrong. So he scratched his head and walked directly to Puap.

"Master, the king is dead, what will happen to the back of the capital?"

Chiwako approached Puap and asked respectfully.

Hearing this question, Puap looked sad. He glanced at the old militiaman and replied in a low voice.

"The inherited cocoa tree fell with a bang, and the hummingbirds struggled weakly in the wind... Without any reinforcements in the kingdom, the capital city is scattered and cannot be defended for a long time. No matter how the chief maintains it, at most a few months later, the majestic capital city will be will be captured by the Mexicans."

"And once the Mexica soldiers come to the city, those shameless nobles and those incompetent priests will secretly send messengers. They will sell the capital to the Mexica Highness in exchange for their own conditions!"

Hearing this, Chiwako exclaimed in admiration.

"Master is wise! When the fox digs the burrow, the rabbit will run around, and if it runs slowly, it will become the fox's food. The black bear will dig down the big tree, the monkey will also run around, who will care about the fruit on the tree. All become food for black bears."

While speaking, the old militiaman was thoughtful. His eyes became deep, his voice gradually lowered, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

"My lord, the king is dead, the army is broken, and the road to the kingdom is coming to an end! This war will soon be decided. It is a king's war, a noble's war, a priest's war, but not a war. Our war! It destroys everything for the king, but it is our chance!"

Hearing this, Puap looked in surprise. Chiwako paused, then pointed to the barren field, where weeds were growing vigorously.

"Look, sir! The cocoa tree fell, the corn stalk fell, and the weeds grew taller and taller, and looked like small trees! Sir, do you want to fall, or grow into small trees? ?"

Puap's expression changed, but he didn't have the violent reaction he had last time. The seeds he planted had already sprouted in his heart. He glanced at Chiwako's clenched spear again, then glanced at the militiamen surrounding him, and asked cautiously in a low voice.

"Old Qi, what do you mean?"

"In the face of danger, rabbits have to run faster than others, and black bears only need fruit... Sir, there is a suitable candidate in front of you!"

"Ah, this... run fast, offer fruit? The right person?..."

Hearing this, Puap's eyes flickered. He turned his head and looked at Nekali, who was tightly bound.

"You mean...that's true...but...the family has been passed down from generation to generation, and the chief treats me well!"

"Master, your family has been loyal for generations, and you can't break it here! His Royal Highness Mexica has always been rewarded and punished, and prefers commoner warriors. With your talent, if you can make great achievements, you will definitely achieve a high position... and if you can achieve a high position. , will I have the opportunity to take care of the chief's family in the destined future!... In any case, it is better than letting the nobles and priests run ahead..."

After Chiwaco finished speaking, the two fell silent together. The long wind blew through the grass, playing a low rustling sound and bringing the breath of spring grass. After a long while, Puapu sighed.

"Hmm... ugh! That's true. The chief treats me well, I have to find an opportunity to take care of the chief's family..."

The old militiaman nodded calmly and asked in a low voice.

"Sir, that's exactly it! ... Then, shall I talk to him?"

Puap was silent again. He lowered his head and thought for a while, before speaking in a faint voice.

"...Well. When I return to the capital this time, I will try to guard the South Gate... There will be Ye Xiao's voice at night... Forget it, things that are too troublesome are always easy to get wrong, this is my letter. ..."

Chiwako listened carefully, his left hand suddenly became cold. He looked up, and there was already a jade talisman.

"...Master is wise!"

A sincere smile appeared on the face of the old militiaman again. He bowed respectfully, clenched the spear and jade talisman in his hand, and strode to Nekali.

Nekali was tied to the ground, shouting "woohoo" in his mouth. He looked at the old militia's approaching long spear and the other's hideous smile, struggling more and more violently, shouting hysterically.

The old militiaman stood firmly, smiled and poked the patterns on Nekali's battle suit, counted the patterns of the war exploits with the tip of his spear, and nodded with satisfaction. Afterwards, he stared indifferently for a moment, until Nekali's head was covered with sweat, and then he waved his hand to let the guarding militiamen disperse. Then, Chiwako lowered his head, bowed his head beside the senior scout's ear, and whispered a few words.

Nekali's shouting stopped abruptly. He widened his eyes in disbelief and looked at the old warrior in front of him. Chiwako smiled, took off the gray cloth from Nekali's mouth, and untied the ropes from his hands and feet.

"You?...You!...Damn! You said it just now, but really?"

The senior scout shouted several times excitedly, then quickly calmed down and asked in a low voice.

"Of course! Since it's just a weed, you have to find a way to live... Your Highness treats the people in the lake area well, and is much better than these nobles... If you can hurry up and catch up with this year's spring ploughing, the lake area will also be able to die a lot less. man..."

The old militiaman was also a little excited, but he quickly lowered his eyes and sighed deeply. Then he reached out and shook Nekali's hand.

"Here, take it away."

"This is... a letter talisman?"

"Yes. It is also a token of trust from His Highness."

Nekali clenched the letter silently, and slowly stood up from the ground. He looked at the few scouts following him, who had turned into cold corpses at this moment. He looked at the several militiamen who had fallen nearby, and they had also turned into icy corpses. He looked around again, under the bright sky, in the vast field, there was only a lonely village, and a dozen disgraced militiamen in front of the village, as well as himself sweating profusely, captured and released. .

An absurd smile appeared on the senior scout's face. He glanced at the deep Chiwako, and then at the wood-like Wezti. There were thousands of emotions in his chest, but he only said a brief greeting.

"Goodbye. Prepecha people."

"Goodbye, Mexica. Goodbye, the sooner the better!"

Nekali nodded, and the greeting dissipated in the wind. As the sun rose to the sky, the two of them turned around and walked away. They ran towards the end in each other's mind, and at the same time were waiting for a new beginning.

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