Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 296: First Battle of the Wasteland

The North extends into the unknown distance. From the city of Ottopan to the north, after marching more than two hundred miles, they entered the border of Palms.

The east here clings to the towering Sierra Madre d'Ost. The moist easterly wind from the sea was blocked by the continuous mountains, and the precipitation decreased suddenly, and the vegetation gradually sparsed. The earth is slowly losing its freshness, leaving only large and desolate traces. Soon, the blue plateau turned into a gray wasteland, and the yucca and cactus dotted the endless sandy soil, which looked extremely magnificent and desolate.

As the coalition marched north, the shrill sound of war horns sounded in the wasteland. Bronze arrows and bone arrows went back and forth, piercing soft bodies; battle sticks and stone spears fought, leaving dead bodies behind. The scout teams on both sides kept fighting, and once they met, they showed no mercy and used their lives to paint the wasteland.

A black vulture hovered in the sky, croaking of death. It rolled its eyes, watching the two groups of gray-blue figures fighting each other, and also waiting for a delicious meal soon. Soon, the dry land was stained with bright red, and more and more corpses were still standing. It didn't take long for one party to turn around and flee, while the other party began to run and chase.


The sharp bone arrow pierced through the sky, and the running back instantly hit the ground, and it was too late to let out a miserable howl. Then, a red-haired soldier came running quickly. He kicked the corpse that fell to the ground, looked at the arrow that was accurately shot into his heart, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Bah, let you run! Can you still outrun me?"

Ivican kicked two more feet, then stretched out his arm and wiped the sweat from his face with the cotton armor on his body. More than a dozen canine scouts chased up from behind, also wearing the gray-blue cotton armor of the Otomi people. The scouts have been fighting for months, and now they have changed their equipment and have sharp obsidian battle sticks in their hands.

"Okay! After chasing for a long time, I finally left all the Otomi dogs behind!"

Amosy glanced at the corpse and grinned.

"Ivican, your shooting skills are amazing! You can still hit a running person after a few dozen steps!"

"Ow! He just ran forward in a straight line. What can't he shoot? The real hard-to-shoot is the **** bird in the sky!"

Saying that, Ivican squinted, raised the longbow in his hand, and glanced at the sky.

Seeing this dangerous move, the vulture immediately spread its wings and rose more than ten meters before stopping. As it hovered and flew, it croaked, as if mocking the hunters on the ground. In the wasteland lacking food, if the big birds did not have this vigilance, they would have been hunted by the dog breeds who were good at shooting.


A bone arrow soared rapidly, powerfully piercing the sky, brushing the wings of the vulture. The **** bird was so frightened that its wings fluttered, and decisively gave up the food in front of it, turned its head and flew far away.

Ivican sighed regretfully, and then smiled contentedly. He couldn't put it down and groped repeatedly on the longbow, carefully feeling the texture of the wood, as if he was communicating with the divine weapon.

"Amoxi, this big bow is really good! It's very strong, and it's firmly tight."

Amoxi looked at Big Bow with envy in his eyes. A few days ago, two squads of scouts joined forces and struck down a scattered group of Otomi warriors. From the leading nobles, they seized this useful bow. For the ownership of this divine bow, the two also quarreled, and finally Ivican, who came from a large tribe, won.

"Ivican, when are we going to grab another big bow?"

"Look at it again! There are very few local dogs with big bows, and they usually stay in the army. The cactus scouts have a lot of big bows, but they are always hard to hit, and they will lose themselves if they are not careful."

Hearing this, Amoxi sighed and kicked the stones on the ground.

"The Otomi people are getting more and more difficult to deal with! In today's battle, although we succeeded in ambush and killed twenty Otomi native dogs, we also lost seven tribal warriors!"

Hearing this, Ivican put away the longbow. He looked at the scouts who were following behind him, and there was a rare look of sadness on his face.

"Ow! Today we shot almost half of the Otomi warriors, and the territorial dogs broke down and turned to run for their lives. Damn it! They used to fight casually, and they broke up. Now with the support of the tiger head of the cactus tribe, even the soil Dogs can hang their tails and pretend to be wolves!"

"Well. Fortunately, the living mouth did not escape. Otherwise, we will be in trouble if we attract the tiger head of the cactus tribe!"

Both red-haired scouts shuddered at the mention of the Mexican jaguar warriors. These senior warriors who are good at tracking can't get rid of them, and they are all skilled in martial arts and run fast. They are the most dangerous enemies of the canine scouts.

The two red-haired fighters looked at the south and froze for a while, but Ivican spoke first.

"Amoshi, the army in the south is too large, and scouts are scattered all over the place. After ambushing this group of local dogs, we can't stay here. Where are we going next?"

"Ivican, the coalition forces in the south have three large units: the east and west are the Otomi dogs with bird flags erected, and the middle is the cactus warriors with wolf flags. We have just investigated the one in the west, and the east is estimated to be as well. That's it. Now, we should go and see the enemy in the middle, so we can go back and explain to the chiefs and elders!"

Amoxi thought for a while and then made up his mind. As long as we detect some useful information early, we can return to the tribe early to report back, and we can leave the increasingly dangerous south early.

"Ow, that makes sense! The cactus warriors in the middle run the fastest, rushing all the way to the front, and it is estimated that they are almost at the door of the Red Rat tribe. Just in time to see their battle formation!...Amoshi, I My friend, although you are not as fast as me, you are still a little bit smarter than me. In my opinion, you might as well leave that small tribe early and join our red fox! I can guarantee that Chief Otova will be very important yours!"

Hearing the familiar persuasion, Amoxi shook his head casually. Being instructed in a big tribe, how can you be the leader in a small tribe! He narrowed his eyes, looked at the direction of the sun, and headed east precisely.

The evening sun shone on the red-haired warriors, pulling out a long, slanting shadow, which soon disappeared into the deep twilight. Highland nights are long and quiet. The moonlight is faint, soaked with a dash of coldness.

In order to avoid being discovered, the scout teams on both sides did not light the bonfire, but quietly accumulated their physical strength. Canine scouts often hunt, and although they can barely see at night, they also lack the ability to fight at night. Nothing happened in the quiet night, until the morning sun broke, and the new day of fighting officially began.

In the bright sunlight, Toltec carried the battle flag of the commander-in-chief, held his head high, and looked at the hills not far away.

On the hill, there is a humble camp of the dog tribe. The camp was surrounded by a thick circle of wooden fences, and a red agouti flag was placed at the gate of the camp. At this moment, hundreds of Canine warriors holding short bows and holding stone spears are watching the thousands of troops outside the camp nervously.

"One hundred, two hundred... one thousand, one thousand five... less than 2,000 warriors at most!"

Toltec was majestic, his eyes widened, and he silently counted the number of dog descendants in his heart. He curled his fingers and calculated for a long time before finally estimating a rough figure.

"What a fool! Facing the Legion of the Alliance, what gave them the courage to stay here to resist?"

Black Wolf was a little confused. He looked behind him, three thousand longbow militiamen, two thousand barbarian throwers, one thousand temple crossbowmen, and a full five thousand Mexican legions unfolded one after another, gradually encircling the hill without leaving a single gap. He looked again at the foot of the hill, where a small river flows slowly, and a large tract of cultivated farmland is lush. The corn in the fields has bloomed and pollinated, producing tiny cobs of corn.

"Well, so it is! The harvest is not far away, it's just hard to wait."

Toltec muttered to himself in a low voice, and then smiled, his knowledge has improved greatly! He laughed for a moment, then took out the command flag and waved it suddenly in the direction of the camp!

"Listen to my orders! Temple crossbowmen, be alert! Pioneer throws, prepare to throw spears! Longbow militiamen, approach and shoot!"

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