Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 288: tribal elections

The faint clouds drifted away, the noon sun was sparse, and the sky of the mountain city returned to tranquility. The frightened songbirds gathered again and sang in the world above their heads, like the distant sound of the kingdom of God.

The king's flag of the black wolf was raised high among the birds, and it was erected in the tribal square in the center of the mountain city. The history of the mountain city is quite long, and the buildings in the city still retain the style of many tribal times. In the center of the clan square is a huge fire pit, and the roaring bonfire changes in the wind, burning red light, fiery heat and blue smoke. To the east not far from the square is a thick earthen platform surrounded by bluestones. All kinds of flying banners are planted on the soil platform, and under the soil platform are buried the ashes and relics of more than ten generations of mountain city leaders.

At this moment, hundreds of clan leaders and noble warriors were sitting in a circle around the fire. With dozens of personal guards, Shulot sat in the east where the sun rose, with the tombs of the ancestors of the Otomi people behind him.

The sun brings new life, and the earth tolerates death. Rebirth and death are images of eternal existence in Mesoamerican culture. In the past hundreds of years, the Otomi people held discussions, meetings, meals, songs and dances, religious ceremonies, and even men and women trysts in the square. All this was done under the gaze of the ancestors, as is the election of a chieftain today.

The tribal leaders formed a circle. They looked at the two army commanders in front of the fire in the center with different eyes.

Giova wore a cane hat with feathers on his head, wearing a very thick cotton armor, and a covering robe over it. At this moment, he was holding a sharp battle stick and an expensive copper axe around his waist, looking up at the opponent in front of him.

"Nerpa, give it up, you don't have any chance! You are a warrior leader in the tribe, and your bravery should be used on the battlefield, not here!"

"Giova, although I don't understand the governance of city-states, I have an Otomi heart!"

Nerpa is also armed with a battle stick. He was in his early thirties, young, strong, and a very good warrior. There are several pattern-like scars on both sides of his cheeks, like a butterfly with wings. This gradually increasing pattern is a symbol of the samurai's achievements, similar to the records of the ten-person cut and the twenty-person cut.

"Priest Saka is right, under your Otomi appearance, you already have the heart of a Mexica!"

Nerpa looked at the king flag of the black wolf in the east of the square, and looked at His Royal Highness Mexica sitting in front of the tomb of the ancestors, with anger in his eyes.

"Giova, for the independent future of the Otomi people, I must stop you and the Priest of Ort from traveling on the wrong road!"

"Nerpa, your mind is lost in the mountains and forests, shrouded in fog, and you can no longer communicate. Then according to the tradition of the tribe, let the leaders of the tribe decide!"

Giova frowned, looked at the samurai who had been brainwashed by the priest of Saka, and shook his head helplessly. Then, he looked at the tribal leaders sitting around the field, and the final election was just around the corner.

"Praise the Lord God!"

Shilot stood up and walked towards the center of the square. Behind him, the warrior chief and the black wolf followed closely. Under the awe-inspiring gaze of everyone, the king walked up to Giova and raised the divine scepter in his hand.

"Before the tribal election, I want to inform the leaders that I am here with legions and goodwill!"

The king's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and swept over the people present. The leaders bowed their heads in respect.

"My kindness is only given to those I trust! Giova is my youngest brother, who sacrificed his life to fight for me! In this lifetime, I will give him shelter. If he becomes the leader of the mountain city , I will represent the powerful alliance and protect the ancestral land of the Otomi people!"

There was a low voice in the square. With a solemn expression, Saka immediately stood up from the ground and shouted to the leaders present.

"Otomi leaders! Please don't forget the past wars and famines, and what the Mexicas have done to us! They worship the **** of war, they are cruel and greedy beasts. The hunger will never quell! Now, once again, they stretch their claws to the ancestral land of the mountain city, to the necks of a million Otomi people!  …”

Hearing the words of Priest Saka, the discussion grew slightly louder. Some leaders were hesitant, but most of the tribal leaders showed flickering expressions and remained unmoved. They can control the tribe in their hands and control the lives of thousands of people, so they will not be easily agitated by hate words like the bottom warriors.

"My children! The canine descendants are heading south, and the Otomi people are in crisis! Most of the northern state of Palms has fallen, and the barbarians have settled in our homeland. The war will continue, and today's spring ploughing will be delayed a lot. New Famine is imminent!"

The old priest of Oort looked solemn, stood up, and shouted urgently.

"The Otomi people need warriors who are good at fighting, and they also need food to overcome difficulties! At this moment of life and death, the ancestors have given us the light of shelter! The southern kingdom of the lake is our reliable friend. And His Royal Highness, is the The sun of the Otomi people!  …”

The words of the old priest spread far and wide, and the tribal leaders fell silent for a moment, and then let out a low voice. The title of the sun is not easy to use, because in the concept of the various ministries under the world, the sun is supreme and is the master of the heaven and earth. And calling a person the sun often means surrender!

The disorderly noise continued for a while before it gradually became quiet. A chief of Palms State got up first. He bowed respectfully to the king before speaking eagerly on behalf of the Otomi tribe in the north.

"His Royal Highness Mexica, Mespa of Palmsbon salutes you! The beasts of the jungle obey the strong, and the Otomi people of the north need your protection! As long as you can send your legion north, we are willing to You surrender, follow your banner and fight!"

Shuluo nodded and smiled lightly. He looked around the venue again, then lowered his divine scepter and struck a "ding dong" with the end.

"The light of the Lord God also shines on the Otomi people! However, the blessing of the gods requires devout dedication, and the gift of fate has already been marked with a price! Otomi people, I come with the goodwill of the king, and I am also waiting for you. kindness!"

The tribal leaders looked at each other for a while, and another middle-aged chief from Guamare State stood up.

"Praise the God of War! Respected Highness, we are in awe of your courage to enter the city, obey your divine revelation, and believe in the choice of Priest Oort! Fate is a turbulent river, we approach him with our shadows, always Submerge your legs in the water. But..."

Having said that, the middle-aged chief paused and looked at the king cautiously.

"There are endless canines on the wasteland, the northern part of the plateau is always barren, and the northernmost is a desert. The Otomi people only fight, build cities and farm land! We do not have the wealth of the southern tribes, nor the rich rainforest. Output. We need your help, and what can we exchange for it?"

Hearing this crucial question, Shiroutte's eyes became deep.

"I am the king of generosity, and I will not encroach on the small mouths you can feed, nor will I covet the fields you can cultivate, nor will I seek control of the mountain city. Each tribe of the Otomi will elect their own leaders and inherit the glory of their ancestors. ...But you must bathe in the light of the Lord God and accept divine guidance! You must gather under my banner and fight for the divine will! You must fight with loyalty and fearlessness in exchange for rewarded wealth and glory! ..."

Full of meaning, he continued with a smile.

"Of course, the foundation of all this is our mutual trust and the immediate leader election!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged chief nodded clearly. He bowed his head solemnly.

"Your Highness, greetings. I'm Chalqui from Guamare, remember my name..."

"Okay! The sun has risen to the highest level, and the ancestral gods are watching the earth. Now, let's start the election!"

The bone horn was played, and an old female voice sounded, just like the tribal era thousands of years ago. The old priest stepped forward and raised the divine staff in his hand. The priest Saka on the opposite side was ashen, and he stepped forward at the same time. And the wife of the former leader O'Quilly walked into the center of the venue, walked between the two heads, and continued to shout in a sharp voice.

"Chiefs, the ancestral gods are watching us! Use your feet, as is customary, and follow whoever you choose! Those who support Nerpa, stand behind the priests of Saka. Those who support Giova, stand with the priests of Ort. Behind!...The ancestors witnessed everything, and the ministries must obey the resolutions of the tribal assembly. Whatever the outcome, the Otomi people must not be divided!..."

The Otomi leaders looked at each other for a moment, stood up silently, and voted with their feet. Chief Mespa stood up first and walked behind Priest Ort, followed by many chiefs of Palms State. Afterwards, Chief Chalky nodded to the old priest, followed by the leaders of Guamare State. A quarrel broke out among the leaders of Otto Pampang, and they broke up. Thirty percent of them went to the priest of Saka, and seventy percent went behind Oort.

The final result is clear at a glance. The old priest straightened his back, and behind him was a large area of ​​darkness; Saka's expression was gloomy, and there were only a few 20 or 30 people behind him. Nearly 90% of the Otomi leaders finally chose to support Giova and became the military leader of the ancestral mountain city, the official voice of the Otomi Alliance!

"The ancestors witnessed in the tombs that a new leader has been born! The tribal meeting has decided that the leader of the ancestral land of the mountain city, the heir of the ancestor's scepter, is..."

The old female voice sounded again, but was suddenly interrupted by a loud anger.

"Ancestors and gods witness! Giova, you traitor who betrayed the tribe!"

Seeing that the situation in front of him was irreversible, Nerpa gritted his teeth and showed his will to die. He suddenly raised his stick and growled loudly.

"I swear by the dignity of a samurai, and with equal honor, I will launch a sacred covenant against you! The tombs of our ancestors are also our tombs. I will fight with you forever!"

"Nerpa, are you crazy? You risk your life to fight me?"

Giova looked and was even a little weird. He looked at the middle-aged warrior with a firm expression in front of him, as if looking at a stubborn rock.

Even if he fails to participate in the tribal election, Nerpa is still a powerful tribal leader, with a distinguished status, and has thousands of warriors in his hands, and he has no fear of life. And the sacred covenant is never-ending, it is only carried out on two sides of equal status, and it will inevitably end in the fall of one side. Although this is an ancient tradition of resolving major conflicts among the tribes and a martial custom left over from the tribal era, it has not happened among the chiefs for many years.

"Giova, if you are a coward who is afraid of fighting, please step down from the position of the leader! Only a leader who is not afraid of life and death can lead the Otomi people to life!"

Hearing this, Giova looked at the leaders present and frowned deeply. Cowards are the most disgusting insults among the highland ministries that advocate valor. For the sake of this, although he has the right to reject Nerpa's challenge, he will leave a stain on his life. How can he convince the public in the future? What's more... Giova narrowed her long and narrow eyes, stretched out her hand and pressed the robe around her waist, then stretched her brows.

"Nerpa, since you are looking for death, come on!"